# GitLab CI template for {{cookiecutter.template_name}} {%- if cookiecutter.template_type == 'build' %} This project implements a GitLab CI/CD template to build, test and analyse your [{{cookiecutter.template_name}}]({{cookiecutter.refdoc_url}}) projects. ## Usage In order to include this template in your project, add the following to your `gitlab-ci.yml`: ```yaml include: - project: 'to-be-continuous/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}' ref: '1.0.0' file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.yml' ``` ## Global configuration The {{cookiecutter.template_name}} template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs. | Name | description | default value | | --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run `{{cookiecutter.cli_tool}}` | `registry.hub.docker.com/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}:latest` | ## Jobs ### `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-build` job This job performs **build and tests** at once. It uses the following variable: | Name | description | default value | | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BUILD_ARGS` | Arguments used by the build job | `build --with-default-args` | ### SonarQube analysis If you're using the SonarQube template to analyse your {{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}} code, here are 2 sample `sonar-project.properties` files. ```properties # see: https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/languages/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/ # set your source directory(ies) here (relative to the sonar-project.properties file) sonar.sources=. # exclude unwanted directories and files from being analysed sonar.exclusions=output/**,**/*_test.{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}} # set your tests directory(ies) here (relative to the sonar-project.properties file) sonar.tests=. sonar.test.inclusions=**/*_test.{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}} # tests report (TODO) sonar.{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.testExecutionReportPaths=reports/sonar_test_report.xml # coverage report (TODO) sonar.{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.coverage.reportPaths=reports/coverage.cov ``` More info: * [{{cookiecutter.template_name}} language support](https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/languages/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}/) * [test coverage & execution parameters](https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/coverage/) * [third-party issues](https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/external-issues/) ### `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-lint` job This job performs a [lint](link-to-the-tool) analysis of your code, mapped to the `build` stage. It uses the following variables: | Name | description | default value | | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_LINT_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run the lint tool | `{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}-lint:latest` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_LINT_DISABLED` | Set to `true` to disable the `lint` analysis| _none_ (enabled) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_LINT_ARGS` | Lint [options and arguments](link-to-the-cli-options) | `--serevity=medium` | ### `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-depcheck` job This job enables a manual [dependency check](link-to-the-tool) analysis of your code, mapped to the `test` stage. It uses the following variables: | Name | description | default value | | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_DEPCHECK_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run the dependency check tool | `{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}-depcheck:latest` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_DEPCHECK_ARGS` | Dependency check [options and arguments](link-to-the-cli-options) | _none_ | ### `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-publish` job This job is **disabled by default** and performs a publish of your built binaries. It uses the following variables: | Name | description | default value | | --------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PUBLISH_ENABLED` | Variable to enable the publish job | _none_ (disabled) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PUBLISH_ARGS` | Arguments used by the publish job | `publish --with-default-args` | | :lock: `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PUBLISH_LOGIN` | Login to use to publish | **has to be defined** | | :lock: `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PUBLISH_PASSWORD` | Password to use to publish | **has to be defined** | ### Secrets management Here are some advices about your **secrets** (variables marked with a :lock:): 1. Manage them as [project or group CI/CD variables](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#create-a-custom-variable-in-the-ui): * [**masked**](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#mask-a-custom-variable) to prevent them from being inadvertently displayed in your job logs, * [**protected**](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#protect-a-custom-variable) if you want to secure some secrets you don't want everyone in the project to have access to (for instance production secrets). 2. In case a secret contains [characters that prevent it from being masked](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#masked-variable-requirements), simply define its value as the [Base64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64) encoded value prefixed with `@b64@`: it will then be possible to mask it and the template will automatically decode it prior to using it. 3. Don't forget to escape special characters (ex: `$` -> `$$`). {%- elif cookiecutter.template_type == 'deploy' %} This project implements a GitLab CI/CD template to deploy your application to [{{cookiecutter.template_name}}]({{cookiecutter.refdoc_url}}). ## Usage In order to include this template in your project, add the following to your `gitlab-ci.yml`: ```yaml include: - project: 'to-be-continuous/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}' ref: '1.0.0' file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.yml' ``` ## Understand This chapter introduces key notions and principle to understand how this template works. ### Managed deployment environments This template implements continuous delivery/continuous deployment for projects hosted on {{cookiecutter.template_name}}. It allows you to manage automatic deployment & cleanup of standard predefined environments. Each environment can be enabled/disabled by configuration. If you're not satisfied with predefined environments and/or their associated Git workflow, you may implement you own environments and workflow, by reusing/extending the base (hidden) jobs. This is advanced usage and will not be covered by this documentation. The following chapters present the managed predefined environments and their associated Git workflow. #### Review environments The template supports **review** environments: those are dynamic and ephemeral environments to deploy your _ongoing developments_ (a.k.a. _feature_ or _topic_ branches). When enabled, it deploys the result from upstream build stages to a dedicated and temporary environment. It is only active for non-production, non-integration branches. It is a strict equivalent of GitLab's [Review Apps](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/review_apps/) feature. It also comes with a _cleanup_ job (accessible either from the _environments_ page, or from the pipeline view). #### Integration environment If you're using a Git Workflow with an integration branch (such as [Gitflow](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/comparing-workflows/gitflow-workflow)), the template supports an **integration** environment. When enabled, it deploys the result from upstream build stages to a dedicated environment. It is only active for your integration branch (`develop` by default). #### Production environments Lastly, the template supports 2 environments associated to your production branch (`master` or `main` by default): * a **staging** environment (an iso-prod environment meant for testing and validation purpose), * the **production** environment. You're free to enable whichever or both, and you can also choose your deployment-to-production policy: * **continuous deployment**: automatic deployment to production (when the upstream pipeline is successful), * **continuous delivery**: deployment to production can be triggered manually (when the upstream pipeline is successful). ### Supported authentication methods The {{cookiecutter.template_name}} template supports the following authentication methods: * TODO (document) ### Deployment context variables In order to manage the various deployment environments, this template provides a couple of **dynamic variables** that you might use in your hook scripts, deployment manifests and other deployment resources: * `${environment_type}`: the current deployment environment type (`review`, `integration`, `staging` or `production`) * `${environment_name}`: a generated application name to use for the current deployment environment (ex: `myapp-review-fix-bug-12` or `myapp-staging`) - _details below_ #### Generated environment name The `${environment_name}` variable is generated to designate each deployment environment with a unique and meaningful application name. By construction, it is suitable for inclusion in DNS, URLs, Kubernetes labels... It is built from: * the application _base name_ (defaults to `$CI_PROJECT_NAME` but can be overridden globally and/or per deployment environment - _see configuration variables_) * GitLab predefined `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` variable ([sluggified](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_URL#Slug) name, truncated to 24 characters) The `${environment_name}` variable is then evaluated as: * `<app base name>` for the production environment * `<app base name>-$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` for all other deployment environments * :bulb: `${environment_name}` can also be overriden per environment with the appropriate configuration variable Examples (with an application's base name `myapp`): | `$environment_type` | Branch | `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` | `$environment_name` | |---------------------|---------------|-------------------------|---------------------| | `review` | `feat/blabla` | `review-feat-bla-xmuzs6`| `myapp-review-feat-bla-xmuzs6` | | `integration` | `develop` | `integration` | `myapp-integration` | | `staging` | `main` | `staging` | `myapp-staging` | | `production` | `main` | `production` | `myapp` | ### Deployment and cleanup > TODO: explain here the supported techniques to deploy and cleanup the environments. > > You should also explained clearly what is expected from the template user and what is the lookup policy in case the template > implements one. > > Example: The {{cookiecutter.template_name}} template requires you to provide a shell script that fully implements your application deployment and cleanup using the `{{cookiecutter.cli_tool}}` CLI and all other tools available in the selected Docker image. The deployment script is searched as follows: 1. look for a specific `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-deploy-$environment_type.sh` in the `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_SCRIPTS_DIR` directory in your project (e.g. `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-deploy-staging.sh` for staging environment), 2. if not found: look for a default `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-deploy.sh` in the `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_SCRIPTS_DIR` directory in your project, 3. if not found: the deployment job will fail. The cleanup script is searched as follows: 1. look for a specific `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-cleanup-$environment_type.sh` in the `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_SCRIPTS_DIR` directory in your project (e.g. `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-cleanup-staging.sh` for staging environment), 2. if not found: look for a default `{{cookiecutter.template_prefix}}-cleanup.sh` in the `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_SCRIPTS_DIR` directory in your project, 3. if not found: the cleanup job will fail. > :information_source: Your deployment (and cleanup) scripts have to be able to cope with various environments, each with different application names, exposed routes, settings, ... > Part of this complexity can be handled by the lookup policies described above (ex: one script per env) and also by using available environment variables: > > 1. [deployment context variables](#deployment-context-variables) provided by the template: > * `${environment_type}`: the current environment type (`review`, `integration`, `staging` or `production`) > * `${environment_name}`: the application name to use for the current environment (ex: `myproject-review-fix-bug-12` or `myproject-staging`) > * `${hostname}`: the environment hostname, extracted from the current environment url (after late variable expansion - see below) > 2. any [GitLab CI variable](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/predefined_variables.html) > 3. any [custom variable](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#add-a-cicd-variable-to-a-project) > (ex: `${SECRET_TOKEN}` that you have set in your project CI/CD variables) ### Environments URL management The {{cookiecutter.template_name}} template supports two ways of providing your environments url: * a **static way**: when the environments url can be determined in advance, probably because you're exposing your routes through a DNS you manage, * a [**dynamic way**](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/environments/#set-dynamic-environment-urls-after-a-job-finishes): when the url cannot be known before the deployment job is executed. The **static way** can be implemented simply by setting the appropriate configuration variable(s) depending on the environment (see environments configuration chapters): * `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_ENVIRONMENT_URL` to define a default url pattern for all your envs, * `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_ENVIRONMENT_URL`, `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_INTEG_ENVIRONMENT_URL`, `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_STAGING_ENVIRONMENT_URL` and `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_ENVIRONMENT_URL` to override the default. > :information_source: Each of those variables support a **late variable expansion mechanism** with the `%{somevar}` syntax, > allowing you to use any dynamically evaluated variables such as `${environment_name}`. > > Example: > > ```yaml > variables: > {{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME: "wonderapp" > # global url for all environments > {{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_ENVIRONMENT_URL: "https://%{environment_name}.nonprod.acme.domain" > # override for prod (late expansion of ${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME not needed here) > {{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_ENVIRONMENT_URL: "https://${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME.acme.domain" > # override for review (using separate resource paths) > {{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_ENVIRONMENT_URL: "https://wonderapp-review.nonprod.acme.domain/%{environment_name}" > ``` To implement the **dynamic way**, your deployment script shall simply generate a `environment_url.txt` file in the working directory, containing only the dynamically generated url. When detected by the template, it will use it as the newly deployed environment url. ### Deployment output variables Each deployment job produces _output variables_ that are propagated to downstream jobs (using [dotenv artifacts](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/pipelines/job_artifacts.html#artifactsreportsdotenv)): * `$environment_type`: set to the type of environment (`review`, `integration`, `staging` or `production`), * `$environment_name`: the application name (see below), * `$environment_url`: set to the environment URL (whether determined statically or dynamically). Those variables may be freely used in downstream jobs (for instance to run acceptance tests against the latest deployed environment). ## Configuration reference ### Secrets management Here are some advices about your **secrets** (variables marked with a :lock:): 1. Manage them as [project or group CI/CD variables](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#add-a-cicd-variable-to-a-project): * [**masked**](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#mask-a-cicd-variable) to prevent them from being inadvertently displayed in your job logs, * [**protected**](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#protected-cicd-variables) if you want to secure some secrets you don't want everyone in the project to have access to (for instance production secrets). 2. In case a secret contains [characters that prevent it from being masked](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/#mask-a-cicd-variable), simply define its value as the [Base64](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64) encoded value prefixed with `@b64@`: it will then be possible to mask it and the template will automatically decode it prior to using it. 3. Don't forget to escape special characters (ex: `$` -> `$$`). ### Global configuration The {{cookiecutter.template_name}} template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs and environments. | Name | description | default value | | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_IMAGE` | the Docker image used to run {{cookiecutter.template_name}} CLI commands | `registry.hub.docker.com/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}:latest` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME` | Base application name | `$CI_PROJECT_NAME` ([see GitLab doc](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/variables/predefined_variables.html)) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_URL` | Default {{cookiecutter.template_name}} API url | _none_ | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_TOKEN` | Default {{cookiecutter.template_name}} API token | _none_ | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_ENVIRONMENT_URL` | Default environments url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration)_<br/>_supports late variable expansion (ex: `https://%{environment_name}.{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.acme.com`)_ | _none_ | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_SCRIPTS_DIR` | Directory where deploy & cleanup scripts are located | `.` _(root project dir)_ | ### Review environments configuration Review environments are dynamic and ephemeral environments to deploy your _ongoing developments_ (a.k.a. _feature_ or _topic_ branches). They are **disabled by default** and can be enabled by setting the `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_PROJECT` variable (see below). Here are variables supported to configure review environments: | Name | description | default value | | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_PROJECT` | Project ID for `review` env | _none_ (disabled) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_APP_NAME` | Application name for `review` env | `"{{ '${' }}{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME}-${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}"` (ex: `myproject-review-fix-bug-12`) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_API_URL` | API url for `review` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_URL` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_API_TOKEN` | API token for `review` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_TOKEN` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_REVIEW_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The review environments url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_ENVIRONMENT_URL` | ### Integration environment configuration The integration environment is the environment associated to your integration branch (`develop` by default). It is **disabled by default** and can be enabled by setting the `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_INTEG_PROJECT` variable (see below). Here are variables supported to configure the integration environment: | Name | description | default value | | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_INTEG_PROJECT` | Project ID for `integration` env | _none_ (disabled) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_INTEG_APP_NAME` | Application name for `integration` env | `{{ '${' }}{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME}-integration` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_INTEG_API_URL` | API url for `integration` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_URL` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_INTEG_API_TOKEN` | API token for `integration` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_TOKEN` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_INTEG_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The integration environment url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_ENVIRONMENT_URL` | ### Staging environment configuration The staging environment is an iso-prod environment meant for testing and validation purpose associated to your production branch (`main` or `master` by default). It is **disabled by default** and can be enabled by setting the `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_STAGING_PROJECT` variable (see below). Here are variables supported to configure the staging environment: | Name | description | default value | | ------------------------ | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_STAGING_PROJECT` | Project ID for `staging` env | _none_ (disabled) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_STAGING_APP_NAME` | Application name for `staging` env | `{{ '${' }}{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME}-staging` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_STAGING_API_URL` | API url for `staging` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_URL` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_STAGING_API_TOKEN` | API token for `staging` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_TOKEN` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_STAGING_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The staging environment url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_ENVIRONMENT_URL` | ### Production environment configuration The production environment is the final deployment environment associated with your production branch (`main` or `master` by default). It is **disabled by default** and can be enabled by setting the `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_PROJECT` variable (see below). Here are variables supported to configure the production environment: | Name | description | default value | | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_PROJECT` | Project ID for `production` env | _none_ (disabled) | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_APP_NAME` | Application name for `production` env | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_BASE_APP_NAME` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_API_URL` | API url for `production` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_URL` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_API_TOKEN` | API token for `production` env _(only define if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_API_TOKEN` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_ENVIRONMENT_URL`| The production environment url _(only define for static environment URLs declaration and if different from default)_ | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_ENVIRONMENT_URL` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROD_DEPLOY_STRATEGY`| Defines the deployment to production strategy. One of `manual` (i.e. _one-click_) or `auto`. | `manual` | {%- elif cookiecutter.template_type == 'acceptance' %} This project implements a GitLab CI/CD template to run your automated tests with [{{cookiecutter.template_name}}]({{cookiecutter.refdoc_url}}). ## Usage In order to include this template in your project, add the following to your `gitlab-ci.yml`: ```yaml include: - project: 'to-be-continuous/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}' ref: '1.0.0' file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.yml' ``` ## `{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}` job This job starts [{{cookiecutter.template_name}}]({{cookiecutter.refdoc_url}}) (functional) tests. It uses the following variable: | Name | description | default value | | --------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_IMAGE` | The Docker image used to run {{cookiecutter.template_name}}. | `registry.hub.docker.com/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}:latest` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROJECT_DIR` | The {{cookiecutter.template_name}} project directory (containing test scripts) | `.` | | `{{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_EXTRA_ARGS` | {{cookiecutter.template_name}} extra [run options](link-to-cli-options-ref) | _none_ | | `REVIEW_ENABLED` | Set to `true` to enable {{cookiecutter.template_name}} tests on review environments (dynamic environments instantiated on development branches) | _none_ (disabled) | In addition to a textual report in the console, this job produces the following reports, kept for one day: | Report | Format | Usage | | -------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- | | `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROJECT_DIR/reports/{{cookiecutter.template_name}}.xunit.xml` | [xUnit](https://github.com/jest-community/jest-junit#readme) test report(s) | [GitLab integration](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/artifacts_reports.html#artifactsreportsjunit) | ### base url auto evaluation By default, the {{cookiecutter.template_name}} template tries to auto-evaluate its base url (i.e. the variable pointing at server under test) by looking either for a `$environment_url` variable or for an `environment_url.txt` file. Therefore if an upstream job in the pipeline deployed your code to a server and propagated the deployed server url, either through a [dotenv](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/pipelines/job_artifacts.html#artifactsreportsdotenv) variable `$environment_url` or through a basic `environment_url.txt` file, then the {{cookiecutter.template_name}} test will automatically be run on this server. :warning: all our deployment templates implement this design. Therefore even purely dynamic environments (such as review environments) will automatically be propagated to your {{cookiecutter.template_name}} tests. {%- endif %}