Explore projects
This repository contains customizations of the project CE (Singulars)
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Django App with reusable and extensible core of SomOffice.
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Generate secrets for Ansible variables and encrypt them inline with ansible-vault
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This repository gather odoo modules for cooperatives
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Ansible role to install certbot with NGINX plugin
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This repository is used for all the developments to customize Odoo for the cooperative supermarket BEES coop.
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/Obeesdoo
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Odoo Accountant Financial Tools and Utils
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/account-financial-tools
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This is an ad-hoc Tryton module to manage the changes in the Som Connexió Contracts.
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Odoo Spain Localization
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/l10n-spain
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Dummy package to fool odoo addons that depend on odoo in situations you didn't install Odoo the way they are expecting.
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Addons modules for Odoo
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/odoo-addons
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Odoo module for Som Connexió bussines logic