diff --git a/odoo/tools/xml_utils.py b/odoo/tools/xml_utils.py
index 513aa20766352a6879f27a04deced200c9673538..8780dd54d25e34d3a998b85df08b801548d867b3 100644
--- a/odoo/tools/xml_utils.py
+++ b/odoo/tools/xml_utils.py
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Utilities for generating, parsing and checking XML/XSD files on top of the lxml.etree module."""
 import base64
 from io import BytesIO
 from lxml import etree
@@ -23,9 +25,6 @@ class odoo_resolver(etree.Resolver):
             return self.resolve_string(base64.b64decode(attachment.datas), context)
-def check_with_xsd(tree_or_str, stream):
-    raise UserError("Method 'check_with_xsd' deprecated ")
 def _check_with_xsd(tree_or_str, stream, env=None):
     """Check an XML against an XSD schema.
@@ -55,11 +54,14 @@ def _check_with_xsd(tree_or_str, stream, env=None):
 def create_xml_node_chain(first_parent_node, nodes_list, last_node_value=None):
-    """ Utility function for generating XML files nodes. Generates as a hierarchical
-    chain of nodes (each new node being the son of the previous one) based on the tags
-    contained in `nodes_list`, under the given node `first_parent_node`.
-    It will also set the value of the last of these nodes to `last_node_value` if it is
-    specified. This function returns the list of created nodes.
+    """Generate a hierarchical chain of nodes.
+    Each new node being the child of the previous one based on the tags contained
+    in `nodes_list`, under the given node `first_parent_node`.
+    :param first_parent_node (etree._Element): parent of the created tree/chain
+    :param nodes_list (iterable<str>): tag names to be created
+    :param last_node_value (str): if specified, set the last node's text to this value
+    :returns (list<etree._Element>): the list of created nodes
     res = []
     current_node = first_parent_node
@@ -71,11 +73,13 @@ def create_xml_node_chain(first_parent_node, nodes_list, last_node_value=None):
         current_node.text = last_node_value
     return res
 def create_xml_node(parent_node, node_name, node_value=None):
-    """ Utility function for managing XML. It creates a new node with the specified
-    `node_name` as a child of given `parent_node` and assigns it `node_value` as value.
-    :param parent_node: valid etree Element
-    :param node_name: string
-    :param node_value: string
+    """Create a new node.
+    :param parent_node (etree._Element): parent of the created node
+    :param node_name (str): name of the created node
+    :param node_value (str): value of the created node (optional)
+    :returns (etree._Element):
     return create_xml_node_chain(parent_node, [node_name], node_value)[0]