@@ -508,4 +508,11 @@ or through a basic `environment_url.txt` file, then the {{cookiecutter.template_
:warning: all our deployment templates implement this design. Therefore even purely dynamic environments (such as review
environments) will automatically be propagated to your {{cookiecutter.template_name}} tests.
### Hook scripts
The {{cookiecutter.template_name}} template supports _optional_ **hook scripts** from your project, located in the `${{cookiecutter.template_PREFIX}}_PROJECT_DIR` directory to perform additional project-specific logic:
* `pre-{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.sh` is executed **before** running {{cookiecutter.template_name}},
* `post-{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}.sh` is executed **after** running {{cookiecutter.template_name}} (whichever the tests status).