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  1. Jul 13, 2020
  2. Jul 09, 2020
    • Xavier Morel's avatar
      [FIX] web: async operations should not live in init · 350ed97c
      Xavier Morel authored
      Support for the "allow exports" group was implemented by checking the
      group in init(), which is sync. Move that check over to willStart
      Also add a default mock for user_has_group (makes it so it always
      replies that the user doesn't have the group), and override that
      specifically for the group we're interested in in the export tests, so
      those tests have access to the Export action / option.
      closes odoo/odoo#54254
      X-original-commit: 30968ac93373990338c23f49e678d272b8e60c6b
      Signed-off-by: default avatarXavier Morel (xmo) <>
  3. Jul 10, 2020
    • jvm-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] web: fix zoomodoo attachToTarget/dashboard compatible · ccea563a
      jvm-odoo authored
          - Install Employees & Dashboard
          - Add employees to kanban
          - Dashboard
          - Hover an employee picture
          There is only the picture visible
          on the page, the remaining space is white.
          I found several issues.
          1. The pictures are not shown on hover in employees
              But they are on dashboard.
          2. $attach = all `.content` and on dashboard there is
              2 `.content` so the flyout is append 2 times
          3. The move method is trigerred on hover too, it hides
              the flyout if we are not in it. But with attachToTarget
              we are not in it so it's hidden all time.
          4. If everything above is solved, the image is shown but
              not at the correct position because the flyout base
              position is not top 0, left 0
          1. Reduce the minimum required size to 128px
          2. use closest instead of parents
          3. Don't hide if we have the option attachToTarget
          4. Calculate the flyout offset and replace it correctly
             and set it to position fixed to handle scrolling
      closes odoo/odoo#54333
      X-original-commit: 2c6d692ee40c97d2ae63da64db7623702948407e
      Signed-off-by: default avatarNicolas Lempereur (nle) <>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJason Van Malder (jvm) <>
    • Nicolas Martinelli's avatar
      [FIX] stock: put in pack and unreserve · 6fcbcde8
      Nicolas Martinelli authored
      - Create a product P, tracked by lot
      - Add some stock with a lot
      - Create an outgoing picking
      - Set 10 units of P
      - Set 2 done, Put in Pack
      - Unreserve
      An error occurs: 'It is not possible to unreserve more products of P
      than you have in stock.'
      It happens because the `lot_id` is removed from the copied
      Commit eac8c06e makes sense for incoming pickings, but
      not for internal or outgoing transfers.
      closes odoo/odoo#54355
      X-original-commit: ed738fb56ffe84f3af08b84e429db916a5e560b6
      Signed-off-by: default avatarNicolas Martinelli (nim) <>
    • william's avatar
      [FIX] account: decrease value from tax in reconcile model · 569e70c8
      william authored
      The tax amount not included in price should be computed in the remaining
      balance, even if not included in price.
      closes odoo/odoo#54356
      X-original-commit: 6a6aefdfac472421b9cf6de043682a6cdc131d85
      Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin De Paoli (qdp) <>
    • Antoine Prieels's avatar
      [FIX] point_of_sale: Stop on update · 5b1aa1c9
      Antoine Prieels authored
      The fact that was still running when performing the
      `git reset --hard` made it impossible to remount the filesystem in RO
      mode, due to a `mount point is busy` error.
      Instead of starting the led_status_sh script from rc.local, we make it
      a service so it can be easily restarted when an update is performed.
      closes odoo/odoo#54353
      X-original-commit: 2ad99d3b
      Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin Lejeune (qle) <>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntoine Prieëls <>
    • Nicolas Lempereur's avatar
      [FIX] group by date with DST change · 930db42b
      Nicolas Lempereur authored
      When we group by date with DST change within a range, we could get a
      reocrd inside two date range grouping, or inside no grouping.
      This is because we computed range just with [+ 1 month], so we possibly
      had these ranges (in UTC):
      - October 2019 : [('datetime', '>=', '2019-10-01 02:00:00')
                        ('datetime', '<', '2019-11-01 02:00:00')]
      - November 2019 : [('datetime', '>=', '2019-11-01 01:00:00')
                         ('datetime', '<', '2019-12-01 01:00:00')]
      So a record on 2019-11-01 01:30:00 would be both inside October and
      This happen because the DST is removed on happen on 27 October 2019 and
      this was not taken into account when computing the end of the range.
      With this changeset, for the given example aboth, we will have:
      - October 2019 : [('datetime', '>=', '2019-10-01 02:00:00')
                        ('datetime', '<', '2019-11-01 01:00:00')]
      Added test without the change fails with "AssertionError: Lists differ"
      - "Q1 2019" finished on 17:00:00 instead of 16:00:00
      - "Q3 2019" finished on 16:00:00 instead of 17:00:00
      closes #54056
      closes odoo/odoo#54345
      Note: maxDiff added for test to work in 13.0
      X-original-commit: af5d03de
      Signed-off-by: default avatarNicolas Lempereur (nle) <>
    • william's avatar
      [REF] base: clean dosctring and remove deprecated function · bffb3b7f
      william authored
      The function check_with_xsd has been deprecated for more than 3 years.
      Docstring is now compliant with PEP 257
      closes odoo/odoo#54338
      X-original-commit: 29938397
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJosse Colpaert <>
    • william's avatar
      [IMP] base: _check_with_xsd from ir.attachment · 048c7fef
      william authored
      Search the xsd files from in the database.
      To enable this option, the Environment should be passed to the optional
      `env` parameter. Both the XSD root and the XSD imported by the root and
      the recusrively imported files will be searched in the database.
      X-original-commit: 06a35f2e
    • qsm-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website_blog: restore blog option UI · a0f45bab
      qsm-odoo authored
      The label of some buttons is updated on-the-fly, and the code which
      does that was actually altering the structure of the button widgets
      instead of just the labels' text. This code should be made more robust
      in master.
      closes odoo/odoo#54324
      X-original-commit: 5eb25c482eeaf68e30fd9f5b2fbe889f9b53c954
      Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin Smetz (qsm) <>
    • Anh Thao Pham (pta)'s avatar
      [FIX] payment: use currency precision when comparing amounts in Payment Link wizard · cc8c036f
      Anh Thao Pham (pta) authored
      In Sales, in Payment Link generation wizard, when entering manually the total of the quotation
      as Amount, it can happen that the Validation Error asking to set an Amount smaller than the total
      is triggered.
      closes odoo/odoo#54309
      X-original-commit: a7034b75
      Signed-off-by: default avatarNicolas Martinelli (nim) <>
  4. Jul 03, 2020
    • William Henrotin's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: 'To consume' field disappear · 878a92b5
      William Henrotin authored
      The custom 'to consume' widget wrap the classic float widget into a
      <span> tag to add a non editable part to display. The issue this commit
      fix is the following: the float widget element is this.$el in
      _renderEdit. Appending it to a new element make it loose its link to the
      DOM. The custom widget is totally blank.
      This commit clone this.$el before surrounding it by the new span
      Task : 2278147
      closes odoo/odoo#54042
      X-original-commit: 01bb1fce77cce3d54cd969e643b7c720673f2b22
      Related: odoo/upgrade#1451
      Related: odoo/enterprise#11645
      Signed-off-by: default avatarArnold Moyaux <>
    • William Henrotin's avatar
      [IMP] mrp: sanity check before production validation · 59531bc1
      William Henrotin authored
      This commit bring together sanity check functions called during
      production order validation in a separated method. Other modules will
      override it to add other sanity checks.
      Task : 2278147
      X-original-commit: e11f8da6674e9a21ab61d0aa67ef1797752273e2
    • William Henrotin's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: redirect to workorder list from consumption wizard · ca297538
      William Henrotin authored
      If the consumption wizard is triggered in a workorder (via 'Mark As Done
      And Close MO'). We would like the confirm button redirect to the
      workorder list view afterwards.
      Task : 2278147
      X-original-commit: 55e2a4d16d3a56b8f509d2d67a344c53d62474b6
    • William Henrotin's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: create finished moves in demo data · 36c8b93e
      William Henrotin authored
      The Table (MTO) production hasn't its finished moves created in the demo
      data. This lead to the impossiblity to mark as done the production
      Task : 2278147
      X-original-commit: d6e20db6f6b372707a67ec63d71a1c2737511765
    • William Henrotin's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: bom with operation duplication · a8a98a61
      William Henrotin authored
      Duplicate a BoM with operations and some BoM line consume in specific
      operation. The operations are well duplicated but the 'consume in
      operation' field still point to the original BoM's operations.
      This commit search for the operation to replace based on the name and
      the workcenter_id.
      Task : 2278147
      X-original-commit: 4c6d445dfd561a236b1b171ccbcc2ff2b6236640
    • William Henrotin's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: create backorder with no components · d57fce20
      William Henrotin authored
      Consuming all the components for only a part of the finished product
      will ask the manufacturing user to create a backorder. Confirm it will
      fail as there are no component left to consume to produce the
      remaining quantity of finished product. This commit only confirm
      backorders that still have some quantities to consume.
      Task : 2278147
      X-original-commit: 51c9281d715e27143955c7b9b51f60b22e672f52
    • William Henrotin's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: views improvement · 497ae992
      William Henrotin authored
      This commit makes some changes in the production order views
      as well as in the workorders one. This commits make sure there
      is now only one form view left for the mrp.workorder model.
      This commit take part of the MRP refactoring
      Task : 2278147
      X-original-commit: 8b389ab3601cf5ed9328b7ce55ee91d54aa70150
  5. Jul 10, 2020
  6. Jul 09, 2020
  7. Jul 08, 2020