diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2e923fbbebc2138a324119e44d2844bc46e20d8d..0d99aad8bb84c6cb0d945dbf82ed782ebf5c00fc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ options:
                         maximum visibility of projects in destination group
   --exclude EXCLUDE     project/group path to exclude from processing (relative to --src-sync-path)
   --insecure            skip SSL verification
-  --update-release      force update the releases even when they exist
+  --update-release      force the update of the latest release
   --update-avatar       force update the avatar images even when they exist and look the same
                         don't synchronize group description
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ options:
 | `--max-visibility`         | `$MAX_VISIBILITY`               | maximum visibility of projects in destination group (defaults to `public`)                                            |
 | `--exclude`                | `$EXCLUDE`                      | project/group path(s) to exclude (multiple CLI option; env. variable is a coma separated list)                        |
 | `--insecure`               | `$INSECURE`                     | skip SSL verification                                                                                                 |
-| `--update-release`         | `$UPDATE_RELEASE`               | set to update the releases even if they exists                                                                        |
+| `--update-release`         | `$UPDATE_RELEASE`               | set to force the update of the latest release (in order to trigger GitLab CI/CD catalog publication)                  |
 | `--update-avatar`          | `$UPDATE_AVATAR`                | force update the avatar images even when they exist and look the same                                                 |
 | `--no-group-description`   | `$GROUP_DESCRIPTION_DISABLED`   | don't synchronize group description                                                                                   |
 | `--no-project-description` | `$PROJECT_DESCRIPTION_DISABLED` | don't synchronize project description                                                                                 |
diff --git a/gitlab_cp/sync.py b/gitlab_cp/sync.py
index c6c8738faaef5bd50f3deccd34dcdfbd33299bb9..2e278d2489ace14ca5b5ee0607d44ad5363a49d5 100644
--- a/gitlab_cp/sync.py
+++ b/gitlab_cp/sync.py
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Synchronizer:
         self.work_dir = work_dir
         self.max_visibility = max_visibility
         self.exclude = exclude or []
-        self.update_release = update_release
+        self.force_update_latest_release = update_release
         self.group_description = group_description
         self.project_description = project_description
         self.dry_run = dry_run
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ class Synchronizer:
         src_releases = src_project.releases.list(all=True)
         print(f"    - sync {len(src_releases)} releases...")
         dest_releases = dest_project.releases.list(all=True)
-        for src_release in src_releases:
+        for idx, src_release in enumerate(src_releases):
             tag_name: str = src_release.tag_name
             dest_release = next(
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ class Synchronizer:
-            elif self.update_release:
+            elif idx == 0 and self.force_update_latest_release:
                 if self.dry_run:
                         f"      - {tag_name}: {AnsiColors.HYELLOW}update needed{AnsiColors.RESET} (force)"
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ def run():
         default=os.getenv("UPDATE_RELEASE") is not None,
-        help="force update the releases even when they exist",
+        help="force the update of the latest release",