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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Oct 13, 2017
  2. Oct 02, 2017
    • Olivier Colson's avatar
      [FIX] account, base_setup, crm, event, google_calendar, hr, hr_attendance,... · 0556b7fe
      Olivier Colson authored
      [FIX] account, base_setup, crm, event, google_calendar, hr, hr_attendance, hr_expense, hr_payroll, hr_recruitment, l10n_be_hr_payroll_fleet, mass_mailing, mrp, project, purchase, sale, stock, website: rename the actions leading to settings to "settings", for breadcrumbs
      Before that, the breadcrumb used the name of the action called to access the settings view, which sometimes did no correspond with the settings tab that was actually used.
  3. Sep 29, 2017
  4. Sep 21, 2017
  5. Sep 06, 2017
  6. Sep 04, 2017
  7. Sep 01, 2017
  8. Jun 19, 2017
  9. May 16, 2017
  10. May 08, 2017
  11. Apr 21, 2017
    • Dhawal Limbuwala's avatar
      [IMP] base: Reorganise General Settings · c9686df1
      Dhawal Limbuwala authored
      Clean the menu on Settings as some the items are really advanced
      - Keep Menu : Dashboard - Users & Company - Translations - General Settings
      - Google drive is already on General Settings - no need to repeat Remove
      - and add to debug menu + : Postal Printings - Database anonymization
  12. Jan 05, 2017
  13. Jan 03, 2017
  14. Dec 23, 2016
    • Pratima Gupta's avatar
      [IMP] account: onboarding invoice report layout · dccfdb0d
      Pratima Gupta authored
      Impacted modules : base, base_setup,
      account, report, and base_vat
      The purpose is here to ease the creation
      of the first invoice. To do so, we need to
      ease the configuration of VAT, company data,
      and report layouting.
      This commits brings
      - better labelling for TIN, VAT and Tax Id
      for partner and companies (form view, ...)
      - change settings for footer of report : allow
      to use custom or standart footer, and display them
      in settings view.
      - always display TIN in standart report footer
      - remove (demo) data of main company to not set
      company logo on reports
      Also, a message is display on the report when the
      data company are not configured yet.
      The invoice report is now regenerated each time
      the user want to print it.
  15. Sep 13, 2016
  16. Sep 02, 2016
    • Martin Trigaux's avatar
      [FIX] all: remove external ids fakely from base · 11812b0b
      Martin Trigaux authored
      Several modules defines records with the external ID `base.foo_bar` while it is
      created inside this module (typically menus and groups).
      While there is no technical reasons to do so but this may introduce issues:
      - these records will not be deleted during uninstall
      - if a language is loaded before the installation of the module, it won't be
      The uninstallation will only remove the records with an external id linked to
      this module (these would only be removed when removing base).
      Installing a language before the module will drop the translations not linked
      to an existing external id (as it can not be resolved).
      This commit correct all the external ids tagged as from base or other incorrect
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      [IMP] various: Move all configuration fields from res_company form to the related modules · 665781d5
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      The company form should be heavily simplified. It's complex to have some settings on the company form, and others on the Settings menu of the related app. It would be much easier to have all settings in Settings menu (res.config) and nothing on the company, even if some of the Settings are multi company. (Stored on the company but set from the Settings menu).
  17. Aug 23, 2016
  18. Jun 09, 2016
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      [IMP] base,sales_team: Move res_groups and menuitems to sales_team · 9e571854
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      Having the res_group defined in base and sales_team auto installed
      with mail doens't make sense.
      - Move the empty res_config class and the related view from
        base_setup to sales_team (base_setup only contains the 'General Settings'
        model and views
      - Move the 'sale' related content from product to sale module (Access rights,
      - Set sales_team at autoinstall False. The module is installed when needed by
        crm or sale for example
      - Set sales_team as a dependency of voip. (Access rights defined for configuration
      - Set sales_team ad a dependency of subscription (Access rights issue too)
      [FIX] account: move some ir.model.access to sale module
      [FIX] payment: Move some ir.rule to website_sale
      [FIX] stock: move some ir.model.access rule to sale_stock
      [FIX] project: Move some ir.model.access rules to crm_project_issue
      [FIX] mrp: Move some ir.model.access rules to sale_mrp
      [FIX] calendar: move some ir.model.access rules to crm
      Rename xmlids accordingly. Example: 'base.group_sale_manager' becomes
      [ADD] sales_team: See own documents => See only his sales team
      Moved the "User: Own Leads Only", "User: All Leads" and "Manager" groups from sale and crm
      into sales_team module. Add the record rules so that user can see only his Own Sales Team
      if "See Own Leads" is sales right and can see all sales teams if he is having sales rights
      of "See All Leads" or manager.
  19. Jun 06, 2016
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      Revert "[IMP] base,sales_team: Move res_groups and menuitems to sales_team" · ccdb5cbf
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      This branch need more testing instead of doing 10 fixes. A lot of issues are occuring
      when installing modules in different orders.
      This reverts commit fa6e415c.
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      [IMP] base,sales_team: Move res_groups and menuitems to sales_team · fa6e415c
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      Having the res_group defined in base and sales_team auto installed
      with mail doens't make sense.
      - Move the empty res_config class and the related view from
        base_setup to sales_team (base_setup only contains the 'General Settings'
        model and views
      - Move the 'sale' related content from product to sale module (Access rights,
      - Set sales_team at autoinstall False. The module is installed when needed by
        crm or sale for example
      - Set sales_team as a dependency of voip. (Access rights defined for configuration
      - Set sales_team ad a dependency of subscription (Access rights issue too)
      Rename xmlids accordingly. Example: 'base.group_sale_manager' becomes
  20. Apr 27, 2016
  21. Mar 09, 2016
  22. Mar 07, 2016
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      [FIX] base: Replace (correctly) group_light_multi_company · 7ab4f6e6
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      Because sometimes shit happens (see 8a2f4e7d)
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      [IMP] base: Merge group_light_multi_company into group_multi_company · 8a2f4e7d
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      This distinction is useless and confusing.
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      [FIX] User with 'Access Rights' rights not able to access Users menu · abdca55e
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      The ERP managers (users with 'Access Rights' rights) cannot even click on
      the Settings app menuitem. Because of 2 things:
      - The Dashboard settings is accessing the model ir_module_module. So
        we set a groups 'group_settings' on it.
      - The Users view is accessing the model ir_module_category to groups
        the aggregate and display the settings. So we change the security rules
        by giving the access to the group_erp_manager instead of group_settings
      - The global rules opn companies was applied to the erp managers. We
        splitted this ir.rules into three new ones on portal,public and employee
        users to allow the erp managers to access the companies
      - Writing on the res_groups was calling the method _update_user_groups_view
        in all the cases. This method should be called only when the view was
        needed to be modified, i.e. when the category_id is modified for this
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      [IMP] base,base_setup: easier multi-company configuration · 29404e09
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      - The 'Extra Access Rights' is now hidden out of debug mode
      - The fields 'company_id' (current company) and 'company_ids'
        (allowed companies) are hidden if there are no more than 1
        company in the database.
      - If there are more than 1 company, the fields are displayed
        on the user form view and setting more than 1 company on the
        user will add him into the group 'group_multi_company'. On the
        same way, setting only one company on a user will remove him
        from this group
      - The group 'group_multi_currencies' is displayed on the General
        Settings. Enbaling this feature will add all the users into this
        group. This is more accurate as this feature is more global
        than per employee.
  23. Feb 11, 2016
  24. Oct 01, 2015
  25. Sep 28, 2015
    • Simon Lejeune's avatar
      [REF] base_setup: remove rml configuration · 62cd4752
      Simon Lejeune authored
      Everything has already been moved (read: duplicated) under "company >
      report configuration" and only appears in technical features, plus
      displaying "Report Font" in "general settings" is really confusing, as
      it is a deprecated field.
  26. Sep 23, 2015
  27. Sep 11, 2015
  28. Aug 31, 2015
  29. Aug 14, 2015
  30. Aug 11, 2015
  31. Aug 10, 2015