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-.. _changelog:
-`trunk (saas-2)`
- - ``mass_mailing_campaign`` update
-  - ``mail_mail`: moved ``reply_to`` computation from ``mail_mail`` to ``mail_message``
-    where it belongs, as the field is located onto the ``mail_message`` model.
-  - ``mail_compose_message``: template rendering is now done in batch. Each template
-    is rendered for all res_ids, instead of all templates one id at a time.
-  - ``mail_thread``: to ease inheritance, processing of routes is now done in
-    message_route_process, called in message_route
- - added support of ``active_domain`` form context, coming from the list view.
-   When checking the header hook, the mass mailing will be done on all records
-   matching the ``active_domain``.
- - added ``mail_server_id`` to mail_message, removing it from mail_mail. This allows
-   to set the preferred mail server to use for notifications emails, when using
-   templates.
- - added ``_mail_post_access`` attribute that specifies the access right that
-   should have the user in order to post a new message on a given model. Values
-   are ``read`` (portal documents), ``write`` (default value), ``unlink`` or ``create``.
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-Mail module documentation
-The Mail module holds all models and logic related to messages management. At low-level, it handles messages and offers an API to message queues for email sending. At an higher level, it provides the OpenChatter feature that is a thread management system inside OpenERP. A model that inherits from the mail module adds OpenChatter to its document. Its gives them the following capabilities :
- - messages management with a threaded design
- - subscription mechanism tha allow users to follow/unfollow documents
- - notifications mechanism; notifications are pushed to users to form a Wall page holding the latest pushed messages
-The mail module also comes with an email composition wizard, along with discussion groups.
-.. include:: index.rst.inc
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-Mail Module documentation topics
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   mail_message
-   mail_thread
-   mail_openchatter_howto
-   mail_needaction_howto
-   mail_partner
-   mail_state
-   mail_subtype
-.. toctree::
-   :maxdepth: 1
-   changelog.rst
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-.. _mail_message:
-``mail.message`` is a class for holding the main attributes of a message object
-(notification for system message, reciving email message or sent messages). It 
-could be reused as parent model for any database model, wall thread view, or 
-wizard screen that needs to hold a kind of message.
-All internal logic should be in a database-based model while this model 
-holds the basics of a message. For example, a wizard for writing emails 
-should inherit from this class.
-.. versionchanged:: 7.0
-ClientAction (ir.actions.client)
-.. code-block:: xml
-     <record id="mail_message_action_inbox" model="ir.actions.client">
-         <field name="name">Inbox</field>
-         <field name="tag">mail.wall</field>
-         <field name="res_model">mail.message</field>
-         <field name="context"></field>
-         <field name="params"></field>
-         <field name="help" type="html"></field>
-     </record>
- - ``tag`` : 'mail.wall', 'mail_thread' or 'mail.widget'
-      'mail.wall' to have a display like the mail wall with threads, title, search view 
-         (default value like a wall)
-      'mail_thread' widget for field on standard view. (default value like a thread for 
-         record, view on flat mode, no reply, no read/unread)
-      'mail.widget' it's the root thread, used by 'mail.wall' and 'mail_thread'
- - ``help`` : Text HTML to display if there are no message
- - ``context`` : insert 'default_model' and 'default_res_id'
- - ``params`` : options for the widget
-      - ``domain`` : choose the domain of the messages
-      - ``truncate_limit`` : {Number} number of character to display before having a "show more" 
-         link; note that the text will not be truncated if it does not have 110% of the parameter
-      - ``show_record_name`` : {Boolean} display the name and link of the related record
-      - ``show_reply_button`` : {Boolean} display the reply button
-      - ``show_read_unread_button`` : {Boolean} display the read/unread button
-      - ``display_indented_thread`` : {int [0,1]} number thread level to indented threads.
-      - ``show_compose_message`` : display the composer on top thread
-      - ``show_compact_message`` : display the compact message on the thread when the user clic 
-         on this compact mode, the composer is open
-      - ``message_ids`` : {Array | False} List of ids to fetch by the root thread. If no value,
-         the root search the message by the domain
-      - ``compose_placeholder`` : Message to display on the textareaboxes.
-      - ``show_link`` : Display partner (authors, followers...) on link or not
-      - ``compose_as_todo`` : The root composer mark automatically the message as todo
-      - ``readonly`` : Read only mode, hide all action buttons and composer
- - ``type`` : usually 'email', 'comment', 'notification'.
-   Message type: email for external email message recieve, notification for system
-   message, comment for other messages such as user replies.
- - ``subtype_id`` :
-   Subtype of the notification for system message. The users can followe a document
-   and choose the subtype of this document (eg: Create, Comment, Done).
-   You can defined new subtypes and choose his name, by agreement the id begin by "mt\_" on the model
-   "mail.message.subtype".
- - ``partner_ids`` :
-   List of recipients, the recipients have this message in their personal mailboxe.
- - ``notified_partner_ids`` :
-   Partners that have a notification pushing this message in their mailboxes. Usualy 
-   it's an automatic system message for a model followed by users.
- - ``notification_ids`` :
-   Technical field holding the message notifications. Use notified_partner_ids to access 
-   notified partners.
- - ``attachment_ids`` :
-   List of attachments
- - ``parent_id`` :
-   It's the initial thread message. It's use for group message by thread in mailboxes.
- - ``child_ids`` :
-   List of child message linked to the initial thread message.
- - ``model`` :
-   Related Document Moded. It's use for group message by document.
- - ``res_id`` :
-   Related Document ID. It's use for group message by document.
- - ``record_name`` :
-   Functionnal field use to get the name of related document.
- - ``vote_user_ids`` :
-   List of partner that vote/like this message.
- - ``to_read`` :
-   Functional field to search for messages the current user has to read. The messages as
-   treat like a need action. When the user recive a message (to_read = True) this message
-   or action must be performed and mark done (to_read = False)
- - ``favorite_user_ids`` :
-   Users that set this message in their favorites/todo list.
- - ``message_read`` :
-   Value: ids, domain, message_unload_ids, thread_level, context, parent_id, limit
-   Return: List of dictinary of message. All message is sent with their parented messages and
-   sort by id. The messages that the user can read but not in his search, are group in
-   expandable messages. The expandable messages contain the domain to expand.
- - ``check_access_rule`` :
-   Overwrite the initial message for this model.
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-How to use the need action mechanism in my addon
-Make your module inheriting from ir.needaction_mixin class
-Feature integration
-  class my_module(osv.osv):
-    _name = "my.module"
-    _description = "My Module"
-    _inherit = ['ir.needaction_mixin']
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-How to use OpenChatter in my addon
-Running example
-A small my_task model will be used as example to explain how to use the
-OpenChatter feature. Being simple, it has only the following fields:
-- a name
-- a task responsible
-- a related project
-  class my_task(osv.osv):
-    _name = "my.task"
-    _description = "My Task"
-    _columns = {
-      'name': fields.char('Name', required=True, size=64),
-      'user_id':fields.many2one('res.users', string='Responsible',
-        ondelete='cascade', required=True, select=1),
-      'project_id':fields.many2one('project.project', string='Related project',
-        ondelete='cascade', required=True, select=1),
-    }
-Two-lines feature integration
-Make your object inherit from :class:`mail.thread`::
-  class my_task(osv.osv):
-    _name = "my.task"
-    _description = "My Task"
-    # inherit from mail.thread allows the use of OpenChatter
-    _inherit = ['mail.thread']
-Use the thread viewer widget inside your form view by using the mail_thread
-widget on the message_ids field inherited from :class:`mail.thread`::
-  <record model="ir.ui.view" id="my_task_form_view">
-    <field name="name">My Task</field>
-    <field name="model">my.task</field>
-    <field name="priority">1</field>
-    <field name="arch" type="xml">
-      <form>
-      [...]
-      <field name="message_ids" colspan="4" widget="mail_thread" nolabel="1"/>
-      </form>
-    </field>
-  </record>
-Send notifications
-When sending a notification is required in your workflow or business logic,
-use :meth:`mail.thread.message_post`. It will automatically take care of
-subscriptions and notifications.
-Here is a small example of sending a notification when the ``do_something``
-method is called::
-  def do_something(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-      self.do_something_send_note(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
-      return res
-  def do_something_send_note(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-      self.message_post(
-          cr, uid, ids, _('My subject'),
-          _("has received a <b>notification</b> and is happy for it."),
-          context=context)
-Notifications guidelines
-- avoid unnecessary content, swamping users with irrelevant messages will lead
-  to them ignoring all messages
-- use short sentences
-- do not include the document name, this is done by the thread widget
-- use a simple and clean style
-   - html tags are supported: use <b> or <em> mainly
-   - put key word(s) in bold
-   - avoid fancy styles that will break the OpenERP look and feel
-- create a separate method for sending your notification, use clear method
-  names allowing quickly spotting notification code e.g. name notification
-  methods by using the original method name postfixed by ``_send_note``
-  (``do_something`` -> ``do_something_send_note``)
-Subscription management
-The default subscription behavior is the following:
-* Subscriptions are set up by creating a :class:`mail.followers`` entry
-* If a user creates or updates a document, they automatically follow it. The
-  corresponding :class:`mail.followers` entry is created
-* If a user explicitly cliks on the document's :guilabel:`Follow` button,
-  they follow the document. The corresponding :class:`mail.followers` entry
-  is created
-* If a user explicitly clicks on the document's :guilabel:`Unfollow` button,
-  they stop following the document. The corresponding :class:`mail.followers`
-  entry is deleted
-You should not directly manipulate :class:`mail.followers` entry, if you need
-to override the default subscription behavior you should override the relevant
-:class:`mail.thread` methods.
-.. TODO: wtf are the relevant mail.thread methds? message_get_subscribers
-         has disappeared and nothing looks like a replacement
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-What is shown
- - for every module which are related to partner show apporopriate message in the partner view like opportunities, sale orders and invoices.
-How it is done
- - _inherit = 'mail.thread'
- - Override def message_load_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, limit=100, offset=0, domain=[], ascent=False, root_ids=[], context=None) search by the partner
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-.. _mail_state:
-``message_unread`` is a boolean field that states whether the document
-has unread messages. In previous versions, some documents were going
-back to ``pending`` state when receiving an email through the mail
-gateway. Now the state related to messages differs from the state or
-stage of the document itself.
-message_unread and need action mechanism
-The ``mail`` module introduces a default behavior for the need_action
-mechanism [REF].
-  def get_needaction_user_ids(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
-    """ Returns the user_ids that have to perform an action
-        :return: dict { record_id: [user_ids], }
-    """
-    result = super(ir_needaction_mixin, self).get_needaction_user_ids(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
-    for obj in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
-      if obj.message_unread == False and obj.user_id:
-        result[obj.id].append(obj.user_id.id)
-    return result
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-.. _mail_message_subtype:
-OpenChatter Pi (3.1415): Message Subtype
-  To overcome the problems of crowdy walls in system notification, We have added features of **Message Subtype** in mail.
-``mail.message.subtype`` has following fields:
- - ``Name``: fields.char(' Message Subtype ', size = 128,required = True,help = 'Subtype Of Message'),
- - ``model_ids``: fields.many2many('ir.model','mail_message_subtyp_message_rel','message_subtype_id', 'model_id', 'Model',help = "link some subtypes to several models, for projet/task"),
- - ``default``: fields.boolean('Default', help = "When subscribing to the document, users will receive by default messages related to this subtype unless they uncheck this subtype"),
-In ``mail.followers`` we have added additional many2many field subtype ids :
- - ``subtype_ids``: fields.many2many('mail.message.subtype','mail_message_subtyp_rel','subscription_id', 'subtype_id', 'Subtype',help = "linking some subscription to several subtype for projet/task")
-In mail_message we have added additional field subtype_id which Indicates the Type of Message
- - ``subtype_id``: fields.many2one('mail.message.subtype', 'Subtype')
- - In **message_post** method add the *subtype_id* field as parameter and set as default subtype 'Other'.
-        def message_post(self, cr, uid, thread_id, body='', subject=False, msg_type='notification', parent_id=False, attachments=None, subtype='other', context=None, ``**kwargs``):
- - In **message_subscribe** method add the *subtype_ids* field as parameter.In this method if subtype_ids is None, it fatch the default true subtypes in mail.message.subtypes otherwise pass selected subtypes.
-   For update subtypes call **message_subscribe_udpate_subtypes** method
-        def message_subscribe(self, cr, uid, ids, partner_ids,subtype_ids = None, context=None):
- - Add **message_subscribe_udpate_subtypes** method to update the subtype_ids in followers.
-    def message_subscribe_udpate_subtypes(self, cr, uid, ids, user_id, subtype_ids,context=None):
-        followers_obj = self.pool.get('mail.followers')
-        followers_ids = followers_obj.search(cr, uid, [('res_model', '=', self._name), ('res_id', 'in', ids)])
-        return followers_obj.write(cr, uid, followers_ids, {'subtype_ids': [(6, 0 , subtype_ids)]}, context = context)
-For Each Addons:
- - Add data of subtypes for each addons module.
- - Add subtype field as parameter in **message_post** Method for each addons module.
-How It Works:
- - In addons module when we Follow a Perticular document It display under the followers button.
- - In sybtypes there are 3 default subtypes for each addons
-    1) Email
-    2) Comment
-    3) Other
- - In document display a default subtypes(which are true) related a perticular model_ids wise.
-    Example:-
-        If I have open crm.lead, It display only subtypes of crm.lead
- - When we select subtype it update subtype_ids(which are checked) in mail.follower where match res_model & res_id of the current documents.
- - when message created update subtype_id of that message in mail.message.
- - In Feeds display only those notifications of documents which subtypes are selected
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-.. _mail_thread:
-mail.thread and OpenChatter
-Writing messages and notifications
-Creates a new mail.message through message_create. The new message is attached 
-to the current mail.thread, containing all the details passed as parameters. 
-All attachments will be attached to the  thread record as well as to the 
-actual message.
-This method calls message_create that will handle management of subscription 
-and notifications, and effectively create the message.
-If ``email_from`` is not set or ``type`` not set as 'email', a note message 
-is created (comment or system notification), without the usual envelope 
-attributes (sender, recipients, etc.).
-A mail_group is a collection of users sharing messages in a discussion group. Group users are users that follow the mail group, using the subscription/follow mechanism of OpenSocial. A mail group has nothing in common wih res.users.group.
-Additional information on fields:
- - ``member_ids``: user member of the groups are calculated with ``message_get_subscribers`` method from mail.thread
- - ``member_count``: calculated with member_ids
- - ``is_subscriber``: calculated with member_ids
-OpenChatter updates the res.users class:
- - it adds a preference about sending emails when receiving a notification
- - make a new user follow itself automatically
- - create a welcome message when creating a new user, to make his arrival in OpenERP more friendly
-Misc magic context keys
- - mail_create_nosubscribe: when creating a new record that inherit from mail_thread,
-   do not subscribe the creator to the document followers
- - mail_create_nolog: do not log creation message
- - mail_notify_noemail: do not send email notifications; partners to notify are
-   notified, i.e. a mail_notification is created, but no email is actually send
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-Tracked fields
-Tracked fields is generic logging system for the changes applied to some fields in open chatter.
- - In the definition of a fields. you have to simply add tracked=True.
- - When changing one of the fields having tracked=True on saved automatically write a log in openchatter for the changes in fields.
-How it works:
- - You have to add tracked=True in field defination as following.
- - ``'stage_id': fields.many2one('project.task.type', 'Stage',tracked=True),``
- - For developed this feature we override write method of mail_thread. 
- - And make one mako template which shows old field and updated field.
-Open chatter log:
- - After changing field follower can show log of tracked field in open chatter as followed.
-     - Updated Fields:
-           - Stage: Analysis -> Specification
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