diff --git a/doc/reference/module.rst b/doc/reference/module.rst
index eb0abb3004f17a9a4f46c86b1455f3c39fea6cd3..141e151282f47495314bbdae6da2627fdf2f73e0 100644
--- a/doc/reference/module.rst
+++ b/doc/reference/module.rst
@@ -51,7 +51,20 @@ Available manifest fields are:
 ``website`` (``str``)
     website URL for the module author
 ``license`` (``str``, defaults: ``LGPL-3``)
-    distribution license for the module
+    distribution license for the module.
+    Possible values:
+    * `GPL-2`
+    * `GPL-2 or any later version`
+    * `GPL-3`
+    * `GPL-3 or any later version`
+    * `AGPL-3`
+    * `LGPL-3`
+    * `Other OSI approved licence`
+    * `OEEL-1` (Odoo Enterprise Edition License v1.0)
+    * `OPL-1` (Odoo Proprietary License v1.0)
+    * `Other proprietary`
 ``category`` (``str``, default: ``Uncategorized``)
     classification category within Odoo, rough business domain for the module.