- Sep 02, 2014
Simon Lejeune authored
[FIX] Debian: updated informations and dependencies, refactored debhelpers scripts to allow easy name change, simplified debhelper rules
Simon Lejeune authored
[REF] Debian: renamed debhelpers scripts to not contain openerp in their filenames anymore, removed run_all_with_tests.sh script
- Jun 23, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
- May 29, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
- move packaging stuff to setup - remove historical stuff - remove oe, odoo-cmd-fme will be merged with the convered commands - add an odoo.py script to run odo and boostrap it - simplify README - prepare to move documentation to the github wiki
- Feb 27, 2013
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20130227161101-mzz3wluzrez7l74n
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20130227142420-295yua6tyfalaido
- Oct 06, 2011
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20111006001810-ew5fm6w2lsr790xy
- Oct 01, 2011
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20111001162731-6cqw1usxrb6045vl