[REF] cli: renamed openerp-server to odoo-bin
The use of an entry point was considered in order to provide an `odoo` command in the path for the packages users, but the generated entry point will first check that all the things in install_requires were provided in a not bright way: it'll check that it matches a distribution name. This does not work because python-chart does not have the distrubtion name "pychart" which is provided by the python-pychart package in debian jessie. Same for suds-jurko which is provided by python-suds in debian stretch but does not have the distribution name "suds". Also, adapted the packages tests to these cli changes.
- README.md 2 additions, 2 deletionsREADME.md
- debian/init 2 additions, 2 deletionsdebian/init
- doc/git.rst 1 addition, 1 deletiondoc/git.rst
- odoo-bin 0 additions, 0 deletionsodoo-bin
- setup.py 2 additions, 2 deletionssetup.py
- setup/odoo 5 additions, 0 deletionssetup/odoo
- setup/package.py 7 additions, 7 deletionssetup/package.py
- setup/redhat/postinstall.sh 1 addition, 1 deletionsetup/redhat/postinstall.sh
- setup/setup_dev.py 1 addition, 1 deletionsetup/setup_dev.py
- setup/win32/setup.nsi 1 addition, 1 deletionsetup/win32/setup.nsi
- setup/win32/win32_service.py 1 addition, 1 deletionsetup/win32/win32_service.py
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