From 65a6d96f273c9890f3a91cfdc8622529f9efa545 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: emanuel buzey <>
Date: Fri, 8 Mar 2024 22:15:51 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] [IMP] energy_selfconsumption: Optimizing the CUPS import
 process and handling queued jobs

This commit improves the CUPS data import process,
I divide the work into small groups to improve memory management
and prevent timeouts in Odoo workers.

Changes made:
- Splits CUPS data into groups of 20 for asynchronous processing.
- Fix CUPS ID handling to ensure coefficients are assigned correctly.
- Add detailed logs to facilitate problem diagnosis.
 .../       | 97 ++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/energy_selfconsumption/wizards/ b/energy_selfconsumption/wizards/
index eeca1d7c3..f3b841cec 100644
--- a/energy_selfconsumption/wizards/
+++ b/energy_selfconsumption/wizards/
@@ -56,23 +56,32 @@ class DistributionTableImportWizard(models.TransientModel):
         if type == 'variable_schedule':
             # For 'variable_schedule', queue job
-            self.with_delay().import_all_lines(parsing_data, active_id)
-            message = 'La importación de la programación variable se está procesando en segundo plano.'
+            header, data_rows = parsing_data[0], parsing_data[1:]
+            cups_groups = self._divide_in_groups(data_rows, 20) # Divide parsing_data in groups to optimized the memory use
+            for group in cups_groups:
+                # Add header before to process
+                group_with_header = [header] + group
+                self.with_delay().process_variable_schedule(group_with_header, active_id)
+            message = 'The variable schedule import is being processed in the background.'
             # For other type, syncron type
-            self.import_all_lines(parsing_data, active_id)
-            message = 'La importación ha finalizado.'
+            self.process_variable_schedule(parsing_data, active_id)
+            message = 'The import is complete.'
         return {
             'type': 'ir.actions.client',
             'tag': 'display_notification',
             'params': {
-                'title': _('Importación Iniciada'),
+                'title': _('Import Started'),
                 'message': message,
                 'sticky': False,
+    def _divide_in_groups(self, data, group_size):
+        """Divide the data into groups to process them separately."""
+        return [data[i:i + group_size] for i in range(0, len(data), group_size)]
     def download_template_button(self):
         type = self.env.context.get("type")
         if type == "fixed":
@@ -115,9 +124,8 @@ class DistributionTableImportWizard(models.TransientModel):
             raise UserError(_("Error parsing the file"))
     def import_all_lines(self, data, distribution_table):
-        logger.debug('Inicio de la importación para la Distribution Table con ID: %s', distribution_table)
+        logger.debug('Starting import for Distribution Table with ID: %s', distribution_table)
         type = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table'].browse(distribution_table).type
-        logger.debug('El valor de type es: %s', type)
         if type == 'fixed':
             supply_point_assignation_values_list = []
@@ -130,41 +138,58 @@ class DistributionTableImportWizard(models.TransientModel):
                 {"supply_point_assignation_ids": supply_point_assignation_values_list}
         elif type == 'variable_schedule':
-            logger.debug('Procesando importación tipo "variable_schedule"')
-            DistributionTableVariable = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table_variable']
-            DistributionTableVariableCoefficient = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table_var_coeff']
-            cups_ids = data[0][1:]  # Get CUPS
-            logger.debug('CUPS IDs encontrados: %s', cups_ids)
-            hours_data = data[1:]  # Get hours and coefficients
-            for cups_index, cups_id in enumerate(cups_ids, start=1):
-                # Create or find the record in DistributionTableVariable for the current CUPS
-                logger.debug('Procesando CUPS ID: %s', cups_id)
-                # Check if record exist
-                variable_record =[
-                    ('distribution_table_id', '=', distribution_table),
-                    ('cups_id', '=', cups_id),
-                ], limit=1)
-                # If not exist, create
+            logger.debug('Processing import type "variable_schedule"')
+            self.process_variable_schedule(data, distribution_table)
+    def process_variable_schedule(self, data, distribution_table):
+        DistributionTableVariable = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table_variable']
+        DistributionTableVariableCoefficient = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table_var_coeff']
+        cups_ids = data[0][1:]  # Get CUPS from header row
+        logger.debug('CUPS IDs found: %s', cups_ids)
+        hours_data = data[1:]  # The rest of the data contains hours and coefficients
+        coefficients_batch = []
+        batch_size = 50
+        # Pre-search existing records to avoid repeated searches
+        existing_variables =[
+            ('cups_id', 'in', cups_ids), 
+            ('distribution_table_id', '=', distribution_table)
+        ])
+        existing_cups_map = {var.cups_id: var for var in existing_variables}
+        logger.debug('Preloaded %d existing records from DistributionTableVariable', len(existing_variables))
+        for row_index, row in enumerate(hours_data, start=1):
+            hour = int(row[0])
+            logger.debug('Processing data for time: %d', hour)
+            for cups_index, coefficient in enumerate(row[1:], start=1):
+                cups_id = cups_ids[cups_index - 1]
+                variable_record = existing_cups_map.get(cups_id)
                 if not variable_record:
                     variable_record = DistributionTableVariable.create({
                         'distribution_table_id': distribution_table,
                         'cups_id': cups_id,
+                    existing_cups_map[cups_id] = variable_record
+                    logger.debug('Created new DistributionTableVariable record for CUPS ID: %s', cups_id)
+                coefficients_batch.append({
+                    'distribution_table_variable_id':,
+                    'hour': hour,
+                    'coefficient': float(coefficient),
+                })
+            if len(coefficients_batch) >= batch_size:
+                DistributionTableVariableCoefficient.create(coefficients_batch)
+                logger.debug('Batch processing of %d coefficients for time %d', len(coefficients_batch), hour)
+                coefficients_batch.clear()
+        if coefficients_batch:
+            DistributionTableVariableCoefficient.create(coefficients_batch)
+            logger.debug('Processed last batch of %d coefficients', len(coefficients_batch))
+        logger.debug('Completing the import process for the Distribution Table with ID: %s', distribution_table)
-                # Proccess every hour and coefficient for this CUPS
-                for row in hours_data:
-                    hour = int(row[0])
-                    coefficient = float(row[cups_index])  # Get the coefficient for the current hour and CUPS
-                    logger.debug('Añadiendo coeficiente %s para la hora %s del CUPS ID: %s', coefficient, hour, cups_id)
-                    # Create the coefficient record
-                    DistributionTableVariableCoefficient.create({
-                        'distribution_table_variable_id':,
-                        'hour': hour,
-                        'coefficient': coefficient,
-                    })
-        logger.debug('Finalización de la importación para la Distribution Table con ID: %s', distribution_table)
     def get_supply_point_assignation_values(self, line):
         return {