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MOD mail_template crm_lead to request ce contact

As the email template xml_id's are defined under `noupdate=1 we need to do those steps in order to get the body and translations updated on Odoo:

  • Deploy this MR and update the ce module.
  • Delete the existing email_template Confirmation Email for CE Contact Request Lead Receipt
  • Proceed to update again the ce module --> it will re-generate the new email_template record.
  • Proceed to set to False the field noupdate of the ir_model_data record related to the mail_template. Use this query to identify the ir_model_data that need to be updated: select id, name, res_id, noupdate from ir_model_data where model = 'mail.template' and module = 'ce' and name = 'email_templ_lead_request_contact_confirm_id';
  • Proceed to force the Import Translation for the 2 files es.po and ca_ES.po that are related to this MR.
  • Proceed to set again to True the field noupdate of the ir_model_data above record.

Merge request reports
