PyOTRS is a Python wrapper for accessing OTRS (Version 5) using the REST API.
Access an OTRS instance to:
* create a new Ticket
* get the data of a specific Ticket
* search for Tickets
* update existing Tickets
Some of the most notable methods provided are:
* Client.session_create (Use credentials to "log in")
* Client.ticket_create
* Client.ticket_get_by_list (takes a list)
* Client.ticket_get_by_id (takes an int)
* Client.ticket_search
* Client.ticket_update
More details can be found here
Dependencies are installed automatically
- python-requests
- click (for PyOTRS Shell CLI)
- colorama (for colors in PyOTRS Shell CLI)
pip install PyOTRS
or consider using a virtual environment:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install PyOTRS
Python Usage
Get Ticket with TicketID 1 from OTRS over the REST API:
from pyotrs import Client
client = Client("https://otrs.example.com", "root@localhost", "x")
More Examples
- instantiate a
object called client - create a session ("login") on client
- get the
with ID 1
>>> from pyotrs import Article, Client, Ticket >>> client = Client("http://otrs.example.com", "root@localhost", "password") >>> client.session_create() True
>>> client.ticket_get_by_id(1) >>> my_ticket = client.result[0]
>>> my_ticket.field_get("TicketNumber") u'2010080210123456' >>> my_ticket.field_get("Title") u'Welcome to OTRS!' >>> my_ticket.to_dct() # Show complete ticket
- add an
with ID 1
>>> my_article = Article({"Subject": "Subj", "Body": "New Body"}) >>> client.ticket_update(1, article=my_article) {u'ArticleID': u'3', u'TicketID': u'1', u'TicketNumber': u'2010080210123456'}
- get Articles and Attachments
>>> client.ticket_get_by_id(1, articles=1, attachments=1) >>> my_ticket = client.result[0]
>>> my_ticket.articles [<ArticleID: 3>, <ArticleID: 4>
>>> my_ticket.dynamic_fields [<DynamicField: ProcessManagementActivityID: None>, <DynamicField: ProcessManagementProcessID: None>]
Get Tickets
>>> client.ticket_get_by_id(1, articles=True, attachments=True, dynamic_fields=True) <Ticket: 1>
>>> client.ticket_get_by_list([1, 3, 4], dynamic_fields=False) [<Ticket: 1>, <Ticket: 3>, <Ticket: 4>]
Update Tickets
>>> client.ticket_update(1, Title="New Title") {u'TicketID': u'1', u'TicketNumber': u'2010080210123456'}
>>> my_article = Article({"Subject": "Subj", "Body": "New Body"}) >>> client.ticket_update(1, article=my_article) {u'ArticleID': u'3', u'TicketID': u'1', u'TicketNumber': u'2010080210123456'}
>>> df = DynamicField("ExternalTicket", "1234") >>> client.ticket_update(1, dynamic_fields=[df]) {u'TicketID': u'1', u'TicketNumber': u'2010080210123456'}
Create Tickets
OTRS requires that new Tickets have several fields filled with valid values and that an Article is present for the new Ticket.
>>> new_ticket = Ticket.create_basic(Title="This is the Title", Queue="Raw", State=u"new", Priority=u"3 normal", CustomerUser="root@localhost") >>> first_article = Article({"Subject": "Subj", "Body": "New Body"}) >>> client.ticket_create(new_ticket, first_article) {u'ArticleID': u'9', u'TicketID': u'7', u'TicketNumber': u'2016110528000013'}
Search for Tickets
- get list of Tickets created before a date (e.g. Jan 01, 2011)
>>> from datetime import datetime >>> client.ticket_search(TicketCreateTimeOlderDate=datetime(2011, 01, 01)) [u'1']
- get list of Tickets created less than a certain time ago (e.g. younger than 1 week)
>>> from datetime import datetime >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> client.ticket_search(TicketCreateTimeNewerDate=datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=7)) [u'66', u'65', u'64', u'63']
- show tickets with either 'open' or 'new' state in Queue 12 created over a week ago
>>> from datetime import datetime >>> from datetime import timedelta >>> week = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=7) >>> client.ticket_search(TicketCreateTimeOlderDate=week, States=['open', 'new'], QueueIDs=[12])
- empty result (search worked, but there are no matching tickets)
>>> client.ticket_search(Title="no such ticket") []
- search for content of DynamicFields
>>> df = DynamicField("ExternalTicket", search_patterns=["1234"]) >>> client.ticket_search(dynamic_fields=[df]) [u'2']
>>> df = DynamicField("ExternalTicket", search_patterns=["123*"], search_operator="Like") >>> client.ticket_search([df]) [u'2']
When using ipython you could run into UTF8 encoding issues on Python2. This is a workaround that can help:
import sys
If needed the insecure plattform warnings can be disabled:
# turn of platform insecurity warnings from urllib3
from requests.packages.urllib3 import disable_warnings
disable_warnings() # TODO 2016-04-23 (RH) verify this
The PyOTRS Shell CLI is a kind of "proof-of-concept" for the PyOTRS wrapper library.
Attention: PyOTRS can only retrieve Ticket data at the moment!
Get a Ticket:
PyOTRS get -b https://otrs.example.com/ -w GenericTicketConnectorREST -u root@localhost -p password -t 1
Starting PyOTRS CLI
No config file found at: /home/user/.pyotrs
Connecting to https://otrs.example.com/ as user..
Ticket: Welcome to OTRS!
Queue: Raw
State: closed successful
Priority: 3 normal
Full Ticket:
{u'Ticket': {u'TypeID': 1, [...]
Get usage information:
$: PyOTRS -h
--version Show the version and exit.
--config PATH Config File
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
get PyOTRS get command
$: PyOTRS get -h
Starting PyOTRS CLI
No config file found at: /home/user/.pyotrs
Usage: PyOTRS get [OPTIONS]
PyOTRS get command
-b, --baseurl TEXT Base URL
-w, --webservicename TEXT Webservice Name
-u, --username TEXT Username
-p, --password TEXT Password
-t, --ticket-id INTEGER Ticket ID
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Get a Ticket "interactively":
$: PyOTRS get
Starting PyOTRS CLI
No config file found at: /home/user/.pyotrs
Baseurl: http://otrs.example.com
Webservicename: GenericTicketConnectorREST
Username: user
Ticket id: 1
Connecting to https://otrs.example.com as user..
Ticket: Welcome to OTRS!
Queue: Raw
State: closed successful
Priority: 3 normal
Full Ticket:
{u'Ticket': {u'TypeID': 1 [...]
Provide Config
There are four ways to provide config values:
1. interactively when prompted
2. as commandline arguments when calling (checkout -h/--help)
3. as settings in the environment
4. in a config file (default location: ~/.pyotrs)
Both the config file and the environment use the same variable names: