- Nov 28, 2014
Sebastien Versaille authored
Explicitly specifiy that quantities are in product uom
- Nov 07, 2014
David Monjoie authored
Otherwise the Search More view will crash for example for sale order line because it will fetch the price of all products and then try to convert uoms for pricelist rule application without checking uom compatibility
- Nov 05, 2014
David Monjoie authored
[FIX] product: pricelists based on the supplier prices now return first supplier price if partner not in suppliers instead of returning 0 Without this, sale pricelists cannot be based on supplier prices as the partner is never a supplier so the price would be 0 Note: behavior change ok with fp
- Nov 03, 2014
David Monjoie authored
- Oct 24, 2014
Martin Trigaux authored
The price_surcharge attribute must be computed based on the reference unit of measure (divided by the factor). This is to make sure than 12 units and 1 dozen have the same price after pricelist computation (opw 599727). Added test checking the correctness of pricelist computation based on unit of measures.
- Oct 15, 2014
Denis Ledoux authored
David Monjoie authored
[FIX] product_visible_discount: fix display of unit price according to rule base price like in 7.0 as requested by gab
- Sep 09, 2014
Rakesh Sindhav authored
- Jul 06, 2014
Raphael Collet authored
A squashed merge is required as the conversion of the apiculture branch from bzr to git was not correctly done. The git history contains irrelevant blobs and commits. This branch brings a lot of changes and fixes, too many to list exhaustively. - New orm api, objects are now used instead of ids - Environements to encapsulates cr uid context while maintaining backward compatibility - Field compute attribute is a new object oriented way to define function fields - Shared browse record cache - New onchange protocol - Optional copy flag on fields - Documentation update - Dead code cleanup - Lots of fixes
- Jul 02, 2014
Fabien Pinckaers authored
- Jun 25, 2014
Jaydeep Barot authored
- May 27, 2014
Christophe Matthieu authored
[IMP] product: refactoring of product variant. The main view became the view of product template and the product product (or product variant) are created with the variant values combinaison. Bom is splitted into bom and bom line and can use the variant combinaison.
- Mar 17, 2014
Denis Ledoux authored
[FIX] product: overwritten name_search of product.pricelist ignored lang translations. It worked prior to saas-3 because the pricelist filter in the searchview used a selection widget, which did not care about translations bzr revid: dle@openerp.com-20140317120126-qx4wrkqfdu3nr3sp
- Mar 06, 2014
Olivier Dony authored
"The only man who makes no mistakes is the man who never does anything. ~T.R." ;-) bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20140306190906-k8wjr9urekpoy7ch
Martin Trigaux authored
bzr revid: mat@openerp.com-20140306162953-iu7k53i5zsllokdp
- Mar 05, 2014
Martin Trigaux authored
bzr revid: mat@openerp.com-20140305171456-goo7on3ncfihu0wu
Denis Ledoux authored
[FIX] product: price_get_multi raise if there is no active pricelist version (same behavior than before the pricelist computation factoring) bzr revid: dle@openerp.com-20140305110314-pgiotwksjmdt63zm
- Feb 12, 2014
Olivier Dony authored
[FIX] product.pricelist: leftover undefined variable from pricelist refactoring at revid:fp@tinyerp.com-20131206221809-x1muf0wonl4ated0 bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20140212175224-wd9etr8xyrg6l0oz
- Feb 11, 2014
Martin Trigaux authored
[FIX] pricelist: correctly take into account uom when computing pricelists based on supplier price on product form (opw 595881) The previous behaviour used the uom of product while it could be a different one selected (by default the purchase unit of measure for purchase orders). This was an issue especially when having different uom with supplier info lines setting degressive prices. The price should be computed based on selected uom and not the product uom. bzr revid: mat@openerp.com-20140211145703-9uut4hw9aqh7326o
- Dec 09, 2013
Christophe Matthieu authored
bzr revid: chm@openerp.com-20131209163254-k9dwxw48rcgz1hbs
Fabien Pinckaers authored
bzr revid: fp@tinyerp.com-20131209142203-20l555dfdyvb60xe
- Dec 06, 2013
Fabien Pinckaers authored
[IMP] Huge speed improvement in price computation on products: 162 to 39 queries to render /shop with 28 products. O(n)->O(1) bzr revid: fp@tinyerp.com-20131206221809-x1muf0wonl4ated0
- Sep 06, 2013
Olivier Dony authored
As of v7 search views will replace the value of any `self` literal in a @context attribute by the name of the record, whereas it used to be its ID. This means that the `Pricelist` filter used to display the product list with a specific pricelist would not work anymore. The fix requires a rather hackish name_search() override for product.pricelist because the display name of pricelists includes their currency, while that could be a valid name for a pricelist too. To avoid side-effects the name_search() override only picks up the special case used by the product.product._product_price() method when it tries to apply the context pricelist, that is with operator explicitly set to `=` and no extra domain `args`. lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1178835 fixed bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20130906155047-7dmozy2jpe1ca1p2
- Jul 12, 2013
Amit Bhavsar authored
bzr revid: amb@tinyerp.com-20130712073654-1fowt1xojgx0pjdc
- May 29, 2013
Amit Bhavsar authored
bzr revid: amb@tinyerp.com-20130529135734-62rvtw3yocxvsmq1
- May 17, 2013
Alexis de Lattre authored
[FIX] product: if 'date' is passed as False in context of price_get_multi(), it should be set to current date and not False (Maintenance Case: 592247) lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1175983 fixed bzr revid: rgo@tinyerp.com-20130517063145-va41paqq3pw38x51
- Apr 15, 2013
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20130415102349-vgcrfok2k5y10cwz
- Mar 21, 2013
Josse Colpaert authored
bzr revid: jco@openerp.com-20130321143459-qqain0zq8jgdhbbp
- Mar 15, 2013
Yannick Vaucher authored
lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/1155624 fixed bzr revid: yannick.vaucher@camptocamp.com-20130315142403-gz7fy7etwzls96rt
- Dec 14, 2012
Paramjit Singh Sahota authored
Default value for 'Based on' in pricelist items should be 'Public Price'. bzr revid: psa@tinyerp.com-20121214072411-3knexu4ppkq611ca
- Dec 06, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20121206145632-0h1coh5aaem65wsy
- Oct 23, 2012
Vijaykumar Baladaniya authored
bzr revid: vba@tinyerp.com-20121023130242-pu2o7e9x7lpr7g36
- Oct 09, 2012
Pankita Shah authored
bzr revid: shp@tinyerp.com-20121009063814-qm2kh936zfssojck
- Sep 25, 2012
Divyesh Makwana authored
bzr revid: mdi@tinyerp.com-20120925114822-ahjtslxh1g0inypw
Divyesh Makwana authored
bzr revid: mdi@tinyerp.com-20120925101850-q9soju7mvol43eyo
Divyesh Makwana authored
bzr revid: mdi@tinyerp.com-20120925100457-o1yw9k2opljaz4m6
Divyesh Makwana authored
bzr revid: mdi@tinyerp.com-20120925072701-6nus286naxzujp1e
Divyesh Makwana authored
bzr revid: mdi@tinyerp.com-20120925071137-dchr17sj1nzxginy
Divyesh Makwana authored
bzr revid: mdi@tinyerp.com-20120925065619-g2n8h78ioou3q7ch
- Sep 24, 2012
Divyesh Makwana authored
bzr revid: mdi@tinyerp.com-20120924130043-euwxbfmk5q58vqw4