Update OC with just the email or iban changed through wizards
### Fixed
- [#452](https://gitlab.com/coopdevs/odoo-somconnexio/-/merge_requests/452) Update OC with just the email or iban changed through wizards
Commit 1: Rename ContractService class to CrmAccountHierarchyUpdateService
- And all tests, imports, etc
- Make its structure alike CrmAccountHierarchyCreateService in (see https://gitlab.com/coopdevs/odoo-somconnexio/-/merge_requests/444)
Commit 2: Add strategies to update OC crm account hierarchies
Update crm_account_hierarchy_update_service.py
with different strategies found in crm_account_hierarchy_update_strategies.py
Changes in OC will just be applied if a customer has no more than one hierarchy and if all the subscriptions in that give hierarchy are to be updated with the change.
- Commit 3: Include mail changes to "Contract Information"
- Commit 4: Add translations
Edited by Pelayo García