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Snippets Groups Projects

Feature/company data public form

Merged Dani Quilez requested to merge feature/company-data-public-form into dev
import base64
import re
from datetime import datetime
from odoo import _, http
from odoo.http import request
from ..models.res_company import _LEGAL_FORM_VALUES
"ce_name": _("Energy Community Name"),
@@ -13,22 +16,142 @@ _COMMUNITY_DATA__GENERAL_FIELDS = {
"ce_address": _("Address (Street, number, appartment)"),
"ce_zip": _("Postal Code"),
"ce_city": _("City"),
"cd_state_id": _("State"),
"email_from": _("Contact Email"),
"ce_state": _("State"),
"email_from": _("Community Email"),
"contact_phone": _("Community Phone"),
"current_lang": _(
"Predefined language for the Community (communication will be used on this language.)"
"ce_services": _("Community active services"),
"ce_number_of_members": _("Number of members"),
"ce_status": _("Is the community open to accept new members or already closed?"),
"ce_why_become_cooperator": _("Why become cooperator"),
"ce_become_cooperator_process": _("Become cooperator process"),
"ce_type": _("Community type"),
"ce_creation_date": _("Constitution date"),
"ce_constitution_status": _("Constitution status"),
"ce_constitution_status_other": _("Which one?"),
"ce_legal_form": _("Community legal form"),
"ce_member_mandatory_contribution": _(
"What amount of mandatory contribution to the social capital do you ask for when a new member joins?"
"ce_registration_tool": _(
"Describe which system is currently used by the Register of members (historical register of additions/dismissals and official list of members)"
"ce_account_management": _(
"Do you plan to use Odoo (management program) of the platform to keep the accounts of the Energy Community? or will an external management take it to you?"
"ce_tax_management": _(
"Do you plan to use the platform's Odoo (management program) to carry out tax management: generation of tax reports from the Treasury (303, 390,...) or will it be carried out by an external management company?"
"ce_management_can_enter_platform": _(
"Do you think that management could enter Odoo to generate the models from Odoo itself?"
"ce_manager": _(
"Who will do the day-to-day corporate management of the Energy Community? (person/s with user access to the Odoo corporate/accounting/tax management program of the Energy Community)"
"ce_manager_firstname": _("Name"),
"ce_manager_surname": _("Surnames"),
"ce_manager_email": _("Email"),
"ce_manager_phone": _("Phone"),
"ce_payment_method": _(
"Which payment method will you use to collect the mandatory contributions to the share capital (registration of new partners)?"
"ce_iban_1": _("IBAN (bank account) used by the Energy Community"),
"ce_iban_2": _(
"IBAN 2 (bank account) used by the Energy Community (only if you use more than one)"
"ce_extra_charges": _(
"Are members charged any type of recurring fee? For what concepts? How are they charged? How often?"
"ce_voluntary_contributions": _(
"Do the members currently make voluntary contributions to the social capital of the Energy Community? How it works?"
"ce_other_comments": _(
"Do you want to comment on any other particular / important aspect of your corporate management?"
"ce_web_url": _("Web url"),
"ce_twitter_url": _("Twitter url"),
"ce_instagram_url": _("Instagram url"),
"ce_facebook_url": _("Facebook url"),
"ce_telegram_url": _("Telegram url"),
"ce_vat": _("VAT"),
"ce_privacy_policy": _("I have read and accept the privacy policy"),
"ce_creation_date": _("Constitution date"),
"cd_primary_image_file": _("Primary Image Field"),
"cd_secondary_image_file": _("Secondary Image Field"),
"ce_primary_image_file": _("Primary Image"),
"ce_secondary_image_file": _("Secondary Image"),
"ce_logo_image_file": _("Community Logo"),
"lead_id": _("lead_id on website url"),
{"id": "open", "name": _("Open")},
{"id": "closed", "name": _("Closed")},
{"id": "citizen", "name": _("Citizen")},
{"id": "industrial", "name": _("Industrial")},
{"id": "constituted", "name": _("Legally constituted")},
{"id": "in_progress", "name": _("Constitution in progress")},
{"id": "in_definition", "name": _("Definition in progress")},
{"id": "other", "name": _("Other")},
{"id": "our_platform", "name": _("Our platform")},
{"id": "external_management", "name": _("External management")},
{"id": "yes", "name": _("Yes")},
{"id": "no", "name": _("No")},
"id": "coordinator",
"name": _(
"It will be delegated to people from the Coordinating entity that supports the Energy Community on the Platform"
"id": "member_admin",
"name": _("One or more of a person linked to the Energy Community itself"),
{"id": "both", "name": _("Both of the above options")},
"id": "transfer",
"name": _("Transfer of the candidate to partner to the entity's account"),
"id": "sepa",
"name": _("Bank transfer to the account of the candidate for membership"),
class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
["/page/community-data", "/community-data"],
@@ -57,6 +180,9 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
values = {}
form_values = {}
energy_services = self._get_energy_service_tag_ids()
form_energy_services = []
# data structures contruction
for field_name, field_value in kwargs.items():
if field_name in _COMMUNITY_DATA__URL_PARAMS.keys():
@@ -69,8 +195,27 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
if field_value.filename:
values[field_name] = field_value
form_values[field_name] = field_value
if field_name in energy_services:
# enter boolean if not set
for boolean_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__BOOLEAN_FIELDS.keys():
if boolean_key not in kwargs.keys():
values[boolean_key] = "off"
# avoid form resubmission by ctrl+r
# convert form_energy_services on meta string
for i, form_energy_service in enumerate(form_energy_services):
if i == 0:
form_values["ce_services"] = form_energy_service
values["ce_services"] = form_energy_service
form_values["ce_services"] += form_energy_service
values["ce_services"] += form_energy_service
if i != len(form_energy_services) - 1:
form_values["ce_services"] += ","
values["ce_services"] += ","
# avoid form resubmission by accessing /submit url
if form_values:
# validation
response = self._form_submit_validation(values)
@@ -83,16 +228,9 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
return request.redirect(self._get_community_data_page_url(values))
# values["birthdate"] = datetime.strptime(
# kwargs.get("birthdate"), "%Y-%m-%d"
# ).date()
# if is_company:
# if kwargs.get("company_register_number"):
# values["company_register_number"] = re.sub(
# "[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "", kwargs.get("company_register_number")
# )
def _get_community_data_submit_response(self, values):
values = self._fill_values(values, True, False)
return request.render("energy_communities.community_data_page", values)
@@ -116,12 +254,54 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
.search([("country_id", "=",], order="name")
.mapped(lambda r: {"id":, "name":})
def _get_langs(self):
return (
.search([("active", "=", 1)])
.mapped(lambda r: {"id": r.code, "name":})
def _get_energy_service_tags(self):
return (
.search([("tag_type", "=", "energy_service")])
lambda r: {
"id": r.tag_ext_id.replace("energy_communities.", ""),
def _is_lead_pack(self, lead_id, pack_tag_ext_id):
lead = request.env["crm.lead"].sudo().search([("id", "=", lead_id)])[0]
pack_tag = lead.tag_ids.filtered(
lambda tag: tag.tag_ext_id == "energy_communities." + pack_tag_ext_id
return bool(pack_tag)
def _get_energy_service_tag_ids(self):
return (
.search([("tag_type", "=", "energy_service")])
.mapped(lambda r: r.tag_ext_id.replace("energy_communities.", ""))
def _get_legal_forms(self):
legal_forms = []
for legal_form_id, legal_form_name in _LEGAL_FORM_VALUES:
legal_forms.append({"id": legal_form_id, "name": legal_form_name})
return legal_forms
def _get_lead_values(self, lead_id):
lead_values = {}
lead = request.env["crm.lead"].sudo().search([("id", "=", lead_id)])[0]
# TODO: When we know how to populate form fields need to move this to iterate trough _COMMUNITY_DATA__FORM_FIELDS
for field_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__GENERAL_FIELDS.keys():
meta_line = lead.metadata_line_ids.filtered(
lambda meta_data_line: meta_data_line.key == field_key
@@ -149,28 +329,71 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
return lead_values
def _fill_values(self, values, display_success=False, display_form=True):
# urls
values["page_url"] = self._get_community_data_page_url(values)
values["form_submit_url"] = "community-data/submit?lead_id={lead_id}".format(
values["form_submit_url"] = "/community-data/submit?lead_id={lead_id}".format(
# packs
values["pack_1"] = self._is_lead_pack(values["lead_id"], "pack_1")
values["pack_2"] = self._is_lead_pack(values["lead_id"], "pack_2")
# form labels
# form keys
for field_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__FIELDS.keys():
values[field_key + "_label"] = _COMMUNITY_DATA__FIELDS[field_key]
values[field_key + "_key"] = field_key
# state list
values["states"] = self._get_states()
# state_id initial
if "cd_state_id" not in values.keys():
values["cd_state_id"] = False
elif values["cd_state_id"] == "":
values["cd_state_id"] = False
# language selection
values["lang_options"] = self._get_langs()
if "current_lang" not in values.keys() or values["current_lang"] == "":
values["current_lang"] = False
# state selection
values["state_options"] = self._get_states()
if (
"ce_state" not in values.keys()
or values["ce_state"] == ""
or not values["ce_state"].isnumeric()
values["ce_state"] = False
# energy_services selection
if "ce_services" not in values.keys() or values["ce_services"] == "":
values["ce_services"] = []
values["energy_service_options"] = self._get_energy_service_tags()
# community_status selection
values["yes_no_options"] = _YES_NO_OPTIONS
# community_status selection
values["community_status_options"] = _COMMUNITY_STATUS_OPTIONS
# community_type selection
values["community_type_options"] = _COMMUNITY_TYPE_OPTIONS
# community_management selection
values["community_management_options"] = _COMMUNITY_MANAGEMENT_OPTIONS
# community_manager selection
values["community_manager_options"] = _COMMUNITY_MANAGER_OPTIONS
# community_payment_method_options
values["community_payment_method_options"] = _COMMUNITY_PAYMENT_METHOD_OPTIONS
# community_constitution_status selection
# community_legal_form selection
values["community_legal_form_options"] = self._get_legal_forms()
# image preselection from db (if necessary)
for image_field_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__IMAGE_FIELDS.keys():
if image_field_key not in values.keys():
lead_values = self._get_lead_values(values["lead_id"])
if image_field_key in lead_values:
values[image_field_key] = lead_values[image_field_key]
# form/messages visibility
values["display_success"] = display_success
values["display_form"] = display_form
return values
def _lead_id_validation(self, values):
values["lead_id"] = values.get("lead_id", False)
if not values["lead_id"]:
@@ -201,6 +424,16 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
return values
return values
def _validate_regex(self, value, regex_string):
regex = re.compile(regex_string)
match = regex.match(str(value))
return bool(match)
def _validate_past_date(self, date_string):
form_date = datetime.strptime(date_string, "%d/%m/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
now ="%Y-%m-%d")
return form_date <= now
def _page_render_validation(self, values):
values = self._lead_id_validation(values)
if "error_msgs" in values.keys():
@@ -216,8 +449,15 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
if "error_msgs" in values.keys():
return request.render("energy_communities.community_data_page", values)
# ce_services validation
if "ce_services" not in values.keys():
"Please select at least one Energy service in order to submit the form"
# image validation
for image_field_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__IMAGE_FIELDS:
for image_field_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__IMAGE_FIELDS.keys():
if image_field_key in values.keys():
if values[image_field_key].filename:
if "image" not in values[image_field_key].mimetype:
@@ -227,6 +467,34 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
# date validation
for date_field_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__DATE_FIELDS.keys():
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
if date_field_key in values.keys():
if not self._validate_regex(
"{} field must have date format (dd/mm/yyyy)".format(
elif date_field_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__PAST_DATE_FIELDS:
if not self._validate_past_date(values[date_field_key]):
"{} field must be a past date".format(
# TODO: legal docs validation
# TODO: iban validator
# TODO: url validator
if error_msgs:
values["error"] = error
values["error_msgs"] = error_msgs
@@ -234,17 +502,44 @@ class WebsiteCommunityData(http.Controller):
return request.render("energy_communities.community_data_page", values)
return True
def _process_lead_metadata(self, values):
changed_data = []
related_lead = (
request.env["crm.lead"].sudo().search([("id", "=", values["lead_id"])])
for meta_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__GENERAL_FIELDS.keys():
if meta_key in values.keys():
related_lead.create_update_metadata(meta_key, values[meta_key])
changed = related_lead.create_update_metadata(
meta_key, values[meta_key]
if changed:
for meta_key in _COMMUNITY_DATA__IMAGE_FIELDS.keys():
if meta_key in values.keys():
attachment = self._create_attachment(related_lead, values[meta_key])
changed = related_lead.create_update_metadata(meta_key,
if changed:
# notification message
if bool(changed_data):
changed_data_msg_body = "<h6>{}</h6><ul>".format(
_("Public community data changed:")
for meta_key in changed_data:
changed_data_msg_body += "<li>{label}: {value}</li>".format(
label=_COMMUNITY_DATA__FIELDS[meta_key], value=values[meta_key]
changed_data_msg_body += "</ul>"
subject="{} public form submission".format(,
def _create_attachment(self, lead, value):
return (