- Sep 02, 2014
Simon Lejeune authored
[FIX] Debian: updated informations and dependencies, refactored debhelpers scripts to allow easy name change, simplified debhelper rules
- Jun 23, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
- May 29, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
- move packaging stuff to setup - remove historical stuff - remove oe, odoo-cmd-fme will be merged with the convered commands - add an odoo.py script to run odo and boostrap it - simplify README - prepare to move documentation to the github wiki
- Oct 06, 2011
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20111006001218-uzsqgl8ilkndxfr0
- Oct 03, 2011
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20111003011735-02q79s36os3wltm6
- Oct 01, 2011
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20111001162731-6cqw1usxrb6045vl
- Mar 28, 2011
Vo Minh Thu authored
- removed no more needed patches - added python-dateutil as dependency - removed code to specify modules to add in the server - added the debian directory to the setup.py sdist bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20110328122958-x0jsdd8i3bsvjc81
- Jan 17, 2011
Olivier Dony authored
bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20110117195047-a74fb95y524msxty
Panos Christeas authored
bzr revid: xrg@openerp.com-20110117151145-er0n9ojajspv2w7d
- Oct 19, 2010
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20101019095700-wluzc90fjz01fk27
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20101019095659-sy8rus8ds7rut3va
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20101019095659-pg014ywgfdhsoacp
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20101019095507-a43bg04gq8crp7f5
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20101019095442-ahpmsub05uqsa5f9
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20101019095440-lcmlikz33u21uhue
- Aug 24, 2009
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090824180204-3xu6rhc4qvilbnrl
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090824180204-xko5qa7welktg9gs
- Jun 10, 2009
Panos Christeas authored
In build scenarios, python modules may be missing from the build machine. Then, allow setup.py to carry on. bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090610173524-fmqucmype469zm9i
- Apr 21, 2009
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090641-0nhtv4ks4ahkpu23
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090641-hav4l9vkdmvu8qdj
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090640-whxoc13amnpkjjib
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090640-v8ss92sguqopa4mz
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090639-617vzk9oz80ay6dk
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090639-fu5aag3bxifxsbfb
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090637-sexpu1qcy9yfn4h7
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090637-jb0iig58x7vtqjdo
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090637-ixcz4qjhsrc3419u
Daniel Baumann authored
bzr revid: p_christ@hol.gr-20090421090637-irv2zibey897goiz