# Ansible inventories
This repository stores hosts informations and related variables for this specific instance of Odoo.
## Requirements
1. Clone this repo and [odoo-provisioning]( in the same directory
2. If you want to test this set up locally, install [devenv]( and do:
cd odoo-subbeticaecologica-inventory
devenv # this creates the lxc container and sets its hostname
3. Go to `odoo-provisioning` directory, make sure you are in the indicated branch as in odoo-subbeticaecologica-inventory/inventory/group_vars/all.yml (odoo_provisioning_version) and install its Ansible dependencies:
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
4. Run `ansible-playbook` command pointing to the `inventory/hosts` file of this repository:
* development local mode
# tell it to keep it local with limit=dev
# don't ask for vault pass as no secrets are required for local setups
# use the user root the first time to create the other users: --user=root
ansible-playbook playbooks/sys_admins.yml -i ../odoo-subbeticaecologica-inventory/inventory/hosts --limit=dev
ansible-playbook playbooks/provision.yml -i ../odoo-subbeticaecologica-inventory/inventory/hosts --limit=dev
* production mode
ansible-playbook playbooks/sys_admins.yml -i ../odoo-subbeticaecologica-inventory/inventory/hosts --ask-vault-pass --limit=prod
ansible-playbook playbooks/provision.yml -i ../odoo-subbeticaecologica-inventory/inventory/hosts --ask-vault-pass --limit=prod
5. In development visit http://odoo-subbeticaecologica.local:8069
## Instances
* [Odoo Subbetica ecológica](
* [Odoo Test Subbetica ecológica](