[FIX] mail: remove duplicate code
There already is a redirect implementation in the chat_manager which closely matches the on_redirect implementation in chatter.js, however the former has the advantage of calling get_formview_id to ensure that the view is correct. This fixes a faulty behaviour when some models are referenced from chatter message using data attribute data-oe-model and data-oe-id. For example, linking invoices in the chatter would always open them with the 'vendor invoice' view; from this revision on the correct view will be used (assuming get_formview_id is implemented on the model). The default behaviour of the chat_manager when a user clicks on a partner record is to open a channel if the partner has a user then return a callback passed as a parameter (usually to open the channel as a popup or in the discuss app). To keep the old behaviour of the chatter followers list widget (i.e. open the partner form when clicking on a follower), a small change has to be made on the redirect implementation: when no callback is provided, do not create the channel (instead a returning an empty callback).
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