diff --git a/addons/claim_from_delivery/claim_delivery_view.xml b/addons/claim_from_delivery/claim_delivery_view.xml
index e1a1a43062e5e5121dd8a415f50a7b955c3c2b24..8ce2e7bb7ce32b0e8e85160190963e1e1e10bb44 100644
--- a/addons/claim_from_delivery/claim_delivery_view.xml
+++ b/addons/claim_from_delivery/claim_delivery_view.xml
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
             <field name="model">stock.picking</field>
             <field name="inherit_id" ref="stock.view_picking_form"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <xpath expr="//button[@name='do_partial_open_barcode']" position="before">
-                    <button class="oe_inline oe_stat_button" type="action" attrs="{'invisible': [('picking_type_code', '!=', 'outgoing')]}" 
+                <xpath expr="//div[@name='button_box']" position="inside">
+                    <button class="oe_stat_button" type="action" attrs="{'invisible': [('picking_type_code', '!=', 'outgoing')]}"
                             name="%(action_claim_from_delivery)d" icon="fa-comments" >
                             <field string="Claims" name="claim_count_out" widget="statinfo"/>
diff --git a/addons/mrp/mrp_view.xml b/addons/mrp/mrp_view.xml
index f2d2bf1253b6cbbfcace803e94669309a5db540f..1913fe3e3cea0503b5491d9113cf76090e9c88e0 100644
--- a/addons/mrp/mrp_view.xml
+++ b/addons/mrp/mrp_view.xml
@@ -717,7 +717,7 @@
                     <button name="button_confirm" states="draft" string="Confirm Production" class="oe_highlight"/>
                     <button name="%(act_mrp_product_produce)d" states="ready,in_production" string="Produce" type="action" class="oe_highlight"/>
-                    <button name="action_assign" states="confirmed,picking_except" string="Check Availability" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
+                    <button name="action_assign" states="confirmed,picking_except" string="Reserve" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
                     <button name="force_production" states="confirmed" string="Force Reservation" type="object"/>
                     <button name="button_produce" states="ready" string="Mark as Started"/>
                     <button name="button_cancel" states="draft,ready,in_production" string="Cancel Production"/>
diff --git a/addons/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py b/addons/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py
index 1751a41611b027614bf2a039a4cc58dc60c695cf..967b2bd2fa8bcd88fb8b27f9709b8411bbef4e3f 100644
--- a/addons/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py
+++ b/addons/point_of_sale/point_of_sale.py
@@ -796,6 +796,15 @@ class pos_order(osv.osv):
             addr = order.partner_id and partner_obj.address_get(cr, uid, [order.partner_id.id], ['delivery']) or {}
             picking_type = order.picking_type_id
             picking_id = False
+            location_id = order.location_id.id
+            if order.partner_id:
+                destination_id = order.partner_id.property_stock_customer.id
+            elif picking_type:
+                if not picking_type.default_location_dest_id:
+                    raise UserError(_('Missing source or destination location for picking type %s. Please configure those fields and try again.' % (picking_type.name,)))
+                destination_id = picking_type.default_location_dest_id.id
+            else:
+                destination_id = partner_obj.default_get(cr, uid, ['property_stock_customer'], context=context)['property_stock_customer']
             if picking_type:
                 picking_id = picking_obj.create(cr, uid, {
                     'origin': order.name,
@@ -806,17 +815,10 @@ class pos_order(osv.osv):
                     'move_type': 'direct',
                     'note': order.note or "",
                     'invoice_state': 'none',
+                    'location_id': location_id,
+                    'location_dest_id': destination_id,
                 }, context=context)
                 self.write(cr, uid, [order.id], {'picking_id': picking_id}, context=context)
-            location_id = order.location_id.id
-            if order.partner_id:
-                destination_id = order.partner_id.property_stock_customer.id
-            elif picking_type:
-                if not picking_type.default_location_dest_id:
-                    raise UserError(_('Missing source or destination location for picking type %s. Please configure those fields and try again.' % (picking_type.name,)))
-                destination_id = picking_type.default_location_dest_id.id
-            else:
-                destination_id = partner_obj.default_get(cr, uid, ['property_stock_customer'], context=context)['property_stock_customer']
             move_list = []
             for line in order.lines:
diff --git a/addons/purchase/purchase.py b/addons/purchase/purchase.py
index 2722f73b624da14e26c1460beba7f27f302f31ec..e09fb1fad2cfe80f8b8c8ff364cddf05cf278d88 100644
--- a/addons/purchase/purchase.py
+++ b/addons/purchase/purchase.py
@@ -834,7 +834,9 @@ class purchase_order(osv.osv):
                 'picking_type_id': order.picking_type_id.id,
                 'partner_id': order.partner_id.id,
                 'date': order.date_order,
-                'origin': order.name
+                'origin': order.name,
+                'location_id': order.partner_id.property_stock_supplier.id,
+                'location_dest_id': order.location_id.id,
             picking_id = self.pool.get('stock.picking').create(cr, uid, picking_vals, context=context)
             self._create_stock_moves(cr, uid, order, order.order_line, picking_id, context=context)
diff --git a/addons/purchase/test/fifo_returns.yml b/addons/purchase/test/fifo_returns.yml
index 9f206b45e91d578fa6d5625759daa15fc4cc820b..6be83f0f8bf859f99d539cd67b7f9ad02ffaa2fe 100644
--- a/addons/purchase/test/fifo_returns.yml
+++ b/addons/purchase/test/fifo_returns.yml
@@ -72,7 +72,11 @@
     pick_ids = self.pool.get('purchase.order').browse(cr, uid, ref("purchase_order_fiforet2")).picking_ids
     return_id = self.create(cr, uid, {}, context={'active_model':'stock.picking', 'active_id': pick_ids[0].id})
     return_picking_id, dummy = self._create_returns(cr, uid, [return_id], context={'active_id': pick_ids[0].id})
-    self.pool.get('stock.picking').do_transfer(cr, uid, [return_picking_id])
+    # Important to pass through confirmation and assignation
+    pick_obj = self.pool.get('stock.picking')
+    pick_obj.action_confirm(cr, uid, [return_picking_id])
+    pick_obj.action_assign(cr, uid, [return_picking_id])
+    pick_obj.do_transfer(cr, uid, [return_picking_id])
   Check the standard price of the product changed to 80.0 as we returned the quants of purchase order 2
diff --git a/addons/stock/__openerp__.py b/addons/stock/__openerp__.py
index b47a0c3d84fffc036ef9e0adf914595315049ed7..e6ae98bf4ca10257a4433df7a87bf8c080d5431f 100644
--- a/addons/stock/__openerp__.py
+++ b/addons/stock/__openerp__.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Dashboard / Reports for Warehouse Management will include:
-        'wizard/stock_transfer_details.xml',
+        'wizard/stock_pack_details.xml',
@@ -72,16 +72,16 @@ Dashboard / Reports for Warehouse Management will include:
-        'views/stock.xml',
+        'wizard/stock_immediate_transfer.xml',
+        'wizard/stock_backorder_confirmation.xml'
     'test': [
-        'stock_demo.yml',
@@ -90,5 +90,4 @@ Dashboard / Reports for Warehouse Management will include:
     'installable': True,
     'application': True,
     'auto_install': False,
-    'qweb': ['static/src/xml/picking.xml'],
diff --git a/addons/stock/procurement.py b/addons/stock/procurement.py
index 2ade80f003b03bae18e95452239214e38a035274..0c816bb05012c597e20fe9296d4d4d5979adb472 100644
--- a/addons/stock/procurement.py
+++ b/addons/stock/procurement.py
@@ -149,16 +149,25 @@ class procurement_order(osv.osv):
         old_proc = False
         key = tuple()
         key_routes = {}
+        proc = False
         for proc, route in product_routes:
-            key += (route,)
-            if old_proc != proc:
+            if not old_proc:
+                old_proc = proc
+            if old_proc == proc:
+                key += (route,)
+            else:
                 if key:
                     if key_routes.get(key):
-                        key_routes[key] += [proc]
+                        key_routes[key] += [old_proc]
-                        key_routes[key] = [proc]
+                        key_routes[key] = [old_proc]
                 old_proc = proc
-                key = tuple()
+                key = (route,)
+        if proc: #do not forget last one as we passed through it
+            if key_routes.get(key):
+                key_routes[key] += [proc]
+            else:
+                key_routes[key] = [proc]
         return key_routes
@@ -193,7 +202,6 @@ class procurement_order(osv.osv):
                 if res and res[0]:
                     results_dict[procurement.id] = res[0]
         procurements_to_check = [x for x in procurements if x.id not in results_dict.keys()]
         #group by warehouse_id:
         wh_dict = self._get_wh_loc_dict(cr, uid, procurements_to_check, context=context)
diff --git a/addons/stock/security/ir.model.access.csv b/addons/stock/security/ir.model.access.csv
index 21e110f48513c38da62e40f215459c044c4f8399..f410e13a5b30dd77549dcda5a748dd825d0b0633 100644
--- a/addons/stock/security/ir.model.access.csv
+++ b/addons/stock/security/ir.model.access.csv
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ access_procurement_rule,procurement.rule.flow,model_procurement_rule,base.group_
 access_procurement_rule_internal,procurement.rule.flow internal,model_procurement_rule,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
 access_stock_pack_operation_manager,stock.pack.operation manager,model_stock_pack_operation,stock.group_stock_manager,1,1,1,1
 access_stock_pack_operation_user,stock.pack.operation user,model_stock_pack_operation,stock.group_stock_user,1,1,1,1
-access_stock_pack_operation_all,stock.pack.operation all users,model_stock_pack_operation,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
+access_stock_pack_operation_all,stock.pack.operation all users,model_stock_pack_operation,base.group_user,1,1,1,1
 access_product_putaway_all,product.putaway all users,model_product_putaway,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
 access_product_putaway_manager,product.putaway all managers,model_product_putaway,stock.group_stock_manager,1,1,1,1
 access_stock_removal_all,product.removal all users,model_product_removal,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ access_stock_fixed_putaway_strat,stock_fixed_putaway_strat managers,model_stock_
 access_stock_fixed_putaway_user,stock_fixed_putaway_strat user,model_stock_fixed_putaway_strat,stock.group_stock_user,1,0,0,0
 access_stock_move_operation_link_manager,stock.move.operation.link manager,model_stock_move_operation_link,stock.group_stock_manager,1,1,1,1
 access_stock_move_operation_link_user,stock.move.operation.link user,model_stock_move_operation_link,stock.group_stock_user,1,1,1,1
-access_stock_move_operation_link_all,stock.move.operation.link all users,model_stock_move_operation_link,base.group_user,1,0,0,0
+access_stock_move_operation_link_all,stock.move.operation.link all users,model_stock_move_operation_link,base.group_user,1,1,1,1
 access_product_price_history_stock_user,prices.history stock user,product.model_product_price_history,stock.group_stock_user,1,0,1,0
 access_product_price_history_stock_manager,prices.history stock manager,product.model_product_price_history,stock.group_stock_manager,1,1,1,1
diff --git a/addons/stock/static/src/css/barcode.css b/addons/stock/static/src/css/barcode.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b47d6626904a3bc8082bd85115f904504b3b3d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/static/src/css/barcode.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-.in_container_hidden {
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-.in_container {
-	margin-top: 0;
-.oe_picking {
-	cursor: pointer;
-.oe_kanban.oe_picking {
-	min-height: 80px;
-	margin-bottom: 10px;
-	border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);
-  	border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
-  	-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform, -webkit-box-shadow, border 200ms linear;
-  	-moz-border-radius: 4px;
-  	-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
-  	border-radius: 4px;
-  	padding: 5px;
-.oe_kanban_color_0 {
-  background-color: white;
-  color: #5a5a5a;
-.oe_kanban_color_1 {
-  background-color: #cccccc;
-  color: #424242;
-.oe_kanban_color_2 {
-  background-color: #ffc7c7;
-  color: #7a3737;
-.oe_kanban_color_3 {
-  background-color: #fff1c7;
-  color: #756832;
-.oe_kanban_color_4 {
-  background-color: #e3ffc7;
-  color: #5d6937;
-.oe_kanban_color_5 {
-  background-color: #c7ffd5;
-  color: #1a7759;
-.oe_kanban_color_6 {
-  background-color: #c7ffff;
-  color: #1a5d83;
-.oe_kanban_color_7 {
-  background-color: #c7d5ff;
-  color: #3b3e75;
-.oe_kanban_color_8 {
-  background-color: #e3c7ff;
-  color: #4c3668;
-.oe_kanban_color_9 {
-  background-color: #ffc7f1;
-  color: #6d2c70;
-/*Blinking text*/
-.blink_me {
-    -webkit-animation-name: blinker;
-    -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
-    -webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;
-    -webkit-animation-iteration-count: 2;
-    -moz-animation-name: blinker;
-    -moz-animation-duration: 1s;
-    -moz-animation-timing-function: linear;
-    -moz-animation-iteration-count: 2;
-    animation-name: blinker;
-    animation-duration: 1s;
-    animation-timing-function: linear;
-    animation-iteration-count: 2;
-@-moz-keyframes blinker {  
-    0% { opacity: 1.0; }
-    50% { opacity: 0.0; }
-    100% { opacity: 1.0; }
-@-webkit-keyframes blinker {  
-    0% { opacity: 1.0; }
-    50% { opacity: 0.0; }
-    100% { opacity: 1.0; }
-@keyframes blinker {  
-    0% { opacity: 1.0; }
-    50% { opacity: 0.0; }
-    100% { opacity: 1.0; }
-/*hide OpenERP leftbar, table should use all width by default and display vertical scrollbar if needed*/
-.oe_leftbar {
-    display: none;
-	width: 100%;
-	overflow-y: visible !important;
-/* --- Styling of OpenERP Elements ---
-	Needed for loading and error box */
-/* Increase z-index value to insure that loading goes above navbar of bootstrap*/
-.openerp .oe_loading {
-  display: none;
-  z-index: 1000;
-  position: fixed;
-  top: 0;
-  right: 50%;
-  padding: 4px 12px;
-  background: #a61300;
-  color: white;
-  text-align: center;
-  border: 1px solid #990000;
-  border-top: none;
-  -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 8px;
-  -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 8px;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 8px;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 8px;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/static/src/css/stock.css b/addons/stock/static/src/css/stock.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 532eb4f18d1fb144f62ba6d67fb28ef7f900bc83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/static/src/css/stock.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-.openerp .oe_kanban_view .oe_kanban_stock_picking_type {
-    width: 345px;
-    cursor: default;
-    min-height: 245px !important;
-.openerp .oe_stock_scan_image {
-   opacity: 0.2;
-   margin: 0 5px 0;
-.openerp .oe_stock_scan_image:hover {
-   opacity: 1
-.oe_stock_scan_image_btn {
-   /*height : 42px;*/
-.oe_stock_scan_button {
-    border: none !important;
-    background: none !important;
-    box-shadow: none !important;
diff --git a/addons/stock/static/src/img/scan.png b/addons/stock/static/src/img/scan.png
deleted file mode 100644
index fe679687ce713ef777e4c1833c7b96e49c3023bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/addons/stock/static/src/img/scan.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/addons/stock/static/src/js/widgets.js b/addons/stock/static/src/js/widgets.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d0ad9dcc7ee8ab9faefa8bf8938d1af0f45c2647..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/static/src/js/widgets.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1070 +0,0 @@
-odoo.define('stock.widgets', function (require) {
-"use strict";
-var core = require('web.core');
-var data = require('web.data');
-var Dialog = require('web.Dialog');
-var Model = require('web.Model');
-var session = require('web.session');
-var web_client = require('web.web_client');
-var Widget = require('web.Widget');
-var kanban_common = require('web_kanban.common');
-var _t     = core._t;
-var QWeb   = core.qweb;
-// This widget makes sure that the scaling is disabled on mobile devices.
-// Widgets that want to display fullscreen on mobile phone need to extend this
-// widget.
-var MobileWidget = Widget.extend({
-    start: function(){
-        if(!$('#oe-mobilewidget-viewport').length){
-            $('head').append('<meta id="oe-mobilewidget-viewport" name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=0;">');
-        }
-        return this._super();
-    },
-    destroy: function(){
-        $('#oe-mobilewidget-viewport').remove();
-        return this._super();
-    },
-var PickingEditorWidget = Widget.extend({
-    template: 'PickingEditorWidget',
-    init: function(parent,options){
-        this._super(parent,options);
-        this.rows = [];
-        this.search_filter = "";
-    },
-    get_header: function(){
-        return this.getParent().get_header();
-    },
-    get_location: function(){
-        var model = this.getParent();
-        var locations = [];
-        _.each(model.locations, function(loc){
-            locations.push({name: loc.complete_name, id: loc.id,});
-        });
-        return locations;
-    },
-    get_logisticunit: function(){
-        var model = this.getParent();
-        var ul = [];
-        _.each(model.uls, function(ulog){
-            ul.push({name: ulog.name, id: ulog.id,});
-        });
-        return ul;
-    },
-    get_rows: function(){
-        var model = this.getParent();
-        this.rows = [];
-        var self = this;
-        var pack_created = [];
-        _.each( model.packoplines, function(packopline){
-                var pack = undefined;
-                var color = "";
-                if (packopline.product_id[1] !== undefined){ pack = packopline.package_id[1];}
-                if (packopline.product_qty == packopline.qty_done){ color = "success "; }
-                if (packopline.product_qty < packopline.qty_done){ color = "danger "; }
-                //also check that we don't have a line already existing for that package
-                if (packopline.result_package_id[1] !== undefined && $.inArray(packopline.result_package_id[0], pack_created) === -1){
-                    var myPackage = $.grep(model.packages, function(e){ return e.id == packopline.result_package_id[0]; })[0];
-                    self.rows.push({
-                        cols: { product: packopline.result_package_id[1],
-                                qty: '',
-                                rem: '',
-                                uom: undefined,
-                                lot: undefined,
-                                pack: undefined,
-                                container: packopline.result_package_id[1],
-                                container_id: undefined,
-                                loc: packopline.location_id[1],
-                                dest: packopline.location_dest_id[1],
-                                id: packopline.result_package_id[0],
-                                product_id: undefined,
-                                can_scan: false,
-                                head_container: true,
-                                processed: packopline.processed,
-                                package_id: myPackage.id,
-                                ul_id: myPackage.ul_id[0],
-                        },
-                        classes: ('success container_head ') + (packopline.processed === "true" ? 'processed hidden ':''),
-                    });
-                    pack_created.push(packopline.result_package_id[0]);
-                }
-                self.rows.push({
-                    cols: { product: packopline.product_id[1] || packopline.package_id[1],
-                            qty: packopline.product_qty,
-                            rem: packopline.qty_done,
-                            uom: packopline.product_uom_id[1],
-                            lot: packopline.lot_id[1],
-                            pack: pack,
-                            container: packopline.result_package_id[1],
-                            container_id: packopline.result_package_id[0],
-                            loc: packopline.location_id[1],
-                            dest: packopline.location_dest_id[1],
-                            id: packopline.id,
-                            product_id: packopline.product_id[0],
-                            can_scan: packopline.result_package_id[1] === undefined ? true : false,
-                            head_container: false,
-                            processed: packopline.processed,
-                            package_id: undefined,
-                            ul_id: -1,
-                    },
-                    classes: color + (packopline.result_package_id[1] !== undefined ? 'in_container_hidden ' : '') + (packopline.processed === "true" ? 'processed hidden ':''),
-                });
-        });
-        //sort element by things to do, then things done, then grouped by packages
-        var group_by_container = _.groupBy(self.rows, function(row){
-            return row.cols.container;
-        });
-        var sorted_row = [];
-        if (group_by_container.undefined !== undefined){
-            group_by_container.undefined.sort(function(a,b){return (b.classes === '') - (a.classes === '');});
-            $.each(group_by_container.undefined, function(key, value){
-                sorted_row.push(value);
-            });
-        }
-        $.each(group_by_container, function(key, value){
-            if (key !== 'undefined'){
-                $.each(value, function(k,v){
-                    sorted_row.push(v);
-                });
-            }
-        });
-        return sorted_row;
-    },
-    renderElement: function(){
-        var self = this;
-        this._super();
-        this.check_content_screen();
-        this.$('.js_pick_done').click(function(){ self.getParent().done(); });
-        this.$('.js_pick_print').click(function(){ self.getParent().print_picking(); });
-        this.$('.oe_pick_app_header').text(self.get_header());
-        this.$('.oe_searchbox').keyup(function(){
-            self.on_searchbox($(this).val());
-        });
-        this.$('.js_putinpack').click(function(){ self.getParent().pack(); });
-        this.$('.js_drop_down').click(function(){ self.getParent().drop_down();});
-        this.$('.js_clear_search').click(function(){
-            self.on_searchbox('');
-            self.$('.oe_searchbox').val('');
-        });
-        this.$('.oe_searchbox').focus(function(){
-            self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect();
-        });
-        this.$('.oe_searchbox').blur(function(){
-            self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function(ean){
-                self.get_Parent().scan(ean);
-            });
-        });
-        this.$('#js_select').change(function(){
-            var selection = self.$('#js_select option:selected').attr('value');
-            if (selection === "ToDo"){
-                self.getParent().$('.js_pick_pack').removeClass('hidden');
-                self.getParent().$('.js_drop_down').removeClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_pack_op_line.processed').addClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed)').removeClass('hidden');
-            }
-            else{
-                self.getParent().$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('hidden');
-                self.getParent().$('.js_drop_down').addClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_pack_op_line.processed').removeClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed)').addClass('hidden');
-            }
-            self.on_searchbox(self.search_filter);
-        });
-        this.$('.js_plus').click(function(){
-            var id = $(this).data('product-id');
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            self.getParent().scan_product_id(id,1,op_id);
-        });
-        this.$('.js_minus').click(function(){
-            var id = $(this).data('product-id');
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            self.getParent().scan_product_id(id,-1,op_id);
-        });
-        this.$('.js_unfold').click(function(){
-            var op_id = $(this).parent().data('id');
-            var line = $(this).parent();
-            //select all js_pack_op_line with class in_container_hidden and correct container-id
-            var select = self.$('.js_pack_op_line.in_container_hidden[data-container-id='+op_id+']');
-            if (select.length > 0){
-                //we unfold
-                line.addClass('warning');
-                select.removeClass('in_container_hidden');
-                select.addClass('in_container');
-            }
-            else{
-                //we fold
-                line.removeClass('warning');
-                select = self.$('.js_pack_op_line.in_container[data-container-id='+op_id+']');
-                select.removeClass('in_container');
-                select.addClass('in_container_hidden');
-            }
-        });
-        this.$('.js_create_lot').click(function(){
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            var lot_name = false;
-            self.$('.js_lot_scan').val('');
-            var $lot_modal = self.$el.siblings('#js_LotChooseModal');
-            //disconnect scanner to prevent scanning a product in the back while dialog is open
-            self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect();
-            $lot_modal.modal();
-            //focus input
-            $lot_modal.on('shown.bs.modal', function(){
-                self.$('.js_lot_scan').focus();
-            });
-            //reactivate scanner when dialog close
-            $lot_modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', function(){
-                self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function(ean){
-                    self.getParent().scan(ean);
-                });
-            });
-            self.$('.js_lot_scan').focus();
-            //button action
-            self.$('.js_validate_lot').click(function(){
-                //get content of input
-                var name = self.$('.js_lot_scan').val();
-                if (name.length !== 0){
-                    lot_name = name;
-                }
-                $lot_modal.modal('hide');
-                //we need this here since it is not sure the hide event
-                //will be catch because we refresh the view after the create_lot call
-                self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function(ean){
-                    self.getParent().scan(ean);
-                });
-                self.getParent().create_lot(op_id, lot_name);
-            });
-        });
-        this.$('.js_delete_pack').click(function(){
-            var pack_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            self.getParent().delete_package_op(pack_id);
-        });
-        this.$('.js_print_pack').click(function(){
-            var pack_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            // $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id')
-            self.getParent().print_package(pack_id);
-        });
-        this.$('.js_submit_value').submit(function(){
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            var value = parseFloat($("input", this).val());
-            if (value>=0){
-                self.getParent().set_operation_quantity(value, op_id);
-            }
-            $("input", this).val("");
-            return false;
-        });
-        this.$('.js_qty').focus(function(){
-            self.getParent().barcode_scanner.disconnect();
-        });
-        this.$('.js_qty').blur(function(){
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            var value = parseFloat($(this).val());
-            if (value>=0){
-                self.getParent().set_operation_quantity(value, op_id);
-            }
-            self.getParent().barcode_scanner.connect(function(ean){
-                self.getParent().scan(ean);
-            });
-        });
-        this.$('.js_change_src').click(function(){
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');//data('op_id');
-            self.$('#js_loc_select').addClass('source');
-            self.$('#js_loc_select').data('op-id',op_id);
-            self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal();
-        });
-        this.$('.js_change_dst').click(function(){
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            self.$('#js_loc_select').data('op-id',op_id);
-            self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal();
-        });
-        this.$('.js_pack_change_dst').click(function(){
-            var op_id = $(this).parents("[data-id]:first").data('id');
-            self.$('#js_loc_select').addClass('pack');
-            self.$('#js_loc_select').data('op-id',op_id);
-            self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal();
-        });
-        this.$('.js_validate_location').click(function(){
-            //get current selection
-            var select_dom_element = self.$('#js_loc_select');
-            var loc_id = self.$('#js_loc_select option:selected').data('loc-id');
-            var src_dst = false;
-            var op_id = select_dom_element.data('op-id');
-            if (select_dom_element.hasClass('pack')){
-                select_dom_element.removeClass('source');
-                var op_ids = [];
-                self.$('.js_pack_op_line[data-container-id='+op_id+']').each(function(){
-                    op_ids.push($(this).data('id'));
-                });
-                op_id = op_ids;
-            }
-            else if (select_dom_element.hasClass('source')){
-                src_dst = true;
-                select_dom_element.removeClass('source');
-            }
-            if (loc_id === false){
-                //close window
-                self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal('hide');
-            }
-            else{
-                self.$el.siblings('#js_LocationChooseModal').modal('hide');
-                self.getParent().change_location(op_id, parseInt(loc_id), src_dst);
-            }
-        });
-        this.$('.js_pack_configure').click(function(){
-            var pack_id = $(this).parents(".js_pack_op_line:first").data('package-id');
-            var ul_id = $(this).parents(".js_pack_op_line:first").data('ulid');
-            self.$('#js_packconf_select').val(ul_id);
-            self.$('#js_packconf_select').data('pack-id',pack_id);
-            self.$el.siblings('#js_PackConfModal').modal();
-        });
-        this.$('.js_validate_pack').click(function(){
-            //get current selection
-            var select_dom_element = self.$('#js_packconf_select');
-            var ul_id = self.$('#js_packconf_select option:selected').data('ul-id');
-            var pack_id = select_dom_element.data('pack-id');
-            self.$el.siblings('#js_PackConfModal').modal('hide');
-            if (pack_id){
-                self.getParent().set_package_pack(pack_id, ul_id);
-                $('.container_head[data-package-id="'+pack_id+'"]').data('ulid', ul_id);
-            }
-        });
-        //remove navigation bar from default openerp GUI
-        $('td.navbar').html('<div></div>');
-    },
-    on_searchbox: function(query){
-        //hide line that has no location matching the query and highlight location that match the query
-        this.search_filter = query;
-        var processed = ".processed";
-        if (this.$('#js_select option:selected').attr('value') == "ToDo"){
-            processed = ":not(.processed)";
-        }
-        if (query !== '') {
-            this.$('.js_loc:not(.js_loc:Contains('+query+'))').removeClass('info');
-            this.$('.js_loc:Contains('+query+')').addClass('info');
-            this.$('.js_pack_op_line'+processed+':not(.js_pack_op_line:has(.js_loc:Contains('+query+')))').addClass('hidden');
-            this.$('.js_pack_op_line'+processed+':has(.js_loc:Contains('+query+'))').removeClass('hidden');
-        }
-        //if no query specified, then show everything
-        if (query === '') {
-            this.$('.js_loc').removeClass('info');
-            this.$('.js_pack_op_line'+processed+'.hidden').removeClass('hidden');
-        }
-        this.check_content_screen();
-    },
-    check_content_screen: function(){
-        //get all visible element and if none has positive qty, disable put in pack and process button
-        var self = this;
-        var processed = this.$('.js_pack_op_line.processed');
-        var qties = this.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed):not(.hidden) .js_qty').map(function(){return $(this).val();});
-        var container = this.$('.js_pack_op_line.container_head:not(.processed):not(.hidden)');
-        var disabled = true;
-        $.each(qties,function(index, value){
-            if(value>0) {
-                disabled = false;
-            }
-        });
-        if (disabled){
-            if (container.length===0){
-                self.$('.js_drop_down').addClass('disabled');
-            }
-            else {
-                self.$('.js_drop_down').removeClass('disabled');
-            }
-            self.$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('disabled');
-            if (processed.length === 0){
-                self.$('.js_pick_done').addClass('disabled');
-            }
-            else {
-                self.$('.js_pick_done').removeClass('disabled');
-            }
-        }
-        else{
-            self.$('.js_drop_down').removeClass('disabled');
-            self.$('.js_pick_pack').removeClass('disabled');
-            self.$('.js_pick_done').removeClass('disabled');
-        }
-    },
-    get_current_op_selection: function(ignore_container){
-        //get ids of visible on the screen
-        var pack_op_ids = [];
-        this.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed):not(.js_pack_op_line.hidden):not(.container_head)').each(function(){
-            var cur_id = $(this).data('id');
-            pack_op_ids.push(parseInt(cur_id));
-        });
-        //get list of element in this.rows where rem > 0 and container is empty is specified
-        var list = [];
-        _.each(this.rows, function(row){
-            if (row.cols.rem > 0 && (ignore_container || row.cols.container === undefined)){
-                list.push(row.cols.id);
-            }
-        });
-        //return only those visible with rem qty > 0 and container empty
-        return _.intersection(pack_op_ids, list);
-    },
-    remove_blink: function(){
-        this.$('.js_pack_op_line.blink_me').removeClass('blink_me');
-    },
-    blink: function(op_id){
-        this.$('.js_pack_op_line[data-id="'+op_id+'"]').addClass('blink_me');
-    },
-    check_done: function(){
-        var model = this.getParent();
-        var done = true;
-        _.each( model.packoplines, function(packopline){
-            if (packopline.processed === "false"){
-                done = false;
-                return done;
-            }
-        });
-        return done;
-    },
-    get_visible_ids: function(){
-        var visible_op_ids = [];
-        var op_ids = this.$('.js_pack_op_line:not(.processed):not(.hidden):not(.container_head):not(.in_container):not(.in_container_hidden)').map(function(){
-            return $(this).data('id');
-        });
-        $.each(op_ids, function(key, op_id){
-            visible_op_ids.push(parseInt(op_id));
-        });
-        return visible_op_ids;
-    },
-var PickingMenuWidget = MobileWidget.extend({
-    template: 'PickingMenuWidget',
-    init: function(parent, params){
-        this._super(parent,params);
-        var self = this;
-        $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){
-            var states = $.bbq.getState();
-            if (states.action === "stock.ui"){
-                self.do_action({
-                    type:   'ir.actions.client',
-                    tag:    'stock.ui',
-                    target: 'current',
-                },{
-                    clear_breadcrumbs: true,
-                });
-            }
-        });
-        this.picking_types = [];
-        this.loaded = this.load();
-        this.scanning_type = 0;
-        this.barcode_scanner = new BarcodeScanner();
-        this.pickings_by_type = {};
-        this.pickings_by_id = {};
-        this.picking_search_string = "";
-    },
-    load: function(){
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.picking.type').get_func('search_read')([],[])
-            .then(function(types){
-                self.picking_types = types;
-                var type_ids = [];
-                for(var i = 0; i < types.length; i++){
-                    self.pickings_by_type[types[i].id] = [];
-                    type_ids.push(types[i].id);
-                }
-                self.pickings_by_type[0] = [];
-                return new Model('stock.picking').call('search_read',[ [['state','in', ['assigned', 'partially_available']], ['picking_type_id', 'in', type_ids]], [] ], {context: new data.CompoundContext()});
-            }).then(function(pickings){
-                self.pickings = pickings;
-                for(var i = 0; i < pickings.length; i++){
-                    var picking = pickings[i];
-                    self.pickings_by_type[picking.picking_type_id[0]].push(picking);
-                    self.pickings_by_id[picking.id] = picking;
-                    self.picking_search_string += '' + picking.id + ':' + (picking.name ? picking.name.toUpperCase(): '') + '\n';
-                }
-            });
-    },
-    renderElement: function(){
-        this._super();
-        var self = this;
-        this.$('.js_pick_quit').click(function(){ self.quit(); });
-        this.$('.js_pick_scan').click(function(){ self.scan_picking($(this).data('id')); });
-        this.$('.js_pick_last').click(function(){ self.goto_last_picking_of_type($(this).data('id')); });
-        this.$('.oe_searchbox').keyup(function(){
-            self.on_searchbox($(this).val());
-        });
-        //remove navigation bar from default openerp GUI
-        $('td.navbar').html('<div></div>');
-    },
-    start: function(){
-        this._super();
-        var self = this;
-        web_client.set_content_full_screen(true);
-        this.barcode_scanner.connect(function(barcode){
-            self.on_scan(barcode);
-        });
-        this.loaded.then(function(){
-            self.renderElement();
-        });
-    },
-    goto_picking: function(picking_id){
-        $.bbq.pushState('#action=stock.ui&picking_id='+picking_id);
-        $(window).trigger('hashchange');
-    },
-    goto_last_picking_of_type: function(type_id){
-        $.bbq.pushState('#action=stock.ui&picking_type_id='+type_id);
-        $(window).trigger('hashchange');
-    },
-    search_picking: function(barcode){
-        try {
-            var re = RegExp("([0-9]+):.*?"+barcode.toUpperCase(),"gi");
-        }
-        catch(e) {
-            //avoid crash if a not supported char is given (like '\' or ')')
-        return [];
-        }
-        var results = [];
-        var r;
-        for(var i = 0; i < 100; i++){
-            r = re.exec(this.picking_search_string);
-            if(r){
-                var picking = this.pickings_by_id[Number(r[1])];
-                if(picking){
-                    results.push(picking);
-                }
-            }else{
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        return results;
-    },
-    on_scan: function(barcode){
-        var self = this;
-        for(var i = 0, len = this.pickings.length; i < len; i++){
-            var picking = this.pickings[i];
-            if(picking.name.toUpperCase() === $.trim(barcode.toUpperCase())){
-                this.goto_picking(picking.id);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        this.$('.js_picking_not_found').removeClass('hidden');
-        clearTimeout(this.picking_not_found_timeout);
-        this.picking_not_found_timeout = setTimeout(function(){
-            self.$('.js_picking_not_found').addClass('hidden');
-        },2000);
-    },
-    on_searchbox: function(query){
-        var self = this;
-        clearTimeout(this.searchbox_timeout);
-        this.searchbox_timout = setTimeout(function(){
-            if(query){
-                self.$('.js_picking_not_found').addClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_picking_categories').addClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_picking_search_results').html(
-                    QWeb.render('PickingSearchResults',{results:self.search_picking(query)})
-                );
-                self.$('.js_picking_search_results .oe_picking').click(function(){
-                    self.goto_picking($(this).data('id'));
-                });
-                self.$('.js_picking_search_results').removeClass('hidden');
-            }else{
-                self.$('.js_title_label').removeClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_picking_categories').removeClass('hidden');
-                self.$('.js_picking_search_results').addClass('hidden');
-            }
-        },100);
-    },
-    quit: function(){
-        return new Model("ir.model.data").get_func("search_read")([['name', '=', 'action_picking_type_form']], ['res_id']).pipe(function(res) {
-                window.location = '/web#action=' + res[0]['res_id'];
-            });
-    },
-    destroy: function(){
-        this._super();
-        this.barcode_scanner.disconnect();
-        web_client.set_content_full_screen(false);
-    },
-core.action_registry.add('stock.menu', PickingMenuWidget);
-var PickingMainWidget = MobileWidget.extend({
-    template: 'PickingMainWidget',
-    init: function(parent,params){
-        this._super(parent,params);
-        var self = this;
-        $(window).bind('hashchange', function(){
-            var states = $.bbq.getState();
-            if (states.action === "stock.menu"){
-                self.do_action({
-                    type:   'ir.actions.client',
-                    tag:    'stock.menu',
-                    target: 'current',
-                },{
-                    clear_breadcrumbs: true,
-                });
-            }
-        });
-        var init_hash = $.bbq.getState();
-        this.picking_type_id = init_hash.picking_type_id ? init_hash.picking_type_id:0;
-        this.picking_id = init_hash.picking_id ? init_hash.picking_id:undefined;
-        this.picking = null;
-        this.pickings = [];
-        this.packoplines = null;
-        this.selected_operation = { id: null, picking_id: null};
-        this.packages = null;
-        this.barcode_scanner = new BarcodeScanner();
-        this.locations = [];
-        this.uls = [];
-        if(this.picking_id){
-            this.loaded =  this.load(this.picking_id);
-        }else{
-            this.loaded =  this.load();
-        }
-    },
-    // load the picking data from the server. If picking_id is undefined, it will take the first picking
-    // belonging to the category
-    load: function(picking_id){
-        var self = this;
-        var loaded_picking;
-        function load_picking_list(type_id){
-            var pickings = new $.Deferred();
-            new Model('stock.picking')
-                .call('get_next_picking_for_ui',[{'default_picking_type_id':parseInt(type_id)}])
-                .then(function(picking_ids){
-                    if(!picking_ids || picking_ids.length === 0){
-                        (new Dialog(self,{
-                            title: _t('No Picking Available'),
-                            buttons: [{
-                                text:_t('Ok'),
-                                click: function(){
-                                    self.menu();
-                                }
-                            }]
-                        }, _t('<p>We could not find a picking to display.</p>'))).open();
-                        pickings.reject();
-                    }else{
-                        self.pickings = picking_ids;
-                        pickings.resolve(picking_ids);
-                    }
-                });
-            return pickings;
-        }
-        // if we have a specified picking id, we load that one, and we load the picking of the same type as the active list
-        if( picking_id ){
-            loaded_picking = new Model('stock.picking')
-                .call('read',[[parseInt(picking_id)], [], new data.CompoundContext()])
-                .then(function(picking){
-                    self.picking = picking[0];
-                    self.picking_type_id = picking[0].picking_type_id[0];
-                    return load_picking_list(self.picking.picking_type_id[0]);
-                });
-        }else{
-            // if we don't have a specified picking id, we load the pickings belong to the specified type, and then we take
-            // the first one of that list as the active picking
-            loaded_picking = new $.Deferred();
-            load_picking_list(self.picking_type_id)
-                .then(function(){
-                    return new Model('stock.picking').call('read',[self.pickings[0],[], new data.CompoundContext()]);
-                })
-                .then(function(picking){
-                    self.picking = picking;
-                    self.picking_type_id = picking.picking_type_id[0];
-                    loaded_picking.resolve();
-                });
-        }
-        return loaded_picking.then(function(){
-                return new Model('stock.location').call('search',[[['usage','=','internal']]]).then(function(locations_ids){
-                    return new Model('stock.location').call('read',[locations_ids, []]).then(function(locations){
-                        self.locations = locations;
-                    });
-                });
-            }).then(function(){
-                return new Model('stock.picking').call('check_group_pack').then(function(result){
-                    self.show_pack = result;
-                    return result;
-                });
-            }).then(function(){
-                return new Model('stock.picking').call('check_group_lot').then(function(result){
-                    self.show_lot = result;
-                    return result;
-                });
-            }).then(function(){
-                if (self.picking.pack_operation_exist === false){
-                    self.picking.recompute_pack_op = false;
-                    return new Model('stock.picking').call('do_prepare_partial',[[self.picking.id]]);
-                }
-            }).then(function(){
-                    return new Model('stock.pack.operation').call('search',[[['picking_id','=',self.picking.id]]]);
-            }).then(function(pack_op_ids){
-                    return new Model('stock.pack.operation').call('read',[pack_op_ids, [], new data.CompoundContext()]);
-            }).then(function(operations){
-                self.packoplines = operations;
-                var package_ids = [];
-                for(var i = 0; i < operations.length; i++){
-                    if(!_.contains(package_ids,operations[i].result_package_id[0])){
-                        if (operations[i].result_package_id[0]){
-                            package_ids.push(operations[i].result_package_id[0]);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                return new Model('stock.quant.package').call('read',[package_ids, [], new data.CompoundContext()]);
-            }).then(function(packages){
-                self.packages = packages;
-            }).then(function(){
-                    return new Model('product.ul').call('search',[[]]);
-            }).then(function(uls_ids){
-                    return new Model('product.ul').call('read',[uls_ids, []]);
-            }).then(function(uls){
-                self.uls = uls;
-            });
-    },
-    start: function(){
-        // this._super();
-        var self = this;
-        web_client.set_content_full_screen(true);
-        this.barcode_scanner.connect(function(ean){
-            self.scan(ean);
-        });
-        this.$('.js_pick_quit').click(function(){ self.quit(); });
-        this.$('.js_pick_prev').click(function(){ self.picking_prev(); });
-        this.$('.js_pick_next').click(function(){ self.picking_next(); });
-        this.$('.js_pick_menu').click(function(){ self.menu(); });
-        this.$('.js_reload_op').click(function(){ self.reload_pack_operation();});
-        return $.when(this._super(), this.loaded).done(function(){
-            self.picking_editor = new PickingEditorWidget(self);
-            self.picking_editor.replace(self.$('.oe_placeholder_picking_editor'));
-            if( self.picking.id === self.pickings[0]){
-                self.$('.js_pick_prev').addClass('disabled');
-            }else{
-                self.$('.js_pick_prev').removeClass('disabled');
-            }
-            if( self.picking.id === self.pickings[self.pickings.length-1] ){
-                self.$('.js_pick_next').addClass('disabled');
-            }else{
-                self.$('.js_pick_next').removeClass('disabled');
-            }
-            if (self.picking.recompute_pack_op){
-                self.$('.oe_reload_op').removeClass('hidden');
-            }
-            else {
-                self.$('.oe_reload_op').addClass('hidden');
-            }
-            if (!self.show_pack){
-                self.$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('hidden');
-            }
-            if (!self.show_lot){
-                self.$('.js_create_lot').addClass('hidden');
-            }
-        }).fail(function(error) {console.log(error);});
-    },
-    on_searchbox: function(query){
-        var self = this;
-        self.picking_editor.on_searchbox(query.toUpperCase());
-    },
-    // reloads the data from the provided picking and refresh the ui.
-    // (if no picking_id is provided, gets the first picking in the db)
-    refresh_ui: function(picking_id){
-        var self = this;
-        var remove_search_filter = "";
-        if (self.picking.id === picking_id){
-            remove_search_filter = self.$('.oe_searchbox').val();
-        }
-        return this.load(picking_id)
-            .then(function(){
-                self.picking_editor.remove_blink();
-                self.picking_editor.renderElement();
-                if (!self.show_pack){
-                    self.$('.js_pick_pack').addClass('hidden');
-                }
-                if (!self.show_lot){
-                    self.$('.js_create_lot').addClass('hidden');
-                }
-                if (self.picking.recompute_pack_op){
-                    self.$('.oe_reload_op').removeClass('hidden');
-                }
-                else {
-                    self.$('.oe_reload_op').addClass('hidden');
-                }
-                if( self.picking.id === self.pickings[0]){
-                    self.$('.js_pick_prev').addClass('disabled');
-                }else{
-                    self.$('.js_pick_prev').removeClass('disabled');
-                }
-                if( self.picking.id === self.pickings[self.pickings.length-1] ){
-                    self.$('.js_pick_next').addClass('disabled');
-                }else{
-                    self.$('.js_pick_next').removeClass('disabled');
-                }
-                if (remove_search_filter === ""){
-                    self.$('.oe_searchbox').val('');
-                    self.on_searchbox('');
-                }
-                else{
-                    self.$('.oe_searchbox').val(remove_search_filter);
-                    self.on_searchbox(remove_search_filter);
-                }
-            });
-    },
-    get_header: function(){
-        if(this.picking){
-            return this.picking.name;
-        }else{
-            return '';
-        }
-    },
-    menu: function(){
-        $.bbq.pushState('#action=stock.menu');
-        $(window).trigger('hashchange');
-    },
-    scan: function(ean){ //scans a barcode, sends it to the server, then reload the ui
-        var self = this;
-        var product_visible_ids = this.picking_editor.get_visible_ids();
-        return new Model('stock.picking')
-            .call('process_barcode_from_ui', [self.picking.id, ean, product_visible_ids])
-            .then(function(result){
-                if (result.filter_loc !== false){
-                    //check if we have receive a location as answer
-                    if (result.filter_loc !== undefined){
-                        var modal_loc_hidden = self.$('#js_LocationChooseModal').attr('aria-hidden');
-                        if (modal_loc_hidden === "false"){
-                            self.$('#js_LocationChooseModal .js_loc_option[data-loc-id='+result.filter_loc_id+']').attr('selected','selected');
-                        }
-                        else{
-                            self.$('.oe_searchbox').val(result.filter_loc);
-                            self.on_searchbox(result.filter_loc);
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                if (result.operation_id !== false){
-                    self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id).then(function(){
-                        return self.picking_editor.blink(result.operation_id);
-                    });
-                }
-            });
-    },
-    scan_product_id: function(product_id,increment,op_id){ //performs the same operation as a scan, but with product id instead, increment is the value to increment (-1 or 1)
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.picking')
-            .call('process_product_id_from_ui', [self.picking.id, product_id, op_id, increment])
-            .then(function(){
-                return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id);
-            });
-    },
-    pack: function(){
-        var self = this;
-        var pack_op_ids = self.picking_editor.get_current_op_selection(false);
-        if (pack_op_ids.length !== 0){
-            return new Model('stock.picking')
-                .call('action_pack',[[[self.picking.id]], pack_op_ids])
-                .then(function(){
-                    //TODO: the functionality using current_package_id in context is not needed anymore
-                    session.user_context.current_package_id = false;
-                    return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id);
-                });
-        }
-    },
-    drop_down: function(){
-        var self = this;
-        var pack_op_ids = self.picking_editor.get_current_op_selection(true);
-        if (pack_op_ids.length !== 0){
-            return new Model('stock.pack.operation')
-                .call('action_drop_down', [pack_op_ids])
-                .then(function(){
-                        return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id).then(function(){
-                            if (self.picking_editor.check_done()){
-                                return self.done();
-                            }
-                        });
-                });
-        }
-    },
-    done: function(){
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.picking')
-            .call('action_done_from_ui',[self.picking.id, {'default_picking_type_id': self.picking_type_id}])
-            .then(function(new_picking_ids){
-                if (new_picking_ids){
-                    return self.refresh_ui(new_picking_ids[0]);
-                }
-                else {
-                    return 0;
-                }
-            });
-    },
-    create_lot: function(op_id, lot_name){
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.pack.operation')
-            .call('create_and_assign_lot',[parseInt(op_id), lot_name])
-            .then(function(){
-                return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id);
-            });
-    },
-    change_location: function(op_id, loc_id, is_src_dst){
-        var self = this;
-        var vals = {'location_dest_id': loc_id};
-        if (is_src_dst){
-            vals = {'location_id': loc_id};
-        }
-        return new Model('stock.pack.operation')
-            .call('write',[op_id, vals])
-            .then(function(){
-                return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id);
-            });
-    },
-    print_package: function(package_id){
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.quant.package')
-            .call('action_print',[[package_id]])
-            .then(function(action){
-                return self.do_action(action);
-            });
-    },
-    print_picking: function(){
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.picking').call('do_print_picking',[[self.picking.id]])
-            .then(function(action){
-                 return self.do_action(action);
-            });
-    },
-    picking_next: function(){
-        for(var i = 0; i < this.pickings.length; i++){
-            if(this.pickings[i] === this.picking.id){
-                if(i < this.pickings.length -1){
-                    $.bbq.pushState('picking_id='+this.pickings[i+1]);
-                    this.refresh_ui(this.pickings[i+1]);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    picking_prev: function(){
-        for(var i = 0; i < this.pickings.length; i++){
-            if(this.pickings[i] === this.picking.id){
-                if(i > 0){
-                    $.bbq.pushState('picking_id='+this.pickings[i-1]);
-                    this.refresh_ui(this.pickings[i-1]);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    delete_package_op: function(pack_id){
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.pack.operation').call('search', [[['result_package_id', '=', pack_id]]])
-            .then(function(op_ids) {
-                return new Model('stock.pack.operation').call('write', [op_ids, {'result_package_id':false}])
-                    .then(function() {
-                        return self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id);
-                    });
-            });
-    },
-    set_operation_quantity: function(quantity, op_id){
-        var self = this;
-        if(quantity >= 0){
-            return new Model('stock.pack.operation')
-                .call('write',[[op_id],{'qty_done': quantity }])
-                .then(function(){
-                    self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id);
-                });
-        }
-    },
-    set_package_pack: function(package_id, pack){
-        return new Model('stock.quant.package')
-            .call('write',[[package_id],{'ul_id': pack }]);
-    },
-    reload_pack_operation: function(){
-        var self = this;
-        return new Model('stock.picking')
-            .call('do_prepare_partial',[[self.picking.id]])
-            .then(function(){
-                self.refresh_ui(self.picking.id);
-            });
-    },
-    quit: function(){
-        this.destroy();
-        return new Model("ir.model.data").get_func("search_read")([['name', '=', 'action_picking_type_form']], ['res_id']).pipe(function(res) {
-                window.location = '/web#action=' + res[0]['res_id'];
-            });
-    },
-    destroy: function(){
-        this._super();
-        // this.disconnect_numpad();
-        this.barcode_scanner.disconnect();
-        web_client.set_content_full_screen(false);
-    },
-core.action_registry.add('stock.ui', PickingMainWidget);
-var BarcodeScanner = core.Class.extend({
-    connect: function(callback){
-        var code = "";
-        var timeStamp = 0;
-        var timeout = null;
-        this.handler = function(e){
-            if(e.which === 13){ //ignore returns
-                return;
-            }
-            if(timeStamp + 50 < new Date().getTime()){
-                code = "";
-            }
-            timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
-            clearTimeout(timeout);
-            code += String.fromCharCode(e.which);
-            timeout = setTimeout(function(){
-                if(code.length >= 3){
-                    callback(code);
-                }
-                code = "";
-            },100);
-        };
-        $('body').on('keypress', this.handler);
-    },
-    disconnect: function(){
-        $('body').off('keypress', this.handler);
-    },
-    on_card_clicked: function() {
-        if (this.view.dataset.model === 'stock.picking.type') {
-            this.$('.oe_kanban_stock_picking_type_list').first().click();
-        } else {
-            this._super.apply(this, arguments);
-        }
-    },
diff --git a/addons/stock/static/src/less/stock_dashboard.less b/addons/stock/static/src/less/stock_dashboard.less
deleted file mode 100644
index cf272240922923a3e5988b07c2dbe106517fa503..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/static/src/less/stock_dashboard.less
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-.oe_kanban_view.o_kanban_dashboard.o_stock_kanban {
-	.oe_kanban_record {
-		max-width: 500px;
-		min-width: 350px;
-	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/static/src/xml/picking.xml b/addons/stock/static/src/xml/picking.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c92f59157589426e1d6fca966f3a751b691714c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/static/src/xml/picking.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
-    <t t-name='PickingEditorWidget'>
-        <div class="modal fade" id="js_LocationChooseModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="LocationChooseModal" aria-hidden="true">
-            <div class="modal-dialog">
-                <div class="modal-content">
-                    <div class="modal-header">
-                        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">x</button>
-                        <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Choose a location</h4>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="modal-body">
-                        <p>Scan a location or select it in the list below</p>
-                        <select id="js_loc_select" class="form-control">
-                            <option class="js_loc_option" data-loc-id="false"></option>
-                            <t t-foreach="widget.get_location()" t-as="loc">
-                                <option class="js_loc_option" t-att-data-loc-id="loc.id"><t t-esc="loc.name"/></option>
-                            </t>
-                        </select>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="modal-footer">
-                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
-                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary js_validate_location">Change Location</button>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="modal fade" id="js_LotChooseModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="LotChooseModal" aria-hidden="true">
-            <div class="modal-dialog">
-                <div class="modal-content">
-                    <div class="modal-header">
-                        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">x</button>
-                        <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Create Lot</h4>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="modal-body">
-                        <p>Scan a lot or type it below (leave empty to generate one automatically)</p>
-                        <input class='col-xs-6 js_lot_scan' type='text'/>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="modal-footer">
-                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
-                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary js_validate_lot">Create Lot</button>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="modal fade" id="js_PackConfModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="PackConfModal" aria-hidden="true">
-            <div class="modal-dialog">
-                <div class="modal-content">
-                    <div class="modal-header">
-                        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">x</button>
-                        <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">Configure package</h4>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="modal-body">
-                        <p>Package type</p>
-                        <select id="js_packconf_select" class="form-control">
-                            <option class="js_packing_option" data-ul-id="false"></option>
-                            <t t-foreach="widget.get_logisticunit()" t-as="ul">
-                                <option class="js_packing_option" t-att-data-ul-id="ul.id" t-att-value="ul.id"><t t-esc="ul.name"/></option>
-                            </t>
-                        </select>
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="modal-footer">
-                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
-                        <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary js_validate_pack">Validate package</button>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="row">
-                <div>
-                    <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-6">
-                        <h2 class="oe_pick_app_header" />
-                    </div>
-                    <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs⁻6 text-right">
-                    <button type="button" class='btn btn-default js_pick_done'> Create backorder </button>
-                    <button type="button" class='btn btn-default js_pick_print'> Print </button>
-                    </div>
-                </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="row">
-            <div>
-                <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6">
-                    <h3><strong>
-                        <select id="js_select" class="form-control">
-                            <option value="ToDo" id="js_select_todo">Operations ToDo</option>
-                            <option value="Processed" id="js_select_processed">Operations Processed</option>
-                        </select>
-                    </strong>
-                    </h3>
-                </div>
-                <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-6">
-                    <h2>
-                        <div class="input-group">
-                            <input type="text" class="form-control oe_searchbox" placeholder="Filter by location..."/>
-                            <span class="input-group-btn">
-                                <button class="btn btn-danger js_clear_search" type="button">x</button>
-                            </span>
-                        </div>
-                    </h2>
-                </div>
-                <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-4 col-xs-12 text-right">
-                    <h3>
-                        <button type="button" class='btn btn-default js_pick_pack js_putinpack'> Put in Pack </button>
-                        <button type="button" class='btn btn-danger js_drop_down fa fa-arrow-circle-o-down'> Put in Cart </button>
-                    </h3>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <div>
-            <table class='table table-condensed js_op_table_todo'>
-                <thead>
-                    <tr>
-                        <th class="text-left">Product</th>
-                        <th class='text-center' width="150">Scanned</th>
-                        <th class='text-center'>Todo</th>
-                        <th>From</th>
-                        <th>To</th>
-                    </tr>
-                </thead>
-                <tbody>
-                    <t t-foreach="widget.get_rows()" t-as="row">
-                        <tr t-att-class="row.classes + 'js_pack_op_line'" t-att-data-id="row.cols.id" t-att-data-container-id="row.cols.container_id" t-att-data-package-id="row.cols.package_id" t-att-data-ulid="row.cols.ul_id">
-                            <td t-att-class="'brctbl-col1 text-left' + row.cols.head_container ? ' js_unfold' : ''">
-                                <t t-if="!row.cols.head_container &amp;&amp; row.cols.container"><span class="fa fa-level-up fa-rotate-90" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;"></span></t>
-                                <t t-esc="row.cols.product" />
-                            </td>
-                            <td class='brctbl-col2 text-center js_row_qty'>
-                                <t t-if="row.cols.processed == 'false' &amp;&amp; !row.cols.container">
-                                    <div class="input-group">
-                                        <span class="input-group-addon js_minus input-sm" t-att-data-product-id='row.cols.product_id'><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i></a></span>
-                                        <form class="js_submit_value">
-                                            <input type="text" class="form-control text-center js_qty" t-att-value="row.cols.rem"></input>
-                                            <!-- <input type="submit" class="hidden"></input> -->
-                                        </form>
-                                        <span class="input-group-addon js_plus input-sm" t-att-data-product-id='row.cols.product_id'><a href="#"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></a></span>
-                                    </div>
-                                </t>
-                                <t t-if="(row.cols.processed == 'true' || row.cols.container)">
-                                    <t t-esc="row.cols.rem" />
-                                </t>
-                            </td>
-                            <td class="brctbl-col3 text-center">
-                                <t t-esc="row.cols.qty"/> <t t-esc="row.cols.uom" />
-                            </td>
-                            <td class="brctbl-col4 js_loc">
-                                <t t-esc="row.cols.loc" />
-                                <t t-if="row.cols.pack" ><span> : <t t-esc="row.cols.pack" /></span></t>
-                                <t t-if="row.cols.lot" ><span> : <t t-esc="row.cols.lot" /></span></t>
-                            </td>
-                            <td class="brctbl-col5 js_loc"> <t t-esc="row.cols.dest" />
-                                <div class="pull-right btn-group">
-                                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle fa fa-cog" data-toggle="dropdown">
-                                     <span class="caret"></span>
-                                    </button>
-                                    <ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
-                                        <t t-if="row.cols.product_id">
-                                            <li><a class="js_create_lot" href="#">Create &#47; Change Lot</a></li>
-                                        </t>
-                                        <t t-if="!row.cols.head_container &amp;&amp; !row.cols.container">
-                                            <li><a class="js_change_src" href="#">Change source location</a></li>
-                                            <li><a class="js_change_dst" href="#">Change destination location</a></li>
-                                        </t>
-                                        <t t-if="row.cols.head_container">
-                                            <li><a class="js_pack_change_dst" href="#">Change destination location</a></li>
-                                            <li class="divider"></li>
-                                            <li><a class="js_pack_configure" href="#">Configure package</a></li>
-                                            <li><a class="js_delete_pack" href="#">Remove from package</a></li>
-                                            <li><a class="js_print_pack" href="#">Print package label</a></li>
-                                        </t>
-                                    </ul>
-                                </div>
-                            </td>
-                        </tr>
-                    </t>
-                </tbody>
-            </table>
-        </div>
-    </t>
-    <t t-name="PickingSearchResults">
-        <div class="panel-heading">
-            <h3 class="panel-title">Search Results</h3>
-        </div>
-        <div class="panel-body">
-            <t t-if="results.length === 0">
-                <strong>No picking found.</strong>
-            </t>
-            <t t-if="results.length > 0">
-                <t t-foreach="results" t-as="picking">
-                    <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4">
-                        <div class="panel panel-default oe_picking" t-att-data-id="picking.id">
-                            <div class="panel-body">
-                                <strong class='oe_picking_name'><t t-esc="picking.name" /></strong>
-                            </div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                </t>
-            </t>
-        </div>
-    </t>
-    <t t-name="PickingMenuWidget">
-        <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top" role="navigation">
-            <div class="container">
-                <div class="navbar-header navbar-form navbar-left">
-                    <input type='text' class="oe_searchbox form-control pull-left" placeholder='Search'/>
-                </div>
-                <div class="navbar-header navbar-form navbar-right">
-                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger js_pick_quit pull-right">Quit</button>
-                </div>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-        <div class="container">
-            <h1 class="js_title_label">Select your operation</h1>
-            <div class='js_picking_not_found alert alert-warning hidden'>
-                Scanned picking could not be found
-            </div>
-            <div class='js_picking_search_results panel panel-info hidden'>
-            </div>
-            <div class="row js_picking_categories">
-                <t t-foreach="widget.picking_types" t-as="type">
-                    <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4">
-                        <div t-att-class="'oe_kanban oe_picking oe_kanban_color_' + type.color + ' ' + (widget.pickings_by_type[type.id].length === 0 ? 'oe_empty':'js_pick_last') "
-                                         t-att-data-id="type.id">
-                            <t t-if="type.code == 'incoming'" ><span class="fa fa-sign-in fa-2x"></span></t>
-                            <t t-if="type.code == 'outgoing'" ><span class="fa fa-truck fa-2x fa-flip-horizontal"></span></t>
-                            <t t-if="type.code == 'internal'" ><span class="fa fa-retweet fa-2x"></span></t>
-                            <strong><span><t t-esc="type.complete_name"/></span></strong>
-                            <div><t t-if="widget.pickings_by_type[type.id].length > 0">
-                                <span class='badge'><t t-esc="widget.pickings_by_type[type.id].length" /> picking(s) </span>
-                            </t></div>
-                        </div>
-                    </div>
-                </t>
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </t>
-    <t t-name="PickingMainWidget">
-        <div class="navbar navbar-inverse navbar-static-top" role="navigation">
-            <div class="container">
-                <div class="navbar-left">
-                    <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary navbar-btn js_pick_menu">Menu</button>
-                </div>
-                <div class="navbar-right">
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-            <div class='oe_placeholder_picking_editor'/>
-            <div class="text-right small oe_reload_op">
-                The reserved stock changed. You might want to <button class="btn btn-default js_reload_op"> Recompute </button> the operations.
-            </div>
-        </div>
-    </t>
diff --git a/addons/stock/stock.py b/addons/stock/stock.py
index beb09b8528dc924d26b19d4a399f6160dafadd85..4f96d0db47ca290c8f532d9514b6bc4bd51c349e 100644
--- a/addons/stock/stock.py
+++ b/addons/stock/stock.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from openerp.osv import fields, osv
 from openerp.tools.float_utils import float_compare, float_round
 from openerp.tools.translate import _
-from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID, api, models, fields as new_fields
+from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID, api, models
 import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
 from openerp.addons.procurement import procurement
 import logging
@@ -365,9 +365,6 @@ class stock_quant(osv.osv):
         #reserve quants
         if toreserve:
             self.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, toreserve, {'reservation_id': move.id}, context=context)
-            #if move has a picking_id, write on that picking that pack_operation might have changed and need to be recomputed
-            if move.picking_id:
-                self.pool.get('stock.picking').write(cr, uid, [move.picking_id.id], {'recompute_pack_op': True}, context=context)
         #check if move'state needs to be set as 'assigned'
         rounding = move.product_id.uom_id.rounding
         if float_compare(reserved_availability, move.product_qty, precision_rounding=rounding) == 0 and move.state in ('confirmed', 'waiting')  :
@@ -597,8 +594,6 @@ class stock_quant(osv.osv):
         related_quants = [x.id for x in move.reserved_quant_ids]
         if related_quants:
             #if move has a picking_id, write on that picking that pack_operation might have changed and need to be recomputed
-            if move.picking_id:
-                self.pool.get('stock.picking').write(cr, uid, [move.picking_id.id], {'recompute_pack_op': True}, context=context)
             if move.partially_available:
                 self.pool.get("stock.move").write(cr, uid, [move.id], {'partially_available': False}, context=context)
             self.write(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, related_quants, {'reservation_id': False}, context=context)
@@ -643,7 +638,7 @@ class stock_quant(osv.osv):
 # Stock Picking
-class stock_picking(osv.osv):
+class stock_picking(models.Model):
     _name = "stock.picking"
     _inherit = ['mail.thread']
     _description = "Transfer"
@@ -693,8 +688,31 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
             ptype_id = vals.get('picking_type_id', context.get('default_picking_type_id', False))
             sequence_id = self.pool.get('stock.picking.type').browse(cr, user, ptype_id, context=context).sequence_id.id
             vals['name'] = self.pool.get('ir.sequence').next_by_id(cr, user, sequence_id, context=context)
+        # As the on_change in one2many list is WIP, we will overwrite the locations on the stock moves here
+        # As it is a create the format will be a list of (0, 0, dict)
+        if vals.get('move_lines') and vals.get('location_id') and vals.get('location_dest_id'):
+            for move in vals['move_lines']:
+                if len(move) == 3:
+                    move[2]['location_id'] = vals['location_id']
+                    move[2]['location_dest_id'] = vals['location_dest_id']
         return super(stock_picking, self).create(cr, user, vals, context)
+    def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
+        res = super(stock_picking, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
+        after_vals = {}
+        if vals.get('location_id'):
+            after_vals['location_id'] = vals['location_id']
+        if vals.get('location_dest_id'):
+            after_vals['location_dest_id'] = vals['location_dest_id']
+        # Change locations of moves if those of the picking change
+        if after_vals:
+            moves = []
+            for pick in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+                moves += [x.id for x in pick.move_lines if not x.scrapped]
+            if moves:
+                self.pool['stock.move'].write(cr, uid, moves, after_vals, context=context)
+        return res
     def _state_get(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
         '''The state of a picking depends on the state of its related stock.move
             draft: the picking has no line or any one of the lines is draft
@@ -703,7 +721,10 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         res = {}
         for pick in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
-            if (not pick.move_lines) or any([x.state == 'draft' for x in pick.move_lines]):
+            if not pick.move_lines:
+                res[pick.id] = pick.launch_pack_operations and 'assigned' or 'draft'
+                continue
+            if any([x.state == 'draft' for x in pick.move_lines]):
                 res[pick.id] = 'draft'
             if all([x.state == 'cancel' for x in pick.move_lines]):
@@ -759,19 +780,33 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         return res
-    def check_group_lot(self, cr, uid, context=None):
-        """ This function will return true if we have the setting to use lots activated. """
-        return self.pool.get('res.users').has_group(cr, uid, 'stock.group_production_lot')
-    def check_group_pack(self, cr, uid, context=None):
-        """ This function will return true if we have the setting to use package activated. """
-        return self.pool.get('res.users').has_group(cr, uid, 'stock.group_tracking_lot')
     def action_assign_owner(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         for picking in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
             packop_ids = [op.id for op in picking.pack_operation_ids]
             self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation').write(cr, uid, packop_ids, {'owner_id': picking.owner_id.id}, context=context)
+    def onchange_picking_type(self, cr, uid, ids, picking_type_id):
+        res = {}
+        if picking_type_id:
+            picking_type = self.pool['stock.picking.type'].browse(cr, uid, picking_type_id)
+            res['value'] = {'location_id': picking_type.default_location_src_id.id,
+                            'location_dest_id': picking_type.default_location_dest_id.id}
+        return res
+    def _default_location_destination(self):
+        context = self._context or {}
+        if context.get('default_picking_type_id', False):
+            pick_type = self.env['stock.picking.type'].browse(context['default_picking_type_id'])
+            return pick_type.default_location_dest_id and pick_type.default_location_dest_id.id or False
+        return False
+    def _default_location_source(self):
+        context = self._context or {}
+        if context.get('default_picking_type_id', False):
+            pick_type = self.env['stock.picking.type'].browse(context['default_picking_type_id'])
+            return pick_type.default_location_src_id and pick_type.default_location_src_id.id or False
+        return False
     _columns = {
         'name': fields.char('Reference', select=True, states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, copy=False),
         'origin': fields.char('Source Document', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, help="Reference of the document", select=True),
@@ -780,7 +815,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         'move_type': fields.selection([('direct', 'Partial'), ('one', 'All at once')], 'Delivery Method', required=True, states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, help="It specifies goods to be deliver partially or all at once"),
         'state': fields.function(_state_get, type="selection", copy=False,
-                'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, ctx: ids, ['move_type'], 20),
+                'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, ctx: ids, ['move_type', 'launch_pack_operations'], 20),
                 'stock.move': (_get_pickings, ['state', 'picking_id', 'partially_available'], 20)},
                 ('draft', 'Draft'),
@@ -800,6 +835,15 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
                 * Transferred: has been processed, can't be modified or cancelled anymore\n
                 * Cancelled: has been cancelled, can't be confirmed anymore"""
+        'location_id': fields.many2one('stock.location', required=True, string="Source Location Zone",
+                                      default=_default_location_source, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}),
+        'location_dest_id': fields.many2one('stock.location', required=True,string="Destination Location Zone",
+                                           default=_default_location_destination, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]}),
+        'move_lines': fields.one2many('stock.move', 'picking_id', string="Stock Moves", copy=True),
+        'move_lines_related': fields.related('move_lines', type='one2many', relation='stock.move', string="Move Lines"),
+        'picking_type_id': fields.many2one('stock.picking.type', 'Picking Type', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, required=True),
+        'picking_type_code': fields.related('picking_type_id', 'code', type='selection', selection=[('incoming', 'Suppliers'), ('outgoing', 'Customers'), ('internal', 'Internal')]),
+        'picking_type_entire_packs': fields.related('picking_type_id', 'show_entire_packs', type='boolean'),
         'priority': fields.function(get_min_max_date, multi="min_max_date", fnct_inv=_set_priority, type='selection', selection=procurement.PROCUREMENT_PRIORITIES, string='Priority',
                                     store={'stock.move': (_get_pickings, ['priority', 'picking_id'], 20)}, states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, select=1, help="Priority for this picking. Setting manually a value here would set it as priority for all the moves",
                                     track_visibility='onchange', required=True),
@@ -809,30 +853,23 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
                  store={'stock.move': (_get_pickings, ['date_expected', 'picking_id'], 20)}, type='datetime', string='Max. Expected Date', select=2, help="Scheduled time for the last part of the shipment to be processed"),
         'date': fields.datetime('Creation Date', help="Creation Date, usually the time of the order", select=True, states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, track_visibility='onchange'),
         'date_done': fields.datetime('Date of Transfer', help="Completion Date of Transfer", readonly=True, copy=False),
-        'move_lines': fields.one2many('stock.move', 'picking_id', 'Internal Moves', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, copy=True),
         'quant_reserved_exist': fields.function(_get_quant_reserved_exist, type='boolean', string='Quant already reserved ?', help='technical field used to know if there is already at least one quant reserved on moves of a given picking'),
         'partner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Partner', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}),
         'company_id': fields.many2one('res.company', 'Company', required=True, select=True, states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}),
         'pack_operation_ids': fields.one2many('stock.pack.operation', 'picking_id', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, string='Related Packing Operations'),
+        'pack_operation_product_ids': fields.one2many('stock.pack.operation', 'picking_id', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, domain=[('product_id', '!=', False)], string='Non pack'),
+        'pack_operation_pack_ids': fields.one2many('stock.pack.operation', 'picking_id', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, domain=[('product_id', '=', False)], string='Pack'),
         'pack_operation_exist': fields.function(_get_pack_operation_exist, type='boolean', string='Pack Operation Exists?', help='technical field for attrs in view'),
-        'picking_type_id': fields.many2one('stock.picking.type', 'Picking Type', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, required=True),
-        'picking_type_code': fields.related('picking_type_id', 'code', type='char', string='Picking Type Code', help="Technical field used to display the correct label on print button in the picking view"),
         'owner_id': fields.many2one('res.partner', 'Owner', states={'done': [('readonly', True)], 'cancel': [('readonly', True)]}, help="Default Owner"),
         # Used to search on pickings
         'product_id': fields.related('move_lines', 'product_id', type='many2one', relation='product.product', string='Product'),
         'recompute_pack_op': fields.boolean('Recompute pack operation?', help='True if reserved quants changed, which mean we might need to recompute the package operations', copy=False),
-        'location_id': fields.related('move_lines', 'location_id', type='many2one', relation='stock.location', string='Location',
-                                      readonly=True, store={'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, ctx: ids, ['move_lines'], 10),
-                                                            'stock.move': (_get_pickings, ['location_id', 'picking_id'], 10),}),
-        'location_dest_id': fields.related('move_lines', 'location_dest_id', type='many2one', relation='stock.location', string='Destination Location',
-                                           readonly=True, store={'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, ctx: ids, ['move_lines'], 10),
-                                                                'stock.move': (_get_pickings, ['location_dest_id', 'picking_id'], 10),}),
         'group_id': fields.related('move_lines', 'group_id', type='many2one', relation='procurement.group', string='Procurement Group', readonly=True,
                   'stock.picking': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, ctx: ids, ['move_lines'], 10),
                   'stock.move': (_get_pickings, ['group_id', 'picking_id'], 10),
+        'launch_pack_operations': fields.boolean("Launch Pack Operations", copy=False),
     _defaults = {
@@ -842,7 +879,8 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         'priority': '1',  # normal
         'date': fields.datetime.now,
         'company_id': lambda self, cr, uid, c: self.pool.get('res.company')._company_default_get(cr, uid, 'stock.picking', context=c),
-        'recompute_pack_op': True,
+        'recompute_pack_op': False,
+        'launch_pack_operations': False,
     _sql_constraints = [
         ('name_uniq', 'unique(name, company_id)', 'Reference must be unique per company!'),
@@ -858,10 +896,15 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         context = dict(context or {}, active_ids=ids)
         return self.pool.get("report").get_action(cr, uid, ids, 'stock.report_picking_operations', context=context)
+    def launch_packops(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'launch_pack_operations': True}, context=context)
     def action_confirm(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         todo = []
         todo_force_assign = []
         for picking in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            if not picking.move_lines:
+                self.launch_packops(cr, uid, [picking.id], context=context)
             if picking.location_id.usage in ('supplier', 'inventory', 'production'):
             for r in picking.move_lines:
@@ -894,11 +937,10 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         """ Changes state of picking to available if moves are confirmed or waiting.
         @return: True
-        for pick in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+        pickings = self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
+        for pick in pickings:
             move_ids = [x.id for x in pick.move_lines if x.state in ['confirmed', 'waiting']]
             self.pool.get('stock.move').force_assign(cr, uid, move_ids, context=context)
-        #pack_operation might have changed and need to be recomputed
-        self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'recompute_pack_op': True}, context=context)
         return True
     def action_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
@@ -934,19 +976,6 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
             move_obj.unlink(cr, uid, move_ids, context=context)
         return super(stock_picking, self).unlink(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
-    def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
-        if vals.get('move_lines') and not vals.get('pack_operation_ids'):
-            # pack operations are directly dependant of move lines, it needs to be recomputed
-            pack_operation_obj = self.pool['stock.pack.operation']
-            existing_package_ids = pack_operation_obj.search(cr, uid, [('picking_id', 'in', ids)], context=context)
-            if existing_package_ids:
-                pack_operation_obj.unlink(cr, uid, existing_package_ids, context)
-        res = super(stock_picking, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
-        #if we changed the move lines or the pack operations, we need to recompute the remaining quantities of both
-        if 'move_lines' in vals or 'pack_operation_ids' in vals:
-            self.do_recompute_remaining_quantities(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
-        return res
     def _create_backorder(self, cr, uid, picking, backorder_moves=[], context=None):
         """ Move all non-done lines into a new backorder picking. If the key 'do_only_split' is given in the context, then move all lines not in context.get('split', []) instead of all non-done lines.
@@ -970,6 +999,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
             self.write(cr, uid, [picking.id], {'date_done': time.strftime(DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT)}, context=context)
             self.action_confirm(cr, uid, [backorder_id], context=context)
+            self.action_assign(cr, uid, [backorder_id], context=context)
             return backorder_id
         return False
@@ -1130,16 +1160,6 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         return vals
-    @api.cr_uid_ids_context
-    def open_barcode_interface(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
-        final_url="/stock/barcode/#action=stock.ui&picking_id="+str(picking_ids[0])
-        return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_url', 'url':final_url, 'target': 'self',}
-    @api.cr_uid_ids_context
-    def do_partial_open_barcode(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
-        self.do_prepare_partial(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=context)
-        return self.open_barcode_interface(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=context)
     def do_prepare_partial(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
         context = context or {}
@@ -1169,6 +1189,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
                         forced_qties[move.product_id] = forced_qty
             for vals in self._prepare_pack_ops(cr, uid, picking, picking_quants, forced_qties, context=context):
+                vals['fresh_record'] = False
                 pack_operation_obj.create(cr, uid, vals, context=ctx)
         #recompute the remaining quantities all at once
         self.do_recompute_remaining_quantities(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=context)
@@ -1189,7 +1210,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
                 self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation').unlink(cr, uid, pack_line_to_unreserve, context=context)
             self.pool.get('stock.move').do_unreserve(cr, uid, moves_to_unreserve, context=context)
-    def recompute_remaining_qty(self, cr, uid, picking, context=None):
+    def recompute_remaining_qty(self, cr, uid, picking, done_qtys=False, context=None):
         def _create_link_for_index(operation_id, index, product_id, qty_to_assign, quant_id=False):
             move_dict = prod2move_ids[product_id][index]
             qty_on_link = min(move_dict['remaining_qty'], qty_to_assign)
@@ -1253,7 +1274,7 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         for ops in operations:
             #for each operation, create the links with the stock move by seeking on the matching reserved quants,
             #and deffer the operation if there is some ambiguity on the move to select
-            if ops.package_id and not ops.product_id:
+            if ops.package_id and not ops.product_id and (not done_qtys or ops.product_qty):
                 #entire package
                 quant_ids = package_obj.get_content(cr, uid, [ops.package_id.id], context=context)
                 for quant in quant_obj.browse(cr, uid, quant_ids, context=context):
@@ -1268,7 +1289,8 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
                         need_rereserve = True
             elif ops.product_id.id:
                 #Check moves with same product
-                qty_to_assign = uom_obj._compute_qty_obj(cr, uid, ops.product_uom_id, ops.product_qty, ops.product_id.uom_id, context=context)
+                product_qty = done_qtys and ops.qty_done or ops.product_qty
+                qty_to_assign = uom_obj._compute_qty_obj(cr, uid, ops.product_uom_id, product_qty, ops.product_id.uom_id, context=context)
                 for move_dict in prod2move_ids.get(ops.product_id.id, []):
                     move = move_dict['move']
                     for quant in move.reserved_quant_ids:
@@ -1301,18 +1323,18 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
             all_op_processed = _create_link_for_product(ops.id, product_id, remaining_qty) and all_op_processed
         return (need_rereserve, all_op_processed)
-    def picking_recompute_remaining_quantities(self, cr, uid, picking, context=None):
+    def picking_recompute_remaining_quantities(self, cr, uid, picking, done_qtys=False, context=None):
         need_rereserve = False
         all_op_processed = True
         if picking.pack_operation_ids:
-            need_rereserve, all_op_processed = self.recompute_remaining_qty(cr, uid, picking, context=context)
+            need_rereserve, all_op_processed = self.recompute_remaining_qty(cr, uid, picking, done_qtys=done_qtys, context=context)
         return need_rereserve, all_op_processed
-    def do_recompute_remaining_quantities(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
+    def do_recompute_remaining_quantities(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, done_qtys=False, context=None):
         for picking in self.browse(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=context):
             if picking.pack_operation_ids:
-                self.recompute_remaining_qty(cr, uid, picking, context=context)
+                self.recompute_remaining_qty(cr, uid, picking, done_qtys=done_qtys, context=context)
     def _prepare_values_extra_move(self, cr, uid, op, product, remaining_qty, context=None):
@@ -1371,33 +1393,75 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
             self.action_assign(cr, uid, [picking.id], context=context)
             stock_move_obj.do_unreserve(cr, uid, move_ids, context=context)
-            stock_move_obj.action_assign(cr, uid, move_ids, context=context)
-    @api.cr_uid_ids_context
-    def do_enter_transfer_details(self, cr, uid, picking, context=None):
-        if not context:
-            context = {}
-        context.update({
-            'active_model': self._name,
-            'active_ids': picking,
-            'active_id': len(picking) and picking[0] or False
-        })
-        created_id = self.pool['stock.transfer_details'].create(cr, uid, {'picking_id': len(picking) and picking[0] or False}, context)
-        return self.pool['stock.transfer_details'].wizard_view(cr, uid, created_id, context)
+            stock_move_obj.action_assign(cr, uid, move_ids, no_prepare=True, context=context)
+    def do_new_transfer(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        pack_op_obj = self.pool['stock.pack.operation']
+        data_obj = self.pool['ir.model.data']
+        for pick in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            to_delete = []
+            # In draft or with no pack operations edited yet, ask if we can just do everything
+            if pick.state == 'draft' or all([x.qty_done == 0.0 for x in pick.pack_operation_ids]):
+                view = data_obj.xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, 'stock.view_immediate_transfer')
+                wiz_id = self.pool['stock.immediate.transfer'].create(cr, uid, {'pick_id': pick.id}, context=context)
+                return {
+                     'name': _('Immediate Transfer?'),
+                     'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+                     'view_type': 'form',
+                     'view_mode': 'form',
+                     'res_model': 'stock.immediate.transfer',
+                     'views': [(view, 'form')],
+                     'view_id': view,
+                     'target': 'new',
+                     'res_id': wiz_id,
+                     'context': context,
+                 }
+            # Check backorder should check for other barcodes
+            if self.check_backorder(cr, uid, pick, context=context):
+                view = data_obj.xmlid_to_res_id(cr, uid, 'stock.view_backorder_confirmation')
+                wiz_id = self.pool['stock.backorder.confirmation'].create(cr, uid, {'pick_id': pick.id}, context=context)
+                return {
+                         'name': _('Create Backorder?'),
+                         'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+                         'view_type': 'form',
+                         'view_mode': 'form',
+                         'res_model': 'stock.backorder.confirmation',
+                         'views': [(view, 'form')],
+                         'view_id': view,
+                         'target': 'new',
+                         'res_id': wiz_id,
+                         'context': context,
+                     }
+            for operation in pick.pack_operation_ids:
+                if operation.qty_done < 0:
+                    raise UserError(_('No negative quantities allowed'))
+                if operation.qty_done > 0:
+                    pack_op_obj.write(cr, uid, operation.id, {'product_qty': operation.qty_done}, context=context)
+                else:
+                    to_delete.append(operation.id)
+            if to_delete:
+                pack_op_obj.unlink(cr, uid, to_delete, context=context)
+        self.do_transfer(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
+        return
+    def check_backorder(self, cr, uid, picking, context=None):
+        need_rereserve, all_op_processed = self.picking_recompute_remaining_quantities(cr, uid, picking, done_qtys=True, context=context)
+        for move in picking.move_lines:
+            if float_compare(move.remaining_qty, 0, precision_rounding = move.product_id.uom_id.rounding) != 0:
+                return True
+        return False
-    @api.cr_uid_ids_context
-    def do_transfer(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
+    def do_transfer(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
             If no pack operation, we do simple action_done of the picking
             Otherwise, do the pack operations
         if not context:
             context = {}
         stock_move_obj = self.pool.get('stock.move')
-        for picking in self.browse(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=context):
+        for picking in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
             if not picking.pack_operation_ids:
                 self.action_done(cr, uid, [picking.id], context=context)
@@ -1435,8 +1499,6 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
                 elif context.get('do_only_split'):
                     context = dict(context, split=todo_move_ids)
             self._create_backorder(cr, uid, picking, context=context)
-            if toassign_move_ids:
-                stock_move_obj.action_assign(cr, uid, toassign_move_ids, context=context)
         return True
@@ -1448,115 +1510,26 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
         ctx['do_only_split'] = True
         return self.do_transfer(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=ctx)
-    def get_next_picking_for_ui(self, cr, uid, context=None):
-        """ returns the next pickings to process. Used in the barcode scanner UI"""
-        if context is None:
-            context = {}
-        domain = [('state', 'in', ('assigned', 'partially_available'))]
-        if context.get('default_picking_type_id'):
-            domain.append(('picking_type_id', '=', context['default_picking_type_id']))
-        return self.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
-    def action_done_from_ui(self, cr, uid, picking_id, context=None):
-        """ called when button 'done' is pushed in the barcode scanner UI """
-        #write qty_done into field product_qty for every package_operation before doing the transfer
-        pack_op_obj = self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation')
-        for operation in self.browse(cr, uid, picking_id, context=context).pack_operation_ids:
-            pack_op_obj.write(cr, uid, operation.id, {'product_qty': operation.qty_done}, context=context)
-        self.do_transfer(cr, uid, [picking_id], context=context)
-        #return id of next picking to work on
-        return self.get_next_picking_for_ui(cr, uid, context=context)
-    @api.cr_uid_ids_context
-    def action_pack(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, operation_filter_ids=None, context=None):
-        """ Create a package with the current pack_operation_ids of the picking that aren't yet in a pack.
-        Used in the barcode scanner UI and the normal interface as well. 
-        operation_filter_ids is used by barcode scanner interface to specify a subset of operation to pack"""
-        if operation_filter_ids == None:
-            operation_filter_ids = []
-        stock_operation_obj = self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation')
-        package_obj = self.pool.get('stock.quant.package')
-        stock_move_obj = self.pool.get('stock.move')
-        package_id = False
-        for picking_id in picking_ids:
-            operation_search_domain = [('picking_id', '=', picking_id), ('result_package_id', '=', False)]
-            if operation_filter_ids != []:
-                operation_search_domain.append(('id', 'in', operation_filter_ids))
-            operation_ids = stock_operation_obj.search(cr, uid, operation_search_domain, context=context)
+    def put_in_pack(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        stock_move_obj = self.pool["stock.move"]
+        stock_operation_obj = self.pool["stock.pack.operation"]
+        package_obj = self.pool["stock.quant.package"]
+        for pick in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            operations = [x for x in pick.pack_operation_ids if x.qty_done > 0 and (not x.result_package_id)]
             pack_operation_ids = []
-            if operation_ids:
-                for operation in stock_operation_obj.browse(cr, uid, operation_ids, context=context):
-                    #If we haven't done all qty in operation, we have to split into 2 operation
-                    op = operation
-                    if (operation.qty_done < operation.product_qty):
-                        new_operation = stock_operation_obj.copy(cr, uid, operation.id, {'product_qty': operation.qty_done,'qty_done': operation.qty_done}, context=context)
-                        stock_operation_obj.write(cr, uid, operation.id, {'product_qty': operation.product_qty - operation.qty_done,'qty_done': 0, 'lot_id': False}, context=context)
-                        op = stock_operation_obj.browse(cr, uid, new_operation, context=context)
-                    pack_operation_ids.append(op.id)
-                    if op.product_id and op.location_id and op.location_dest_id:
-                        stock_move_obj.check_tracking_product(cr, uid, op.product_id, op.lot_id.id, op.location_id, op.location_dest_id, context=context)
+            for operation in operations:
+                #If we haven't done all qty in operation, we have to split into 2 operation
+                op = operation
+                if operation.qty_done < operation.product_qty:
+                    new_operation = stock_operation_obj.copy(cr, uid, operation.id, {'product_qty': operation.qty_done,'qty_done': operation.qty_done}, context=context)
+                    stock_operation_obj.write(cr, uid, operation.id, {'product_qty': operation.product_qty - operation.qty_done,'qty_done': 0, 'lot_id': False}, context=context)
+                    op = stock_operation_obj.browse(cr, uid, new_operation, context=context)
+                pack_operation_ids.append(op.id)
+                if op.product_id and op.location_id and op.location_dest_id:
+                    stock_move_obj.check_tracking_product(cr, uid, op.product_id, op.lot_id.id, op.location_id, op.location_dest_id, context=context)
+            if operations:
                 package_id = package_obj.create(cr, uid, {}, context=context)
                 stock_operation_obj.write(cr, uid, pack_operation_ids, {'result_package_id': package_id}, context=context)
-        return package_id
-    def process_product_id_from_ui(self, cr, uid, picking_id, product_id, op_id, increment=1, context=None):
-        return self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation')._search_and_increment(cr, uid, picking_id, [('product_id', '=', product_id),('id', '=', op_id)], increment=increment, context=context)
-    def process_barcode_from_ui(self, cr, uid, picking_id, barcode_str, visible_op_ids, context=None):
-        '''This function is called each time there barcode scanner reads an input'''
-        stock_operation_obj = self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation')
-        answer = {'filter_loc': False, 'operation_id': False}
-        # Barcode Nomenclatures
-        picking_type_id = self.browse(cr, uid, [picking_id], context=context).picking_type_id.id
-        barcode_nom = self.pool.get('stock.picking.type').browse(cr, uid, [picking_type_id], context=context).barcode_nomenclature_id
-        parsed_result = barcode_nom.parse_barcode(barcode_str)
-        #check if the barcode is a weighted barcode or simply a product
-        if parsed_result['type'] in ['weight', 'product', 'package']:
-            weight=1
-            if parsed_result['type'] == 'weight':
-                domain = ['|', ('barcode', '=', parsed_result['base_code']), ('default_code', '=', parsed_result['base_code'])]
-                weight=parsed_result['value']
-                obj = self.pool.get('product.product')
-                id_in_operation = 'product_id'
-            elif parsed_result['type'] == 'product':
-                domain = ['|', ('barcode', '=', parsed_result['code']), ('default_code', '=', parsed_result['code'])]
-                obj = self.pool.get('product.product')
-                id_in_operation = 'product_id'
-            else:
-                domain = [('name', '=', parsed_result['code'])]
-                obj = self.pool.get('stock.quant.package')
-                id_in_operation = 'package_id'
-            matching_product_ids = obj.search(cr, uid, domain, context=context)
-            if matching_product_ids:
-                op_id = stock_operation_obj._search_and_increment(cr, uid, picking_id, [(id_in_operation, '=', matching_product_ids[0])], filter_visible=True, visible_op_ids=visible_op_ids, increment=weight, context=context)
-                answer['operation_id'] = op_id
-                return answer
-        #check if the barcode correspond to a lot
-        elif parsed_result['type'] == 'lot':
-            lot_obj = self.pool.get('stock.production.lot')
-            matching_lot_ids = lot_obj.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', parsed_result['code'])], context=context)
-            if matching_lot_ids:
-                lot = lot_obj.browse(cr, uid, matching_lot_ids[0], context=context)
-                op_id = stock_operation_obj._search_and_increment(cr, uid, picking_id, [('product_id', '=', lot.product_id.id), ('lot_id', '=', lot.id)], filter_visible=True, visible_op_ids=visible_op_ids, increment=1, context=context)
-                answer['operation_id'] = op_id
-                return answer
-        #check if the barcode correspond to a location
-        elif parsed_result['type'] == 'location':
-            stock_location_obj = self.pool.get('stock.location')
-            matching_location_ids = stock_location_obj.search(cr, uid, [('barcode', '=', parsed_result['code'])], context=context)
-            if matching_location_ids:
-                #if we have a location, return immediatly with the location name
-                location = stock_location_obj.browse(cr, uid, matching_location_ids[0], context=None)
-                answer['filter_loc'] = stock_location_obj._name_get(cr, uid, location, context=None)
-                answer['filter_loc_id'] = matching_location_ids[0]
-                return answer
-        return answer
 class stock_production_lot(osv.osv):
@@ -1821,26 +1794,10 @@ class stock_move(osv.osv):
         'warehouse_id': fields.many2one('stock.warehouse', 'Warehouse', help="Technical field depicting the warehouse to consider for the route selection on the next procurement (if any)."),
-    def _default_location_destination(self, cr, uid, context=None):
-        context = context or {}
-        if context.get('default_picking_type_id', False):
-            pick_type = self.pool.get('stock.picking.type').browse(cr, uid, context['default_picking_type_id'], context=context)
-            return pick_type.default_location_dest_id and pick_type.default_location_dest_id.id or False
-        return False
-    def _default_location_source(self, cr, uid, context=None):
-        context = context or {}
-        if context.get('default_picking_type_id', False):
-            pick_type = self.pool.get('stock.picking.type').browse(cr, uid, context['default_picking_type_id'], context=context)
-            return pick_type.default_location_src_id and pick_type.default_location_src_id.id or False
-        return False
     def _default_destination_address(self, cr, uid, context=None):
         return False
     _defaults = {
-        'location_id': _default_location_source,
-        'location_dest_id': _default_location_destination,
         'partner_id': _default_destination_address,
         'state': 'draft',
         'priority': '1',
@@ -2108,6 +2065,8 @@ class stock_move(osv.osv):
                 'move_type': move.group_id and move.group_id.move_type or 'direct',
                 'partner_id': move.partner_id.id or False,
                 'picking_type_id': move.picking_type_id and move.picking_type_id.id or False,
+                'location_id': move.location_id.id,
+                'location_dest_id': move.location_dest_id.id,
             pick = pick_obj.create(cr, uid, values, context=context)
         return self.write(cr, uid, move_ids, {'picking_id': pick}, context=context)
@@ -2183,7 +2142,9 @@ class stock_move(osv.osv):
         """ Changes the state to assigned.
         @return: True
-        return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'assigned'}, context=context)
+        res = self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'state': 'assigned'}, context=context)
+        self.check_recompute_pack_op(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
+        return res
     def check_tracking_product(self, cr, uid, product, lot_id, location, location_dest, context=None):
         check = False
@@ -2201,9 +2162,24 @@ class stock_move(osv.osv):
         """ Checks if serial number is assigned to stock move or not and raise an error if it had to.
         self.check_tracking_product(cr, uid, move.product_id, lot_id, move.location_id, move.location_dest_id, context=context)
-    def action_assign(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+    def check_recompute_pack_op(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        pickings = list(set([x.picking_id for x in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context) if x.picking_id]))
+        pickings_partial = []
+        pickings_write = []
+        pick_obj = self.pool['stock.picking']
+        for pick in pickings:
+            # Check if someone was treating the picking already
+            if not any([x.qty_done > 0 for x in pick.pack_operation_ids]):
+                pickings_partial.append(pick.id)
+            else:
+                pickings_write.append(pick.id)
+        if pickings_partial:
+            pick_obj.do_prepare_partial(cr, uid, pickings_partial, context=context)
+        if pickings_write:
+            pick_obj.write(cr, uid, pickings_write, {'recompute_pack_op': True}, context=context)
+    def action_assign(self, cr, uid, ids, no_prepare=False, context=None):
         """ Checks the product type and accordingly writes the state.
         context = context or {}
@@ -2266,8 +2242,11 @@ class stock_move(osv.osv):
                 quant_obj.quants_reserve(cr, uid, quants, move, context=context)
         #force assignation of consumable products and incoming from supplier/inventory/production
+        # Do not take force_assign as it would create pack operations
         if to_assign_moves:
-            self.force_assign(cr, uid, to_assign_moves, context=context)
+            self.write(cr, uid, to_assign_moves, {'state': 'assigned'}, context=context)
+        if not no_prepare:
+            self.check_recompute_pack_op(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
     def action_cancel(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         """ Cancels the moves and if all moves are cancelled it cancels the picking.
@@ -3924,6 +3903,8 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
     _name = "stock.pack.operation"
     _description = "Packing Operation"
+    _order = "result_package_id desc, id"
     def _get_remaining_prod_quantities(self, cr, uid, operation, context=None):
         '''Get the remaining quantities per product on an operation with a package. This function returns a dictionary'''
         #if the operation doesn't concern a package, it's not relevant to call this function
@@ -3958,9 +3939,11 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
     def product_id_change(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id, product_uom_id, product_qty, context=None):
         res = self.on_change_tests(cr, uid, ids, product_id, product_uom_id, product_qty, context=context)
-        if product_id and not product_uom_id:
-            product = self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr, uid, product_id, context=context)
+        uom_obj = self.pool['product.uom']
+        product = self.pool.get('product.product').browse(cr, uid, product_id, context=context)
+        if product_id and not product_uom_id or uom_obj.browse(cr, uid, product_uom_id, context=context).category_id.id != product.uom_id.category_id.id:
             res['value']['product_uom_id'] = product.uom_id.id
+        res['domain'] = {'product_uom': [('category_id','=',product.uom_id.category_id.id)]}
         return res
     def on_change_tests(self, cr, uid, ids, product_id, product_uom_id, product_qty, context=None):
@@ -3984,12 +3967,38 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
         return res
+    def _compute_location_description(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
+        res = {}
+        for op in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            from_name = op.location_id.name
+            to_name = op.location_dest_id.name
+            if op.package_id and op.product_id:
+                from_name += " : " + op.package_id.name
+            if op.result_package_id:
+                to_name += " : " + op.result_package_id.name
+            res[op.id] = {'from_loc': from_name,
+                          'to_loc': to_name}
+        return res
+    def _get_bool(self, cr, uid, ids, field_name, arg, context=None):
+        res = {}
+        for pack in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
+            res[pack.id] = (pack.qty_done > 0.0)
+        return res
+    def _set_processed_qty(self, cr, uid, id, field_name, field_value, arg, context=None):
+        op = self.browse(cr, uid, id, context=context)
+        if field_value and op.qty_done == 0:
+            self.write(cr, uid, [id], {'qty_done': 1.0}, context=context)
+        return True
     _columns = {
         'picking_id': fields.many2one('stock.picking', 'Stock Picking', help='The stock operation where the packing has been made', required=True),
         'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', ondelete="CASCADE"),  # 1
-        'product_uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'Product Unit of Measure'),
-        'product_qty': fields.float('Quantity', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), required=True),
-        'qty_done': fields.float('Quantity Processed', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')),
+        'product_uom_id': fields.many2one('product.uom', 'Unit of Measure'),
+        'product_qty': fields.float('To Do', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), required=True),
+        'qty_done': fields.float('Processed', digits_compute=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')),
+        'processed_boolean': fields.function(_get_bool, fnct_inv=_set_processed_qty, type='boolean', string='Processed'),
         'package_id': fields.many2one('stock.quant.package', 'Source Package'),  # 2
         'lot_id': fields.many2one('stock.production.lot', 'Lot/Serial Number'),
         'result_package_id': fields.many2one('stock.quant.package', 'Destination Package', help="If set, the operations are packed into this package", required=False, ondelete='cascade'),
@@ -4002,16 +4011,30 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
         'remaining_qty': fields.function(_get_remaining_qty, type='float', digits = 0, string="Remaining Qty", help="Remaining quantity in default UoM according to moves matched with this operation. "),
         'location_id': fields.many2one('stock.location', 'Source Location', required=True),
         'location_dest_id': fields.many2one('stock.location', 'Destination Location', required=True),
-        'processed': fields.selection([('true','Yes'), ('false','No')],'Has been processed?', required=True),
+        'from_loc': fields.function(_compute_location_description, type='char', string='From', multi='loc', readonly=True),
+        'to_loc': fields.function(_compute_location_description, type='char', string='To', multi='loc', readonly=True),
+        'fresh_record': fields.boolean('Newly created pack operation'),
+        'state': fields.related('picking_id', 'state', type='selection', selection=[
+                ('draft', 'Draft'),
+                ('cancel', 'Cancelled'),
+                ('waiting', 'Waiting Another Operation'),
+                ('confirmed', 'Waiting Availability'),
+                ('partially_available', 'Partially Available'),
+                ('assigned', 'Ready to Transfer'),
+                ('done', 'Transferred'),
+                ]),
     _defaults = {
         'date': fields.date.context_today,
-        'qty_done': 0,
-        'processed': lambda *a: 'false',
+        'qty_done': 0.0,
+        'product_qty': 0.0,
+        'processed_boolean': lambda *a: False,
+        'fresh_record': True,
     def write(self, cr, uid, ids, vals, context=None):
+        vals['fresh_record'] = False
         context = context or {}
         res = super(stock_pack_operation, self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context=context)
         if isinstance(ids, (int, long)):
@@ -4028,6 +4051,11 @@ class stock_pack_operation(osv.osv):
             self.pool.get("stock.picking").do_recompute_remaining_quantities(cr, uid, [vals['picking_id']], context=context)
         return res_id
+    def unlink(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
+        if any([x.state in ('done', 'cancel') for x in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context)]):
+            raise UserError(_('You can not delete pack operations of a done picking'))
+        return super(stock_pack_operation, self).unlink(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
     def action_drop_down(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         ''' Used by barcode interface to say that pack_operation has been moved from src location 
             to destination location, if qty_done is less than product_qty than we have to split the
@@ -4406,6 +4434,7 @@ class stock_picking_type(osv.osv):
         'default_location_dest_id': fields.many2one('stock.location', 'Default Destination Location'),
         'code': fields.selection([('incoming', 'Suppliers'), ('outgoing', 'Customers'), ('internal', 'Internal')], 'Type of Operation', required=True),
         'return_picking_type_id': fields.many2one('stock.picking.type', 'Picking Type for Returns'),
+        'show_entire_packs': fields.boolean('Show entire packs to move'),
         'warehouse_id': fields.many2one('stock.warehouse', 'Warehouse', ondelete='cascade'),
         'active': fields.boolean('Active'),
diff --git a/addons/stock/stock_demo.yml b/addons/stock/stock_demo.yml
index 671dc84c09c23953de83b9775e78ee1f44b3a30d..a2dc7e537f479ee029dacf9bc4fe088902550f1e 100644
--- a/addons/stock/stock_demo.yml
+++ b/addons/stock/stock_demo.yml
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@
     picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_out
     origin: 'outgoing shipment main_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_stock
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
       - product_id: product.product_product_27
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -79,6 +81,8 @@
     origin: 'outgoing shipment'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
     date: !eval "'%s-%s-15' %((datetime.now()-timedelta(days=60)).year, (datetime.now()-timedelta(days=60)).month)"
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_stock
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
       - product_id: product.product_product_6
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -98,6 +102,8 @@
     origin: 'outgoing shipment your_company warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
     date: !eval "'%s-%s-15' % ((datetime.now()-timedelta(days=30)).month,(datetime.now()-timedelta(days=30)).month)"
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_stock
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
       - product_id: product.product_product_31
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -110,6 +116,8 @@
     picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_out
     origin: 'your company warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_stock
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
       - product_id: product.product_product_5
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -123,9 +131,10 @@
  !record {model: stock.picking, id: incomming_shipment}:
     picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
     origin: 'incoming_shipment for test'
+    location_id: stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock_location_14
  !record {model: stock.move, id: incomming_shipment_icecream}:
-    picking_id: stock.incomming_shipment
     product_id: product_icecream
     product_uom: product.product_uom_kgm
     product_uom_qty: 50.0
@@ -137,6 +146,8 @@
     picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
     origin: 'incoming_shipment'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
       - product_id: product.product_product_48
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -149,6 +160,8 @@
     picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
     origin: 'incoming_shipment main_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
       - product_id: product.product_product_22
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -161,6 +174,8 @@
     picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
     origin: 'incoming_shipment your_company warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
       - product_id: product.product_product_10
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -170,16 +185,18 @@
         location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
  !record {model: stock.picking, id: incomming_shipment4}:
-    picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
-    origin: 'incoming_shipment_main_warehouse'
-    partner_id: base.res_partner_6
-    move_lines:
-      - product_id: product.product_product_31
-        product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
-        product_uom_qty: 50.0
-        picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
-        location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
-        location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
+   picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
+   origin: 'incoming_shipment_main_warehouse'
+   partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+   location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+   location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
+   move_lines:
+     - product_id: product.product_product_31
+       product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
+       product_uom_qty: 50.0
+       picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_in
+       location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+       location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_stock
    Create STOCK_PICKING_IN for Chicago Warehouse
@@ -187,6 +204,8 @@
     picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_in
     origin: 'incoming_chicago_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
       - product_id: product.product_product_9
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -194,11 +213,14 @@
         picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_in
         location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
         location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
  !record {model: stock.picking, id: incomming_chicago_warehouse1}:
     picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_in
     origin: 'incoming_shipment_chicago_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
       - product_id: product.product_product_48
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -218,6 +240,8 @@
     picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_in
     origin: 'incoming_shipment chicago_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
       - product_id: product.product_product_32
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -231,6 +255,8 @@
     origin: 'chicago_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
     date: !eval "'%s-%s-2' % ((datetime.now()-timedelta(days=30)).month,(datetime.now()-timedelta(days=30)).month)"
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_suppliers
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
       - product_id: product.product_product_22
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -245,6 +271,8 @@
     picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_out
     origin: 'outgoing_chicago_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
       - product_id: product.product_product_27
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -257,6 +285,8 @@
     picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_out
     origin: 'outgoing_shipment_chicago_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
       - product_id: product.product_product_6
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -275,6 +305,8 @@
     picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_out
     origin: 'chicago_warehouse'
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
       - product_id: product.product_product_31
         product_uom: product.product_uom_unit
@@ -286,6 +318,8 @@
  !record {model: stock.picking, id: outgoing_chicago_warehouse3}:
     picking_type_id: chi_picking_type_out
     origin: 'outgoing chicago warehouse'
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_shop0
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
     partner_id: base.res_partner_6
       - product_id: product.product_product_5
@@ -302,4 +336,4 @@
     record_chi_out = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('outgoing_chicago_warehouse1'), context=context)
     if record.state != 'done' and record_chi_in.state != 'done' and record_chi_out.state != 'done':
       self.force_assign(cr, uid, [ref('outgoing_shipment_main_warehouse'),ref('outgoing_chicago_warehouse3'),ref('outgoing_shipment_main_warehouse2')], context=context)
-      self.do_transfer(cr, uid, [ref('outgoing_shipment_main_warehouse1'),ref('incomming_chicago_warehouse1'),ref('outgoing_chicago_warehouse1')], context=context)
+      self.do_transfer(cr, uid, [ref('outgoing_shipment_main_warehouse1'),ref('incomming_chicago_warehouse1'),ref('outgoing_chicago_warehouse1')], context=context)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/stock_view.xml b/addons/stock/stock_view.xml
index 1319a61d90c984c5d8abadbd27973d4a70991e57..e0659d35b8297a56d48c75aeaf02aa791aa5fe73 100644
--- a/addons/stock/stock_view.xml
+++ b/addons/stock/stock_view.xml
@@ -689,20 +689,21 @@
                 <form string="Transfer">
                     <button name="action_confirm" states="draft" string="Mark as Todo" type="object" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
-                    <button name="action_assign" states="confirmed" string="Check Availability" type="object" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
-                    <button name="rereserve_pick" states="partially_available" string="Recheck Availability" type="object" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
+                    <button name="do_new_transfer" states="draft,partially_available,assigned" string="Validate" groups="stock.group_stock_user" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
+                    <button name="action_assign" states="confirmed,waiting" string="Reserve" type="object" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
+                    <button name="rereserve_pick" states="partially_available" string="Recheck Reservation" type="object" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
                     <button name="force_assign" states="confirmed,waiting,partially_available" string="Force Availability" type="object" groups="base.group_user"/>
-                    <button name="do_enter_transfer_details" states="assigned,partially_available" string="Transfer" groups="stock.group_stock_user" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
-                    <button name="do_print_picking" string="Print Picking List" groups="stock.group_stock_user" type="object" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('picking_type_code', '=', 'outgoing'), ('state', '!=', 'assigned')]}"/>
+                    <button name="do_print_picking_operations" string="Print Picking List" groups="stock.group_stock_user" type="object" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('picking_type_code', '=', 'outgoing'), ('state', 'not in', ('assigned', 'partially_available'))]}"/>
                     <button name="%(act_stock_return_picking)d" string="Reverse Transfer" states="done" type="action" groups="base.group_user"/>
                     <button name="action_cancel" states="assigned,confirmed,partially_available,draft,waiting" string="Cancel Transfer" groups="base.group_user" type="object"/>
                     <button name="do_unreserve" string="Unreserve" groups="base.group_user" type="object" attrs="{'invisible': [('quant_reserved_exist', '=', False)]}"/>
+                    <button name="do_prepare_partial" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('launch_pack_operations', '=', True), '|', ('state', 'not in', ('assigned', 'partially_available')), ('pack_operation_ids', '!=', [])]}"
+                            string="Proceed..." type="object"/>
+                    <field name="launch_pack_operations" invisible="1"/>
                     <field name="state" widget="statusbar" statusbar_visible="draft,confirmed,partially_available,assigned,done" statusbar_colors='{"shipping_except":"red","invoice_except":"red","waiting_date":"blue"}'/>
-                    <div class="oe_right oe_button_box">
-                        <button name="do_partial_open_barcode" groups="stock.group_stock_user" type="object" class="oe_stock_scan_button" attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('pack_operation_exist', '=', True),('state','not in',('assigned', 'partially_available'))]}"><img src="/stock/static/src/img/scan.png" class="oe_stock_scan_image oe_stock_scan_image_btn"/></button>
-                        <button name="open_barcode_interface" groups="stock.group_stock_user" type="object" class="oe_stock_scan_button" attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('pack_operation_exist', '=', False),('state','not in',('assigned', 'partially_available'))]}"><img src="/stock/static/src/img/scan.png" class="oe_stock_scan_image oe_stock_scan_image_btn"/></button>
+                    <div class="oe_right oe_button_box" name="button_box">
                         <field name="name" class="oe_inline" attrs="{'invisible': [('name','=','/')]}" readonly="1"/>
@@ -710,12 +711,12 @@
                             <field name="partner_id"/>
+                            <field name="location_id" groups="stock.group_locations" attrs="{'invisible': [('picking_type_code', '=', 'incoming')]}"/>
+                            <field name="location_dest_id" groups="stock.group_locations" attrs="{'invisible': [('picking_type_code', '=', 'outgoing')]}"/>
                             <field name="backorder_id" readonly="1" attrs="{'invisible': [('backorder_id','=',False)]}"/>
-                            <field name="date"/>
                             <field name="min_date"/>
-                            <field name="date_done"/>
                             <field name="origin" placeholder="e.g. PO0032" class="oe_inline"/>
                             <label for="owner_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_owner"/>
                             <div groups="stock.group_tracking_owner">
@@ -726,10 +727,53 @@
-                        <page string="Products">
-                            <separator string="Stock Moves" attrs="{'invisible': [('pack_operation_exist', '=', False)]}"/>
-                            <field name="move_lines" context="{'address_in_id': partner_id, 'form_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_form', 'tree_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_tree', 'default_picking_type_id': picking_type_id}">
-                                <kanban class="o_kanban_mobile o_kanban_one2many">
+                        <page string="Operations" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', 'in', ('draft', 'confirmed', 'waiting'))]}">
+                            <button name="do_prepare_partial" type="object" string="Recompute" attrs="{'invisible': [('recompute_pack_op','=', False)]}"/>
+                            <field name="recompute_pack_op" invisible="1"/>
+                            <field name="pack_operation_ids" invisible="1"/>
+                            <field name="pack_operation_product_ids" context="{'default_picking_id': id, 'default_location_id': location_id, 'default_location_dest_id': location_dest_id}">
+                                <tree editable="bottom" colors="grey:result_package_id;red:qty_done&gt;product_qty;green:qty_done==product_qty and state!='done'">
+                                    <field name="package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="product_id" on_change="product_id_change(product_id, product_uom_id, product_qty)" required="1" attrs="{'readonly': [('fresh_record', '=', False)]}"/>
+                                    <field name="fresh_record" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="product_uom_id" attrs="{'readonly': [('fresh_record', '=', False)]}" groups="product.group_uom"/>
+                                    <field name="lot_id" domain="[('product_id','=?', product_id)]" context="{'product_id': product_id}" groups="stock.group_production_lot" attrs="{'readonly': [('fresh_record', '=', False)]}"/>
+                                    <field name="picking_id" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="owner_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_owner"/>
+                                    <field name="location_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.location_id)]" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="location_dest_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.location_dest_id)]" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="from_loc" groups="stock.group_locations,stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
+                                    <field name="to_loc" groups="stock.group_locations,stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
+                                    <field name="result_package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot" context="{'location_id': location_dest_id}" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="state" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="qty_done"/>
+                                    <field name="product_qty" readonly="1" attrs="{'required': [('product_id', '!=', False)]}"/>
+                                    <button name="%(stock.pack_details)d" string="Modify" type="action" icon="STOCK_EXECUTE"
+                                            states="confirmed,assigned,waiting,partially_available"/>
+                                </tree>
+                            </field>
+                            <button class="oe_link oe_right" name="put_in_pack" type="object" string="&#8627;Put in Pack" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', 'in', ('done', 'cancel'))]}" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
+                            <field name="picking_type_entire_packs" invisible="1"/>
+                            <field name="pack_operation_pack_ids" attrs="{'invisible': [('pack_operation_pack_ids', '=', []), ('picking_type_entire_packs', '=', False)]}" context="{'default_picking_id': id, 'default_location_id': location_id, 'default_location_dest_id': location_dest_id, 'default_picking_id': id}" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot">
+                                <tree editable="bottom" colors="grey:qty_done&gt;0;">
+                                    <field name="package_id" required="1" string="Package To Move"/>
+                                    <field name="picking_id" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="location_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.location_id)]" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="from_loc" groups="stock.group_locations,stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
+                                    <field name="to_loc" groups="stock.group_locations,stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
+                                    <field name="location_dest_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.location_dest_id)]" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="result_package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot" context="{'location_id': location_dest_id}" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="state" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="qty_done" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="processed_boolean"/>
+                                    <button name="%(stock.pack_details)d" string="Modify" type="action" icon="STOCK_EXECUTE"
+                                            states="confirmed,assigned,waiting,partially_available"/>
+                                </tree>
+                            </field>
+                        </page>
+                        <page string="Initial Demand" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', 'not in', ('draft', 'confirmed', 'waiting'))]}">
+                            <field name="move_lines" context="{'address_in_id': partner_id, 'form_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_form', 'tree_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_tree', 'default_picking_type_id': picking_type_id, 'default_location_id': location_id, 'default_location_dest_id': location_dest_id}">
+                                    <kanban class="o_kanban_mobile o_kanban_one2many">
                                     <field name="product_id"/>
                                     <field name="availability"/>
                                     <field name="product_uom_qty"/>
@@ -759,34 +803,16 @@
                             <field name="pack_operation_exist" invisible="1"/>
                             <field name="note" placeholder="Add an internal note..." class="oe_inline"/>
-                        <page string="Operations" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('state','!=','done'), ('pack_operation_ids','=',[])]}">
-                            <field name="pack_operation_ids" context="{'default_location_id': location_id, 'default_location_dest_id': location_dest_id}">
-                                <tree editable="top">
-                                    <field name="package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
-                                    <field name="product_id" on_change="product_id_change(product_id, product_uom_id, product_qty)"/>
-                                    <field name="product_uom_id" groups="product.group_uom"/>
-                                    <field name="lot_id" domain="[('product_id','=?', product_id)]" context="{'product_id': product_id}" groups="stock.group_production_lot"/>
-                                    <field name="picking_id" invisible="1"/>
-                                    <field name="owner_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_owner"/>
-                                    <field name="product_qty" attrs="{'required': [('product_id', '!=', False)]}"/>
-                                    <field name="location_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.location_id)]"/>
-                                    <field name="location_dest_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.location_dest_id)]"/>
-                                    <field name="result_package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot" context="{'location_id': location_dest_id}"/>
-                                </tree>
-                            </field>
-                            <p class="oe_grey" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot">
-                            If there is no product but a source package, this means the source package was moved entirely.  If there is a product and a source package, the product was taken from the source package.  
-                            </p>
+                        <page string="Initial Demand" attrs="{'invisible': [('state', 'in', ('draft', 'confirmed', 'waiting', 'done'))]}">
+                            <field name="move_lines_related" readonly="1"/>
-                        <page string="Additional Info">
-                            <group string="General Informations">
+                        <page string="Additional Info" name="extra">
+                            <group>
                                     <field name="move_type"/>
-                                    <field name="picking_type_id"/>
+                                    <field name="picking_type_id" on_change="onchange_picking_type(picking_type_id)"/>
                                     <field name="picking_type_code" invisible="1"/>
-                                    <field name="quant_reserved_exist" invisible="1"/>                                    
-                                    <field name="location_id" invisible="1"/>
-                                    <field name="location_dest_id" invisible="1"/>
+                                    <field name="quant_reserved_exist" invisible="1"/>
                                     <field name="company_id" groups="base.group_multi_company" options="{'no_create': True}"/>
@@ -1049,8 +1075,6 @@
                     <field name="date" groups="base.group_no_one"/>
                     <field name="date_expected"/>
                     <field name="state"/>
-                    <button name="action_done" states="confirmed,assigned" string="Process" type="object" 
-                            groups="stock.group_stock_user" icon="gtk-go-forward" help="Done"/>
@@ -1060,14 +1084,15 @@
             <field name="model">stock.move</field>
             <field eval="4" name="priority"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <tree decoration-muted="scrapped == True" string="Stock Moves">
-                    <field name="product_id"/>
+                <tree decoration-muted="scrapped == True" colors="grey:scrapped == True" string="Stock Moves" editable="bottom">
+                    <field name="product_id" on_change="onchange_product_id(product_id,location_id,location_dest_id, parent.partner_id)"/>
+                    <field name="name" invisible="1"/>
                     <field name="product_uom_qty" on_change="onchange_quantity(product_id, product_uom_qty, product_uom, product_uos)"/>
                     <field name="product_uom" string="Unit of Measure" groups="product.group_uom"/>
-                    <field name="product_uos_qty" groups="product.group_uos"/>
-                    <field name="product_uos" groups="product.group_uos"/>
-                    <field name="location_id" groups="stock.group_locations" invisible="1"/>
-                    <field name="picking_id" invisible="1" />
+                    <field name="product_uos_qty" groups="product.group_uos" invisible="1"/>
+                    <field name="product_uos" groups="product.group_uos" invisible="1"/>
+                    <field name="location_id" invisible="1"/>
+                    <field name="picking_id" invisible="1"/>
                     <field name="create_date" invisible="1" />
                     <field name="date_expected" invisible="1" />
                     <button name="%(stock.move_scrap)d"
@@ -1078,9 +1103,8 @@
                     <field name="scrapped" invisible="1"/>
                     <field name="availability" invisible="1"/>
                     <field name="reserved_availability" invisible="1"/>
-                    <field name="location_dest_id" groups="stock.group_locations"/>
+                    <field name="location_dest_id" invisible="1"/>
                     <field name="remaining_qty" invisible="1"/>
-                    <field name="string_availability_info"/>
                     <field name="state"/>
@@ -1093,10 +1117,6 @@
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Stock Moves">
-                    <button name="action_confirm" states="draft" string="Process Later" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
-                    <button name="action_done" states="draft,assigned,confirmed" string="Process Entirely" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
-                    <button name="force_assign" states="confirmed" string="Set Available" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
-                    <button name="action_cancel" states="draft,assigned,confirmed" string="Cancel Move" type="object"/>
                     <field name="state" widget="statusbar" statusbar_visible="draft,confirmed,assigned,done" statusbar_colors='{"waiting":"blue","confirmed":"blue"}'/>
@@ -1146,7 +1166,7 @@
                             <field name="move_dest_id" groups="base.group_no_one" readonly="1"/>
                         <group name="quants_grp" string="Reserved Quants" colspan="4" groups="base.group_no_one">
-                            <field name="reserved_quant_ids" nolabel="1"/>
+                            <field name="string_availability_info"/>
@@ -1161,15 +1181,11 @@
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
                 <form string="Stock Moves">
-                        <button name="force_assign" states="confirmed" string="Force Availability" type="object" groups="base.group_user"/>
-                        <button name="action_confirm" states="draft" string="Confirm" type="object" groups="base.group_user"/>
-                        <button name="do_unreserve" states="assigned" string="Cancel Availability" type="object" groups="base.group_user"/>
-                        <field name="state" widget="statusbar" statusbar_visible="draft,assigned,done"/>
+                        <field name="state" widget="statusbar"/>
-                    <group>
+                    <group string="#Products">
                         <field name="product_id" on_change="onchange_product_id(product_id,location_id,location_dest_id, parent.partner_id)"/>
-                        <field name="procure_method" attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '!=', 'draft')]}" groups="stock.group_adv_location"/>
                         <field name="picking_type_id" invisible="1"/>
                         <label for="product_uom_qty"/>
@@ -1181,27 +1197,28 @@
-                        <label for="product_uos_qty" groups="product.group_uos"/>
-                        <div groups="product.group_uos">
+                        <label for="product_uos_qty" groups="product.group_uos" invisible="1"/>
+                        <div groups="product.group_uos" invisible="1">
                             <field name="product_uos_qty" on_change="onchange_uos_quantity(product_id, product_uos_qty, product_uos, product_uom)" class="oe_inline"/>
                             <field name="product_uos" on_change="onchange_quantity(product_id, product_uom_qty, product_uom, product_uos)" class="oe_inline"/>
-                        <field name="name"/>
                         <field name="product_tmpl_id" invisible="1"/>
-                        <field name="product_packaging" groups="product.group_stock_packaging" domain="[('product_tmpl_id','=',product_tmpl_id)]"/>
-                    <group>
+                    <group string="Locations" groups="base.group_no_one">
+                        <field name="name"/>
+                        <field name="location_id"/>
+                        <field name="location_dest_id"/>
+                    </group>
+                </group>
+                <group>
+                    <group string="Conditions">
+                       <field name="procure_method" attrs="{'readonly': [('state', '!=', 'draft')]}" groups="stock.group_adv_location"/>
                         <field name="create_date" invisible="1"/>
-                        <field name="date"/>
-                        <field name="date_expected" on_change="onchange_date(date,date_expected)"/>
+                        <field name="date_expected"/>
                         <field name="move_dest_id" groups="base.group_no_one" readonly="1"/>
-                    <group string="Locations" groups="stock.group_locations">
-                        <field name="location_id" domain="[('usage','&lt;&gt;','view')]"/>
-                        <field name="location_dest_id" domain="[('usage','&lt;&gt;','view')]"/>
-                    </group>
-                    <group name="quants_grp" string="Reserved Quants" colspan="4" groups="base.group_no_one">
-                        <field name="reserved_quant_ids"/>
+                    <group name="quants_grp" string="Reserved">
+                        <field name="string_availability_info"/>
@@ -1436,6 +1453,7 @@
                                 <field name="code" on_change="onchange_picking_code(code)"/>
                                 <field name="return_picking_type_id"/>
                                 <field name="barcode_nomenclature_id"/>
+                                <field name="show_entire_packs" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
                         <separator string="Locations"/>
@@ -1767,7 +1785,7 @@
             <field name="model">stock.quant</field>
             <field eval="10" name="priority"/>
             <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <tree string="Quants" create="0">
+                <tree string="Quants" create="0" delete="0">
                     <field name="product_id"/>
                     <field name="qty"/>
                     <field name="product_uom_id" groups="product.group_uom"/>
diff --git a/addons/stock/test/packingneg.yml b/addons/stock/test/packingneg.yml
index 1bd642d3d441c0cccd2d2293f3c41fcf4607257e..ffae79ba640d3d36d9fc067c9f64ebe1bf0d3a8b 100644
--- a/addons/stock/test/packingneg.yml
+++ b/addons/stock/test/packingneg.yml
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
   !python {model: stock.picking}: |
     self.action_confirm(cr, uid, [ref('pick_neg')], context=context)
-    self.do_prepare_partial(cr, uid, [ref('pick_neg')], context=context)
   Put 120 pieces on Palneg 1 (package), 120 pieces on Palneg 2 with lot A and 60 pieces on Palneg 3
@@ -79,7 +78,6 @@
   !python {model: stock.picking}: |
     stock_pack = self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation')
-    self.do_prepare_partial(cr, uid, [ref('delivery_order_neg')], context=context)
     delivery_id = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('delivery_order_neg'), context=context)
     for rec in delivery_id.pack_operation_ids:
       if rec.package_id.name == 'Palneg 2':
@@ -130,8 +128,6 @@
   !python {model: stock.picking}: |
     self.action_confirm(cr, uid, [ref("delivery_reconcile")])
-    self.action_confirm(cr, uid, [ref("delivery_reconcile")])
-    self.do_prepare_partial(cr, uid, [ref("delivery_reconcile")])
     pick = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("delivery_reconcile"))
     ops_obj = self.pool.get("stock.pack.operation")
     pack_obj = self.pool.get("stock.quant.package")
@@ -148,4 +144,3 @@
     pick = self.pool.get('stock.picking').browse(cr, uid, ref('delivery_reconcile'))
     customer_quant = self.search(cr, uid, [('product_id', '=', ref('product_neg')), ('location_id', '=', ref('stock_location_customers')), ('lot_id.name','=', 'Lot neg'), ('qty','=', 20)])
     assert pick.move_lines[0].id in [x.id for x in self.browse(cr, uid, customer_quant[0]).history_ids]
diff --git a/addons/stock/test/procrule.yml b/addons/stock/test/procrule.yml
index 891299e4ba5989624d597966823e4fee1e1ad595..c1985bda679196d1c569164b4cd99b04cd8ffe93 100644
--- a/addons/stock/test/procrule.yml
+++ b/addons/stock/test/procrule.yml
@@ -14,11 +14,11 @@
     name: Delivery order for procurement
     partner_id: base.res_partner_2
     picking_type_id: stock.picking_type_out
+    location_id: stock.stock_location_output
+    location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
         - product_id: product.product_product_3
           product_uom_qty: 10.00
-          location_id: stock.stock_location_output
-          location_dest_id: stock.stock_location_customers
           procure_method: make_to_order
   Confirm delivery order.
diff --git a/addons/stock/test/wiseoperator.yml b/addons/stock/test/wiseoperator.yml
index 78721d5f58bccf4044cf22c712811600ef7f5dc4..0b663e61a8e8a7e86cbc5b64288114814f1ad931 100644
--- a/addons/stock/test/wiseoperator.yml
+++ b/addons/stock/test/wiseoperator.yml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
   Create an incoming picking for this product of 10 PCE from suppliers to stock
-  !record {model: stock.picking, id: pick1}:
+  !record {model: stock.picking, id: pick1_wise}:
     name: Incoming picking
     partner_id: base.res_partner_2
     picking_type_id: picking_type_in
@@ -23,23 +23,23 @@
   Confirm and assign picking and prepare partial
   !python {model: stock.picking}: |
-    self.action_confirm(cr, uid, [ref('pick1')], context=context)
-    self.do_prepare_partial(cr, uid, [ref('pick1')], context=context)
+    self.action_confirm(cr, uid, [ref('pick1_wise')], context=context)
+    self.do_prepare_partial(cr, uid, [ref('pick1_wise')], context=context)
   Put 6 pieces in shelf1 and 4 pieces in shelf2
   !python {model: stock.picking}: |
-    record = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('pick1'), context=context)
+    record = self.browse(cr, uid, ref('pick1_wise'), context=context)
     stock_pack = self.pool.get('stock.pack.operation')
     stock_quant_pack = self.pool.get('stock.quant.package')
     package1 = stock_quant_pack.create(cr, uid, {'name': 'Pack 1'}, context=context)
     stock_pack.write(cr, uid, record.pack_operation_ids[0].id, {'result_package_id': package1, 'product_qty': 4, 'location_dest_id': ref('stock_location_components')})
-    new_pack1 = stock_pack.create(cr, uid, {'product_id': ref('product_wise'), 'product_uom_id': ref('product.product_uom_unit'), 'picking_id': ref('pick1'), 'product_qty': 6.0, 'location_id': ref('stock_location_suppliers'), 'location_dest_id': ref('stock_location_14')}, context=context)
+    new_pack1 = stock_pack.create(cr, uid, {'product_id': ref('product_wise'), 'product_uom_id': ref('product.product_uom_unit'), 'picking_id': ref('pick1_wise'), 'product_qty': 6.0, 'location_id': ref('stock_location_suppliers'), 'location_dest_id': ref('stock_location_14')}, context=context)
   Transfer the receipt
   !python {model: stock.picking}: |
-    self.do_transfer(cr, uid, [ref('pick1')], context=context)
+    self.do_transfer(cr, uid, [ref('pick1_wise')], context=context)
   Check the system created 2 quants
diff --git a/addons/stock/tests/test_owner_available.py b/addons/stock/tests/test_owner_available.py
index ec74f3e65d95de2e94b70b630ac03c2e7e31155c..7aa1e30d2e42a7f640d277b5e4d2dc6d876100f2 100644
--- a/addons/stock/tests/test_owner_available.py
+++ b/addons/stock/tests/test_owner_available.py
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@ class TestVirtualAvailable(TestStockCommon):
         self.picking_out = self.env['stock.picking'].create({
-            'picking_type_id': self.ref('stock.picking_type_out')})
+            'picking_type_id': self.ref('stock.picking_type_out'),
+            'location_id': self.stock_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
             'name': 'a move',
             'product_id': self.productA.id,
@@ -34,10 +36,13 @@ class TestVirtualAvailable(TestStockCommon):
             'product_uom': self.productA.uom_id.id,
             'picking_id': self.picking_out.id,
             'location_id': self.stock_location,
-            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location
+            })
         self.picking_out_2 = self.env['stock.picking'].create({
-            'picking_type_id': self.ref('stock.picking_type_out')})
+            'picking_type_id': self.ref('stock.picking_type_out'),
+            'location_id': self.stock_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
             'restrict_partner_id': self.ref('base.res_partner_4'),
             'name': 'another move',
@@ -46,7 +51,8 @@ class TestVirtualAvailable(TestStockCommon):
             'product_uom': self.productA.uom_id.id,
             'picking_id': self.picking_out_2.id,
             'location_id': self.stock_location,
-            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location
+            })
     def test_without_owner(self):
diff --git a/addons/stock/tests/test_stock_flow.py b/addons/stock/tests/test_stock_flow.py
index bd3302b5be98eb35753a240391ba4660e63b0601..64b52e453afa70a31f686adcdb6e9f8a9391d9db 100644
--- a/addons/stock/tests/test_stock_flow.py
+++ b/addons/stock/tests/test_stock_flow.py
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         picking_in = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in,
+            'location_id': self.supplier_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.stock_location})
             'name': self.productA.name,
             'product_id': self.productA.id,
@@ -161,7 +163,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         picking_out = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_agrolite_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out,
+            'location_id': self.stock_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
             'name': self.productA.name,
             'product_id': self.productA.id,
@@ -432,7 +436,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         picking_in_A = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in,
+            'location_id': self.supplier_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.stock_location})
             'name': self.DozA.name,
             'product_id': self.DozA.id,
@@ -526,7 +532,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         picking_in_B = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in,
+            'location_id': self.supplier_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.stock_location})
             'name': self.DozA.name,
             'product_id': self.DozA.id,
@@ -711,7 +719,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         before_out_quantity = self.kgB.qty_available
         picking_out = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_agrolite_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out,
+            'location_id': self.stock_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
             'name': self.kgB.name,
             'product_id': self.kgB.id,
@@ -749,7 +759,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         picking_out = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_agrolite_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out,
+            'location_id': self.stock_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
             'name': self.DozA.name,
             'product_id': self.DozA.id,
@@ -867,7 +879,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         productKG = self.ProductObj.create({'name': 'Product KG', 'uom_id': self.uom_kg.id, 'uom_po_id': self.uom_kg.id})
         picking_in = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_delta_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_in,
+            'location_id': self.supplier_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.stock_location})
             'name': productKG.name,
             'product_id': productKG.id,
@@ -912,7 +926,9 @@ class TestStockFlow(TestStockCommon):
         self.assertEqual(productKG.qty_available, 1000, 'Wrong quantity available of product (%s found instead of 1000)' % (productKG.qty_available))
         picking_out = self.PickingObj.create({
             'partner_id': self.partner_agrolite_id,
-            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out})
+            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_out,
+            'location_id': self.stock_location,
+            'location_dest_id': self.customer_location})
             'name': productKG.name,
             'product_id': productKG.id,
diff --git a/addons/stock/views/stock.xml b/addons/stock/views/stock.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f351cce2c147f5c68879596b9c05f2205f520fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/views/stock.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <data>
-<template id="assets_backend" name="stock assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
-    <xpath expr="." position="inside">
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stock/static/src/css/stock.css"/>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stock/static/src/less/stock_dashboard.less"/>
-        <script type="text/javascript" src="/stock/static/src/js/widgets.js"></script>
-    </xpath>
-<template id="barcode_index" name="Barcode Scanner">&lt;!DOCTYPE html&gt;
-    <head>
-        <title>Barcode Scanner</title>
-        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1"/>
-        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html, charset=utf-8" />
-        <meta name="viewport" content=" width=1024, user-scalable=no"/>
-        <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>
-        <meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>
-        <link rel="shortcut icon"    sizes="80x51" href="/stock/static/src/img/scan.png"/>
-        <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/web/static/src/img/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"/>
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/stock/static/src/css/barcode.css" />
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/web/static/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" />
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/web/static/lib/jquery.ui/jquery-ui.css" />
-        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/web/static/lib/fontawesome/css/font-awesome.css" />
-        <t t-call-assets="web.assets_common" t-css="false" />
-        <t t-call-assets="web.assets_backend" t-css="false" />
-        <script type="text/javascript" id="loading-script" t-raw="init">
-            odoo.define('web.web_client', function (require) {
-                var WebClient = require('web.WebClient');
-                var web_client = new WebClient();
-                web_client.do_push_state = function (){};
-                $(function () {
-                    web_client.setElement($(document.body));
-                    web_client.show_application = function () {
-                        web_client.action_manager.do_action("stock.ui", {});
-                    };
-                    web_client.start();
-                });
-                return web_client;
-            });
-            odoo.init();
-        </script>
-    </head>
-    <body>
-        <div class='openerp openerp_webclient_container'>
-            <table class='oe_webclient'>
-                <tr>
-                    <td class='oe_application' />
-                </tr>
-            </table>
-        </div>
-    </body>
-    </data>
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/__init__.py b/addons/stock/wizard/__init__.py
index e7ab46b8d25953071f609e125f6ee1c29f5a05a5..7a4969f423506a31d971649d1a7b4176feb3621a 100644
--- a/addons/stock/wizard/__init__.py
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/__init__.py
@@ -6,4 +6,6 @@ import stock_return_picking
 import stock_change_product_qty
 import make_procurement_product
 import orderpoint_procurement
-import stock_transfer_details
+import stock_pack_details
+import stock_immediate_transfer
+import stock_backorder_confirmation
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_backorder_confirmation.py b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_backorder_confirmation.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a271bf8053fcbbce8a6ed189c20f6651eb934f38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_backorder_confirmation.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
+from openerp import models, fields, api
+class stock_backorder_confirmation(models.TransientModel):
+    _name = 'stock.backorder.confirmation'
+    _description = 'Backorder Confirmation'
+    pick_id = fields.Many2one('stock.picking')
+    @api.model
+    def default_get(self, fields):
+        res = {}
+        active_id = self._context.get('active_id')
+        if active_id:
+            res = {'pick_id': active_id}
+        return res
+    @api.multi
+    def _process(self, cancel_backorder=False):
+        self.ensure_one()
+        for pack in self.pick_id.pack_operation_ids:
+            if pack.qty_done > 0:
+                pack.product_qty = pack.qty_done
+            else:
+                pack.unlink()
+        self.pick_id.do_transfer()
+        if cancel_backorder:
+            backorder_pick = self.env['stock.picking'].search([('backorder_id', '=', self.pick_id.id)])
+            backorder_pick.action_cancel()
+    @api.multi
+    def process(self):
+        self.ensure_one()
+        self._process()
+    @api.multi
+    def process_cancel_backorder(self):
+        self.ensure_one()
+        self._process(cancel_backorder=True)
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_backorder_confirmation.xml b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_backorder_confirmation.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a58c6d369fb8517832524f1a12d8761dd9ca32b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_backorder_confirmation.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <record id="view_backorder_confirmation" model="ir.ui.view">
+        <field name="name">stock_backorder_confirmation</field>
+        <field name="model">stock.backorder.confirmation</field>
+        <field name="arch" type="xml">
+            <form string="Backorder creation">
+                <group>
+                    Do we need to create a backorder?
+                </group>
+                <footer>
+                    <button name="process" string="Create Backorder" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
+                    <button name="process_cancel_backorder" string="No Backorder" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
+                    or
+                    <button string="_Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
+                </footer>
+            </form>
+        </field>
+    </record>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_immediate_transfer.py b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_immediate_transfer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..04c681cfa31765fa5e07b5d6052f3da77552e5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_immediate_transfer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
+from openerp import models, fields, api
+class stock_immediate_transfer(models.TransientModel):
+    _name = 'stock.immediate.transfer'
+    _description = 'Immediate Transfer'
+    pick_id = fields.Many2one('stock.picking')
+    @api.model
+    def default_get(self, fields):
+        res = {}
+        active_id = self._context.get('active_id')
+        if active_id:
+            res = {'pick_id': active_id}
+        return res
+    @api.multi
+    def process(self):
+        self.ensure_one()
+        # If still in draft => confirm and assign
+        if self.pick_id.state == 'draft':
+            self.pick_id.action_confirm()
+            if self.pick_id.state != 'assigned':
+                self.pick_id.action_assign()
+        for pack in self.pick_id.pack_operation_ids:
+            if pack.product_qty > 0:
+                pack.write({'qty_done': pack.product_qty})
+            else:
+                pack.unlink()
+        self.pick_id.do_transfer()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_immediate_transfer.xml b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_immediate_transfer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67084df776d9ac9a401e9a465013e46e33ed6fb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_immediate_transfer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <record id="view_immediate_transfer" model="ir.ui.view">
+        <field name="name">view_immediate_transfer</field>
+        <field name="model">stock.immediate.transfer</field>
+        <field name="arch" type="xml">
+            <form string="Everything at once?">
+                <group>
+                    <p>
+                    You did not enter any quantities.  Click apply if you want to process everything at once.
+                    </p>
+                </group>
+                <footer>
+                    <button name="process" string="_Apply" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
+                    or
+                    <button string="_Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
+                </footer>
+            </form>
+        </field>
+    </record>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_pack_details.py b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_pack_details.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afab6d65b42d0e32b73367dd8cf608fbbdec9a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_pack_details.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
+from openerp import models, fields, api
+import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
+class stock_pack_details(models.TransientModel):
+    _name = 'stock.pack.details'
+    _description = 'Pack details'
+    pack_id = fields.Many2one('stock.pack.operation', 'Pack operation')
+    product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product')
+    product_uom_id = fields.Many2one('product.uom', 'Product Unit of Measure')
+    qty_done = fields.Float('Processed Qty', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'))
+    quantity = fields.Float('Quantity', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), readonly=True)
+    package_id = fields.Many2one('stock.quant.package', 'Source package', domain="['|', ('location_id', 'child_of', location_id), ('location_id','=',False)]")
+    lot_id = fields.Many2one('stock.production.lot', 'Lot/Serial Number')
+    location_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', 'Source Location', required=True)
+    location_dest_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', 'Destination Location', required=True)
+    result_package_id = fields.Many2one('stock.quant.package', 'Destination package', domain="['|', ('location_id', 'child_of', location_dest_id), ('location_id','=',False)]")
+    picking_source_location_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', related='pack_id.picking_id.location_id', readonly=True)
+    picking_destination_location_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', related='pack_id.picking_id.location_dest_id', readonly=True)
+    @api.model
+    def default_get(self, fields):
+        res = {}
+        active_id = self._context.get('active_id')
+        if active_id:
+            pack_op = self.env['stock.pack.operation'].browse(active_id)
+            res = {
+                'pack_id': pack_op.id,
+                'product_id': pack_op.product_id.id,
+                'product_uom_id': pack_op.product_uom_id.id,
+                'quantity': pack_op.product_qty,
+                'qty_done': pack_op.qty_done,
+                'package_id': pack_op.package_id.id,
+                'lot_id': pack_op.lot_id.id,
+                'location_id': pack_op.location_id.id,
+                'location_dest_id': pack_op.location_dest_id.id,
+                'result_package_id': pack_op.result_package_id.id,
+            }
+        return res
+    @api.multi
+    def split_quantities(self):
+        for wiz in self:
+            if wiz.quantity>1 and wiz.qty_done < wiz.quantity:
+                pack2 = self.pack_id.copy({'qty_done': 0.0, 'product_qty': wiz.quantity - wiz.qty_done})
+                wiz.quantity = wiz.qty_done
+                self.pack_id.write({'qty_done': wiz.qty_done, 'product_qty': wiz.quantity})
+                return {
+                'view_type': 'form',
+                'view_mode': 'form',
+                'res_model': 'stock.picking',
+                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+                'res_id': self.pack_id.picking_id.id,
+                }
+    @api.one
+    def process(self):
+        pack = self.pack_id
+        pack.write({
+                'product_id': self.product_id.id,
+                'product_uom_id': self.product_uom_id.id,
+                'qty_done': self.qty_done,
+                'package_id': self.package_id.id,
+                'lot_id': self.lot_id.id,
+                'location_id': self.location_id.id,
+                'location_dest_id': self.location_dest_id.id,
+                'result_package_id': self.result_package_id.id,
+        })
+        return {}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_pack_details.xml b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_pack_details.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..23b1ddbb55196d113e997d644187fcafe380baa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_pack_details.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+    <record id="view_pack_details" model="ir.ui.view">
+        <field name="name">Enter pack details</field>
+        <field name="model">stock.pack.details</field>
+        <field name="arch" type="xml">
+            <form string="Enter Pack Details">
+                <group>
+                    <group string="#Products">
+                        <field name="pack_id" invisible="1"/>
+                        <field name="picking_source_location_id" invisible="True"/>
+                        <field name="picking_destination_location_id" invisible="True"/>
+                        <field name="product_id" attrs="{'required': [('package_id', '=', False)]}"/>
+                        <field name="lot_id" groups="stock.group_production_lot" domain="[('product_id','=?', product_id)]" context="{'product_id': product_id}"/>
+                    </group>
+                    <group string="From">
+                    <field name="location_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', picking_source_location_id)]"/>
+                    <field name="package_id" attrs="{'required': [('product_id', '=', False)]}" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot" context="{'location_id': location_id}"/>
+                    </group>
+                </group>
+                <group>
+                    <group string="Actions">
+                        <label for="qty_done" string="Done"/>
+                        <div class="oe_inline">
+                            <field name="qty_done"/>
+                            OF
+                            <field name="quantity"/>
+                            <field name="product_uom_id" options="{&quot;no_open&quot;: True}" groups="product.group_uom"/>
+                            <button name="split_quantities" string="Split" type="object" icon="STOCK_PREFERENCES" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', ('quantity', '=', 1), ('qty_done', '=', 0.0)]}"/>
+                        </div>
+                    </group>
+                    <group string="To">
+                        <field name="location_dest_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', picking_destination_location_id)]"/>
+                        <field name="result_package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot" context="{'location_id': location_dest_id}"/>
+                    </group>
+                </group>
+                <footer>
+                    <button name="process" string="_Apply" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
+                    or
+                    <button string="_Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
+                </footer>
+            </form>
+        </field>
+    </record>
+    <record id="pack_details" model="ir.actions.act_window">
+        <field name="name">Pack Details</field>
+        <field name="type">ir.actions.act_window</field>
+        <field name="res_model">stock.pack.details</field>
+        <field name="view_id" ref="view_pack_details"/>
+        <field name="view_type">form</field>
+        <field name="view_mode">form</field>
+        <field name="target">new</field>
+        <field name="context">{}</field>
+    </record>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_return_picking.py b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_return_picking.py
index 5d87562b6708f697611bd19db999dfd76e4a75ba..4488358de79e572b5e4fae8e4134c21cf7093f35 100644
--- a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_return_picking.py
+++ b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_return_picking.py
@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ class stock_return_picking(osv.osv_memory):
             'picking_type_id': pick_type_id,
             'state': 'draft',
             'origin': pick.name,
+            'location_id': pick.location_dest_id.id,
+            'location_dest_id': pick.location_id.id,
         }, context=context)
         for data_get in data_obj.browse(cr, uid, data['product_return_moves'], context=context):
@@ -139,8 +141,6 @@ class stock_return_picking(osv.osv_memory):
         if not returned_lines:
             raise UserError(_("Please specify at least one non-zero quantity."))
-        pick_obj.action_confirm(cr, uid, [new_picking], context=context)
-        pick_obj.action_assign(cr, uid, [new_picking], context)
         return new_picking, pick_type_id
     def create_returns(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_transfer_details.py b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_transfer_details.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b179914450b8b37a26fe9ec5062b3ba7dfcf87f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_transfer_details.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
-from openerp import models, fields, api
-from openerp.tools.translate import _
-import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
-from datetime import datetime
-class stock_transfer_details(models.TransientModel):
-    _name = 'stock.transfer_details'
-    _description = 'Picking wizard'
-    picking_id = fields.Many2one('stock.picking', 'Picking')
-    item_ids = fields.One2many('stock.transfer_details_items', 'transfer_id', 'Items', domain=[('product_id', '!=', False)])
-    packop_ids = fields.One2many('stock.transfer_details_items', 'transfer_id', 'Packs', domain=[('product_id', '=', False)])
-    picking_source_location_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', string="Head source location", related='picking_id.location_id', store=False, readonly=True)
-    picking_destination_location_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', string="Head destination location", related='picking_id.location_dest_id', store=False, readonly=True)
-    def default_get(self, cr, uid, fields, context=None):
-        if context is None: context = {}
-        res = super(stock_transfer_details, self).default_get(cr, uid, fields, context=context)
-        picking_ids = context.get('active_ids', [])
-        active_model = context.get('active_model')
-        if not picking_ids or len(picking_ids) != 1:
-            # Partial Picking Processing may only be done for one picking at a time
-            return res
-        assert active_model in ('stock.picking'), 'Bad context propagation'
-        picking_id, = picking_ids
-        picking = self.pool.get('stock.picking').browse(cr, uid, picking_id, context=context)
-        items = []
-        packs = []
-        if not picking.pack_operation_ids:
-            picking.do_prepare_partial()
-        for op in picking.pack_operation_ids:
-            item = {
-                'packop_id': op.id,
-                'product_id': op.product_id.id,
-                'product_uom_id': op.product_uom_id.id,
-                'quantity': op.product_qty,
-                'package_id': op.package_id.id,
-                'lot_id': op.lot_id.id,
-                'sourceloc_id': op.location_id.id,
-                'destinationloc_id': op.location_dest_id.id,
-                'result_package_id': op.result_package_id.id,
-                'date': op.date, 
-                'owner_id': op.owner_id.id,
-            }
-            if op.product_id:
-                items.append(item)
-            elif op.package_id:
-                packs.append(item)
-        res.update(item_ids=items)
-        res.update(packop_ids=packs)
-        return res
-    @api.one
-    def do_detailed_transfer(self):
-        processed_ids = []
-        # Create new and update existing pack operations
-        for lstits in [self.item_ids, self.packop_ids]:
-            for prod in lstits:
-                pack_datas = {
-                    'product_id': prod.product_id.id,
-                    'product_uom_id': prod.product_uom_id.id,
-                    'product_qty': prod.quantity,
-                    'package_id': prod.package_id.id,
-                    'lot_id': prod.lot_id.id,
-                    'location_id': prod.sourceloc_id.id,
-                    'location_dest_id': prod.destinationloc_id.id,
-                    'result_package_id': prod.result_package_id.id,
-                    'date': prod.date if prod.date else datetime.now(),
-                    'owner_id': prod.owner_id.id,
-                }
-                if prod.packop_id:
-                    prod.packop_id.with_context(no_recompute=True).write(pack_datas)
-                    processed_ids.append(prod.packop_id.id)
-                else:
-                    pack_datas['picking_id'] = self.picking_id.id
-                    packop_id = self.env['stock.pack.operation'].create(pack_datas)
-                    processed_ids.append(packop_id.id)
-        # Delete the others
-        packops = self.env['stock.pack.operation'].search(['&', ('picking_id', '=', self.picking_id.id), '!', ('id', 'in', processed_ids)])
-        packops.unlink()
-        # Execute the transfer of the picking
-        self.picking_id.do_transfer()
-        return True
-    @api.multi
-    def wizard_view(self):
-        view = self.env.ref('stock.view_stock_enter_transfer_details')
-        return {
-            'name': _('Enter transfer details'),
-            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
-            'view_type': 'form',
-            'view_mode': 'form',
-            'res_model': 'stock.transfer_details',
-            'views': [(view.id, 'form')],
-            'view_id': view.id,
-            'target': 'new',
-            'res_id': self.ids[0],
-            'context': self.env.context,
-        }
-class stock_transfer_details_items(models.TransientModel):
-    _name = 'stock.transfer_details_items'
-    _description = 'Picking wizard items'
-    transfer_id = fields.Many2one('stock.transfer_details', 'Transfer')
-    packop_id = fields.Many2one('stock.pack.operation', 'Operation')
-    product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product')
-    product_uom_id = fields.Many2one('product.uom', 'Product Unit of Measure')
-    quantity = fields.Float('Quantity', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure'), default = 1.0)
-    package_id = fields.Many2one('stock.quant.package', 'Source package', domain="['|', ('location_id', 'child_of', sourceloc_id), ('location_id','=',False)]")
-    lot_id = fields.Many2one('stock.production.lot', 'Lot/Serial Number')
-    sourceloc_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', 'Source Location', required=True)
-    destinationloc_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location', 'Destination Location', required=True)
-    result_package_id = fields.Many2one('stock.quant.package', 'Destination package', domain="['|', ('location_id', 'child_of', destinationloc_id), ('location_id','=',False)]")
-    date = fields.Datetime('Date')
-    owner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Owner', help="Owner of the quants")
-    @api.multi
-    def split_quantities(self):
-        for det in self:
-            if det.quantity>1:
-                det.quantity = (det.quantity-1)
-                new_id = det.copy(context=self.env.context)
-                new_id.quantity = 1
-                new_id.packop_id = False
-        if self and self[0]:
-            return self[0].transfer_id.wizard_view()
-    @api.multi
-    def put_in_pack(self):
-        newpack = None
-        for packop in self:
-            if not packop.result_package_id:
-                if not newpack:
-                    newpack = self.pool['stock.quant.package'].create(self._cr, self._uid, {'location_id': packop.destinationloc_id.id if packop.destinationloc_id else False}, self._context)
-                packop.result_package_id = newpack
-        if self and self[0]:
-            return self[0].transfer_id.wizard_view()
-    @api.multi
-    def product_id_change(self, product, uom=False):
-        result = {}
-        if product:
-            prod = self.env['product.product'].browse(product)
-            result['product_uom_id'] = prod.uom_id and prod.uom_id.id
-        return {'value': result, 'domain': {}, 'warning':{} }
-    @api.multi
-    def source_package_change(self, sourcepackage):
-        result = {}
-        if sourcepackage:
-            pack = self.env['stock.quant.package'].browse(sourcepackage)
-            result['sourceloc_id'] = pack.location_id and pack.location_id.id
-        return {'value': result, 'domain': {}, 'warning':{} }
diff --git a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_transfer_details.xml b/addons/stock/wizard/stock_transfer_details.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d00c52e00b032de2abd3749d842dae1bc27039e7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/addons/stock/wizard/stock_transfer_details.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-    <data>
-        <record id="view_stock_enter_transfer_details" model="ir.ui.view">
-            <field name="name">Enter transfer details</field>
-            <field name="model">stock.transfer_details</field>
-            <field name="arch" type="xml">
-                <form string="Transfer details" version="7">
-                    <field name="picking_source_location_id" invisible="True"/>
-                    <field name="picking_destination_location_id" invisible="True"/>
-                    <div class="oe_grey" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot">
-                        Setting a product and a source package means that the product will be taken
-                        out of the package.
-                    </div>
-                    <group>
-                        <field name="item_ids"
-                            context="{'default_sourceloc_id':picking_source_location_id,
-                                      'default_destinationloc_id':picking_destination_location_id}" nolabel="1">
-                            <tree string="Inventory Details" editable="bottom" >
-                                <field name="package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
-                                <field name="product_id" required="True"  context="{'uom':product_uom_id}" on_change="product_id_change(product_id,product_uom_id,context)"/>
-                                <field name="quantity"/>
-                                <button name="split_quantities" string="Split" type="object" icon="STOCK_PREFERENCES" attrs="{'invisible': [('quantity', '=', 1)]}"/>
-                                <field name="product_uom_id" options="{&quot;no_open&quot;: True}" groups="product.group_uom"/>
-                                <field name="sourceloc_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.picking_source_location_id)]"/>
-                                <field name="destinationloc_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.picking_destination_location_id)]"/>
-                                <field name="result_package_id" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot" context="{'location_id': destinationloc_id}"/>
-                                <button name="put_in_pack" string="Pack" type="object" icon="terp-product" attrs="{'invisible': [('result_package_id', '!=', False)]}" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot"/>
-                                <field name="lot_id" groups="stock.group_production_lot" domain="[('product_id','=?', product_id)]" context="{'product_id': product_id}"/>
-                            </tree>
-                        </field>
-                    </group>
-                    <group string="Packages To Move" groups="stock.group_tracking_lot">
-                        <div class="oe_grey">
-                            The source package will be moved entirely.  If you specify a destination package, the source package will be put in the destination package.  
-                        </div>
-                    </group>
-                    <group groups="stock.group_tracking_lot">
-                        <field name="packop_ids" 
-                            context="{'default_sourceloc_id':picking_source_location_id,
-                                      'default_destinationloc_id':picking_destination_location_id}" nolabel="1">
-                            <tree editable="bottom">
-                                <field name="package_id" required="True" on_change="source_package_change(package_id)"/>
-                                <field name="sourceloc_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.picking_source_location_id)]"/>
-                                <field name="destinationloc_id" domain="[('id', 'child_of', parent.picking_destination_location_id)]"/>
-                                <field name="result_package_id"/>
-                                <button name="put_in_pack" string="Pack" type="object" icon="terp-product" attrs="{'invisible': [('result_package_id', '!=', False)]}"/>
-                            </tree>
-                        </field>
-                    </group>
-                    <footer>
-                        <button name="do_detailed_transfer" string="_Apply" type="object" class="oe_highlight"/>
-                        or
-                        <button string="_Cancel" class="oe_link" special="cancel" />
-                    </footer>
-                </form>
-            </field>
-        </record>
-    </data>
diff --git a/addons/stock_account/stock_account_view.xml b/addons/stock_account/stock_account_view.xml
index ffcf8546d4fe15adb91e02a7b087e80982f61cc1..2924dffb6e08566f8318fecd8e70901383c9cc2c 100644
--- a/addons/stock_account/stock_account_view.xml
+++ b/addons/stock_account/stock_account_view.xml
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
                     <button name="%(action_stock_invoice_onshipping)d" string="Create Invoice" attrs="{'invisible': ['|',('state','&lt;&gt;','done'),('invoice_state','&lt;&gt;','2binvoiced')]}" type="action" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
                 <field name="move_lines" position="attributes">
-                    <attribute name="context">{'default_invoice_state': invoice_state, 'address_in_id': partner_id, 'form_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_form', 'tree_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_tree', 'default_picking_type_id': picking_type_id}</attribute>
+                    <attribute name="context">{'default_invoice_state': invoice_state, 'address_in_id': partner_id, 'form_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_form', 'tree_view_ref':'stock.view_move_picking_tree', 'default_picking_type_id': picking_type_id, 'default_location_id': location_id, 'default_location_dest_id': location_dest_id}</attribute>
                 <xpath expr="//field[@name='move_type']" position="after">
                     <field name="invoice_state" groups="account.group_account_invoice"/>
diff --git a/addons/stock_invoice_directly/__init__.py b/addons/stock_invoice_directly/__init__.py
index b051a2ad957c2a9db3d6a7694c0d2583c1f80895..815313c1bc559f3465e261cff8e24461c086d3a6 100644
--- a/addons/stock_invoice_directly/__init__.py
+++ b/addons/stock_invoice_directly/__init__.py
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@
 # Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
 import stock_invoice_directly
+import wizards
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock_invoice_directly/stock_invoice_directly.py b/addons/stock_invoice_directly/stock_invoice_directly.py
index 541ca80164b8590f7e287dbde480d29474e96439..a07cba9e1af567b853d8938879ffd1036f4b39ed 100644
--- a/addons/stock_invoice_directly/stock_invoice_directly.py
+++ b/addons/stock_invoice_directly/stock_invoice_directly.py
@@ -9,15 +9,16 @@ from openerp.tools.translate import _
 class stock_picking(osv.osv):
     _inherit = 'stock.picking'
-    @api.cr_uid_ids_context
-    def do_transfer(self, cr, uid, picking_ids, context=None):
+    def do_new_transfer(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
         """Launch Create invoice wizard if invoice state is To be Invoiced,
           after processing the picking.
         if context is None:
             context = {}
-        res = super(stock_picking, self).do_transfer(cr, uid, picking_ids, context=context)
-        pick_ids = [p.id for p in self.browse(cr, uid, picking_ids, context) if p.invoice_state == '2binvoiced']
+        res = super(stock_picking, self).do_new_transfer(cr, uid, ids, context=context)
+        if res: #If it is already returning a wizard
+            return res
+        pick_ids = [p.id for p in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context) if p.invoice_state == '2binvoiced']
         if pick_ids:
             context = dict(context, active_model='stock.picking', active_ids=pick_ids)
             return {
@@ -29,4 +30,4 @@ class stock_picking(osv.osv):
                 'target': 'new',
                 'context': context
-        return res
+        return res
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock_invoice_directly/wizards.py b/addons/stock_invoice_directly/wizards.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f36edd30530bb5bd53e588f74f1a80c2ab8ec945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/addons/stock_invoice_directly/wizards.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.
+from openerp import models, fields, api
+from openerp.tools.translate import _
+class stock_immediate_transfer(models.TransientModel):
+    _inherit = 'stock.immediate.transfer'
+    @api.multi
+    def process(self):
+        super(stock_immediate_transfer, self).process()
+        pick = self.pick_id.id
+        context = dict(self.env.context, active_model='stock.picking', active_id=pick, active_ids=[pick])
+        print context
+        return {
+            'name': _('Create Invoice'),
+            'view_type': 'form',
+            'view_mode': 'form',
+            'res_model': 'stock.invoice.onshipping',
+            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+            'target': 'new',
+            'context': context
+        }
+class stock_backorder_confirmation(models.TransientModel):
+    _inherit = 'stock.backorder.confirmation'
+    @api.multi
+    def process(self):
+        res = super(stock_backorder_confirmation, self).process()
+        context = dict(self.env.context, active_model='stock.picking', active_id=self.pick_id.id, active_ids=[self.pick_id.id])
+        return {
+            'name': _('Create Invoice'),
+            'view_type': 'form',
+            'view_mode': 'form',
+            'res_model': 'stock.invoice.onshipping',
+            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+            'target': 'new',
+            'context': context
+        }
+    @api.multi
+    def process_cancel_backorder(self):
+        res = super(stock_backorder_confirmation, self).process_cancel_backorder()
+        context = dict(self.env.context, active_model='stock.picking', active_id=self.pick_id.id, active_ids=[self.pick_id.id])
+        return {
+            'name': _('Create Invoice'),
+            'view_type': 'form',
+            'view_mode': 'form',
+            'res_model': 'stock.invoice.onshipping',
+            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+            'target': 'new',
+            'context': context
+        }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/addons/stock_picking_wave/stock_picking_wave_demo.xml b/addons/stock_picking_wave/stock_picking_wave_demo.xml
index 72766f368b9bcb4b7e69f03650b67a724e048e78..e752c6f741206e5f16f774b6f6fde88387848060 100644
--- a/addons/stock_picking_wave/stock_picking_wave_demo.xml
+++ b/addons/stock_picking_wave/stock_picking_wave_demo.xml
@@ -24,14 +24,18 @@
 			<field name="priority">2</field>	
 			<field name="picking_type_id" ref="stock.picking_type_internal"/>
 			<field name="wave_id" ref="stock_picking_wave_freeze_1"/>
+			<field name="location_id" ref="stock.stock_location_stock"/>
+			<field name="location_dest_id" ref="stock.stock_location_output"/>
 		<record id="Picking_B" model="stock.picking">
 			<field name="name">Picking #2</field>
 			<field name="move_type">one</field>		
 			<field name="state">assigned</field>
 			<field name="priority">1</field>		
-			<field name="picking_type_id" ref="stock.picking_type_internal"/>	
-			<field name="wave_id" ref="stock_picking_wave_dry_1"/>	
+			<field name="picking_type_id" ref="stock.picking_type_internal"/>
+			<field name="wave_id" ref="stock_picking_wave_dry_1"/>
+			<field name="location_id" ref="stock.stock_location_stock"/>
+			<field name="location_dest_id" ref="stock.stock_location_output"/>
 		<record id="Picking_C" model="stock.picking">
 			<field name="name">Picking #3</field>
@@ -39,7 +43,9 @@
 			<field name="state">assigned</field>
 			<field name="priority">1</field>		
 			<field name="picking_type_id" ref="stock.picking_type_internal"/>	
-			<field name="wave_id" ref="stock_picking_wave_freeze_1"/>	
+			<field name="wave_id" ref="stock_picking_wave_freeze_1"/>
+			<field name="location_id" ref="stock.stock_location_stock"/>
+			<field name="location_dest_id" ref="stock.stock_location_output"/>
 			<!-- add Product -->