diff --git a/addons/account/models/account_journal.py b/addons/account/models/account_journal.py
index 5819a53e9706df8da801a1e6aba976c6d991e6c9..ec2ea3504edb70cf11d827201e41278b94f970dd 100644
--- a/addons/account/models/account_journal.py
+++ b/addons/account/models/account_journal.py
@@ -656,6 +656,9 @@ class AccountJournal(models.Model):
     def _get_journal_bank_account_balance(self, domain=None):
         ''' Get the bank balance of the current journal by filtering the journal items using the journal's accounts.
+        /!\ The current journal is not part of the applied domain. This is the expected behavior since we only want
+        a logic based on accounts.
         :param domain:  An additional domain to be applied on the account.move.line model.
         :return:        Tuple having balance expressed in journal's currency
                         along with the total number of move lines having the same account as of the journal's default account.
@@ -670,7 +673,6 @@ class AccountJournal(models.Model):
             ('account_id', 'in', tuple(self.default_account_id.ids)),
             ('display_type', 'not in', ('line_section', 'line_note')),
             ('move_id.state', '!=', 'cancel'),
-            ('journal_id', '=', self.id),
         query = self.env['account.move.line']._where_calc(domain)
         tables, where_clause, where_params = query.get_sql()