diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 99e82275a7bef130ff48932c5a81a2dae7f00a62..f033fc9cfd772f653ce8ee8d614e7efdfc9684ae 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@
 Bridge WP form builder plugins' submissions to remote backend over http requests.
-Wpct ERP Forms has integrations form [GravityForms](https://www.gravityforms.com) and [Contact Form 7](https://contactform7.com/).
+Wpct ERP Forms has integrations with [GravityForms](https://www.gravityforms.com) and [Contact Form 7](https://contactform7.com/) and [WP Forms](https://wpforms.com/).
+The plugin allow comunication with your ERP over REST or JSON-RPC API protocols.
 > Http requests will be sent with data encoded as `application/json` if there is no uploads. Else if form
 submission contains files, the default behavior is to send data as `multipart/formdata` encodec
@@ -21,20 +23,25 @@ You can install it with `wp-cli` with the next command:
 wp plugin install https://git.coopdevs.org/codeccoop/wp/plugins/wpct-erp-forms/-/releases/permalink/latest/downloads/plugins/wpct-erp-forms.zip
-## Dependencies
-* [WordPress](https://wordpress.org) >= 6.3.1
-* [Wpct Http Bridge](https://git.coopdevs.org/codeccoop/wp/plugins/wpct-http-bridge) >= 1.0.4
 ## Settings
-Go to `Settings > Wpct ERP Forms` to manage plugin settings. This page has two main sections:
+Go to `Settings > Wpct ERP Forms` to manage plugin settings. This page has three main sections:
 1. General
-	* **Notification receiver**: Email address receiver of submission fails notifications.
-2. Rest API:
-	* **Endpoints**: A list of relations between forms and endpoints. With this list you can bind form submissions
-	to custom endpoints. Submission on forms not listed on this list will be ignored by the plugin.
+	* **Notification receiver**: Email address receiver of failed submission notifications.
+	* **ERP base URL**: Base URL of the ERP where submissions will be sent.
+	* **ERP API key**: API key, if needed, to be sent with the request header `API-KEY`.
+	* **Forms**: A list of hooked forms. With this list you can bind form submissions
+	to your ERP REST API endpoints. Submission will be sent encoded as JSON objects.
+	* **RPC API endpoint**: Entry point of your ERP's RPC external API.
+	* **API user login**: Login of the ERP's user to use use on the API authentication requests.
+	* **User password**: Password of the user.
+	* **Database name**: Database  name to be used.
+	* **Model ID**: Target ERP model to be used when creating form submissions on the backend.
+	* **Forms**: A list of hooked forms. With this list you can bind form submissions
+	to your ERP RPC external API. Submission will be sent encoded as JSON-RPC payloads.
 ## Hooks
@@ -48,27 +55,27 @@ Arguments:
 1. `array $payload`: Associative array with form submission data.
 2. `array $uploads`:Associative array with form submission uploaded files.
-3. `array $form`: Associative array with form object information.
+3. `array $form_data`: Associative array with form object information.
-add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_payload', function ($payload, $uploads, $form) {
+add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_payload', function ($payload, $uploads, $form_data) {
 	return $payload;
 }, 10, 3);
-#### `wpct_erp_forms_submission_files`
+#### `wpct_erp_forms_uploads`
 Filters uploaded files to be sent to the backend.
 1. `array $uploads`: Associative array with form submission uploaded files.
-2. `array $form`: Associative array with form object information.
+2. `array $form_data`: Associative array with form object information.
-add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_submission_files', function ($uploads, $form) {
+add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_uploads', function ($uploads, $form_data) {
 	return $uploads;
 }, 10, 3);
@@ -77,21 +84,53 @@ add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_submission_files', function ($uploads, $form) {
 Filters the endpoints array to be used for each submission.
-1. `array $endpoints`: Positional array with endpoints as string values. It will trigger one http request for each
-endpoint on the list. _* Endpoints are relative to the **base_url** option defined on the options page of
-**Wpct HTTP Brdige**_.
+1. `array $endpoints`: Associative array with two positional arrays, one for each protocol, REST and RPC,
+with endpoints as string values. It will trigger one http request for each endpoint on the lists.
+_* Endpoints are relative to the **base_url** option defined on the options page.
 2. `array $payload`: Associative array with form submission data.
 3. `array $uploads`:  Associative array with form submission uploaded files.
-4. `array $form`: Associative array with form object information.
+4. `array $form_data`: Associative array with form object information.
-add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_endpoints', function ($endpoints, $payload, $files, $form) {
+add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_endpoints', function ($endpoints, $payload, $files, $form_data) {
 	return $endpoints;
 }, 10, 4);
+#### `wpct_erp_forms_rpc_login`
+Filters the login payload of the JSON-RPC submissions.
+1. `array $payload`: JSON-RPC Login payload
+add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_rpc_login', function ($payload) {
+	return $payload;
+#### `wpct_erp_forms_rpc_payload`
+Filters the JSON-RPC form submission payload.
+1. `array $payload`: Associative array with JSON-RPC payload containing form submission data.
+2. `array $uploads`: Associative array with form submission uploaded files.
+3. `array $form_data`: Associative array with form object information.
+add_filter('wpct_erp_forms_rcp_payload', function ($payload, $uploads, $form_data) {
+	return $payload;
 ### Actions
 #### `wpct_erp_forms_before_submission`
@@ -102,12 +141,12 @@ Arguments:
 1. `array $payload`: Associative array with form submission data.
 2. `array $uploads`:Associative array with form submission uploaded files.
-3. `array $form`: Associative array with form object information.
+3. `array $form_data`: Associative array with form object information.
-add_action('wpct_erp_forms_before_submission', function ($payload, $files, $form) {
+add_action('wpct_erp_forms_before_submission', function ($payload, $files, $form_data) {
 	// do something
 }, 10, 3);