- Jun 30, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
Everybody should upgrade to v2
- Jun 25, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
Antony Lesuisse authored
- Jun 23, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
- Jun 05, 2014
Xavier Morel authored
- Jun 02, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
- May 30, 2014
Fabien Meghazi authored
Antony Lesuisse authored
- May 29, 2014
Antony Lesuisse authored
Antony Lesuisse authored
- move packaging stuff to setup - remove historical stuff - remove oe, odoo-cmd-fme will be merged with the convered commands - add an odoo.py script to run odo and boostrap it - simplify README - prepare to move documentation to the github wiki
- May 28, 2014
Fabien Meghazi authored
Fabien Meghazi authored
- Nov 27, 2012
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20121127005513-vi9viu4oafbrze6y
- Nov 23, 2012
Christophe Simonis authored
bzr revid: chs@openerp.com-20121123105120-m1h2uiwk8baa8kin
- Nov 22, 2012
Nicolas Vanhoren authored
bzr revid: nicolas.vanhoren@openerp.com-20121122145309-bim6m10p0q7rf6wj
- Oct 29, 2012
Olivier Dony authored
bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20121029173321-clq0p2z2dh3ld8mu
- Sep 22, 2012
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20120922124354-unk1u8a9anst5hwo
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20120922111714-moxkguy729vout9x
Antony Lesuisse authored
bzr revid: al@openerp.com-20120922105107-q02ogtsfudphzkl6
- Sep 11, 2012
Christophe Simonis authored
bzr revid: chs@openerp.com-20120911115003-8a9a0f8dsoirkx9i
- Sep 07, 2012
Christophe Simonis authored
bzr revid: chs@openerp.com-20120907144102-qi35brwee3wh9fwb
- Sep 04, 2012
Stéphane Wirtel authored
bzr revid: stw@openerp.com-20120904073502-xce3wn064f8e0pru
- Sep 03, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120903145929-p4kp6eotkcflletk
- Aug 22, 2012
Christophe Simonis authored
bzr revid: chs@openerp.com-20120822101156-v5w2kljumas2cyq0
- Mar 29, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120329132028-3cjq7mt0yqbk2g00
- Mar 28, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
- The previous implementation was optimized to make few queries to the database but needed to keep some internal state. - That state was updated whenever the ir_cron table was modified by the ORM (this works only when the cron and web processes/threads are inside a single OpenERP server instance). - The new implementation is instead polling the database. - This is deemed acceptable in `normal` situation (i.e. not a SaaS with thousand of databases). - This makes it possible to avoid sharing state or the use of IPC. - This makes it possible to add/remove additional worker processes, possibly on different machines. - The code of the older implementation is removed in this commit but will be added back in a later commit: this is the 6.1 stable branch and we don't want to change the existing installation, but simply provide a solution for those running OpenERP with Gunicorn (which uses processes for which no cron state were shared). bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120328090320-vshsfv3gt1ck34s1
- Mar 16, 2012
Olivier Dony authored
bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20120316111218-o963t7xm4r4honoy
- Mar 15, 2012
Olivier Dony authored
Report-printing threads don't seem to be included in the list of active threads, but do need to be dumped as well. bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20120315181355-phtkn2uhy638ei1e
- Feb 14, 2012
Stéphane Wirtel authored
lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/917565 fixed bzr revid: stw@openerp.com-20120214114447-f8k2ze9kszfxvlw1
- Feb 09, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
lp bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/929466 fixed bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120209152732-24ud1f70krliv2k5
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120209141444-12261k6zd2ovnltd
- Feb 02, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120202173522-2grq11zfm7855i6s
- Feb 01, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
use the openerp.addons namespace), and correctly set the submodules in sys.modules (instead of only the top-level package). bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120201152710-s7sxlgibwd3lwr5l
Florent Xicluna authored
bzr revid: florent.xicluna@gmail.com-20120201123311-yvljvcj0luly77qt
- Jan 24, 2012
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120124105333-moq92a20za31m132
- Jan 09, 2012
Olivier Dony authored
Calling this method is no longer required since the merge of the new code for loading translations using a temporary table. The method itself has been removed at revision 3919, so all calls to it should have been cleaned up as well. Rev.3919 = rco@openerp.com-20111223104824-fup1cjbjni1fsty1 bzr revid: odo@openerp.com-20120109140958-10i1ti16tw327580
Vo Minh Thu authored
bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120109125243-qhtr070dvtc3akb5
Vo Minh Thu authored
openerp.modules as the namespace of the OpenERP addons. bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120109124120-06gguu3lzxv49i3j
Vo Minh Thu authored
(openerp.modules will be changed in openerp.addons in the next commit). bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120109123123-jt3canjbg0ozs05j
Vo Minh Thu authored
`import openerp.modules.<module_name>`. bzr revid: vmt@openerp.com-20120109101647-4hvy3n6eifzeozzq