Incorrect use of stock.move in product module + needs review.
This reverts commit 42f51140:
"[IMP] When no stock moves, change whatever you want, otherwise no change at all for UoM. #3440 Enhancement request richard-willowit"
raiseosv.except_osv(_('Unit of Measure categories Mismatch!'),_("New Unit of Measure '%s' must belong to same Unit of Measure category '%s' as of old Unit of Measure '%s'. If you need to change the unit of measure, you may deactivate this product from the 'Procurements' tab and create a new one.")%(,,,))
raiseosv.except_osv(_('Unit of Measure can not be changed anymore!'),_("As there are existing stock moves of this product, you can not change the Unit of Measurement anymore. "))