diff --git a/addons/account/models/partner.py b/addons/account/models/partner.py
index b93308b00f8442ed3cd0e236c407371223120aa1..e1b7457556d9688f861b221034e3dd4cdfa06f58 100644
--- a/addons/account/models/partner.py
+++ b/addons/account/models/partner.py
@@ -122,31 +122,36 @@ class AccountFiscalPosition(models.Model):
     def _get_fpos_by_region(self, country_id=False, state_id=False, zipcode=False, vat_required=False):
         if not country_id:
             return False
-        domains = [[('auto_apply', '=', True), ('vat_required', '=', vat_required)]]
-        if vat_required:
-            # Possibly allow fallback to non-VAT positions, if no VAT-required position matches
-            domains += [[('auto_apply', '=', True), ('vat_required', '=', False)]]
+        base_domain = [('auto_apply', '=', True), ('vat_required', '=', vat_required)]
+        null_state_dom = state_domain = [('state_ids', '=', False)]
+        null_zip_dom = zip_domain = [('zip_from', '=', 0), ('zip_to', '=', 0)]
         if zipcode and zipcode.isdigit():
             zipcode = int(zipcode)
-            domain_zip = [('zip_from', '<=', zipcode), ('zip_to', '>=', zipcode)]
+            zip_domain = [('zip_from', '<=', zipcode), ('zip_to', '>=', zipcode)]
-            zipcode, domain_zip = 0, [('zip_from', '=', 0), ('zip_to', '=', 0)]
-        state_domain = [('state_ids', '=', False)]
+            zipcode = 0
         if state_id:
             state_domain = [('state_ids', '=', state_id)]
-        for domain in domains:
-            # Build domain to search records with exact matching criteria
-            fpos_id = self.search(domain + [('country_id', '=', country_id)] + state_domain + domain_zip, limit=1).id
-            # return records that fit the most the criteria, and fallback on less specific fiscal positions if any can be found
-            if not fpos_id and zipcode:
-                fpos_id = self.search(domain + [('country_id', '=', country_id)] + state_domain + [('zip_from', '=', 0), ('zip_to', '=', 0)], limit=1).id
-            if not fpos_id and state_id:
-                fpos_id = self.search(domain + [('country_id', '=', country_id)] + [('state_ids', '=', False)] + domain_zip, limit=1).id
-            if not fpos_id and state_id and zipcode:
-                fpos_id = self.search(domain + [('country_id', '=', country_id)] + [('state_ids', '=', False)] + [('zip_from', '=', 0), ('zip_to', '=', 0)], limit=1).id
-            if fpos_id:
-                return fpos_id
-        return False
+        domain_country = base_domain + [('country_id', '=', country_id)]
+        domain_group = base_domain + [('country_group_id.country_ids', '=', country_id)]
+        # Build domain to search records with exact matching criteria
+        fpos = self.search(domain_country + state_domain + zip_domain, limit=1)
+        # return records that fit the most the criteria, and fallback on less specific fiscal positions if any can be found
+        if not fpos and state_id:
+            fpos = self.search(domain_country + null_state_dom + zip_domain, limit=1)
+        if not fpos and zipcode:
+            fpos = self.search(domain_country + state_domain + null_zip_dom, limit=1)
+        if not fpos and state_id and zipcode:
+            fpos = self.search(domain_country + null_state_dom + null_zip_dom, limit=1)
+        # fallback: country group with no state/zip range
+        if not fpos:
+            fpos = self.search(domain_group + null_state_dom + null_zip_dom, limit=1)
+        return fpos or False
     def get_fiscal_position(self, partner_id, delivery_id=None):
@@ -156,7 +161,7 @@ class AccountFiscalPosition(models.Model):
         PartnerObj = self.env['res.partner']
         partner = PartnerObj.browse(partner_id)
-        # if no delivery use invocing
+        # if no delivery use invoicing
         if delivery_id:
             delivery = PartnerObj.browse(delivery_id)
@@ -166,25 +171,23 @@ class AccountFiscalPosition(models.Model):
         if delivery.property_account_position_id or partner.property_account_position_id:
             return delivery.property_account_position_id.id or partner.property_account_position_id.id
-        fiscal_position_id = self._get_fpos_by_region(delivery.country_id.id, delivery.state_id.id, delivery.zip, bool(partner.vat))
-        if fiscal_position_id:
-            return fiscal_position_id
-        domains = [[('auto_apply', '=', True), ('vat_required', '=', bool(partner.vat))]]
-        if partner.vat:
-            # Possibly allow fallback to non-VAT positions, if no VAT-required position matches
-            domains += [[('auto_apply', '=', True), ('vat_required', '=', False)]]
-        for domain in domains:
-            if delivery.country_id.id:
-                fiscal_position = self.search(domain + [('country_group_id.country_ids', '=', delivery.country_id.id)], limit=1)
-                if fiscal_position:
-                    return fiscal_position.id
-            fiscal_position = self.search(domain + [('country_id', '=', None), ('country_group_id', '=', None)], limit=1)
-            if fiscal_position:
-                return fiscal_position.id
-        return False
+        def fallback_search(vat_required):
+            fpos = self._get_fpos_by_region(delivery.country_id.id, delivery.state_id.id, delivery.zip, vat_required)
+            if not fpos:
+                # Fallback on catchall (no country, no group)
+                fpos = self.search([('auto_apply', '=', True), ('vat_required', '=', vat_required),
+                                    ('country_id', '=', None), ('country_group_id', '=', None)], limit=1)
+            return fpos
+        # First search only matching VAT positions
+        vat_required = bool(partner.vat)
+        fp = fallback_search(vat_required)
+        # Then if VAT required found no match, try positions that do not require it
+        if not fp and vat_required:
+            fp = fallback_search(False)
+        return fp.id if fp else False
 class AccountFiscalPositionTax(models.Model):
diff --git a/addons/account/tests/test_fiscal_position.py b/addons/account/tests/test_fiscal_position.py
index 57a3ea5f68a7e98411f45c01f0b4792f3332b2ec..11c5f71170c36de62f57f8bd19453b766757cd9d 100644
--- a/addons/account/tests/test_fiscal_position.py
+++ b/addons/account/tests/test_fiscal_position.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-from openerp.addons.account.tests.account_test_classes import AccountingTestCase
+from openerp.tests import common
-class TestFiscalPosition(AccountingTestCase):
+class TestFiscalPosition(common.TransactionCase):
     """Tests for fiscal positions in auto apply (account.fiscal.position).
     If a partner has a vat number, the fiscal positions with "vat_required=True"
     are preferred.
@@ -8,33 +8,124 @@ class TestFiscalPosition(AccountingTestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         super(TestFiscalPosition, self).setUp()
-        self.fiscal_position_model = self.registry('account.fiscal.position')
-        self.res_partner_model = self.registry('res.partner')
-        self.res_country_model = self.registry('res.country')
-    def test_fiscal_position(self):
-        cr, uid = self.cr, self.uid
-        country_id = self.res_country_model.search(cr, uid, [('name', '=', 'France')])[0]
-        partner_id = self.res_partner_model.create(cr, uid, dict(
-                                                   name="George",
-                                                   vat="BE0477472701",
-                                                   notify_email="always",
-                                                   country_id=country_id))
-        fp_b2c_id = self.fiscal_position_model.create(cr, uid, dict(name="EU-VAT-FR-B2C",
-                                                                    auto_apply=True,
-                                                                    country_id=country_id,
-                                                                    vat_required=False,
-                                                                    sequence=1))
-        fp_b2b_id = self.fiscal_position_model.create(cr, uid, dict(name="EU-VAT-FR-B2B",
-                                                                    auto_apply=True,
-                                                                    country_id=country_id,
-                                                                    vat_required=True,
-                                                                    sequence=2))
-        res = self.fiscal_position_model.get_fiscal_position(cr, uid, partner_id)
-        self.assertEquals(fp_b2b_id, res,
-                          "Fiscal position detection should pick B2B position as 1rst match")
-        self.fiscal_position_model.write(cr, uid, [fp_b2b_id], {'auto_apply': False})
-        res = self.fiscal_position_model.get_fiscal_position(cr, uid, partner_id)
-        self.assertEquals(fp_b2c_id, res,
-                          "Fiscal position detection should pick B2C position as 1rst match")
+        self.fp = self.env['account.fiscal.position']
+        # reset any existing FP
+        self.fp.search([]).write({'auto_apply': False})
+        self.res_partner = self.env['res.partner']
+        self.be = be = self.env.ref('base.be')
+        self.fr = fr = self.env.ref('base.fr')
+        self.mx = mx = self.env.ref('base.mx')
+        self.eu = eu = self.env.ref('base.europe')
+        self.state_fr = self.env['res.country.state'].create(dict(
+                                           name="State",
+                                           code="ST",
+                                           country_id=fr.id))
+        self.jc = self.res_partner.create(dict(
+                                           name="JCVD",
+                                           vat="BE0477472701",
+                                           notify_email="none",
+                                           country_id=be.id))
+        self.ben = self.res_partner.create(dict(
+                                           name="BP",
+                                           notify_email="none",
+                                           country_id=be.id))
+        self.george = self.res_partner.create(dict(
+                                           name="George",
+                                           vat="BE0477472701",
+                                           notify_email="none",
+                                           country_id=fr.id))
+        self.alberto = self.res_partner.create(dict(
+                                           name="Alberto",
+                                           vat="BE0477472701",
+                                           notify_email="none",
+                                           country_id=mx.id))
+        self.be_nat = self.fp.create(dict(
+                                         name="BE-NAT",
+                                         auto_apply=True,
+                                         country_id=be.id,
+                                         vat_required=False,
+                                         sequence=10))
+        self.fr_b2c = self.fp.create(dict(
+                                         name="EU-VAT-FR-B2C",
+                                         auto_apply=True,
+                                         country_id=fr.id,
+                                         vat_required=False,
+                                         sequence=40))
+        self.fr_b2b = self.fp.create(dict(
+                                         name="EU-VAT-FR-B2B",
+                                         auto_apply=True,
+                                         country_id=fr.id,
+                                         vat_required=True,
+                                         sequence=50))
+    def test_10_fp_country(self):
+        def assert_fp(partner, expected_pos, message):
+            self.assertEquals(
+                self.fp.get_fiscal_position(partner.id),
+                expected_pos.id,
+                message)
+        george, jc, ben, alberto = self.george, self.jc, self.ben, self.alberto
+        # B2B has precedence over B2C for same country even when sequence gives lower precedence
+        self.assertGreater(self.fr_b2b.sequence, self.fr_b2c.sequence)
+        assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b, "FR-B2B should have precedence over FR-B2C")
+        self.fr_b2b.auto_apply = False
+        assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2c, "FR-B2C should match now")
+        self.fr_b2b.auto_apply = True
+        # Create positions matching on Country Group and on NO country at all
+        self.eu_intra_b2b = self.fp.create(dict(
+                                         name="EU-INTRA B2B",
+                                         auto_apply=True,
+                                         country_group_id=self.eu.id,
+                                         vat_required=True,
+                                         sequence=20))
+        self.world = self.fp.create(dict(
+                                         name="WORLD-EXTRA",
+                                         auto_apply=True,
+                                         vat_required=False,
+                                         sequence=30))
+        # Country match has higher precedence than group match or sequence
+        self.assertGreater(self.fr_b2b.sequence, self.eu_intra_b2b.sequence)
+        assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b, "FR-B2B should have precedence over EU-INTRA B2B")
+        # B2B has precedence regardless of country or group match
+        self.assertGreater(self.eu_intra_b2b.sequence, self.be_nat.sequence)
+        assert_fp(jc, self.eu_intra_b2b, "EU-INTRA B2B should match before BE-NAT")
+        # Lower sequence = higher precedence if country/group and VAT matches
+        self.assertFalse(ben.vat) # No VAT set
+        assert_fp(ben, self.be_nat, "BE-NAT should match before EU-INTRA due to lower sequence")
+        # Remove BE from EU group, now BE-NAT should be the fallback match before the wildcard WORLD
+        self.be.write({'country_group_ids': [(3, self.eu.id)]})
+        self.assertTrue(jc.vat) # VAT set
+        assert_fp(jc, self.be_nat, "BE-NAT should match as fallback even w/o VAT match")
+        # No country = wildcard match only if nothing else matches
+        self.assertTrue(alberto.vat) # with VAT
+        assert_fp(alberto, self.world, "WORLD-EXTRA should match anything else (1)")
+        alberto.vat = False          # or without
+        assert_fp(alberto, self.world, "WORLD-EXTRA should match anything else (2)")
+        # Zip range
+        self.fr_b2b_zip100 = self.fr_b2b.copy(dict(zip_from=0, zip_to=5000, sequence=60))
+        george.zip = 6000
+        assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b, "FR-B2B with wrong zip range should not match")
+        george.zip = 3000
+        assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b_zip100, "FR-B2B with zip range should have precedence")
+        # States
+        self.fr_b2b_state = self.fr_b2b.copy(dict(state_ids=[(4, self.state_fr.id)], sequence=70))
+        george.state_id = self.state_fr
+        assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b_zip100, "FR-B2B with zip should have precedence over states")
+        george.zip = 0
+        assert_fp(george, self.fr_b2b_state, "FR-B2B with states should have precedence")
+        # Dedicated position has max precedence
+        george.property_account_position_id = self.be_nat
+        assert_fp(george, self.be_nat, "Forced position has max precedence")