[MERGE][REF] website_slides: make eLearning an application with its own backend
PURPOSE eLearning should have its own application in manager. Indeed this is becoming a big application and having it embedded inside Website application is not enough anymore. It should also hold updated and easy-to-use menus, navigation, actions and views in backend. SPECIFICATIONS Update manifest and make website_slides an application separated from website embedded menus. Implement new menu structure * Courses * Courses List view: Course Name, # Views, # Attendees, # Ratings, Revenues, Reviews * Contents * Reviews: kanban view of channel reviews * Certifications: kanban view of surveys of type certificate * Forum * Forums: add columns to list view: Posts (questions count), Views (sum of views of each post), Answers (sum of child_count on each post), Favorites (sum of favourite_count on each post) * Posts: add columns to list view: Views / Answers / Favourites * Reporting * Courses: list view on slide.channel model, ordered by # views. List view: Course Name, # Views, # Attendees, # Ratings, Revenues; * Contents: graph view on slide.slide model Area Graph: X month Y measure: # Views (others measures: Attendees, ...) Group by: course (color) * Revenues: graph view on sale.report model showing revenues of eLearning courses. Area chart, X: monthn Y: €, Color: course * Certifications: list view on surveys of type certificate Columns: Title, Survey Stage, Registered People, Certified People, Attempts Success Rate (certified/attempts), Average Results * Reviews: see kanban of latest reviews; * Quiz: list view on slide.question model. List view: Add # Quizz Trials, # Quizz Passed, Avg Attempts * Forum: graph view on forum.post model Area chart: # Posts created by months, color=forum * Configuration * Settings * Allow Forum on Courses (installs website_slides_forum) * Allow Certifications (installs website_slides_survey) * Allow Selling Courses (installs website_sale_slides) * Course Tags * See channel.tags.group with label Course Tags, form view allow to configure group tags * https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/1G0g2UnG5cZG55EXQ5icbgwe7T2eSZskT/view?usp=drivesdk * On click: open :https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/1I_PW3aZAbrslXadiYqmVF-_6dGXx8knd/view?usp=drivesdk * Content Tags Add course (slide.channel) kanban view. Each tile should contain * Title of the course * Tags below the title * Primary button "New Lesson" * Statistics : * Attendees * Running (progress != 100%) * (if one content is certificate) Certified or Finished * See : https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/13K8FmkbwmBG4JQ5gH3Q5T8OlWPs3blcu/view?usp=drivesdk * With FP remarks https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/1mb7LUT0VUNs5fMcKB9c0Bfaqk2-XFFuu/view?usp=drivesdk * Add "Sales 150.00$" below "Watch Time" if type "on payment". Same info than the smart/stat button on the course itself. Click on the amount sends to Reporting Revenues (same than on the stat btn) Add review (rating.rating) kanban view. Each tile should contain * Kanban view, full width, no default group by * Order by date (most recent on top) * See: https://drive.google.com/a/odoo.com/file/d/1IYE1QBIJa26BLugRiafyBop-srkYwndC/view?usp=drivesdk * add a tag for unpublished comments * Add the pic of the user above the stars * Click on card, send to front-end and able to (un)publish the comment * Kind of what's on the front-end: https://drive.g Improve course form view: add a revenue stat button displaying the total of sale order linked to the course's product. Integrate a button on slide.channel form view allowing to perform a mass mailing on course attendees. Do a flow similar to event. Remove "Our Documentation" dummy default existing data. It makes no sense to have void data. Instead just add a small explanation text in eLearning front-end telling the user to create its first course if he has rights to do so. In order to better show the new backend add some demo data for missing numbers, notably * sales: add confirmed sale orders in order to have revenues value; * forum: add some posts and answers; * quiz: update slide.slide.partner demo data to hold quiz attempts count LINKS Task 1978729 PR #35061 Co-Authored-By:Thibault Delavallée <tde@odoo.com> Co-Authored-By:
Jérémy Hennecart <jeh@odoo.com> Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
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- addons/survey/views/survey_survey_views.xml 8 additions, 4 deletionsaddons/survey/views/survey_survey_views.xml
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- addons/website_forum/views/forum.xml 8 additions, 1 deletionaddons/website_forum/views/forum.xml
- addons/website_sale/static/tests/tours/website_sale_shop_cart_recovery.js 4 additions, 13 deletions...ale/static/tests/tours/website_sale_shop_cart_recovery.js
- addons/website_sale/views/sale_order_views.xml 1 addition, 1 deletionaddons/website_sale/views/sale_order_views.xml
- addons/website_sale_slides/__manifest__.py 5 additions, 1 deletionaddons/website_sale_slides/__manifest__.py
- addons/website_sale_slides/data/product_demo.xml 0 additions, 10 deletionsaddons/website_sale_slides/data/product_demo.xml
- addons/website_sale_slides/data/sale_order_demo.xml 54 additions, 0 deletionsaddons/website_sale_slides/data/sale_order_demo.xml
- addons/website_sale_slides/data/slide_demo.xml 20 additions, 0 deletionsaddons/website_sale_slides/data/slide_demo.xml
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