<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <odoo> <data> <record id="contract_generation_wizard_form_view" model="ir.ui.view"> <field name="name" >energy_selfconsumption.contract_generation_wizard.form</field> <field name="model" >energy_selfconsumption.contract_generation.wizard</field> <field name="arch" type="xml"> <form string="Contract Generation"> <p> <b >Attention!</b> You are activating a project and thus activating its recurring billing. </p> <p> To activate the recurring invoicing process, define the date from which you want every supply point associated with this project to start invoicing according to the established recurrence. </p> <group> <field name="start_date" /> </group> <footer> <button class="btn-primary" type="object" name="generate_contracts_button" >Accept</button> <button string="Cancel" special="cancel" /> </footer> </form> </field> </record> </data> </odoo>