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# Translation of Odoo Server.
# This file contains the translation of the following modules:
# 	* energy_communities
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 14.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-08-23 12:01+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-08-23 14:24+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Daniil Digtyar Vasilieva <>\n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"Language: eu_ES\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_templ_lead_assigned_to_coordinator_id
msgid ""
"                \n"
"                    <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                        <p>Hello,</p>\n"
"                        <p>There is a new Energy Community registration request.</p>\n"
"                        <p>Go to Odoo to track this registration.</p>\n"
"                        <p>Yours faithfully,</p>\n"
"                        <p> team </p>\n"
"                        <p><a href=\"\">Resources and FAQs</a></p>\n"
"                    </div>\n"
"                \n"
"            "
msgstr ""
"                \n"
"                    <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                        <p>Kaixo,</p>\n"
"                        <p>Comunidad Energétican izena emateko eskaera berri bat dago.</p>\n"
"                        <p>Zoaz Odoo erregistro honi jarraipena emateko.</p>\n"
"                        <p>Zinez,</p>\n"
"                        <p>Taldea</p>\n"
"                        <p><a href=\"\">Baliabideak eta ohiko galderak</a></p>\n"
"                    </div>\n"
"                \n"
"            "

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:energy_communities.field_subscription_request__vat
msgid ""
"        The Tax Identification Number. Complete it if the contact is "
"subjected to\n"
"        government taxes. Used in some legal statements.\"\n"
"        "
msgstr ""
"        El NIF/CIF. Completa este campo si el contacto está subjecto a\n"
"        las tasas estatales. Se usa en algunos informes legales.\"\n"
"        Identifikazio Fiskaleko Zenbakia. Osatu kontaktua jasaten badu\n"
"         gobernuaren zergak. Lege adierazpen batzuetan erabiltzen da\"."
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_template_confirmation_voluntary_share
msgid ""
"    <p>Dear ${object.firstname},</p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        We confirm that we have correctly received your request to make a "
"voluntary contribution to the capital\n"
"        social of <b>${}</b>, with the following "
"    </p>\n"
"    <ul>\n"
"        <li>Partner VAT: <b>${object.vat}</b></li>\n"
"        <li>Partner name: <b>${object.firstname} ${object.lastname}</b></"
"        <li>Charging account: <b>${object.iban}</b></li>\n"
"        <li>Subscription amount: <b>${object.subscription_amount}€</b></"
"    </ul>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        In the next few days you will receive the bank charge in this "
"account, please verify that all the data\n"
"        provided is correct and you have the money you want to invest, to "
"avoid any incident in the\n"
"        draft of the receipt.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Once the validity of the payment has been verified, you will "
"receive a new notification confirming the\n"
"        contribution\n"
"        made and detailing the particular conditions of your contribution.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Thank you for your involvement with the cooperative and inform you "
"that for any doubt or clarification you can\n"
"        consult\n"
"        our website:\n"
"        <a href=\"${}\"> ${object.company_id."
"        or send us an email to\n"
"        <a href=\"${}\">${}</"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Get the word out by explaining the project to family and friends. "
"The more we are, the further we will go!\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Thank you very much and good energy!\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Sincerely,\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        ${} team\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <img src=\"/web/image/${}/logo\" "
"style=\"width: 150px;height: 80px;\"/>\n"
"    <p>${object.firstname} agurgarria,</p>\n"
"Baieztatzen dizugu zuzen jaso dugula zure eskaera, <b>${object.company_id."
"name}</b> kapital sozialera borondatezko ekarpena egiteko, datu hauekin:\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <ul>\n"
"        <li>Bazkidea DNI: <b>${object.vat}</b></li>\n"
"        <li>Bazkidea: <b>${object.firstname} ${object.lastname}</b></li>\n"
"        <li>Kargu-kontua: <b>${object.iban}</b></li>\n"
"        <li>Ekarpenaren zenbatekoa: <b>${object.subscription_amount}€</b></"
"    </ul>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"Datozen egunetan kontu honetan jasoko duzu bankuko kargua. Mesedez, "
"egiaztatu emandako datu guztiak zuzenak direla eta eman nahi duzun dirua "
"duzula, ordainagiriaren igorpenean gorabeherarik izan ez dadin.\n"
"Egindako ordainketaren balioa egiaztatu ondoren, beste jakinarazpen bat "
"jasoko duzu, egindako ekarpena baieztatuz eta zure ekarpenaren baldintza "
"partikularrak zehaztuz.\n"
"Kooperatibarekin duzun inplikazioa eskertu nahi dizugu, eta, edozein "
"zalantza argitzeko, gure web orria kontsulta dezakezu \n"
"        <a href=\"${}\"> ${object.company_id."
"edo mezu elektroniko bat bidali \n"
"        <a href=\"${}\">${}</"
" helbidera.\n"
"Ahoz ahoz proiektua familiakoei, auzokideei eta lagunei azaldu. Zenbat eta "
"gehiago izan, urrunago iritsiko gara!\n"
"Eskerrik asko eta energia on!\n"
"        Adeitasunez,\n"
"        ${} taldea\n"
"    <img src=\"/web/image/${}/logo\" "
"style=\"width: 150px;height: 80px;\"/>\n"
"            "

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_template_conditions_voluntary_share
msgid ""
"    <p>Dear ${},</p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Last week we charged your account corresponding to your voluntary "
"contribution to the share capital of the\n"
"        <b>${}</b>.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        We attach the contract with the conditions of your investment and "
"we remind you that for any doubt or\n"
"        clarification in relation to the contribution made you can send an "
"email to\n"
"        <a href=\"${}\">${}</"
"a> or consult the website\n"
"        <a href=\"${}\"> ${object.company_id."
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        We take this opportunity to thank you, once again, for your "
"involvement with the <b>${}</b>\n"
"        objective to promote those actions or projects that contribute to "
"an energy, economic and social transition\n"
"        in ${}.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Get the word out by explaining the project to family and friends. "
"The more we are, the further we will go!\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Thank you very much and good energy!\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Sincerely,\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        ${} team\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <img src=\"/web/image/${}/logo\" "
"style=\"width: 150px;height: 80px;\"/>\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
"    <p>${object.firstname} estimatua,</p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Jakinarazten dizuegu zuen bankuari igorri diogula \n"
"        <b>${}</b> kooperatibaren kapital sozialari "
"egin diozun borondatezko ekarpenari dagokion kargua.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Zure inbertsioaren baldintzak jasotzen dituen kontratua eransten "
"dizugu eta gogorarazten dizugu egindako ekarpenari buruzko edozein zalantza "
"argitzeko posta elektroniko bat bidal dezakezula\n"
"        <a href=\"${}\">${}</"
"a> helbidera edo \n"
"        <a href=\"${}\"> ${object.company_id."
"website}</a>web orria kontsultatu.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Bide batez eskerrak eman nahi dizkizugu beste behin ere, "
"        xedearekin duzun inplikazioagatik,  ${} "
"energia, ekonomia eta gizarte trantsizioan laguntzen duten ekintzak edo "
"proiektuak bultzatzeko.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"Ahoz aho proiektua familiakoei, auzokideei eta lagunei azaldu. Zenbat eta "
"gehiago izan, urrunago iritsiko gara.\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"Eskerrik asko eta energia on!\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        Adeitasunez,\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <p>\n"
"        ${} taldea\n"
"    </p>\n"
"    <img src=\"/web/image/${}/logo\" "
"style=\"width: 150px;height: 80px;\"/>\n"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_templ_lead_request_contact_confirm_id
msgid ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Hello,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Thank you for contact.</p>\n"
"                    <p>We have received your email and we have we have forwarded it to the Community so that they can contact you as soon as possible.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>We keep in touch for any questions.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Yours faithfully,</p>\n"
"                    <p> team </p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Resources and FAQs</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Kaixo,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Eskerrik asko harremanetan jartzeagatik.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Zure e-posta jaso dugu eta Komunitateari birbidali diogu, ahalik eta azkarren zurekin harremanetan jartzeko.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>Edozein zalantza argitzeko harremanetan jartzen gara.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Zinez,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Taldea</p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Baliabideak eta ohiko galderak</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
"            "

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_templ_lead_ce_creation_receipt_confirm_id
msgid ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <p>Hello,</p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <p>Thank you for filling out the form and requesting the membership of your Energy Community on the platform.</p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <p>In the coming weeks we will study the application and contact you to indicate the steps and the information necessary to complete the registration process for the Community and the people who are part of it.</p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>We keep in touch for any questions.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Yours faithfully,</p>\n"
"                    <p> team </p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Resources and FAQs</a></p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                </div>\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <p>Kaixo,</p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <p>Eskerrik asko formularioa bete eta plataforman zure Energia Komunitatearen kide izatea eskatzeagatik.</p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <p>Datozen asteetan aplikazioa aztertuko dugu eta zurekin harremanetan jarriko gara Komunitatearen eta bertan dauden pertsonen erregistro-prozesua burutzeko beharrezkoak diren urratsak eta informazioa adierazteko.</p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>Edozein zalantza argitzeko harremanetan jartzen gara.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Zinez,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Taldea</p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Baliabideak eta ohiko galderak</a></p>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                </div>\n"
"            "

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_templ_lead_request_advise_future_ce_confirm_id
msgid ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Hello,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Thank you for filling out the form.</p>\n"
"                    <p>In case an Energy Community is activated in your neighborhood or municipality, they can consult the existing requests and contact you. Without any commitment on your part beyond having shown interest in promoting a movement of social transformation and an energy model.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>We keep in touch for any questions.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Yours faithfully,</p>\n"
"                    <p> team </p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Resources and FAQs</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Kaixo,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Eskerrik asko formularioa betetzeagatik.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Zure auzoan edo udalerrian Energia Komunitate bat aktibatzen bada, dauden eskaerak kontsultatu eta zurekin harremanetan jartzeko aukera izango dute. Gizarte eraldaketarako mugimendua eta eredu energetikoa sustatzeko interesa agertu izanaz haratago euren aldetik inolako konpromisorik gabe.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>Edozein zalantza argitzeko harremanetan jartzen gara.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Zinez,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Taldea</p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Baliabideak eta ohiko galderak</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
"            "

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_templ_lead_request_ce_news_confirm_id
msgid ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Hello,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Thank you for filling out the form.</p>\n"
"                    <p>You have been subscribed correctly to the Community Newsletter.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>Yours faithfully,</p>\n"
"                    <p> team </p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Resources and FAQs</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Kaixo,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Eskerrik asko formularioa betetzeagatik.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Behar bezala harpidetu zara Komunitatearen buletinera.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>Zinez,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Taldea</p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Baliabideak eta ohiko galderak</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_templ_lead_request_platform_news_confirm_id
msgid ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Hello,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Thank you for filling out the form.</p>\n"
"                    <p>You have been subscribed correctly to the Platform Newsletter.</p>\n"
"                    <p>We'll let you know if there's any news about the project.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>Yours faithfully,</p>\n"
"                    <p> team </p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Resources and FAQs</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
"                <div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"                    <p>Kaixo,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Eskerrik asko formularioa betetzeagatik.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Buletinera ondo harpidetu zara.</p>\n"
"                    <p>Proiektuari buruzko edozein berriren berri emango dizuegu.</p>\n"
"                    <br />\n"
"                    <p>Zinez,</p>\n"
"                    <p>Taldea</p>\n"
"                    <p><a href=\"\">Baliabideak eta ohiko galderak</a></p>\n"
"                </div>\n"
"            "

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,body_html:energy_communities.email_template_confirmation_company
msgid ""
"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-"
"serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; "
"    <p>Hello,</p>\n"
"    <p>Thank you for filling out the form and request to join the Community."
"    <p>In the coming weeks we will contact you to indicate the next steps</"
"    <p>Here is a copy of the data we received:</p>\n"
"    <div id=\"field_list_div\" style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', "
"Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: rgb(34, 34, "
"34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"        <p> - Request to join: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Company Name: ${object.company_name}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Company Email: ${object.company_email}</p>\n"
"        <p> - VAT: ${object.vat}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Address: ${object.address}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Zip code: ${object.zip_code}</p>\n"
"        <p> - City: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Country: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Firstname: ${object.firstname}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Lastname: ${object.lastname}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Function: ${object.contact_person_function}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Email: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Phone: ${( or '')}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Gender: ${dict(object.fields_get(allfields=['gender'])"
"        <p> - Birthdate: ${object.birthdate}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Language: ${dict(object.fields_get(allfields=['lang'])['lang']"
"        <p> - Initial share amount: ${object.subscription_amount}</p>\n"
"    % if object.payment_mode_id.payment_method_id.code == "
"'sepa_direct_debit': \n"
"        <p> - Bank account: ${object.iban}</p>\n"
"        <p> - I authorize bank receipts to be sent to this account: "
"${object.mandate_approved and 'SI' or 'NO'}</p> \n"
"    % endif\n"
"    </div>\n"
"    <br />\n"
"    <p>We keep in touch for any questions.</p>\n"
"    <p>Yours faithfully,</p>\n"
"    <p> team </p>\n"
"    <p><a href=\"\">Resources "
"and FAQs</a></p>\n"
"            "
msgstr ""
"<div style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-"
"serif; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); background-color: #FFF; "
"    <p>Hola,</p>\n"
"    <p>Gracias por rellenar el formulario y solicitar la adhesión a la "
"Comunidad Energética.</p>\n"
"    <p>En las próximas semanas nos pondremos en contacto contigo para "
"indicarte los siguientes pasos.</p>\n"
"    <p>Aquí tienes una copia de los datos que hemos recibido:</p>\n"
"    <div id=\"field_list_div\" style=\"font-family: 'Lucica Grande', "
"Ubuntu, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: rgb(34, 34, "
"34); background-color: #FFF; \">\n"
"        <p> - Comunidad: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Nombre empresa: ${object.company_name}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Correo empresa: ${object.company_email}</p>\n"
"        <p> - NIF/CIF empresa: ${object.vat}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Dirección empresa: ${object.address}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Código postal empresa: ${object.zip_code}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Ciudad empresa: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - País empresa: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Nombre persona representante: ${object.firstname}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Apellidos persona representante: ${object.lastname}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Cargo representante: ${object.contact_person_function}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Correo representante: ${}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Teléfono representante: ${( or '')}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Género representante: ${dict(object."
"        <p> - Fecha nacimiento representante: ${object.birthdate}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Idioma comunicaciones: ${dict(object."
"        <p> - Importe aportación inicial: ${object.subscription_amount}</"
"    % if object.payment_mode_id.payment_method_id.code == "
"'sepa_direct_debit': \n"
"        <p> - Cuenta bancaria: ${object.iban}</p>\n"
"        <p> - Autorizo giros bancarios a esta cuenta: ${object."
"mandate_approved and 'SI' or 'NO'}</p> \n"
"    % endif\n"
"    </div>\n"
"    <br />\n"
"    <p>Seguimos en contacto para cualquier duda.</p>\n"
"    <p>Atentamente,</p>\n"
"    <p>Equipo</p>\n"
"    <p><a href=\"\">Resources "
"and FAQs</a></p>\n"
"            "

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:energy_communities.field_auth_oauth_provider__superuser_pwd
msgid "\"Superuser\" user password"
msgstr "\"Supererabiltzailea\" erabiltzailearen pasahitza"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:energy_communities.field_auth_oauth_provider__superuser
msgid "A super power user that is able to CRUD users on KC."
msgstr ""
"KC-n CRUD erabiltzaileak egiteko gai den botere handiko erabiltzailea."

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model,name:energy_communities.model_account_chart_template
msgid "Account Chart Template"
msgstr "Kontu-diagrama txantiloia"
#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/controllers/
#, python-format
msgid "Address not found"
msgstr "Helbidea ez da aurkitu"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_auth_oauth_provider__is_admin_provider
msgid "Admin provider"
msgstr "Admin hornitzailea"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:res.groups,name:energy_communities.group_admin
msgid "Administrator"
msgstr "Administratzailea"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:crm.tag,name:energy_communities.ce_tag_aggregate_demand
msgid "Agregació i flexibilitat de la demanda"
msgstr "Eskariaren malgutasuna eta agregazioa"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_company__allow_new_members
msgid "Allow new members"
msgstr "Onartu kide berriak"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__allow_new_members
msgid "Allows new members"
msgstr "Kide berriei baimena ematea"

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#, python-format
msgid "An instance company already exists"
msgstr "Instantzia-enpresa bat dagoeneko existitzen da"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.view_assign_crm_to_coordinator_wizard_form
msgid "Assign"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
msgstr "Esleitu"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed

#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.view_assign_crm_to_coordinator_wizard_form
msgid "Assign CRM to Coordinator Company Wizard"
msgstr "Esleitu CRM Koordinatzailearen Enpresa Morroiari"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#, python-format
msgid "Assign CRM to coordinator company"
msgstr "Esleitu CRM enpresa koordinatzaileari"

konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model,name:energy_communities.model_assign_crm_to_coordinator_company_wizard
msgid "Assign CRM to coordinator company wizard"
msgstr "Esleitu CRM enpresa koordinatzailearen morroiari"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_assign_crm_to_coordinator_company_wizard__assigned_company_id
msgid "Assigned company"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
msgstr "Esleitutako enpresa"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed

#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.ce_crm_lead_view_form
msgid "Assing CRM to coordinator company"
msgstr "Enpresa koordinatzaileari CRM gehitzea"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/services/
#: code:addons/energy_communities/services/
#: code:addons/energy_communities/services/
#, python-format
msgid "Authorization token not found"
msgstr "Ez da aurkitu baimen-tokena"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.iban_template_es_ccee
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.voluntary_shares_template
msgid "Bank Account Number"
msgstr "Banku-kontuaren zenbakia"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.becomecompanycooperator
msgid "Become Company Cooperator of"
msgstr "Izan zaitez Enpresa Kolaboratzaile"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.becomecooperator_ccee
msgid "Become Cooperator of"
msgstr "Izan Kolaboratzaile"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__become_cooperator_process
msgid "Become cooperator process"
msgstr "Bihurtu kooperatzaile prozesua"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.actions.server,name:energy_communities.action_build_community_company_from_lead
msgid "Build Community Company"
msgstr "Eraiki Komunitatea Enpresa"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:energy_communities.field_crm_lead__ce_tag_ids
msgid "CE Classify and analyze categories"
msgstr "CE Kategoriak sailkatu eta aztertzea"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:energy_communities.ce_crm_leads_ce_contact_action
msgid "CE Contact"
msgstr "CE Kontaktua"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:energy_communities.ce_crm_leads_ce_info_action
msgid "CE Information"
msgstr "CE Informazioa"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_crm_lead__ce_tag_ids
msgid "CE Tags"
msgstr "CE Etiketak"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:utm.source,name:energy_communities.ce_source_creation_ce_proposal
msgid "CE creation"
msgstr "CE sorrera"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:energy_communities.ce_crm_leads_new_ce_request_action
msgid "CE creation requests"
msgstr "CE sortzeko eskaerak"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_account_multicompany_easy_creation_wiz__crm_lead_id
msgid "CRM Lead"
msgstr "CRM liderra"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model,name:energy_communities.model_crm_tag
msgid "CRM Tag"
msgstr "CRM etiketa"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.view_assign_crm_to_coordinator_wizard_form
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_account_multicompany_easy_creation_wiz__chart_template_id
msgid "Chart Template"
msgstr "Diagrama txantiloia"

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:energy_communities.selection__landing_page__community_type__citizen
#, python-format
msgid "Citizen"
msgstr "Herritarra"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__city
msgid "City"
#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/controllers/
#, python-format
msgid "City not found"
msgstr "Ez da aurkitu hiria"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:energy_communities.ce_utm_sources_action
msgid "Click to define a new Source."
msgstr "Egin klik Iturburu berri bat definitzeko."

#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.actions.act_window,help:energy_communities.ce_crm_lead_tags_action
msgid "Click to define a new tag."
msgstr "Egin klik etiketa berri bat definitzeko."

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:energy_communities.selection__landing_page__community_status__closed
#, python-format
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Itxita"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_users_role__code
msgid "Code"

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:energy_communities.selection__res_company__hierarchy_level__community
#, python-format
msgid "Community"
msgstr "Komunitatea"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__community_active_services
msgid "Community active services"
msgstr "Komunitate-zerbitzu aktibo"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,help:energy_communities.field_crm_lead__community_company_id
msgid "Community related to this Lead"
msgstr "Comunitad relacionada"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__community_secondary_type
msgid "Community secondary type"
msgstr "Komunitate bigarren mailako mota"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__community_status
msgid "Community status"
msgstr "Erkidego-egoera"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__community_type
msgid "Community type"
msgstr "Komunitate mota"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model,name:energy_communities.model_res_company
msgid "Companies"
msgstr "Enpresak"
#. module: energy_communities
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__company_id
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.voluntary_share
msgid "Company"
msgstr "Konpainia"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:crm.tag,name:energy_communities.ce_tag_collective_purchases
msgid "Compres col·lectives"
msgstr "Konprimitu kolektiboak"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,subject:energy_communities.email_template_conditions_voluntary_share
msgid ""
"Conditions Share Capital to ${} Ref. ACSV${}"
msgstr ""
"${} kapital sozialaren baldintzak Ref. ACSV${object."

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model,name:energy_communities.model_res_config_settings
msgid "Config Settings"
msgstr "Konfigurazio ezarpenak"

#. module: energy_communities
msgid "Configuration"
msgstr "Konfigurazioa"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.voluntary_share
msgid "Confirm Email"
msgstr "Posta elektronikoa berretsi"
#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#, python-format
msgid ""
"Conflict on user values. Please verify that all values supposed to be "
"unique are really unique. %(detail)s"
msgstr ""
"Erabiltzaileen baloreen arteko gatazka. Egiaztatu bakarrak izan behar diren "
"balio guztiak benetan bakarrak direla. %(detail)s"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model,name:energy_communities.model_res_partner
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Kontaktua"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:utm.source,name:energy_communities.ce_source_existing_ce_contact
msgid "Contact a existing CE"
msgstr "Jarri harremanetan lehendik dagoen CE batekin"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:mail.template,subject:energy_communities.email_template_confirmation_voluntary_share
msgid "Contribute to ${} Ref. ACSV${}"
msgstr ""
"${} autofinantzaketan ematea Erref. ACSV${}"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:product.template,name:energy_communities.share_capital_product_template
msgid "Contribution to Share Capital"
msgstr "Kapital Sozialerako ekarpena"

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#, python-format
msgid "Converting just part of the shares is not yet implemented"
msgstr "Akzioen zati bat besterik ez bihurtzea oraindik ez da inplementatu"

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:energy_communities.selection__landing_page__community_secondary_type__cooperative
#, python-format
msgid "Cooperative"
msgstr "Kooperatiba"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.wizard_multicompany_easy_creation_form_inherit
msgid "Cooperator"
msgstr "Kooperatzailea"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_account_multicompany_easy_creation_wiz__property_cooperator_account
msgid "Cooperator Account"
msgstr "Kooperatzaileen Kontua"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_company__cooperator_journal
msgid "Cooperator Journal"
msgstr "Kooperatzaileen Aldizkaria"
#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:energy_communities.selection__res_company__hierarchy_level__coordinator
#, python-format
msgid "Coordinator"
msgstr "Koordinatzailea"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:res.groups,name:energy_communities.role_coord_admin_res_groups
#: model:res.users.role,name:energy_communities.role_coord_admin
msgid "Coordinator Admin"
msgstr "Koordinatzailea Admin"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:res.groups,name:energy_communities.role_coord_worker_res_groups
#: model:res.users.role,name:energy_communities.role_coord_worker
msgid "Coordinator Worker"
msgstr "Koordinatzailea Langilea"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.actions.server,name:energy_communities.action_create_map_place_from_lead
msgid "Create Map Place"
msgstr "Sortu mapa-lekua"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.wizard_multicompany_easy_creation_form_inherit
msgid "Create from CRM Lead"
msgstr "Sortu CRM Lead-etik"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.view_company_form_ce_inherited
msgid "Create landing page"
msgstr "Sortu helmuga orria"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_account_multicompany_easy_creation_wiz__create_user
msgid "Create user for cooperator"
msgstr "Sortu erabiltzailea kooperatibarentzat"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_company__create_user_in_keycloak
msgid "Create user for keycloak"
msgstr "Sortu erabiltzailea keycloak-erako"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_assign_crm_to_coordinator_company_wizard__create_uid
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__create_uid
msgid "Created by"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_assign_crm_to_coordinator_company_wizard__create_date
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__create_date
msgid "Created on"
msgstr "Urtean sortua"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_assign_crm_to_coordinator_company_wizard__crm_lead_id
msgid "Crm Lead"
msgstr "Crm Beruna"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.view_users_form_form_inherit
msgid "DNI"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_account_chart_template__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_account_move__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_account_multicompany_easy_creation_wiz__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_assign_crm_to_coordinator_company_wizard__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_auth_oauth_provider__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_crm_lead__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_crm_tag__display_name
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_landing_page__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_operation_request__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_product_template__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_company__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_config_settings__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_partner__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_users__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_res_users_role__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_subscription_request__display_name
#: model:ir.model.fields,field_description:energy_communities.field_utm_source__display_name
msgid "Display Name"
msgstr "Izena erakutsi"
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/models/
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
#: model:ir.model.fields.selection,name:energy_communities.selection__landing_page__status__draft
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.landing_page_form_view
konykon's avatar
konykon committed
msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Zirriborroa"

#. module: energy_communities
msgid "EC Contact"
msgstr "EC Kontaktua"

#. module: energy_communities
msgid "EC Creation"
msgstr "EC Sorkuntza"

#. module: energy_communities
msgid "EC Information"
msgstr "EC Informazioa"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:crm.tag,name:energy_communities.ce_tag_energy_efficiency
msgid "Eficiencia energètica"
msgstr "Eraginkortasun energetikoa"
#. module: energy_communities
#: model_terms:ir.ui.view,arch_db:energy_communities.voluntary_share
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Posta elektronikoa"
#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/controllers/
#: code:addons/energy_communities/controllers/
#, python-format
msgid "Email and confirmation email addresses don't match."
msgstr "E-posta eta berrespen-helbide elektronikoak ez datoz bat."

#. module: energy_communities
#: code:addons/energy_communities/controllers/
#, python-format
msgid "Email not found"
msgstr "Ez da aurkitu helbide elektronikoa"

#. module: energy_communities
#: model:crm.tag,name:energy_communities.ce_tag_thermal_energy
msgid "Energia tèrmica i climatització"
msgstr "Energia termikoa eta klimatizazioa"