Huy Lee authored
After commit [1], the check that the target url is different from the current page's url has been removed thus leading to error that anchor link always scroll down to element that have data-anchor enabled. Steps to reproduce (the easiest way): - Install Website Blog - Turn on customize comment on post - Go incognito then access any blog post, scroll down and click the `Sign in to leave a comment` button - Holy, the page scrolls down to the discussion section but doesn't go to the login page [1]: https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/fb087dbec96f5e533d1fdd9c2b0c2e00296c83de closes odoo/odoo#135620 Signed-off-by:
Benjamin Vray (bvr) <bvr@odoo.com>
Huy Lee authoredAfter commit [1], the check that the target url is different from the current page's url has been removed thus leading to error that anchor link always scroll down to element that have data-anchor enabled. Steps to reproduce (the easiest way): - Install Website Blog - Turn on customize comment on post - Go incognito then access any blog post, scroll down and click the `Sign in to leave a comment` button - Holy, the page scrolls down to the discussion section but doesn't go to the login page [1]: https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/fb087dbec96f5e533d1fdd9c2b0c2e00296c83de closes odoo/odoo#135620 Signed-off-by:
Benjamin Vray (bvr) <bvr@odoo.com>
snippets.animation.js 50.57 KiB
odoo.define('website.content.snippets.animation', function (require) {
'use strict';
* Provides a way to start JS code for snippets' initialization and animations.
const ajax = require('web.ajax');
var Class = require('web.Class');
var config = require('web.config');
var core = require('web.core');
const dom = require('web.dom');
var mixins = require('web.mixins');
var publicWidget = require('web.public.widget');
const wUtils = require('website.utils');
var qweb = core.qweb;
// Initialize fallbacks for the use of requestAnimationFrame,
// cancelAnimationFrame and performance.now()
window.requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.mozRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.msRequestAnimationFrame
|| window.oRequestAnimationFrame;
window.cancelAnimationFrame = window.cancelAnimationFrame
|| window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.mozCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.msCancelAnimationFrame
|| window.oCancelAnimationFrame;
if (!window.performance || !window.performance.now) {
window.performance = {
now: function () {
return Date.now();
* Add the notion of edit mode to public widgets.
* Indicates if the widget should not be instantiated in edit. The default
* is true, indeed most (all?) defined widgets only want to initialize
* events and states which should not be active in edit mode (this is
* especially true for non-website widgets).
* @type {boolean}
disabledInEditableMode: true,
* Acts as @see Widget.events except that the events are only binded if the
* Widget instance is instanciated in edit mode. The property is not
* considered if @see disabledInEditableMode is false.
edit_events: null,
* Acts as @see Widget.events except that the events are only binded if the
* Widget instance is instanciated in readonly mode. The property only
* makes sense if @see disabledInEditableMode is false, you should simply
* use @see Widget.events otherwise.
read_events: null,
* Initializes the events that will need to be binded according to the
* given mode.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} parent
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {boolean} [options.editableMode=false]
* true if the page is in edition mode
init: function (parent, options) {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
this.editableMode = this.options.editableMode || false;
var extraEvents = this.editableMode ? this.edit_events : this.read_events;
if (extraEvents) {
this.events = _.extend({}, this.events || {}, extraEvents);
* In charge of handling one animation loop using the requestAnimationFrame
* feature. This is used by the `Animation` class below and should not be called
* directly by an end developer.
* This uses a simple API: it can be started, stopped, played and paused.
var AnimationEffect = Class.extend(mixins.ParentedMixin, {
* @constructor
* @param {Object} parent
* @param {function} updateCallback - the animation update callback
* @param {string} [startEvents=scroll]
* space separated list of events which starts the animation loop
* @param {jQuery|DOMElement} [$startTarget=window]
* the element(s) on which the startEvents are listened
* @param {Object} [options]
* @param {function} [options.getStateCallback]
* a function which returns a value which represents the state of the
* animation, i.e. for two same value, no refreshing of the animation
* is needed. Can be used for optimization. If the $startTarget is
* the window element, this defaults to returning the current
* scoll offset of the window or the size of the window for the
* scroll and resize events respectively.
* @param {string} [options.endEvents]
* space separated list of events which pause the animation loop. If
* not given, the animation is stopped after a while (if no
* startEvents is received again)
* @param {jQuery|DOMElement} [options.$endTarget=$startTarget]
* the element(s) on which the endEvents are listened
* @param {boolean} [options.enableInModal]
* when it is true, it means that the 'scroll' event must be
* triggered when scrolling a modal.
init: function (parent, updateCallback, startEvents, $startTarget, options) {
options = options || {};
this._minFrameTime = 1000 / (options.maxFPS || 100);
// Initialize the animation startEvents, startTarget, endEvents, endTarget and callbacks
this._updateCallback = updateCallback;
this.startEvents = startEvents || 'scroll';
const modalEl = options.enableInModal ? parent.target.closest('.modal') : null;
const mainScrollingElement = modalEl ? modalEl : $().getScrollingElement()[0];
const mainScrollingTarget = mainScrollingElement === document.documentElement ? window : mainScrollingElement;
this.$startTarget = $($startTarget ? $startTarget : this.startEvents === 'scroll' ? mainScrollingTarget : window);
if (options.getStateCallback) {
this._getStateCallback = options.getStateCallback;
} else if (this.startEvents === 'scroll' && this.$startTarget[0] === mainScrollingTarget) {
const $scrollable = this.$startTarget;
this._getStateCallback = function () {
return $scrollable.scrollTop();
} else if (this.startEvents === 'resize' && this.$startTarget[0] === window) {
this._getStateCallback = function () {
return {
width: window.innerWidth,
height: window.innerHeight,
} else {
this._getStateCallback = function () {
return undefined;
this.endEvents = options.endEvents || false;
this.$endTarget = options.$endTarget ? $(options.$endTarget) : this.$startTarget;
this._updateCallback = this._updateCallback.bind(parent);
this._getStateCallback = this._getStateCallback.bind(parent);
// Add a namespace to events using the generated uid
this._uid = '_animationEffect' + _.uniqueId();
this.startEvents = _processEvents(this.startEvents, this._uid);
if (this.endEvents) {
this.endEvents = _processEvents(this.endEvents, this._uid);
function _processEvents(events, namespace) {
events = events.split(' ');
return _.each(events, function (e, index) {
events[index] += ('.' + namespace);
}).join(' ');
* @override
destroy: function () {
// Public
* Initializes when the animation must be played and paused and initializes
* the animation first frame.
start: function () {
// Initialize the animation first frame
this._paused = false;
this._rafID = window.requestAnimationFrame((function (t) {
this._paused = true;
// Initialize the animation play/pause events
if (this.endEvents) {
* If there are endEvents, the animation should begin playing when
* the startEvents are triggered on the $startTarget and pause when
* the endEvents are triggered on the $endTarget.
this.$startTarget.on(this.startEvents, (function (e) {
if (this._paused) {
_.defer(this.play.bind(this, e));
this.$endTarget.on(this.endEvents, (function () {
if (!this._paused) {
} else {
* Else, if there is no endEvents, the animation should begin playing
* when the startEvents are *continuously* triggered on the
* $startTarget or fully played once. To achieve this, the animation
* begins playing and is scheduled to pause after 2 seconds. If the
* startEvents are triggered during that time, this is not paused
* for another 2 seconds. This allows to describe an "effect"
* animation (which lasts less than 2 seconds) or an animation which
* must be playing *during* an event (scroll, mousemove, resize,
* repeated clicks, ...).
var pauseTimer = null;
this.$startTarget.on(this.startEvents, _.throttle((function (e) {
pauseTimer = _.delay((function () {
pauseTimer = null;
}).bind(this), 2000);
}).bind(this), 250, {trailing: false}));
* Pauses the animation and destroys the attached events which trigger the
* animation to be played or paused.
stop: function () {
if (this.endEvents) {
* Forces the requestAnimationFrame loop to start.
* @param {Event} e - the event which triggered the animation to play
play: function (e) {
this._newEvent = e;
if (!this._paused) {
this._paused = false;
this._rafID = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._update.bind(this));
this._lastUpdateTimestamp = undefined;
* Forces the requestAnimationFrame loop to stop.
pause: function () {
if (this._paused) {
this._paused = true;
this._lastUpdateTimestamp = undefined;
// Private
* Callback which is repeatedly called by the requestAnimationFrame loop.
* It controls the max fps at which the animation is running and initializes
* the values that the update callback needs to describe the animation
* (state, elapsedTime, triggered event).
* @private
* @param {DOMHighResTimeStamp} timestamp
_update: function (timestamp) {
if (this._paused) {
this._rafID = window.requestAnimationFrame(this._update.bind(this));
// Check the elapsed time since the last update callback call.
// Consider it 0 if there is no info of last timestamp and leave this
// _update call if it was called too soon (would overflow the set max FPS).
var elapsedTime = 0;
if (this._lastUpdateTimestamp) {
elapsedTime = timestamp - this._lastUpdateTimestamp;
if (elapsedTime < this._minFrameTime) {
// Check the new animation state thanks to the get state callback and
// store its new value. If the state is the same as the previous one,
// leave this _update call, except if there is an event which triggered
// the "play" method again.
var animationState = this._getStateCallback(elapsedTime, this._newEvent);
if (!this._newEvent
&& animationState !== undefined
&& _.isEqual(animationState, this._animationLastState)) {
this._animationLastState = animationState;
// Call the update callback with frame parameters
this._updateCallback(this._animationLastState, elapsedTime, this._newEvent);
this._lastUpdateTimestamp = timestamp; // Save the timestamp at which the update callback was really called
this._newEvent = undefined; // Forget the event which triggered the last "play" call
* Also register AnimationEffect automatically (@see effects, _prepareEffects).
var Animation = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
* The max FPS at which all the automatic animation effects will be
* running by default.
maxFPS: 100,
* @see this._prepareEffects
* @type {Object[]}
* @type {string} startEvents
* The names of the events which trigger the effect to begin playing.
* @type {string} [startTarget]
* A selector to find the target where to listen for the start events
* (if no selector, the window target will be used). If the whole
* $target of the animation should be used, use the 'selector' string.
* @type {string} [endEvents]
* The name of the events which trigger the end of the effect (if none
* is defined, the animation will stop after a while
* @see AnimationEffect.start).
* @type {string} [endTarget]
* A selector to find the target where to listen for the end events
* (if no selector, the startTarget will be used). If the whole
* $target of the animation should be used, use the 'selector' string.
* @type {string} update
* A string which refers to a method which will be used as the update
* callback for the effect. It receives 3 arguments: the animation
* state, the elapsedTime since last update and the event which
* triggered the animation (undefined if just a new update call
* without trigger).
* @type {string} [getState]
* The animation state is undefined by default, the scroll offset for
* the particular {startEvents: 'scroll'} effect and an object with
* width and height for the particular {startEvents: 'resize'} effect.
* There is the possibility to define the getState callback of the
* animation effect with this key. This allows to improve performance
* even further in some cases.
effects: [],
* Initializes the animation. The method should not be called directly as
* called automatically on animation instantiation and on restart.
* Also, prepares animation's effects and start them if any.
* @override
start: function () {
_.each(this._animationEffects, function (effect) {
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
// Private
* Registers `AnimationEffect` instances.
* This can be done by extending this method and calling the @see _addEffect
* method in it or, better, by filling the @see effects property.
* @private
_prepareEffects: function () {
this._animationEffects = [];
var self = this;
_.each(this.effects, function (desc) {
self._addEffect(self[desc.update], desc.startEvents, _findTarget(desc.startTarget), {
getStateCallback: desc.getState && self[desc.getState],
endEvents: desc.endEvents || undefined,
$endTarget: _findTarget(desc.endTarget),
maxFPS: self.maxFPS,
enableInModal: desc.enableInModal || undefined,
// Return the DOM element matching the selector in the form
// described above.
function _findTarget(selector) {
if (selector) {
if (selector === 'selector') {
return self.$target;
return self.$(selector);
return undefined;
* Registers a new `AnimationEffect` according to given parameters.
* @private
* @see AnimationEffect.init
_addEffect: function (updateCallback, startEvents, $startTarget, options) {
new AnimationEffect(this, updateCallback, startEvents, $startTarget, options)
var registry = publicWidget.registry;
registry.slider = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: '.carousel',
disabledInEditableMode: false,
edit_events: {
'content_changed': '_onContentChanged',
* @override
start: function () {
this.$('img').on('load.slider', () => this._computeHeights());
// Initialize carousel and pause if in edit mode.
this.$target.carousel(this.editableMode ? 'pause' : undefined);
$(window).on('resize.slider', _.debounce(() => this._computeHeights(), 250));
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* @override
destroy: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
_.each(this.$('.carousel-item'), function (el) {
$(el).css('min-height', '');
// Private
* @private
_computeHeights: function () {
var maxHeight = 0;
var $items = this.$('.carousel-item');
$items.css('min-height', '');
_.each($items, function (el) {
var $item = $(el);
var isActive = $item.hasClass('active');
var height = $item.outerHeight();
if (height > maxHeight) {
maxHeight = height;
$item.toggleClass('active', isActive);
$items.css('min-height', maxHeight);
// Handlers
* @private
_onContentChanged: function (ev) {
registry.Parallax = Animation.extend({
selector: '.parallax',
disabledInEditableMode: false,
effects: [{
startEvents: 'scroll',
update: '_onWindowScroll',
enableInModal: true,
* @override
start: function () {
$(window).on('resize.animation_parallax', _.debounce(this._rebuild.bind(this), 500));
this.modalEl = this.$target[0].closest('.modal');
if (this.modalEl) {
$(this.modalEl).on('shown.bs.modal.animation_parallax', () => {
this.modalEl.dispatchEvent(new Event('scroll'));
return this._super.apply(this, arguments);
* @override
destroy: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.modalEl) {
// Private
* Prepares the background element which will scroll at a different speed
* according to the viewport dimensions and other snippet parameters.
* @private
_rebuild: function () {
// Add/find bg DOM element to hold the parallax bg (support old v10.0 parallax)
this.$bg = this.$('> .s_parallax_bg');
// Get parallax speed
this.speed = parseFloat(this.$target.attr('data-scroll-background-ratio') || 0);
// Reset offset if parallax effect will not be performed and leave
var noParallaxSpeed = (this.speed === 0 || this.speed === 1);
if (noParallaxSpeed) {
transform: '',
top: '',
bottom: '',
// Initialize parallax data according to snippet and viewport dimensions
this.viewport = document.body.clientHeight - $('#wrapwrap').position().top;
this.visibleArea = [this.$target.offset().top];
this.visibleArea.push(this.visibleArea[0] + this.$target.innerHeight() + this.viewport);
this.ratio = this.speed * (this.viewport / 10);
// Provide a "safe-area" to limit parallax
const absoluteRatio = Math.abs(this.ratio);
top: -absoluteRatio,
bottom: -absoluteRatio,
// Effects
* Describes how to update the snippet when the window scrolls.
* @private
* @param {integer} scrollOffset
_onWindowScroll: function (scrollOffset) {
// Speed == 0 is no effect and speed == 1 is handled by CSS only
if (this.speed === 0 || this.speed === 1) {
// Perform translation if the element is visible only
var vpEndOffset = scrollOffset + this.viewport;
if (vpEndOffset >= this.visibleArea[0]
&& vpEndOffset <= this.visibleArea[1]) {
this.$bg.css('transform', 'translateY(' + _getNormalizedPosition.call(this, vpEndOffset) + 'px)');
function _getNormalizedPosition(pos) {
// Normalize scroll in a 1 to 0 range
var r = (pos - this.visibleArea[1]) / (this.visibleArea[0] - this.visibleArea[1]);
// Normalize accordingly to current options
return Math.round(this.ratio * (2 * r - 1));
const MobileYoutubeAutoplayMixin = {
* Takes care of any necessary setup for autoplaying video. In practice,
* this method will load the youtube iframe API for mobile environments
* because mobile environments don't support the youtube autoplay param
* passed in the url.
* @private
* @param {string} src - The source url of the video
_setupAutoplay: function (src) {
let promise = Promise.resolve();
this.isYoutubeVideo = src.indexOf('youtube') >= 0;
this.isMobileEnv = config.device.size_class <= config.device.SIZES.LG && config.device.touch;
if (this.isYoutubeVideo && this.isMobileEnv && !window.YT) {
const oldOnYoutubeIframeAPIReady = window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady;
promise = new Promise(resolve => {
window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = () => {
if (oldOnYoutubeIframeAPIReady) {
return resolve();
return promise;
* @private
* @param {DOMElement} iframeEl - the iframe containing the video player
_triggerAutoplay: function (iframeEl) {
// YouTube does not allow to auto-play video in mobile devices, so we
// have to play the video manually.
if (this.isMobileEnv && this.isYoutubeVideo) {
new window.YT.Player(iframeEl, {
events: {
onReady: ev => ev.target.playVideo(),
registry.mediaVideo = publicWidget.Widget.extend(MobileYoutubeAutoplayMixin, {
selector: '.media_iframe_video',
* @override
start: function () {
// TODO: this code should be refactored to make more sense and be better
// integrated with Odoo (this refactoring should be done in master).
const proms = [this._super.apply(this, arguments)];
let iframeEl = this.$target[0].querySelector(':scope > iframe');
// The following code is only there to ensure compatibility with
// videos added before bug fixes or new Odoo versions where the
// <iframe/> element is properly saved.
if (!iframeEl) {
iframeEl = this._generateIframe();
if (!iframeEl) {
// Something went wrong: no iframe is present in the DOM and the
// widget was unable to create one on the fly.
return Promise.all(proms);
return Promise.all(proms).then(() => {
// Private
* @private
_generateIframe: function () {
// Bug fix / compatibility: empty the <div/> element as all information
// to rebuild the iframe should have been saved on the <div/> element
// Add extra content for size / edition
'<div class="css_editable_mode_display"> </div>' +
'<div class="media_iframe_video_size"> </div>'
// Rebuild the iframe. Depending on version / compatibility / instance,
// the src is saved in the 'data-src' attribute or the
// 'data-oe-expression' one (the latter is used as a workaround in 10.0
// system but should obviously be reviewed in master).
var src = _.escape(this.$target.data('oe-expression') || this.$target.data('src'));
// Validate the src to only accept supported domains we can trust
var m = src.match(/^(?:https?:)?\/\/([^/?#]+)/);
if (!m) {
// Unsupported protocol or wrong URL format, don't inject iframe
var domain = m[1].replace(/^www\./, '');
var supportedDomains = ['youtu.be', 'youtube.com', 'youtube-nocookie.com', 'instagram.com', 'vine.co', 'player.vimeo.com', 'vimeo.com', 'dailymotion.com', 'player.youku.com', 'youku.com'];
if (!_.contains(supportedDomains, domain)) {
// Unsupported domain, don't inject iframe
const iframeEl = $('<iframe/>', {
src: src,
frameborder: '0',
allowfullscreen: 'allowfullscreen',
return iframeEl;
registry.backgroundVideo = publicWidget.Widget.extend(MobileYoutubeAutoplayMixin, {
selector: '.o_background_video',
xmlDependencies: ['/website/static/src/xml/website.background.video.xml'],
disabledInEditableMode: false,
* @override
start: function () {
var proms = [this._super(...arguments)];
this.videoSrc = this.el.dataset.bgVideoSrc;
this.iframeID = _.uniqueId('o_bg_video_iframe_');
if (this.isYoutubeVideo && this.isMobileEnv && !this.videoSrc.includes('enablejsapi=1')) {
// Compatibility: when choosing an autoplay youtube video via the
// media manager, the API was not automatically enabled before but
// only enabled here in the case of background videos.
// TODO migrate those old cases so this code can be removed?
this.videoSrc += '&enablejsapi=1';
var throttledUpdate = _.throttle(() => this._adjustIframe(), 50);
var $dropdownMenu = this.$el.closest('.dropdown-menu');
if ($dropdownMenu.length) {
this.$dropdownParent = $dropdownMenu.parent();
this.$dropdownParent.on('shown.bs.dropdown.backgroundVideo', throttledUpdate);
$(window).on('resize.' + this.iframeID, throttledUpdate);
const $modal = this.$target.closest('.modal');
if ($modal.length) {
$modal.on('show.bs.modal', () => {
const videoContainerEl = this.$target[0].querySelector('.o_bg_video_container');
$modal.on('shown.bs.modal', () => {
const videoContainerEl = this.$target[0].querySelector('.o_bg_video_container');
return Promise.all(proms).then(() => this._appendBgVideo());
* @override
destroy: function () {
this._super.apply(this, arguments);
if (this.$dropdownParent) {
$(window).off('resize.' + this.iframeID);
if (this.$bgVideoContainer) {
// Private
* Adjusts iframe sizes and position so that it fills the container and so
* that it is centered in it.
* @private
_adjustIframe: function () {
if (!this.$iframe) {
// Adjust the iframe
var wrapperWidth = this.$target.innerWidth();
var wrapperHeight = this.$target.innerHeight();
var relativeRatio = (wrapperWidth / wrapperHeight) / (16 / 9);
var style = {};
if (relativeRatio >= 1.0) {
style['width'] = '100%';
style['height'] = (relativeRatio * 100) + '%';
style['left'] = '0';
style['top'] = (-(relativeRatio - 1.0) / 2 * 100) + '%';
} else {
style['width'] = ((1 / relativeRatio) * 100) + '%';
style['height'] = '100%';
style['left'] = (-((1 / relativeRatio) - 1.0) / 2 * 100) + '%';
style['top'] = '0';
void this.$iframe[0].offsetWidth; // Force style addition
* Append background video related elements to the target.
* @private
_appendBgVideo: function () {
var $oldContainer = this.$bgVideoContainer || this.$('> .o_bg_video_container');
this.$bgVideoContainer = $(qweb.render('website.background.video', {
videoSrc: this.videoSrc,
iframeID: this.iframeID,
this.$iframe = this.$bgVideoContainer.find('.o_bg_video_iframe');
this.$iframe.one('load', () => {
registry.socialShare = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: '.oe_social_share',
xmlDependencies: ['/website/static/src/xml/website.share.xml'],
events: {
'mouseenter': '_onMouseEnter',
// Private
* @private
_bindSocialEvent: function () {
this.$('.oe_social_facebook').click($.proxy(this._renderSocial, this, 'facebook'));
this.$('.oe_social_twitter').click($.proxy(this._renderSocial, this, 'twitter'));
this.$('.oe_social_linkedin').click($.proxy(this._renderSocial, this, 'linkedin'));
* @private
_render: function () {
content: qweb.render('website.social_hover', {medias: this.socialList}),
placement: 'bottom',
container: this.$el,
html: true,
trigger: 'manual',
animation: false,
this.$el.off('mouseleave.socialShare').on('mouseleave.socialShare', function () {
var self = this;
setTimeout(function () {
if (!$(".popover:hover").length) {
}, 200);
* @private
_renderSocial: function (social) {
var url = this.$el.data('urlshare') || document.URL.split(/[?#]/)[0];
url = encodeURIComponent(url);
var title = document.title.split(" | ")[0]; // get the page title without the company name
var hashtags = ' #' + document.title.split(" | ")[1].replace(' ', '') + ' ' + this.hashtags; // company name without spaces (for hashtag)
var socialNetworks = {
'facebook': 'https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=' + url,
'twitter': 'https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?original_referer=' + url + '&text=' + encodeURIComponent(title + hashtags + ' - ') + url,
'linkedin': 'https://www.linkedin.com/sharing/share-offsite/?url=' + url,
if (!_.contains(_.keys(socialNetworks), social)) {
var wHeight = 500;
var wWidth = 500;
window.open(socialNetworks[social], '', 'menubar=no, toolbar=no, resizable=yes, scrollbar=yes, height=' + wHeight + ',width=' + wWidth);
// Handlers
* Called when the user hovers the animation element -> open the social
* links popover.
* @private
_onMouseEnter: function () {
var social = this.$el.data('social');
this.socialList = social ? social.split(',') : ['facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin'];
this.hashtags = this.$el.data('hashtags') || '';
registry.anchorSlide = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: 'a[href^="/"][href*="#"], a[href^="#"]',
events: {
'click': '_onAnimateClick',
// Private
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $el the element to scroll to.
* @param {string} [scrollValue='true'] scroll value
* @returns {Promise}
async _scrollTo($el, scrollValue = 'true') {
return dom.scrollTo($el[0], {
duration: scrollValue === 'true' ? 500 : 0,
extraOffset: this._computeExtraOffset(),
* @private
_computeExtraOffset() {
return 0;
// Handlers
* @private
_onAnimateClick: function (ev) {
if (this.$target[0].pathname !== window.location.pathname) {
var hash = this.$target[0].hash;
if (hash === '#top' || hash === '#bottom') {
// If the anchor targets #top or #bottom, directly call the
// "scrollTo" function. The reason is that the header or the footer
// could have been removed from the DOM. By receiving a string as
// parameter, the "scrollTo" function handles the scroll to the top
// or to the bottom of the document even if the header or the
// footer is removed from the DOM.
dom.scrollTo(hash, {
duration: 500,
extraOffset: this._computeExtraOffset(),
if (!hash.length) {
// Escape special characters to make the jQuery selector to work.
hash = '#' + $.escapeSelector(hash.substring(1));
var $anchor = $(hash);
const scrollValue = $anchor.attr('data-anchor');
if (!$anchor.length || !scrollValue) {
this._scrollTo($anchor, scrollValue);
registry.FullScreenHeight = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: '.o_full_screen_height',
disabledInEditableMode: false,
* @override
start() {
this.inModal = !!this.el.closest('.modal');
// TODO maybe review the way the public widgets work for non-visible-at-
// load snippets -> probably better to not do anything for them and
// start the widgets only once they become visible..?
if (this.$el.is(':not(:visible)') || this.$el.outerHeight() > this._computeIdealHeight()) {
// Only initialize if taller than the ideal height as some extra css
// rules may alter the full-screen-height class behavior in some
// cases (blog...).
$(window).on('resize.FullScreenHeight', _.debounce(() => this._adaptSize(), 250));
return this._super(...arguments);
* @override
destroy() {
this.el.style.setProperty('min-height', '');
// Private
* @private
_adaptSize() {
const height = this._computeIdealHeight();
this.el.style.setProperty('min-height', `${height}px`, 'important');
* @private
_computeIdealHeight() {
const windowHeight = $(window).outerHeight();
if (this.inModal) {
return (windowHeight - $('#wrapwrap').position().top);
// Doing it that way allows to considerer fixed headers, hidden headers,
// connected users, ...
const firstContentEl = $('#wrapwrap > main > :first-child')[0]; // first child to consider the padding-top of main
const mainTopPos = firstContentEl.getBoundingClientRect().top + dom.closestScrollable(firstContentEl.parentNode).scrollTop;
return (windowHeight - mainTopPos);
registry.ScrollButton = registry.anchorSlide.extend({
selector: '.o_scroll_button',
* @override
_onAnimateClick: function (ev) {
// Scroll to the next visible element after the current one.
const currentSectionEl = this.el.closest('section');
let nextEl = currentSectionEl.nextElementSibling;
while (nextEl) {
if ($(nextEl).is(':visible')) {
nextEl = nextEl.nextElementSibling;
registry.FooterSlideout = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: '#wrapwrap:has(.o_footer_slideout)',
disabledInEditableMode: false,
* @override
async start() {
const $main = this.$('> main');
const slideoutEffect = $main.outerHeight() >= $(window).outerHeight();
this.el.classList.toggle('o_footer_effect_enable', slideoutEffect);
// Add a pixel div over the footer, after in the DOM, so that the
// height of the footer is understood by Firefox sticky implementation
// (which it seems to not understand because of the combination of 3
// items: the footer is the last :visible element in the #wrapwrap, the
// #wrapwrap uses flex layout and the #wrapwrap is the element with a
// scrollbar).
// TODO check if the hack is still needed by future browsers.
this.__pixelEl = document.createElement('div');
this.__pixelEl.style.width = `1px`;
this.__pixelEl.style.height = `1px`;
this.__pixelEl.style.marginTop = `-1px`;
// On safari, add a background attachment fixed to fix the glitches that
// appear when scrolling the page with a footer slide out.
if (this.el.classList.contains("o_safari_browser")) {
this.__pixelEl.style.backgroundColor = "transparent";
this.__pixelEl.style.backgroundAttachment = "fixed";
this.__pixelEl.style.backgroundImage = "url(/website/static/src/img/website_logo.png)";
return this._super(...arguments);
* @override
destroy() {
registry.TopMenuCollapse = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: "header #top_menu_collapse",
* @override
async start() {
this.throttledResize = _.throttle(() => this._onResize(), 25);
window.addEventListener("resize", this.throttledResize);
return this._super(...arguments);
* @override
destroy() {
window.removeEventListener("resize", this.throttledResize);
// Handlers
* @private
_onResize() {
if (this.el.classList.contains("show")) {
const togglerEl = this.el.closest("nav").querySelector(".navbar-toggler");
if (getComputedStyle(togglerEl).display === "none") {
registry.HeaderHamburgerFull = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: 'header:has(.o_header_hamburger_full_toggler):not(:has(.o_offcanvas_menu_toggler))',
events: {
'click .o_header_hamburger_full_toggler': '_onToggleClick',
// Handlers
* @private
_onToggleClick() {
setTimeout(() => $(window).trigger('scroll'), 100);
registry.BottomFixedElement = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: '#wrapwrap',
* @override
async start() {
this.$scrollingElement = $().getScrollingElement();
this.__hideBottomFixedElements = _.debounce(() => this._hideBottomFixedElements(), 500);
this.$scrollingElement.on('scroll.bottom_fixed_element', this.__hideBottomFixedElements);
$(window).on('resize.bottom_fixed_element', this.__hideBottomFixedElements);
return this._super(...arguments);
* @override
destroy() {
// Private
* Hides the elements that are fixed at the bottom of the screen if the
* scroll reaches the bottom of the page and if the elements hide a button.
* @private
_hideBottomFixedElements() {
// Note: check in the whole DOM instead of #wrapwrap as unfortunately
// some things are still put outside of the #wrapwrap (like the livechat
// button which is the main reason of this code).
const $bottomFixedElements = $('.o_bottom_fixed_element');
if (!$bottomFixedElements.length) {
if ((this.$scrollingElement[0].offsetHeight + this.$scrollingElement[0].scrollTop) >= (this.$scrollingElement[0].scrollHeight - 2)) {
const buttonEls = [...this.$('.btn:visible')];
for (const el of $bottomFixedElements) {
if (buttonEls.some(button => dom.areColliding(button, el))) {
* The websites, by default, use image lazy loading via the loading="lazy"
* attribute on <img> elements. However, this does not work great on all
* browsers. This widget fixes the behaviors with as less code as possible.
registry.ImagesLazyLoading = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: '#wrapwrap',
* @override
start() {
// For each image on the page, force a 1px min-height so that Chrome
// understands the image exists on different zoom sizes of the browser.
// Indeed, without this, on a 90% zoom, some images were never loaded.
// Once the image has been loaded, the 1px min-height is removed.
// Note: another possible solution without JS would be this CSS rule:
// ```
// [loading="lazy"] {
// min-height: 1px;
// }
// ```
// This would solve the problem the same way with a CSS rule with a
// very small priority (any class setting a min-height would still have
// priority). However, the min-height would always be forced even once
// the image is loaded, which could mess with some layouts relying on
// the image intrinsic min-height.
const imgEls = this.$target[0].querySelectorAll('img[loading="lazy"]');
for (const imgEl of imgEls) {
// Write initial min-height on the dataset, so that it can also
// be properly restored on widget destroy.
imgEl.dataset.lazyLoadingInitialMinHeight = imgEl.style.minHeight;
imgEl.style.minHeight = '1px';
wUtils.onceAllImagesLoaded($(imgEl)).then(() => {
if (this.isDestroyed()) {
return this._super(...arguments);
* @override
destroy() {
const imgEls = this.$target[0].querySelectorAll('img[data-lazy-loading-initial-min-height]');
for (const imgEl of imgEls) {
// Private
* @private
* @param {HTMLImageElement} imgEl
_restoreImage(imgEl) {
imgEl.style.minHeight = imgEl.dataset.lazyLoadingInitialMinHeight;
delete imgEl.dataset.lazyLoadingInitialMinHeight;
* @todo while this solution mitigates the issue, it is not fixing it entirely
* but mainly, we should find a better solution than a JS solution as soon as
* one is available and ideally without having to make ugly patches to the SVGs.
* Due to a bug on Chrome when using browser zoom, there is sometimes a gap
* between sections with shapes. This gap is due to a rounding issue when
* positioning the SVG background images. This code reduces the rounding error
* by ensuring that shape elements always have a width value as close to an
* integer as possible.
* Note: a gap also appears between some shapes without zoom. This is likely
* due to error in the shapes themselves. Many things were done to try and fix
* this, but the remaining errors will likely be fixed with a review of the
* shapes in future Odoo versions.
* /!\
* If a better solution for stable comes up, this widget behavior may be
* disabled, avoid depending on it if possible.
* /!\
registry.ZoomedBackgroundShape = publicWidget.Widget.extend({
selector: '.o_we_shape',
disabledInEditableMode: false,
* @override
start() {
this.throttledShapeResize = _.throttle(() => this._onBackgroundShapeResize(), 25);
window.addEventListener('resize', this.throttledShapeResize);
return this._super(...arguments);
* @override
destroy() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.throttledShapeResize);
// Private
* Updates the left and right offset of the shape.
* @private
* @param {string} offset
_updateShapePosition(offset = '') {
this.el.style.left = offset;
this.el.style.right = offset;
// Handlers
* @private
_onBackgroundShapeResize() {
// Get the decimal part of the shape element width.
let decimalPart = this.el.getBoundingClientRect().width % 1;
// Round to two decimal places.
decimalPart = Math.round((decimalPart + Number.EPSILON) * 100) / 100;
// If there is a decimal part. (e.g. Chrome + browser zoom enabled)
if (decimalPart > 0) {
// Compensate for the gap by giving an integer width value to the
// shape by changing its "right" and "left" positions.
let offset = (decimalPart < 0.5 ? decimalPart : decimalPart - 1) / 2;
// This never causes the horizontal scrollbar to appear because it
// only appears if the overflow to the right exceeds 0.333px.
this._updateShapePosition(offset + 'px');
return {
Widget: publicWidget.Widget,
Animation: Animation,
registry: registry,
Class: Animation, // Deprecated