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Add MobileISPInfo and BroadbandISPInfo models


Models to save and manage the info related to the service ordered in the CRMLead. Two kinds of ISPInfo: MobileISPInfo and BroadbandISPInfo. Depends on the service chosen in the lead line, the ISPInfo required is one of them.

These models have all the data needed in the provisioning process:

  • CRMLeadProduct
  • PhoneNumber
  • DeliveryAddress
  • Type
  • PreviousProvider
  • PreviousOwnerVatNumber
  • PreviousOwnerVatName
  • PreviousOwnerVatFirstname


  • ICC
  • PreviousContractType


  • ServiceAddress

Previous Provider

A model with the name and the service provided with flags: mobile, adsl and fiber.


	BaseISPInfo <|-- MobileISPInfo
	BaseISPInfo <|-- BroadbandISPInfo
	BroadbandISPInfo "1" <--> "1" CRMLeadProduct
	MobileISPInfo "1" <--> "1" CRMLeadProduct
	CRMLead "1" --> "*" CRMLeadProduct
	BaseISPInfo "*" --> "1" PreviousProvider
	BaseISPInfo "*" --> "1" Partner

	class CRMLead{
		+int SubscriptionRequestId
		+int PartnerId
		+int MobileISPInfoId
		+int BroadbandISPInfoId
	class CRMLeadProduct{
		+int ProductId
		+int CRMLeadId
		+int MobileISPInfoId
		+int BroadbandISPInfoId
       class BaseISPInfo{
		+int CRMLeadProduct
		+String PhoneNumber
		+int DeliveryAddress
		+String Type
		+int PreviousProvider
		+String PreviousOwnerVatNumber
		+String PreviousOwnerVatName
		+String PreviousOwnerVatFirstname
	class MobileISPInfo{
		+String ICC
		+String PreviousContractType
	class BroadbandISPInfo{
		+String ServiceAddress
	class PreviousProvider{
		+String Name
		+Boolean mobile
		+Boolean adsl
		+Boolean fiber

Edited by Pelayo García

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