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  • xO-Tx's avatar
    [FIX] website: correctly mark translatable attributes · 9276afdc
    xO-Tx authored
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Go to a website page > Add a 'Form' block > Set an input "Placeholder"
    - Go to the page (in 'edit_translations' mode) > The translation of the
    input "Placeholder" attribute doesn't mark the input as translated and
    even after saving the translation, the input is still marked as
    The goal of this commit is to fix this issue by extending the same
    behaviour on the translated `<select/>` options (using `.oe_translated`
    class) and setting the right translation state on the input from the
    linked attribute translation `<span/>`.
    closes odoo/odoo#121440
    X-original-commit: 8b522e5c
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBenoit Socias (bso) <>
    [FIX] website: correctly mark translatable attributes
    xO-Tx authored
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Go to a website page > Add a 'Form' block > Set an input "Placeholder"
    - Go to the page (in 'edit_translations' mode) > The translation of the
    input "Placeholder" attribute doesn't mark the input as translated and
    even after saving the translation, the input is still marked as
    The goal of this commit is to fix this issue by extending the same
    behaviour on the translated `<select/>` options (using `.oe_translated`
    class) and setting the right translation state on the input from the
    linked attribute translation `<span/>`.
    closes odoo/odoo#121440
    X-original-commit: 8b522e5c
    Signed-off-by: default avatarBenoit Socias (bso) <>
website.wysiwyg.scss 9.35 KiB

@each $font-name, $font-config in $o-theme-font-configs {
    $url: map-get($font-config, 'url');
    @if $url {
        @import url("{unquote($url)}&display=swap");
    } @else {
        $name: map-get($font-config, 'name');
        $attachment: map-get($font-config, 'attachment');
        @if $attachment {
            @import url("/web/content/#{$attachment}/google-font-#{unquote($name)}");

:root {
    // Override css variables to influence the default style of the editor
    // without duplicating the css.
    @include print-variable('o-we-toolbar-height', $o-navbar-height);

    // Need the colors, name, menu background color and footer background color of each color palette
    $o-palette-names: ();
    $-default-cc: ();
    $-bg-attrs: 'menu', 'footer';
    @each $attr in $-bg-attrs {
        // Since the variables built here are currently only used for theme previews we
        // decided to keep things simple and we deliberately ignore potential overrides
        // from #{$-bg-attrs}-custom and #{$-bg-attrs}-gradient.
        $-default-cc: map-merge($-default-cc, ($attr: map-get($o-base-color-palette, $attr)))

    @each $-selected-palette-name in $o-selected-color-palettes-names {
        $-palette: map-get($o-color-palettes, $-selected-palette-name);

        @if $-selected-palette-name != 'user-palette' {
            @each $key, $value in $-palette {
                @include print-variable('o-palette-#{$-selected-palette-name}-#{$key}', $value);

            @each $attr-name, $default-cc-idx in $-default-cc {
                $-cc-idx: $default-cc-idx;
                @if map-has-key($-palette, $attr-name) {
                    $-cc-idx: map-get($-palette, $attr-name);
                $-bg: $body-bg;
                @if $-cc-idx != null {
                    $-cc: nth($o-color-combinations, $-cc-idx);
                    $-bg: o-safe-get($-palette, 'o-cc#{$-cc-idx}-bg', map-get($-cc, 'bg'));
                    @if type-of($-bg) != color {
                        $-bg: map-get($-palette, $-bg);
                @include print-variable('o-palette-#{$-selected-palette-name}-#{$attr-name}-bg', $-bg);

    // Need the palette colors used as default menu and footer background color
    @each $attr-name, $default-cc-idx in $-default-cc {
        $-cc: nth($o-color-combinations, $default-cc-idx);
        $-default-bg: map-get($-cc, 'bg');
        @include print-variable('o-default-#{$attr-name}-bg', $-default-bg);

    @include print-variable('palette-names', $o-selected-color-palettes-names);

    // Need info about the base grays which are used to compute the final grays
    @each $name, $color in $o-base-gray-color-palette {
        @include print-variable('base-#{$name}', $color);

#oe_snippets {
    top: 0;
    .oe-toolbar {
        .color-indicator {
            padding: 0 2px 2px 2px;

.oe_translate_examples li {
    margin: 10px;
    padding: 4px;

html[lang] > body.editor_enable [data-oe-translation-state] {
    &, .o_translation_select_option {
        background: rgba($o-we-content-to-translate-color, 0.5) !important;

    &[data-oe-translation-state="translated"] {
        &, .o_translation_select_option {
            background: rgba($o-we-translated-content-color, 0.5) !important;

    &.o_dirty, &.oe_translated, .oe_translated {
        background: rgba($o-we-translated-content-color, 0.25) !important;

html[data-edit_translations="1"] {
    .o_translate_mode_hidden {
        display: none !important;

$i: 1;
@each $font-name, $font-config in $o-theme-font-configs {
    we-toggler.o_we_option_font_#{$i}, we-button.o_we_option_font_#{$i} > div {
        font-family: o-safe-get($font-config, 'family', $font-family-base);

        &::before {
            // Must prevail against the '/' for missing values.
            content: $font-name !important;
    $i: $i + 1;
.o_we_add_google_font_btn {
    border-top: 1px solid currentColor !important;

#oe_snippets > .o_we_customize_panel {
    .o_we_user_value_widget.o_palette_color_preview_button {
        display: inline-flex;
        margin: 1% 0;
        padding-right: 0.3rem;
        width: 50%;
        background: transparent;

        &.active, &:hover {
            background: transparent;

            > div {
                box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px $o-we-bg-darkest, 0 0 0 3px $o-we-accent;

        > div {
            display: flex;
            flex: 1 1 auto;
            align-items: stretch;
            justify-content: flex-end;
            margin: 3px;
            min-height: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-grid-item-height * .5;
            border-radius: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-grid-item-height;
            box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $o-we-bg-darkest;

        .o_palette_color_preview {
            flex: 1 0 0;

    we-select.o_scroll_effects_selector we-button {
        padding-top: $o-we-item-spacing;
        padding-bottom: $o-we-item-spacing;

        img {
            max-height: 80px;
            width: auto;
            margin-right: $o-we-item-spacing;
            margin-left: $o-we-item-spacing * .5;

    we-button.o_we_mobile {
        > div {
            // FIXME maybe there is some refactoring to do so that all SVG icons
            // can be properly aligned with extra CSS rules...
            display: flex;
            align-items: center;

            svg {
                width: 15px;
                fill: $o-we-color-danger;
                margin-bottom: 0;
                margin-left: -3px;

                &:hover {
                    fill: darken($o-we-color-danger, 7.5%);
        &.active > div > svg {
            fill: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-color;

            &:hover {
                fill: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-pressed-color;

    // 'Options' Tab Specific Components

    // Theme Colors Editor
    .o_we_theme_colors_selector {

        > we-title {
            display: none
        .o_we_so_color_palette.o_we_user_value_widget {

            + .o_we_so_color_palette {
                margin-left: $o-we-item-spacing * .5;

                &:nth-child(4) {
                    margin-left: $o-we-item-spacing * 3;
            .o_we_color_preview {
                width: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-size-large;
                height: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-size-large;
        > div, we-select.o_we_theme_colors_select, we-toggler {
            display: flex;
        > div {
            align-items: stretch;
            width: 100%;
        we-select.o_we_theme_colors_select {
            justify-content: flex-end;
            margin-left: auto;

            > div, we-toggler {
                height: 100%;

            we-selection-items {
                padding-top: $o-we-dropdown-item-height * .5;
                padding-bottom: $o-we-dropdown-item-height * .5;
                background: $o-we-dropdown-item-active-bg;
        we-toggler {
            align-items: center;
            padding: 0 0.4rem;
            font-size: 1.5em;

            &:after {
                content: none;

    // Palettes Dropdown
    .o_palette_color_preview_button > div {
        min-height: 24px;

    // CC Edition
    .o_we_cc_preview_wrapper {
        // Use box-shadow rather than border-bottom in order to
        // avoid misalignments in the 'Options' tab.
        border: 1px solid;
        border-color: rgba($o-we-item-standup-color-light, .2) $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-border-color transparent;
        box-shadow: 0 1px 0 $o-we-item-standup-color-dark;

        + .o_we_collapse_toggler {
            height: 35px; // FIXME hardcoded...

.o_we_border_preview {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 999px;
    max-width: 100%;
    margin-bottom: 2px;
    border-width: 4px;
    border-bottom: none !important;

.pac-container { // google map autosuggestion
    z-index: $zindex-modal-backdrop; // > $o-we-zindex
    width: $o-we-sidebar-width !important;
    font-size: $o-we-sidebar-font-size;
    margin-left: -$o-we-sidebar-width/2;
    border-top: none;
    background-color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-bg;
    box-shadow: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-shadow;
    &:after {
        display: none;
    .pac-item {
        border-top: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-border-width solid lighten($o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-border-color, 15%);
        border-radius: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-border-radius;
        background-color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-bg;
        color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-color;
        &:hover {
            background-color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-bg-hover;
            cursor: pointer;
    .pac-item-query {
        color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-color;