From 333852e19dd3d5174e07e29f9d8f6c087b2c09f6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Denis Ledoux <>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:21:06 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Revert "[FIX] product,float_utils: perform ceiling via
 float_round with new rounding_method UP"

This reverts commit d4972ffdb6b9356a524eef1dbc11f455ff4473f2.

Seems to break some cases, at least in _product_reserve from stock/

Actual use case:

SELECT product_uom, sum(product_qty) AS product_qty FROM stock_move WHERE location_dest_id=%s AND location_id<>%s AND product_id=3645 AND state='done' GROUP BY product_uom;
returning 1 | 6

SELECT product_uom,-sum(product_qty) AS product_qty FROM stock_move WHERE location_id=%s AND location_dest_id<>%s AND product_id=%s AND state in ('done', 'assigned') GROUP BY product_uom;
returning 1 | -6

results += cr.dictfetchall()
    total = 0.0
    results2 = 0.0
    for r in results:
        amount = uom_obj._compute_qty(cr, uid, r['product_uom'], r['product_qty'], context.get('uom', False))
        results2 += amount
        total += amount
Total = 1, amount = -5

It should actually be
Total = 0, amount = -6
 addons/product/              |  5 ++++-
 openerp/addons/base/test/base_test.yml | 13 ++----------
 openerp/tools/           | 29 +++++++-------------------
 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)

diff --git a/addons/product/ b/addons/product/
index f44f6b11a4c0..c05dcee66a2d 100644
--- a/addons/product/
+++ b/addons/product/
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 from openerp import tools
+import math
 def rounding(f, r):
 	# TODO for trunk: log deprecation warning
 	# _logger.warning("Deprecated rounding method, please use tools.float_round to round floats.")
@@ -29,4 +32,4 @@ def rounding(f, r):
 def ceiling(f, r):
     if not r:
         return f
-    return tools.float_round(f, precision_rounding=r, rounding_method='UP')
+    return math.ceil(f / r) * r
diff --git a/openerp/addons/base/test/base_test.yml b/openerp/addons/base/test/base_test.yml
index 5a30bc225299..11f243592faa 100644
--- a/openerp/addons/base/test/base_test.yml
+++ b/openerp/addons/base/test/base_test.yml
@@ -198,8 +198,8 @@
     !python {model: res.currency}: |
         from tools import float_compare, float_is_zero, float_round, float_repr
-        def try_round(amount, expected, precision_digits=3, float_round=float_round, float_repr=float_repr, rounding_method='HALF-UP'):
-            result = float_repr(float_round(amount, precision_digits=precision_digits, rounding_method=rounding_method),
+        def try_round(amount, expected, precision_digits=3, float_round=float_round, float_repr=float_repr):
+            result = float_repr(float_round(amount, precision_digits=precision_digits),
             assert result == expected, 'Rounding error: got %s, expected %s' % (result, expected)
         try_round(2.6745, '2.675')
@@ -213,15 +213,6 @@
         try_round(457.4554, '457.455')
         try_round(-457.4554, '-457.455')
-        # Try some rounding value with rounding method UP instead of HALF-UP
-        # We use 8.175 because when normalizing 8.175 with precision_digits=3 it gives
-        # us 8175,0000000001234 as value, and if not handle correctly the rounding UP
-        # value will be incorrect (should be 8,175 and not 8,176)
-        try_round(8.175, '8.175', rounding_method='UP')
-        try_round(8.1751, '8.176', rounding_method='UP')
-        try_round(-8.175, '-8.175', rounding_method='UP')
-        try_round(-8.1751, '-8.175', rounding_method='UP')
         # Extended float range test, inspired by Cloves Almeida's test on bug #882036.
         fractions = [.0, .015, .01499, .675, .67499, .4555, .4555, .45555]
         expecteds = ['.00', '.02', '.01', '.68', '.67', '.46', '.456', '.4556']
diff --git a/openerp/tools/ b/openerp/tools/
index 79f5a34c7f6e..5c934114e3c1 100644
--- a/openerp/tools/
+++ b/openerp/tools/
@@ -29,11 +29,10 @@ def _float_check_precision(precision_digits=None, precision_rounding=None):
         return 10 ** -precision_digits
     return precision_rounding
-def float_round(value, precision_digits=None, precision_rounding=None, rounding_method='HALF-UP'):
-    """Return ``value`` rounded to ``precision_digits`` decimal digits,
-       minimizing IEEE-754 floating point representation errors, and applying
-       the tie-breaking rule selected with ``rounding_method``, by default
-       HALF-UP (away from zero).
+def float_round(value, precision_digits=None, precision_rounding=None):
+    """Return ``value`` rounded to ``precision_digits``
+       decimal digits, minimizing IEEE-754 floating point representation
+       errors, and applying HALF-UP (away from zero) tie-breaking rule.
        Precision must be given by ``precision_digits`` or ``precision_rounding``,
        not both!
@@ -42,9 +41,6 @@ def float_round(value, precision_digits=None, precision_rounding=None, rounding_
        :param float precision_rounding: decimal number representing the minimum
            non-zero value at the desired precision (for example, 0.01 for a 
            2-digit precision).
-       :param rounding_method: the rounding method used: 'HALF-UP' or 'UP', the first
-           one rounding up to the closest number with the rule that number>=0.5 is 
-           rounded up to 1, and the latest one always rounding up.
        :return: rounded float
     rounding_factor = _float_check_precision(precision_digits=precision_digits,
@@ -56,7 +52,7 @@ def float_round(value, precision_digits=None, precision_rounding=None, rounding_
     # we normalize the value before rounding it as an integer, and de-normalize
     # after rounding: e.g. float_round(1.3, precision_rounding=.5) == 1.5
-    # TIE-BREAKING: HALF-UP (for normal rounding)
     # We want to apply HALF-UP tie-breaking rules, i.e. 0.5 rounds away from 0.
     # Due to IEE754 float/double representation limits, the approximation of the
     # real value may be slightly below the tie limit, resulting in an error of
@@ -70,19 +66,8 @@ def float_round(value, precision_digits=None, precision_rounding=None, rounding_
     normalized_value = value / rounding_factor # normalize
     epsilon_magnitude = math.log(abs(normalized_value), 2)
     epsilon = 2**(epsilon_magnitude-53)
-    if rounding_method == 'HALF-UP':
-        normalized_value += cmp(normalized_value,0) * epsilon
-        rounded_value = round(normalized_value) # round to integer
-    # TIE-BREAKING: UP (for ceiling operations)
-    # When rounding the value up, we instead subtract the epsilon value
-    # as the the approximation of the real value may be slightly *above* the
-    # tie limit, this would result in incorrectly rounding up to the next number
-    elif rounding_method == 'UP':
-        normalized_value -= cmp(normalized_value,0) * epsilon
-        rounded_value = math.ceil(normalized_value) # ceil to integer
+    normalized_value += cmp(normalized_value,0) * epsilon
+    rounded_value = round(normalized_value) # round to integer
     result = rounded_value * rounding_factor # de-normalize
     return result