From f61339b82cd6993f00a91149fb5dca7a2bfb8ab1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: qdp-odoo <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:15:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [FIX] account, bank statement reconciliation: fixed huge bugs
 when using tax with several children or when debit/credit are 0 but some
 amounts have to be put in a tax code + improved usability by adding domains
 where needed

 addons/account/      |  2 ++
 addons/account/           | 35 ++++++++++++-------
 addons/account/account_view.xml               |  4 +--
 .../account/static/src/js/account_widgets.js  | 33 ++++++++++-------
 4 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/addons/account/ b/addons/account/
index 98e80f895f4f..65dae8a2cc11 100644
--- a/addons/account/
+++ b/addons/account/
@@ -736,6 +736,8 @@ class account_bank_statement_line(osv.osv):
         st_line_currency_rate = st_line.currency_id and == and (st_line.amount_currency / st_line.amount) or False
         to_create = []
         for mv_line_dict in mv_line_dicts:
+            if mv_line_dict.get('is_tax_line'):
+                continue
             mv_line_dict['ref'] = move_name
             mv_line_dict['move_id'] = move_id
             mv_line_dict['period_id'] =
diff --git a/addons/account/ b/addons/account/
index cdcf0190f468..776111613ecc 100644
--- a/addons/account/
+++ b/addons/account/
@@ -1230,35 +1230,43 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
         if vals.get('account_tax_id', False):
             tax_id = tax_obj.browse(cr, uid, vals['account_tax_id'])
             total = vals['debit'] - vals['credit']
-            if journal.type in ('purchase_refund', 'sale_refund'):
+            base_code = 'base_code_id'
+            tax_code = 'tax_code_id'
+            account_id = 'account_collected_id'
+            base_sign = 'base_sign'
+            tax_sign = 'tax_sign'
+            if journal.type in ('purchase_refund', 'sale_refund') or (journal.type in ('cash', 'bank') and total < 0):
                 base_code = 'ref_base_code_id'
                 tax_code = 'ref_tax_code_id'
                 account_id = 'account_paid_id'
                 base_sign = 'ref_base_sign'
                 tax_sign = 'ref_tax_sign'
-            else:
-                base_code = 'base_code_id'
-                tax_code = 'tax_code_id'
-                account_id = 'account_collected_id'
-                base_sign = 'base_sign'
-                tax_sign = 'tax_sign'
             tmp_cnt = 0
-            for tax in tax_obj.compute_all(cr, uid, [tax_id], total, 1.00, force_excluded=True).get('taxes'):
+            for tax in tax_obj.compute_all(cr, uid, [tax_id], total, 1.00, force_excluded=False).get('taxes'):
                 #create the base movement
                 if tmp_cnt == 0:
                     if tax[base_code]:
                         tmp_cnt += 1
-                        self.write(cr, uid,[result], {
+                        if tax_id.price_include:
+                            total = tax['price_unit']
+                        newvals = {
                             'tax_code_id': tax[base_code],
-                            'tax_amount': tax[base_sign] * abs(total)
-                        })
+                            'tax_amount': tax[base_sign] * abs(total),
+                        }
+                        if tax_id.price_include:
+                            if tax['price_unit'] < 0:
+                                newvals['credit'] = abs(tax['price_unit'])
+                            else:
+                                newvals['debit'] = tax['price_unit']
+                        self.write(cr, uid, [result], newvals, context=context)
                     data = {
                         'move_id': vals['move_id'],
                         'name': tools.ustr(vals['name'] or '') + ' ' + tools.ustr(tax['name'] or ''),
                         'date': vals['date'],
-                        'partner_id': vals.get('partner_id',False),
-                        'ref': vals.get('ref',False),
+                        'partner_id': vals.get('partner_id', False),
+                        'ref': vals.get('ref', False),
+                        'statement_id': vals.get('statement_id', False),
                         'account_tax_id': False,
                         'tax_code_id': tax[base_code],
                         'tax_amount': tax[base_sign] * abs(total),
@@ -1275,6 +1283,7 @@ class account_move_line(osv.osv):
                     'date': vals['date'],
                     'partner_id': vals.get('partner_id',False),
                     'ref': vals.get('ref',False),
+                    'statement_id': vals.get('statement_id', False),
                     'account_tax_id': False,
                     'tax_code_id': tax[tax_code],
                     'tax_amount': tax[tax_sign] * abs(tax['amount']),
diff --git a/addons/account/account_view.xml b/addons/account/account_view.xml
index 5e80bfdadfe6..ceb0d44507ba 100644
--- a/addons/account/account_view.xml
+++ b/addons/account/account_view.xml
@@ -702,9 +702,9 @@
-                                <field name="account_id"/>
+                                <field name="account_id" domain="[('type', 'not in', ['view', 'closed', 'consolidation'])]"/>
                                 <field name="amount_type"/>
-                                <field name="tax_id"/>
+                                <field name="tax_id" domain="[('type_tax_use', 'in', ['purchase', 'all']), ('parent_id', '=', False)]"/>
                                 <field name="label"/>
diff --git a/addons/account/static/src/js/account_widgets.js b/addons/account/static/src/js/account_widgets.js
index c60bf4122d60..3b04058c33f3 100644
--- a/addons/account/static/src/js/account_widgets.js
+++ b/addons/account/static/src/js/account_widgets.js
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ openerp.account = function (instance) {
                         relation: "account.account",
                         string: _t("Account"),
                         type: "many2one",
-                        domain: [['type','!=','view']],
+                        domain: [['type','not in',['view', 'closed', 'consolidation']]],
                 label: {
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ openerp.account = function (instance) {
                         relation: "",
                         string: _t("Tax"),
                         type: "many2one",
+                        domain: [['type_tax_use','in',['purchase', 'all']], ['parent_id', '=', false]],
                 amount: {
@@ -1149,10 +1150,17 @@ openerp.account = function (instance) {
                     deferred_tax = $.when(self.model_tax
                         .call("compute_for_bank_reconciliation", [self.tax_id_field.get("value"), amount]))
-                            var tax = data.taxes[0];
-                            var tax_account_id = (amount > 0 ? tax.account_collected_id : tax.account_paid_id)
+                            line_created_being_edited[0].amount_with_tax = line_created_being_edited[0].amount;
                             line_created_being_edited[0].amount = ( === amount.toFixed(3) ? amount :;
-                            line_created_being_edited[1] = {id: line_created_being_edited[0].id, account_id: tax_account_id, account_num: self.map_account_id_code[tax_account_id], label:, amount: tax.amount, no_remove_action: true, currency_id: self.st_line.currency_id};
+                            var current_line_cursor = 1;
+                            $.each(data.taxes, function(index, tax){
+                                if (tax.amount !== 0.0) {
+                                    var tax_account_id = (amount > 0 ? tax.account_collected_id : tax.account_paid_id)
+                                    tax_account_id = tax_account_id !== false ? tax_account_id: line_created_being_edited[0].account_id
+                                    line_created_being_edited[current_line_cursor] = {id: line_created_being_edited[0].id, account_id: tax_account_id, account_num: self.map_account_id_code[tax_account_id], label:, amount: tax.amount, no_remove_action: true, currency_id: self.st_line.currency_id, is_tax_line: true};
+                                    current_line_cursor = current_line_cursor + 1;
+                                };
+                            });
                 } else {
@@ -1164,10 +1172,10 @@ openerp.account = function (instance) {
                 // Format amounts
-                if (line_created_being_edited[0].amount)
-                    line_created_being_edited[0].amount_str = self.formatCurrency(Math.abs(line_created_being_edited[0].amount), line_created_being_edited[0].currency_id);
-                if (line_created_being_edited[1] && line_created_being_edited[1].amount)
-                    line_created_being_edited[1].amount_str = self.formatCurrency(Math.abs(line_created_being_edited[1].amount), line_created_being_edited[0].currency_id);
+                $.each(line_created_being_edited, function(index, val) {
+                    if (val.amount)
+                        line_created_being_edited[index].amount_str = self.formatCurrency(Math.abs(val.amount), val.currency_id);
+                });
                 self.set("line_created_being_edited", line_created_being_edited);
                 self.createdLinesChanged(); // TODO For some reason, previous line doesn't trigger change handler
@@ -1318,13 +1326,14 @@ openerp.account = function (instance) {
         // idem
         prepareCreatedMoveLineForPersisting: function(line) {
             var dict = {};
             if (dict['account_id'] === undefined)
                 dict['account_id'] = line.account_id;
             dict['name'] = line.label;
-            if (line.amount > 0) dict['credit'] = line.amount;
-            if (line.amount < 0) dict['debit'] = -1*line.amount;
-            if (line.tax_id) dict['tax_code_id'] = line.tax_id;
+            var amount = line.tax_id ? line.amount_with_tax: line.amount;
+            if (amount > 0) dict['credit'] = amount;
+            if (amount < 0) dict['debit'] = -1 * amount;
+            if (line.tax_id) dict['account_tax_id'] = line.tax_id;
+            if (line.is_tax_line) dict['is_tax_line'] = line.is_tax_line;
             if (line.analytic_account_id) dict['analytic_account_id'] = line.analytic_account_id;
             return dict;