xO-Tx authored
Steps to reproduce: - Go to a website page > Add a 'Form' block > Set an input "Placeholder" value. - Go to the page (in 'edit_translations' mode) > The translation of the input "Placeholder" attribute doesn't mark the input as translated and even after saving the translation, the input is still marked as "to_translate". The goal of this commit is to fix this issue by extending the same behaviour on the translated `<select/>` options (using `.oe_translated` class) and setting the right translation state on the input from the linked attribute translation `<span/>`. task-3323245 closes odoo/odoo#121440 X-original-commit: 8b522e5c Signed-off-by:
Benoit Socias (bso) <bso@odoo.com>
xO-Tx authoredSteps to reproduce: - Go to a website page > Add a 'Form' block > Set an input "Placeholder" value. - Go to the page (in 'edit_translations' mode) > The translation of the input "Placeholder" attribute doesn't mark the input as translated and even after saving the translation, the input is still marked as "to_translate". The goal of this commit is to fix this issue by extending the same behaviour on the translated `<select/>` options (using `.oe_translated` class) and setting the right translation state on the input from the linked attribute translation `<span/>`. task-3323245 closes odoo/odoo#121440 X-original-commit: 8b522e5c Signed-off-by:
Benoit Socias (bso) <bso@odoo.com>
website.wysiwyg.scss 9.35 KiB
@each $font-name, $font-config in $o-theme-font-configs {
$url: map-get($font-config, 'url');
@if $url {
@import url("https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=#{unquote($url)}&display=swap");
} @else {
$name: map-get($font-config, 'name');
$attachment: map-get($font-config, 'attachment');
@if $attachment {
@import url("/web/content/#{$attachment}/google-font-#{unquote($name)}");
:root {
// Override css variables to influence the default style of the editor
// without duplicating the css.
@include print-variable('o-we-toolbar-height', $o-navbar-height);
// Need the colors, name, menu background color and footer background color of each color palette
$o-palette-names: ();
$-default-cc: ();
$-bg-attrs: 'menu', 'footer';
@each $attr in $-bg-attrs {
// Since the variables built here are currently only used for theme previews we
// decided to keep things simple and we deliberately ignore potential overrides
// from #{$-bg-attrs}-custom and #{$-bg-attrs}-gradient.
$-default-cc: map-merge($-default-cc, ($attr: map-get($o-base-color-palette, $attr)))
@each $-selected-palette-name in $o-selected-color-palettes-names {
$-palette: map-get($o-color-palettes, $-selected-palette-name);
@if $-selected-palette-name != 'user-palette' {
@each $key, $value in $-palette {
@include print-variable('o-palette-#{$-selected-palette-name}-#{$key}', $value);
@each $attr-name, $default-cc-idx in $-default-cc {
$-cc-idx: $default-cc-idx;
@if map-has-key($-palette, $attr-name) {
$-cc-idx: map-get($-palette, $attr-name);
$-bg: $body-bg;
@if $-cc-idx != null {
$-cc: nth($o-color-combinations, $-cc-idx);
$-bg: o-safe-get($-palette, 'o-cc#{$-cc-idx}-bg', map-get($-cc, 'bg'));
@if type-of($-bg) != color {
$-bg: map-get($-palette, $-bg);
@include print-variable('o-palette-#{$-selected-palette-name}-#{$attr-name}-bg', $-bg);
// Need the palette colors used as default menu and footer background color
@each $attr-name, $default-cc-idx in $-default-cc {
$-cc: nth($o-color-combinations, $default-cc-idx);
$-default-bg: map-get($-cc, 'bg');
@include print-variable('o-default-#{$attr-name}-bg', $-default-bg);
@include print-variable('palette-names', $o-selected-color-palettes-names);
// Need info about the base grays which are used to compute the final grays
@each $name, $color in $o-base-gray-color-palette {
@include print-variable('base-#{$name}', $color);
#oe_snippets {
top: 0;
.oe-toolbar {
.color-indicator {
padding: 0 2px 2px 2px;
.oe_translate_examples li {
margin: 10px;
padding: 4px;
html[lang] > body.editor_enable [data-oe-translation-state] {
&, .o_translation_select_option {
background: rgba($o-we-content-to-translate-color, 0.5) !important;
&[data-oe-translation-state="translated"] {
&, .o_translation_select_option {
background: rgba($o-we-translated-content-color, 0.5) !important;
&.o_dirty, &.oe_translated, .oe_translated {
background: rgba($o-we-translated-content-color, 0.25) !important;
html[data-edit_translations="1"] {
.o_translate_mode_hidden {
display: none !important;
$i: 1;
@each $font-name, $font-config in $o-theme-font-configs {
we-toggler.o_we_option_font_#{$i}, we-button.o_we_option_font_#{$i} > div {
font-family: o-safe-get($font-config, 'family', $font-family-base);
&::before {
// Must prevail against the '/' for missing values.
content: $font-name !important;
$i: $i + 1;
.o_we_add_google_font_btn {
border-top: 1px solid currentColor !important;
#oe_snippets > .o_we_customize_panel {
.o_we_user_value_widget.o_palette_color_preview_button {
display: inline-flex;
margin: 1% 0;
padding-right: 0.3rem;
width: 50%;
background: transparent;
&.active, &:hover {
background: transparent;
> div {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px $o-we-bg-darkest, 0 0 0 3px $o-we-accent;
> div {
display: flex;
flex: 1 1 auto;
align-items: stretch;
justify-content: flex-end;
margin: 3px;
min-height: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-grid-item-height * .5;
border-radius: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-grid-item-height;
box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px $o-we-bg-darkest;
.o_palette_color_preview {
flex: 1 0 0;
we-select.o_scroll_effects_selector we-button {
padding-top: $o-we-item-spacing;
padding-bottom: $o-we-item-spacing;
img {
max-height: 80px;
width: auto;
margin-right: $o-we-item-spacing;
margin-left: $o-we-item-spacing * .5;
we-button.o_we_mobile {
> div {
// FIXME maybe there is some refactoring to do so that all SVG icons
// can be properly aligned with extra CSS rules...
display: flex;
align-items: center;
svg {
width: 15px;
fill: $o-we-color-danger;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: -3px;
&:hover {
fill: darken($o-we-color-danger, 7.5%);
&.active > div > svg {
fill: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-color;
&:hover {
fill: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-pressed-color;
// 'Options' Tab Specific Components
// Theme Colors Editor
.o_we_theme_colors_selector {
> we-title {
display: none
.o_we_so_color_palette.o_we_user_value_widget {
+ .o_we_so_color_palette {
margin-left: $o-we-item-spacing * .5;
&:nth-child(4) {
margin-left: $o-we-item-spacing * 3;
.o_we_color_preview {
width: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-size-large;
height: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-colorpicker-size-large;
> div, we-select.o_we_theme_colors_select, we-toggler {
display: flex;
> div {
align-items: stretch;
width: 100%;
we-select.o_we_theme_colors_select {
justify-content: flex-end;
margin-left: auto;
> div, we-toggler {
height: 100%;
we-selection-items {
padding-top: $o-we-dropdown-item-height * .5;
padding-bottom: $o-we-dropdown-item-height * .5;
background: $o-we-dropdown-item-active-bg;
we-toggler {
align-items: center;
padding: 0 0.4rem;
font-size: 1.5em;
&:after {
content: none;
// Palettes Dropdown
.o_palette_color_preview_button > div {
min-height: 24px;
// CC Edition
.o_we_cc_preview_wrapper {
// Use box-shadow rather than border-bottom in order to
// avoid misalignments in the 'Options' tab.
border: 1px solid;
border-color: rgba($o-we-item-standup-color-light, .2) $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-border-color transparent;
box-shadow: 0 1px 0 $o-we-item-standup-color-dark;
+ .o_we_collapse_toggler {
height: 35px; // FIXME hardcoded...
.o_we_border_preview {
display: inline-block;
width: 999px;
max-width: 100%;
margin-bottom: 2px;
border-width: 4px;
border-bottom: none !important;
.pac-container { // google map autosuggestion
z-index: $zindex-modal-backdrop; // > $o-we-zindex
width: $o-we-sidebar-width !important;
font-size: $o-we-sidebar-font-size;
margin-left: -$o-we-sidebar-width/2;
border-top: none;
background-color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-bg;
box-shadow: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-shadow;
&:after {
display: none;
.pac-item {
border-top: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-border-width solid lighten($o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-border-color, 15%);
border-radius: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-border-radius;
background-color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-bg;
color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-color;
&:hover {
background-color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-dropdown-item-bg-hover;
cursor: pointer;
.pac-item-query {
color: $o-we-sidebar-content-field-clickable-color;