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  1. Apr 16, 2018
  2. Apr 15, 2018
  3. Apr 14, 2018
  4. Apr 13, 2018
    • Nicolas Martinelli's avatar
      [FIX] hr_timesheet: description on timesheet report · 83a03e63
      Nicolas Martinelli authored
      - Go to Timesheets > Add a Line (grid view)
      - The view opened is `view_timesheet_form`
      - Add a description with several lines
      - Go to Project, and display the timesheet entries.
      - Print the report "Timesheet Entries"
      The lines in the description are merged into one single line.
      Since it is possible to write a description on several lines, the report
      should keep the formatting.
    • Quentin De Paoli's avatar
      [FIX] account: tax adjustment wizard fixed. · c58ef14a
      Quentin De Paoli authored
      The former version of the tax adjustment wizard was copying the selected tax on both the credit and debit line of the created journal entry. Although it was fine for the belgian use case (since the report was taking only the sum.debit or to gather data for grid 61/62), this was a stupid limitation as it was preventing to use that wizard to touch any grid using sum.balance (as both lines would be taken into account and cancelling each other).
      To enhance/fix this, we introduce a fields.selection in the wizard to depict if the tax needs to be copied on the debit OR the credit line.
      Inspired by ticket 1826242.
    • Nicolas Lempereur's avatar
      [FIX] web: wrong day column title in arabic · 7a1db7e6
      Nicolas Lempereur authored
      In arabic, with the version localization of bootstrap we use the week
      starts on saturday. But the version of bootstrap-datetimepicker we use
      in 10.0 and saas-14 is 3.0.3 which only fully supports week starting
      on sunday and monday.
      Thus in arabic, the column title in the date picker would be:
        Sunday <- Monday (ﻥ, ﺙ, ﺭ, ﺥ, ﺝ, ﺱ, ﺡ)
      Instead of what the numbered days in the calendar are shown as:
        Friday <- Saturday (ﺱ, ﺡ, ﻥ, ﺙ, ﺭ, ﺥ, ﺝ)
      This issue doesn't happen in saas-15, 11.0 and over since the library
      has been updated with ad6fd5f8 and the as of version 4 supports any
      starting day of week, with this change:
      closes #24200
  5. Apr 12, 2018
    • Nicolas Lempereur's avatar
      [FIX] stock: location barcode no all page on one · 4162360a
      Nicolas Lempereur authored
      In 93147fb4 the issue that only one page of barcode were printed was
      But there is still an issue since the container element is itself a
      page, we got an additonal page with all barcode on it.
      To solve this we use a 'report.html_container' instead of
      'report.basic_layout' which doesn't wrap the content with a
      `<div class="article" />` element.
      closes #24201
    • Jeremy Kersten's avatar
      [FIX] website_sale[_event]: add timout for tour. · 3ac4b1ab
      Jeremy Kersten authored
      Seems like this tour crash randomly due to default 10000 ms.
      This button, in some case, seems to take more than 10000ms (slow server? slow
      connection ?) to validate the order (cretae invoice, generate PDF, send mail, ...)
      It is a test to see if increase the timeout could decrease the risk of false
      positive on the runbot.
    • Goffin Simon's avatar
      [FIX] sale: Translation issue on T&C on Invoices · 9bf1f97d
      Goffin Simon authored
      The sale_note field is translated according to the language of the customer in a SO.
      This fix applies the same behavior on the customer invoice.
      Inspired from this commit: 978b8f64
    • Adrien Dieudonne's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: quick create bom on new mo · 8c0b23c2
      Adrien Dieudonne authored
      Before this commit, an error was raised when you tried to create a
      new bill of material on a new manufacturing order.
      In fact, the name_create RPC returned 'false' and slow_create()
      wasn't executed.
      By adding _rec_name (as in 10.0) on the corresponding model, the RPC
      call will raise an error that will be caught by quick_create and
      forces slow_create().
      Closes #9761
    • Nicolas Lempereur's avatar
      [FIX] web_editor: indent just a line inside table · 2b380e4e
      Nicolas Lempereur authored
      Inside the cell of a table, indenting had several behaviors:
      - if the selection is contained in several nodes elements: indent the
        element child nodes of common ancestor
      - if the selection is contained in one or more list items: indent these
        list items
      - if the selection is contained in one 'content block': indent the whole
        cell content
      The two first behaviors are expected, but the third one is a little odd
      and unexpected next to other existing editors behaviors.
      With this commit, the third behavior becomes:
      - if the selection is contained in one `content block`: indent this
        content block
      note: 'content block' is defined as p, pre, h1, h2, ..., blockquote, td
      closes #24182
  6. Apr 11, 2018
    • Joren Van Onder's avatar
      [FIX] pos_mercury: don't lose credit card info · eb84a309
      Joren Van Onder authored
      Due to historical reasons the amount on a statement line is used to
      find it again so the credit card information can be added to it.
      Doing a search directly on 'amount' will fail in rare cases when
      the currency rounding doesn't result in a float with the same amount
      of decimals as the rounding specifies. E.g.:
      >>> currency = env['res.currency'].browse(3)
      >>> currency.rounding
      >>> currency.round(74.85000000000001)
      When that happens the credit card information is not saved in the
      backend. To avoid this we do the float comparison properly with
      float_compare afterwards.
      PS. Ideally the logic in add_payment should be moved to an override of
      _prepare_bank_statement_line_payment_values. This way we wouldn't have
      to do these awkward things to find the statement line. But this
      approach is not suited for a stable release.
    • Jairo Llopis's avatar
      [FIX] website_form: Disable form send on editable mode · 30aa7532
      Jairo Llopis authored
      Before this patch, when a user was editing a website page containing a form
      and he clicked "Send", for some reason, the form tried to be sent.
      Now, the button behavior is disabled when entering editable mode.
      Closes #23852
    • Romain Derie's avatar
      [FIX] website: keep query strings when redirecting 'website.' page · c09b8959
      Romain Derie authored
      Urls like `/page/website.XXX` are redirected to `/page/XXX`.
      Before this commit, the redirection would not keep query strings:
      `/page/website.XXX?rde=1` would redirect to `/page/XXX`.
      Now, we keep the query strings:
      `/page/website.XXX?rde=1` will redirect to `/page/XXX?rde=1`
      Closes #24140
      Courtesy of @MTantin
    • Toufik Benjaa's avatar
      [FIX] account_asset: Allow accountant to validate invoices · fc6d98df
      Toufik Benjaa authored
      - When validating an invoice, the create method of the model account.asset.asset is called.
        Accountant have the access rights to create account.asset.asset object, but they do not have the rights to write on them.
        The issue here is that the create of the account.asset.asset is done, but right after a right is done in the same object, which trigger an AccessError.
        To fix this issue, we make the write using the admin env. This doesn't cause security issues since the user needs the create accesses.
    • Toufik Benjaa's avatar
      [FIX] payment_stripe: Create stripe charge with email · 2a09289e
      Toufik Benjaa authored
      - When creating a Stripe charge, we have the possibility to send the customer email.
        This is then used by Stripe to send a payment notification (receipt) to the customer.
        This was never done by Odoo, this commit introduce this feature.
  7. Apr 10, 2018
    • Joren Van Onder's avatar
      [FIX] pos_mercury: allow test transactions again · 78058259
      Joren Van Onder authored
      It used to be possible to run test transactions against
      using a regular swiper device, test credentials and test cards
      provided by Mercury.
      Mercury has recently disabled this saying this feature did not adhere
      to certain PCI regulations.
      It means that currently on the regular network only
      real cards (and thus real money) can be used.
      Because we require a way to test without spending money this commit
      allows to switch to the test network ( It uses a
      system parameter because we cannot introduce a Boolean on
      pos_mercury.configuration in a stable release. It also changes the
      test credentials to some that work on
      Note that the regular 'production' swiper devices can not be used on
      this test environment. This results in:
      Error 004118: Failed to decrypt
      The swiper contains embedded cryptographic keys specific to
      mercury*pay*.net. Instead a specific 'development' swiper device with
      embedded keys for is required.
      opw-1832156 (this is necessary to test that issue)
    • Nicolas Martinelli's avatar
      [FIX] stock_calendar: scheduled data · d64ce530
      Nicolas Martinelli authored
      - Install stock_calendar
      - Create a stockable product
      - Add the route "Buy"
      - Add a vendor with a delivery lead time of 30 days
      - Create a reordering rule for x units
      - Run the schedulers
      A PO is created, but the scheduled date is set as today, not today + 30
      What happens is the following:
      1. Since no `calendar_id` is defined on the orderpoint, `_get_group`
         returns `[(now, None)]`
      2. `now` is used in the `procurement_values` of the `res_groups` by
      3. The `res_groups` values are used in `_procure_orderpoint_confirm`
         when calling `_prepare_procurement_values`.
      4. `_prepare_procurement_values` is overridden by `stock_calendar` to
         set a value for `next_delivery_date`. At this point, the `now` value
         is used.
      5. Finally, when creating the PO line, `_prepare_purchase_order_line` is
         overridden by `stock_calendar` to set the `next_delivery_date` as
      So, `date_planned` becomes `now`.
      There should not be any date set when no `calendar_id` is defined.
    • Nicolas Martinelli's avatar
      [FIX] stock_landed_costs: defer AML creation · 77bf2c96
      Nicolas Martinelli authored
      In order to improve the speed of landed cost validation, we defer the
      creation of AML at the very end of the process. This way, we don't
      suffer from various performance issues caused by:
      - cache invalidation (use of `with_context`)
      - recomputations
    • len-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] point_of_sale: fix quantity rounding · eca99f1f
      len-odoo authored
      When the user set a decimal accuracy on the product quantity, the point_of_sale
      (POS) frontend would display the correct rounding of the quantity according to
      both the decimal accuracy and the rounding set on the unit of measure.
      However the quantity used to compute the price was only using the rouding on the
      unit of measure. This led to an inconsistency in what is encoded in the backend,
      and thus made it impossible to close the session as the price paid by customers
      did not match what is encoded.
      The problem comes from the fact that there is a variable this.quantity and
      another one to display this.quantityStr. Unsurprisingly, this.quantityStr
      was not computed directly from this.quantity, leading to the inconsistency.
      opw 1826092
  8. Apr 09, 2018
    • Goffin Simon's avatar
      [FIX] account_asset: Access error with shared product with deferred revenue · ec7f88c3
      Goffin Simon authored
      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      -Let's consider a multicompany environment with company A and B
      -Let's consider a shared product P for A and B
      -P has a deferred revenue type D set on it
      -D is defined in A
      -Let's consider a user U in company B
      -U creates a SO with P and try to generate the invoice
      A access error was raised because U is not allowed to see D and
      D is needed to genrate the invoice.
    • Goffin Simon's avatar
      [FIX] account: Validating a statement with old posted moves · 026781ec
      Goffin Simon authored
      When validating a statement with old posted moves, the lock date
      was checked by function, _check_lock_date and then it was impossible
      to validate the statement even if all the moves were already posted.
      Backport of this commit: 86a0d312
    • Lucas Perais (lpe)'s avatar
      [FIX] base: update module list without translating fields · 6ee5b6fd
      Lucas Perais (lpe) authored
      Install a database in some other language than en_US
      In debug mode and in the app list viewer,
         you'll see that the apps field are translated into your language
      Then do an "Update App List"
      Reload your page
      Before this commit, the Apps' field lost their translation
      This was because when checking for any updated data for known modules,
      the ORM fetched the translation automatically, and compared the old (translated)
      value with the new (English) value from the manifest
      After this commit, This operation doesn't make the translations to be lost,
      because only english values are compared
      OPW 1832796
      closes #23910
      closes #24091
  9. Apr 08, 2018
  10. Apr 06, 2018
  11. Apr 05, 2018