Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20111006030516-uy8p3b5y1d2pbia0
Antony Lesuisse authoredbzr revid: al@openerp.com-20111006030516-uy8p3b5y1d2pbia0
Discovery of calendar resources
1. Srv record
Calendar server and port should be advertised by a DNS _srv record. Although this is beyond the capabilities of the OpenERP server, an example setup is listed below:
-- TODO --
DNS -> http://our-host-ip:port/
2. Well-known uris
The OpenERP server may have the 'well-known URIs' servlet activated, which means that it will advertise its main database and the correct location of the main CalDAV resource. http://our-host-ip:port/.well-known/caldav -> http://our-host-ip:port/webdav/dbname/calendars/
3. Caldav collection
The CalDAV "collection" is not necessarily a calendar or a folder just containing calendars under it. It is a DAV resource (aka folder) which has special DAV properties, so that clients are redirected to the right urls (like per-user calendars etc.).
http://our-host-ip:port/webdav/dbname/calendars/ -> http://our-host-ip:port/webdav/dbname/calendars/users/user-login/c/
4. Calendar home for user
There can be one dynamic folder per user, which will in turn contain the calendars
http://our-host-ip:port/webdav/dbname/calendars/users/user-login/c/ -> http://our-host-ip:port/webdav/dbname/calendars/users/user-login/c/[Meetings, Tasks]
5. Calendars
- Each calendar will contain the resource nodes:
- .../c/Meetings/ -> .../c/Meetings/123.ics
Principal url