Explore projects
🏦 ⌛ A time banking systemMirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/timeoverflow
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ABANDONED - Old Katuma's backend API
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/katuma
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Katuma landing page
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old code for coopdevs.org content
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/coopdevs.github.io.old
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Ansible playbooks to provision TimeOverflow
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/timeoverflow-provisioning
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Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers for the sale and purchase of local produce
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Spree is a complete open source e-commerce solution for Ruby on Rails.
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/spree
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Authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/cancan
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I18n translation files for Spree Commerce.
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/spree_i18n
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A better Spree PayPal Express Extension.
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/better_spree_paypal_express
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Provides authentication for Spree by using Devise.
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Dummy store to test vanilla Spree versions
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/my_store
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Community guides for open source creators
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Sharetribe Go is a source available marketplace software, also available with SaaS model. See also Sharetribe Flex (https://www.sharetribe.com/flex), a headless marketplace solution.
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/sharetribe
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The participatory democracy framework. A generator and multiple gems made with Ruby on Rails
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/decidim
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Instància de Decidim per CoopCat
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A module for Decidim that allows admins to massively register and verify users
Mirror of https://github.com/coopdevs/decidim-verifications-direct_verifications
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