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Feature/variable hourly dist table

Closed emanuel buzey requested to merge feature/variable_hourly_dist_table into dev
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@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ import werkzeug
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError
from odoo.http import request
from import cups
from stdnum.exceptions import *
import math
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ class DistributionTableImportWizard(models.TransientModel):
string="File Encoding",
help="Enconding format in import CSV file.",
def _constrains_import_file(self):
if self.fname:
@@ -45,19 +49,48 @@ class DistributionTableImportWizard(models.TransientModel):
raise ValidationError(_("Only csv format files are accepted."))
def import_file_button(self):
# Button to import file, checks whether it is necessary to enqueue or not according to the type field
file_data = base64.b64decode(self.import_file)
parsing_data = self.with_context(active_id=self.ids[0])._parse_file(file_data)
active_id = self.env.context.get("active_id")
distribution_table = self.env[
self.import_all_lines(parsing_data, distribution_table)
distribution_table = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table'].browse(active_id)
distribution_table.import_error_found = False
type = distribution_table.type
if type == 'variable_schedule':
# For 'variable_schedule', queue job
subject=_("Importation in Progress"),
body=_("The distribution table import is being processed in the background. Any errors will be reported here."),
header, data_rows = parsing_data[0], parsing_data[1:]
cups_groups = self._divide_in_groups(data_rows, 20) # Divide parsing_data in groups to optimized the memory use
for group in cups_groups:
# Add header before to process
if distribution_table.import_error_found:
group_with_header = [header] + group
self.with_delay().process_variable_schedule(group_with_header, active_id)
# For other type, syncron type
self.import_all_lines(parsing_data, distribution_table)
return True
def _divide_in_groups(self, data, group_size):
"""Divide the data into groups to process them separately."""
return [data[i:i + group_size] for i in range(0, len(data), group_size)]
def download_template_button(self):
distribution_table_example_attachment = self.env.ref(
type = self.env.context.get("type")
if type == "fixed":
template = (
elif type == "variable_schedule":
template = "energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table_variable_schedule_example_attachment"
distribution_table_example_attachment = self.env.ref(template)
download_url = "/web/content/{}/?download=true".format(
@@ -97,9 +130,110 @@ class DistributionTableImportWizard(models.TransientModel):
supply_point_assignation_values_list.append((0, 0, value))
{"supply_point_assignation_ids": supply_point_assignation_values_list}
{"supply_point_assignation_ids": supply_point_assignation_values_list}
def process_variable_schedule(self, data, distribution_table_id):
DistributionTableVariable = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table_variable']
DistributionTableVariableCoefficient = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table_var_coeff']
cups_ids = data[0][1:] # Get CUPS from header row
logger.debug('CUPS IDs found: %s', cups_ids)
# Validate CUPS before to process
for cups in cups_ids:
is_valid, error_message = self.validate_cups_id(cups, distribution_table_id)
if not is_valid:
hours_data = data[1:] # The rest of the data contains hours and coefficients
coefficients_batch = []
batch_size = 50
# Pre-search existing records to avoid repeated searches
existing_variables =[
('cups_id', 'in', cups_ids),
('distribution_table_id', '=', distribution_table_id)
existing_cups_map = {var.cups_id: var for var in existing_variables}
logger.debug('Preloaded %d existing records from DistributionTableVariable', len(existing_variables))
for row_index, row in enumerate(hours_data, start=1):
hour = int(row[0])
coefficients = list(map(float, row[1:])) # Convert coefficients to float
# Validate that the sum of coefficients is 1
is_valid, error_message = self.validate_coefficients(coefficients, hour, distribution_table_id)
if not is_valid:
logger.debug('Processing data for time: %d', hour)
for cups_index, coefficient in enumerate(row[1:], start=1):
cups_id = cups_ids[cups_index - 1]
variable_record = existing_cups_map.get(cups_id)
if not variable_record:
variable_record = DistributionTableVariable.create({
'distribution_table_id': distribution_table_id,
'cups_id': cups_id,
existing_cups_map[cups_id] = variable_record
logger.debug('Created new DistributionTableVariable record for CUPS ID: %s', cups_id)
'hour': hour,
'coefficient': float(coefficient),
if len(coefficients_batch) >= batch_size:
logger.debug('Batch processing of %d coefficients for time %d', len(coefficients_batch), hour)
if hour == 8760:
distribution_table = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table'].browse(distribution_table_id)
body=_("The import process has been completed successfully."),
subject=_("Import Completed"),
if coefficients_batch:
logger.debug('Processed last batch of %d coefficients', len(coefficients_batch))
logger.debug('Completing the import process for the Distribution Table with ID: %s', distribution_table_id)
def validate_cups_id(self, cups_id, distribution_table_id):
return True, ""
except InvalidLength:
error_message = _("Invalid CUPS %s: The length is incorrect." % (cups_id))
except InvalidComponent:
error_message = _("Invalid CUPS %s: The CUPS does not start with 'ES'." % (cups_id))
except InvalidFormat:
error_message = _("Invalid CUPS %s: The CUPS has an incorrect format." % (cups_id))
except InvalidChecksum:
error_message = _("Invalid CUPS %s: The checksum of the CUPS is incorrect." % (cups_id))
distribution_table = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table'].browse(distribution_table_id)
message_status = distribution_table.message_post(
subject=_("CUPS Validation Error"),
return False, error_message
def validate_coefficients(self, coefficients, hour, distribution_table_id):
total_sum = sum(coefficients)
# Added tolerance margin to account for floating-point arithmetic imprecision.
if not math.isclose(total_sum, 1.0, rel_tol=1e-9):
error_message = _('The sum of coefficients for hour %s does not equal 1' % hour)
distribution_table = self.env['energy_selfconsumption.distribution_table'].browse(distribution_table_id)
message_status = distribution_table.message_post(
subject=_("Coefficient Validation Error"),
distribution_table.import_error_found = True
return False, error_message
return True, ""
def get_supply_point_assignation_values(self, line):
return {