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ADD minor improvements

Xavier Bonet requested to merge ADD_minor_improvements into main
  1. Refactor endpoint member: GET, PUT(canvi de role).

Keycloak API need to use multiple specific calls (first DELETE and second PUT) to update the groups assignement to KC users so we have done a refactor of the previous/initial strategy. The current member endpoint profile is (example):

Calling PUT throw http://odoo-ce.local:8069/api/member/8cee27a8-6a17-4354-87c0-47bdd807db59?role=role_ce_member:

returns: { "member": { "keycloak_id": "8cee27a8-6a17-4354-87c0-47bdd807db59", "name": "Marta Arce", "role": "role_ce_member", "email": "" } }

Calling GET throw http://odoo-ce.local:8069/api/member/8cee27a8-6a17-4354-87c0-47bdd807db59:

returns: { "member": { "keycloak_id": "8cee27a8-6a17-4354-87c0-47bdd807db59", "name": "Marta Arce", "role": "role_ce_member", "email": "" } }

in boths GET/PUT the role attribute must have one of those values: [role_ce_member, role_ce_admin, role_platform_admin]

  1. Afegeix atribut partner_map_place_form_url (opcional) al payload del endpoint crm_lead amb source_xml_id = ce_source_creation_ce_proposal

  2. Afegeig l'atribut allow_new_members (boolea) al retorn del endpoint community

  3. Afegeig un nivell addicional {community : {}} al retorn del endpoint community

  4. Afegeix 2 atributs nous al model res_company (visibles a la part societària de la vista form): initial_subscription_share_amount (float),allow_new_members (boolean)

  5. en el procés de creació d'una company a partir d'un lead crea també el producte de tipus share per defecte de la mateixa.

  6. Refactor de les funcions que implementen el service del endpoint 'community'

Merge request reports
