- Sep 02, 2016
qsm-odoo authored
The nocontent message was never there when the kanban had no content in grouped mode and the create button was muted even if no column can be added. Also it was wrongly displayed in ungrouped mode.
qsm-odoo authored
The pre-processing of kanban qweb templates dropped the t-att(f)-class of button and tags with a valid type attr (object, action, ...).
Thibault Delavallée authored
Workflows are removed and replaced by python code directly embeded in model files. There are several reasons to do this * most of workflows are simple state machines. They simple go from state to state under simple conditions. Short circuits exist allowing to bypass part of the flow, like cancelling a record. However it is easier to understand a flow composed of several simple methods than having to understand the workflow in a separate xml file * workflows are hard to debug and modify. Each modification require a small migration. Moreover ensuring records are not blocked or that there does not exist unreachable states is hard to do. * having all business code in models helps understanding the business code. * most of our flows are quite simple and does not require a complex machinery to reflect it Workflow engine itself is kept. Lot of people use it and it can be very useful in some cases, notably in modeling more complex flows. Removing it is therefore not planned in this task.
qsm-odoo authored
Commit 744cd64b re-added the removed col system in the title snippet but did not respect the odoo structure which is section > .container [> .row > .col-*] and put the container class directly on the section. With this method, when changing the background of the snippet, only the container part is filled with background.
qsm-odoo authored
* On firefox, you had to click twice on a link to be able to start typing text * When selecting text which contained a <br/>, you were not able to replacing it correctly (you had to click again before starting typing) * When replacing a whole paragraph content which was below a title, the text was not replaced and you had to click again and the title transformed into a paragraph. * ...
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
qsm-odoo authored
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
Jainik Patel authored
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
remove workflow and replace by python code. note: hr.payslip states are messy, 4 states are defined, 3 are used and 5 exist.
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
Note that to copy the workflow, just after creating the state is updated to draft. The 'New' state is not used anymore in the flow. It could probably be cleaned. However in this task we only remove the workflows without changing their behavior to avoid unwanted side effects.
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
guidelines of naming the methods action_* not followed, this module is being reworked in enterprise and removed from community anyway.
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
pos.order note: no verification of current state on action_pos_order_[state] as these methods already perform their own verification.
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
purchase, mrp_byproduct: remove unused tests account_voucher: removed unused method in account_voucher that was still refering a removed workflow.
Thibault Delavallée authored
Denis Vermylen (dve) authored
get_recurrent_ids is a multi method. Model should be browsed before calling the method.
Yannick Tivisse authored
This report is too advanced and/or complex to be a single menuitem. Furthermore the model was a mess and a horn of plenty for bugs. The class ProjectTaskHistoryCumulative inherits from the class ProjectTaskHistory, and create a view based on the same model.The orginal class defines a compute field 'end_date' which calls a compute method '_compute_end_date' that will either make a simple assignment or a SQL request if the columns is always opened or folded. As ProjectTaskHistoryCumulative is declare with '_auto=False' the compute method will try to write on this table, which is obviously wrong because we are trying to write on a view. This leads to erors when trying to edit a project stage like: OperationalError: cannot update view "project_task_history_cumulative" DETAIL: Views that do not select from a single table or view are not automatically updatable. HINT: To enable updating the view, provide an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger or an unconditional ON UPDATE DO INSTEAD rule. or when trying to delete a column which already contains some tasks. So we removed this these models and view and replaced them by a simple favorite filter in the Tasks Reports
Yannick Tivisse authored
Yannick Tivisse authored
Yannick Tivisse authored
Yannick Tivisse authored
- Sep 01, 2016
Fabien Pinckaers authored
[IMP] website: fix tooltip position to avoid horz scrollbar in div
Fabien Pinckaers authored
Pierre Masereel authored
When the purchase model is installed, there are two checkbox with label 'Can be Purchased'. This error is due the rev https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commit/e945b86d5a61e53a9104ab6cc4ed4a1c060587e4 where we moved purchase related fields from module product to an inherited view in purchase module. To fix this, we removed the 'purchase_ok' field that was left in the product_template view.
Vipul Bhatt authored
Barcode, default_code (Internal Reference), standard_price, volume, weight fields are not saved when we create a new product. This is due to the fact that these fields need the product_variant_ids field to be set, in order to compute their values. Due to migration in rev https://github.com/odoo-dev/odoo/commit/1aa5bc0fdfa402ac7cccbc3a7203ec5050f6339b
Martin Geubelle authored
Thibault Francois authored
[ADD] Allow to pass a value in the context during import in order to allow the addition of new record in many2many field instead of replacing the current value with the imported value: in other words replace [(6, 0, [ids])] by [(4, 0, id1), (4, 0, id2), ...]
Damien Bouvy authored
Damien Bouvy authored
* Tokenization from ecommerce checkout * Authorization/capture flow * Advanced feature support for payment providers * Server2server and auth_only tx for authorize.net * Adapt Ogone s2s flow to new payment flow Impacted modules: * payment * payment_ogone * payment_authorize * website_sale * website_portal_sale * webste_quote
Damien Bouvy authored
Damien Bouvy authored
This commit improves the tokenization process, allowing users to set the acquirer to save payment data never, always or letting the customer decide (only implemented in ecommerce for now). Support for tokenization is improved for Ogone and Authorize.net This commits also factorizes advanced payment features support (authorization, tokenization, fees computation) in a generic method overriden by every provider to specifiy which features are supported. This process can be used in views to hide/show fields depending on feature support or in constraint checks.
Damien Bouvy authored
Instead of having to register a card then do a payment, a little checkbox during the checkout process is usually simpler.
Damien Bouvy authored
Damien Bouvy authored
This commit add s2s communication to the Authorize.net payment provider, allowing the user to: - Create a payment token - Charge a payment token - Authorize/capture transactions
Shivam Dudhat authored
Since the creates overrides needs some information that do not end up in the final record, let's avoid warning by removing all non-model fields from the call to super.
Damien Bouvy authored
This allows using a modern e-commerce flow where amounts are first authorized at checkout then captured when the picking is in fact shipped instead of immediately capturing the amount. To access this flow, a new selection value is available on the payment acquirer: "Authorize the amount and confirm the SO on acquirer confirmation". If this value is selected, s2s/form transactions should only require authorization to the acquirer; the user can then capture/void the payment manually from the Odoo backend transaction form view by simply using buttons.
Damien Bouvy authored
An old hack simple overrode the standard python ValueError instead of except_orm, which explains how it survived for so long.