- Sep 25, 2023
Mayurrajsinh Rathod authored
This commit resolves the issue of content title overflow in both fullscreen and non-fullscreen views by cropping the title and adding '...' at the end. Task-3384661 closes odoo/odoo#128713 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Jun 17, 2021
Nicolas Lempereur authored
The frontend enroll message was display as a `<small/>` tag, but it seems that lxml HTMLParser parse it wrongly, for example: html.tostring(html.fromstring('<small data-oe-model="test"><p></p></small>')) returns: '<div><small data-oe-model="test"></small><p></p></div>' So branding attributes like data-oe-model that are on small tag are not found on root node that has become a `div` tag after parsing => this causes a traceback error when saving a change in this part. Fix: use small as wrapper for `<div/>` tag that is treated correctly by HTMLParser (span is also treated correctly but div makes more sense here). opw-2573955 closes odoo/odoo#72304 Signed-off-by:
Nicolas Lempereur (nle) <nle@odoo.com>
- Oct 23, 2020
Aurélien Warnon authored
This commit makes a small adjustment to the course view to hide the responsible label in the course description if none is set. As this field is not required on the slide.channel model, it's not necessary to show a useless label when it's not set. Task 2368573 closes odoo/odoo#60579 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Aug 11, 2020
Patrick Hoste authored
PURPOSE Improve onboarding and user experience and course frontend SPECIFICATIONS Overall improvements and onboarding : * new and improved default images for both course types; * preview / free preview badge update; * copy writing and spacing update; * allow to specifically choose a slide to promote. Display promoted slide is not optional anymore as configured in backend; * display a sample of lessons if no lesson in a course; LINKS Task ID-2241513 PR #55698
Patrick Hoste authored
PURPOSE Change the display of the button to open the composer from btn-primary to btn-link. SPECIFICATIONS In order to ease integration of popup composer rating widget, let us allow to customize classes given to the button triggering it. In slides we want specifically it to be a link, not a button. LINKS Task ID-2241513 PR #55698
- Jun 08, 2020
Patrick Hoste authored
PURPOSE Before this commit, a user could not contact a course responsible to ask him to join. With this commit he is be able to do it. SPECIFICATIONS Change the message 'Contact website administrator' to 'Contact Responsible'. Add the name of the course responsible in the course description panel. When clicking on its name it opens a modal to request access to the course. It creates an activity linked to the customer and assigned to the responsible. When hovering the 'You're enrolled' button the fa-check icon changes to a fa-times icon to show that you can unsubscribe when clicking. LINKS Task ID : 2127364 PR : #40708
Patrick Hoste authored
SPECIFICATION Changes enroll_msg default value to 'Contact Responsible' instead of testing if it was empty or not. Since the FieldHtml widget sets the default value to '<p><br></p>' it was never empty. LINKS Task ID : 2127364 PR : #40708
- Mar 26, 2020
qmo-odoo authored
This commit fixes the reordering of slides on upload or drag and drop in frontend. This issue was due to the fact that in a previous commit (c4eba6f5) uncategorized slides were moved to the bottom of the list, which broke the reordering after drag and drop. Indeed we use the dom order itself to reorder the slides with a simple rpc call to dataset/resequence. Instead we revert part of the previous fix to display uncategorized slides at the top. It allows to be coherent with resequence and with backend behavior that displays uncategorized at the top of the list. Another issue was that, on slide upload, in the controller, we used the category_id on the slide (which seems to not always be correct at this stage) instead of the one given by the javascript. This caused the slide to not be uploaded in the right section. This commit also adds some margin to the categories in frontend for training courses. Otherwise uncategorized slides are too close to the first category. Task ID 2090927 X-original-commit: 7bd042d6e20c44558b90641409a6e3f8fa8000ed
- Mar 12, 2020
Florent Lejoly authored
PURPOSE When previewing a slide of type 'quiz', users are tempted to answer the questions even if they are not member of the course yet. This commit will allow users to answer the quiz without being a member of the course, and offer a smart redirection to join / buy based on the enroll type of the channel. SPECIFICATIONS We introduce a "CourseJoinWidget" that will handle the display and the behavior of the "join" button based on the user (public or not) and the enroll type (public course or based on a payment). When the user answers questions and he's not a member yet, we store the answers temporarily in the session object. When he comes back on the quiz page after having completed his membership, we fill in the quiz based on his previously entered answers and clean the session. LINKS Task 2045571 PR #41972 Co-authored-by:
Florent Lejolyn <fle@odoo.com> Co-authored-by:
Aurélien Warnon <awa@odoo.com>
- Mar 05, 2020
Tiffany Chang (tic) authored
This commit allows assignment and visibility of colors to course tags. In order to reuse existing code, the colors offered are the same colors used for Kanban tags. Visibility of these tag colors has been added to: - slide channel form view - individual course website - courses (not-filtered) website - user profile "about" page Note that visibility was purposely not added to: - Kanban view for courses since "no color" assigned tags are not shown in the kanban view by pre-existing design. - Filtered courses website since selected tag filters are already color highlighted to make selected tag filter(s) more obvious. Supports Task: 2128166 PR #44365 Upgrade PR: odoo/upgrade#862
Tiffany Chang (tic) authored
This commit makes it possible for course tags to be added via the frontend. To support this, course tags were also made viewable in a specific course's website since previously these tags were only visible in the courses frontpage (i.e. within the course cards). "Add Tag" is placed after course page's tags. Note that due to the ability to make new tags within this "Add Tag" modal restricts addition to only 1 tag at a time since new tags require a "Tap Group" to be assigned and handling a mix of new/existing tags would get confusing and complicated. Supports Task: 2128166 PR #44365
- Feb 12, 2020
Jérémy Hennecart authored
There is now a button in the Customize tab which can be used to choose to display or hide the promoted slide of a course. task-2161391
Jérémy Hennecart authored
Before, uncategorized slides weren't display correctly on the slide_channel. It was impossible to view all the slides if there were more than 4 slides uncategorized because the "View all" link wasn't display. Now, when there is no section/category on a course, it displays the last 4 slides with the "View all" link which allows to be redirected to the uncategorized category (category_id=-1). This request displays all the uncategorized slides with a pager if the limit of 12 slides per page is exceeded. If there is at least one category created, all uncategorized slides are displayed under a section "Uncategorized". Additionaly, there is a new button which allows to create a category directly on the course page to allow the user to organize is course more effectively. task-2161391
- Feb 11, 2020
Bhavita Bhatt authored
Following things are done in this commit: 1. changed some labeling and string for more readable and helpful to the user 2. added extra width to the text box 3. added publish/unpublish option for mobile view. 4. track page option auto-activated for any new page,event,job offer,course, blog. task-2088546 closes #40085 Co-authored-by:
jpr-odoo <jpr@openerp.com>
- Jan 16, 2020
Tiffany Chang (tic) authored
Minor updates to improve user useability of website_slides primarily with clearer wording and more intuitive displays/display interactions. Primary purpose is for onboarding wow. Related to: closes odoo/odoo#42030 Task: 2070662 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Jan 02, 2020
Patrick Hoste authored
Currently if slides officers or managers define documentation courses as on payment there is no easy way for customers to buy it. In this commit we add a button on the frontend to allow the end user to buy a documentation course like a training course. This button is displayed only for on payment documentation courses, leaving other documentation courses displayed untouched. Task ID : 2125086 PR : odoo/odoo#40679 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Dec 12, 2019
mcm-odoo authored
PURPOSE Have user groups specific to eLearning to separate them from generic website editors. Indeed this is a specific work area and require more than pure design skills. SPECIFICATIONS Two user groups are added in this commit * group_website_slides_officer + can read any course/slide + can create a course (will be responsible) + can write on its courses + can upload slides to the courses he is responsible + can publish slides to the courses he is responsible - cannot unlink courses/slides (you should archive them) * implies group_website_publisher in order to see the top navbar in frontend with the publish toggle button and the new content button; * group_website_slides_manager: has full rights + can read any course/slide; + can create a course; + can add slide to any courses; + can publish any courses/slides; + can unlink any courses/slides; + has access to reporting menu entries; Rights for other groups are untouched for courses / slides. As a reminder we still support responsibles being outside of eLearning groups, for example if an employee is a teacher that handles a course: * people in upload_group_ids of a channel can upload slides, even if they don't belong to any eLearning group; * people responsible of a course can upload and publish slides even if they don't belong to any eLearning group (done through controller as they don't have real rights on underlying models); We choose to keep the survey rights separated from eLearning ones. Indeed it is easy in odoo to update the imply_ids field of groups if necessary to link survey / eLearning groups; default user template can also be updated easily. Standard Odoo should therefore correctly separate those groups. The only specific rights is that eLearning officers can read all surveys, allowing to choose them for certification-based courses. LINKS Task ID 2062462 PR #39485 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Dec 09, 2019
Kevin Baptiste authored
This reverts commit ff1c3551. closes odoo/odoo#41480 X-original-commit: 116057b26e71db4692280463669f3e80d813ddcc Related: odoo/enterprise#7110 Signed-off-by:
Yannick Tivisse (yti) <yti@odoo.com>
- Dec 02, 2019
Thibault Delavallée authored
PURPOSE Clean posting process and improve mail.message definition and comprehension. Move as much possible content from website_* modules to portal_* modules to ease their use in customer portal SPECIFICATIONS Now that publish feature is replaced by internal directly in mail and portal rating portal inclusion can be done safely in a portal_ratign module instead of website_rating. It allows to remove the dependency and give the rating feature of customer chatter directly in portal applications. LINKS Task ID 2071556 PR #38692
- Nov 29, 2019
Hoste Patrick authored
Purpose is to ease designing your courses by allowing to create and update slide quiz directly in frontend, within the slide display. With this commit you are able to * add a quiz to a slide or add a question to an existing quiz; * edit an existing question from a quiz: * change the title of the Question; * add, remove or update answers; * change the right answer; * delete an existing question; * reorder the questions from a quiz; * reset the quiz for the current user if he is a website designer, allowing to test the quiz and its answers; New frontend widgets are introduced allowing to manipulate quiz. Slide page now supports a readonly / taking quiz mode and an edit mode for quizzes used notably for website designers / course maintainers. Task ID : 1999636 PR : #35326 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Nov 28, 2019
Kevin Baptiste authored
FontAwesome 5 introduced new names for some icons as described on https://fontawesome.com/how-to-use/on-the-web/setup/upgrading-from-version-4#name-changes This commit replaces the old names to the new ones. closes odoo/odoo#35826 Taskid: 2050241 Related: odoo/enterprise#5180 Signed-off-by:
Yannick Tivisse (yti) <yti@odoo.com>
- Nov 20, 2019
laa authored
Purpose of this commit is to help users knowing there is new content in a course by adding a visual insight. It is done through a new content arrow displayed in courses homepage. Regarding the file "website_slides_templates_homepage.xml", the choice to incorporate the t-call attribute into a 't' balise was necessary to display the customize option (part front) associated with the model course_card. Side dish usability improvements raised during development * display completed courses as last instead of first in "my courses"; * do not show promote strategy field for training courses as it has no use, only for documentation courses; TASK ID 2025186 Closes PR #36703 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Oct 23, 2019
mcm-odoo authored
- Teacher can now see the progress of his students on the attendees' list. - The completion of a course was recomputed even if the course is completed now it's fixed to 100 when completed. - Added a progressbar in course page in front-end to allow the user to see it's progression. When completed, the tag completed is displayed instead of the progressbar. - On slide page in front-end(normal view or fullscreen) when a course is completed, display the tag completed instead of the progressbar. - Removed completed state on course "Taking care of Trees" for portal user because it was not the case. task-2049689 closes odoo/odoo#36608 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Oct 15, 2019
David Beguin authored
This commit prepares the next one. It creates generic main and sub templates for slide share modal. In order to be usable for all cases, header and body sub template have been added. Also and in the same purpose, as the website url can be another url than the record to share (or if the record doesn't have website_url), this website_url can be specified separately from the record. Otherwise, the standard behaviour is to use the record.website_url. Task ID: 1950396 PR #31776
- Oct 02, 2019
Romain Derie authored
*base, website_blog, website_event, website_forum, website_slides With this commit: 1. It is now possible to add the 'Edit in backend' entry in the frontend navbar for any desired model, not only the ones which have the published mixin. It will simply redirect to the main_object form view. This commit add it to Forum and Blog. 2. When clicking on 'Edit in backend', it is now possible to land on another module than Website. That's especially useful for events and slides which are not directly related to the website module as they have their own module. 3. Remove the custom Edit in backend from the forum homepage (fa-cog). Opportunity was also taken to remove the 'edit welcome message'. It will now be editable through the editor (welcome message will appear in edit mode). Thus we got rid of the custom edit welcome message controller and views. Closes #36325
- Sep 25, 2019
laa authored
From Website (Frontend) --> From the Courses --> From a course (with settings course : Course type = "Documentation" & Forum mentioned): The tab for the forum isn't there From Website (Frontend) --> From the Courses --> From a course (with settings course : Course type = "Documentation" & "Allow rating on Course" disabled): The tab for the review is always there From Website (Frontend) --> From the Forum --> From a course (with settings course : Course type = "Documentation" & "Allow rating on Course" activivated): Click the tab for the review, the returned view is the course tab and not the review tab From Website (Frontend) --> From the Forum --> From a course (with settings course : "Allow rating on Course" disabled): The tab for the review is always there closes odoo/odoo#37436 Task-id: 2074030 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Sep 24, 2019
Debauche Stéphane authored
SPECIFICATIONS * Remove the /home from the breadcrumb in user profile * Rename the Home (on a specific course) into "Courses" Task 2062640 closes odoo/odoo#36900 Signed-off-by:
Thibault Delavallee (tde) <tde@openerp.com>
- Sep 13, 2019
Thibault Delavallée authored
When having not square images for user avatar several issues appear * website_slides: heroes of the week banner is broken as circles are not circles anymore. They look more like UFOs or funny snowmen; * website_slides: my user status / leaderboard / achievements card display is broken as image may take much more width than planned; * website_slides: channel page view displays user avatar when having joined it, and it is broken; * website_profile: user avatars in top 3 of users karma ranking is broken. In this commit we apply strict rules on width / height combined to an object fit in order to always have a bioutifoul displayed circled image. Task 2065425 (avatar ratio badly displayed) PR #36756
- Sep 04, 2019
Thibault Delavallée authored
PURPOSE Allow to manage attachments when updating a frontend review. SPECIFICATIONS Currently when posting a review in eLearning or eCommerce one can attach files to its review thanks for portal composer. Rating popup composer allow to update its comment and rating. However this edit mode has two limitations. It does not display attachments previously added and does not allow to add attachments. This commit fixes that by * giving attachment values to the composer, allowing its display by the composer display at startup; * allowing to give new attachments and properly handle them in slides route; Uploaded and validated attachments cannot be removed by users. Indeed message with attachments has probably already be sent to people and removing attachments would lead to information loss. LINKS Task 2066600 (manage attachments) Task 2058595 (eLearning v13 testing)
- Sep 03, 2019
Michaël Mattiello authored
Fix some display issues in eLearning * fix the share button in documentation. It was not working as model was not correctly placed; * fix top3 users banners broken in mobile; * fix left menu of fullscreen being behind content on mobile (image, video); * removed upload button in training channel aside as there are already buttons available for that purpose; Task 2049640 (website slides back2basics and fiximp)
laa authored
Purpose of this commit is to add new content at last position in frontend. Indeed backend uses last position in embedded list view, frontend should do the same. Moreover when having a lot of content, having everything at the bottom of the screen at the same position of Add content / section buttons makes sens. Specifications * when adding a new category: add it as last category; * when adding a new slide in a category: add it as last slide of the category; Specific case of slide without category * when adding a new slide without category: add it as last slide of the channel (display it as last) but keep it on top in backend view (display as first); Improve content list display in frontend of eLearning * contents without section are now at the bottom; * fixed alignment of buttons icon (Add Content and Add Section) * fixed broken design because of title too long Task 2049640 (website slides back2basics and fiximp) Task 2061672 (new content bug report) Co-Authored-By:
Michaël Mattiello <mcm@odoo.com> Co-Authored-By:
Alexis Lacroix <laa@odoo.com>
- Aug 28, 2019
Lucas Lefèvre authored
PURPOSE Test frontend and UI tools of eLearning. SPECIFICATIONS Portal users cannot post reviews as they have no write right on channels. When trying to post a review on a channel this leads to a 403. In this commit we correctly propagate channel access token to the composer in order to allow rating. LINKS Task ID 1937768
- Aug 22, 2019
mcm-odoo authored
- Before it was not possible to leave a course. - This commit adds a modal to give the members the possibility to leave the course and also subscribe or unsubscribe to get notified or not. + Display a warning message when leaving if field enroll value is "payment". task-1985511
- Aug 08, 2019
qmo-odoo authored
PURPOSE Like already done for sale order, invoice of survey, purpose of this commit is to remove category model and replace by a flagged line (slide). It allows to easily reorder slides in an embedded list view. SPECIFICATIONS Instead of having a fully fledged slide.category model, slide.slide will serve that purpose with a is_category flag. This will allow to drag and drop slides and sections in the channel form view. This change had an impact on the way slides were added/sorted on the front-end. In fact, whenever a slide is added from the front-end, a resequencing of all the slides in the course has to be triggered. Category of a slide is now a computed field based on the sequence. Order of slides is based on sequence, with categories splitting the slide list based on is_category flag. In this commit tests are added. Some cleaning in tests is also performed to speedup a bit tests (savepointcase) and some cleaning / renaming to ease their understanding. Future commit will add JS necessary to manage slides in the section list view. LINKS TaskID: 1978731 PR: #33255
- Aug 05, 2019
fja-odoo authored
* = website_forum, website_profile, website_sale, website_sale_comparison, website_slides, website_slides_survey Some image links were hard coded in the xml views of website, now they are replaced with website.image_url(model, field). Part of https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/34149 task-2007400 closes odoo/odoo#34149 Signed-off-by:
Quentin Smetz (qsm) <qsm@odoo.com>
- Aug 13, 2019
mcm-odoo authored
Purpose of this commit is to allow website designers to change course images directly from front-end. Task 2026846
- Aug 12, 2019
mcm-odoo authored
PURPOSE Ease discovering of eLearning features by allowing to install surveys directly from frontend in order to allow certification. SPECIFICATIONS Add a button in Upload a document to install Surveys. This button only appears if surveys is not installed. When button is clicked, ask for confirmation before installing survey. LImitate this feature to group system: system people should see the button and use standard ACLS about module installation. LINK Task ID 2026846
Aurélien Warnon authored
The completion time of a slide now has default values for slides of type * video (duration of the YouTube video); * PDF (number of pages * 5 minutes); This computation is done when uploading a slide in frontend or by an onchange in backend. Field can still be given / modified by elearning people as result may not be reliable (pdf parsing is not accurate, and/or you may estimate time differently from strict page-based computation). The course will sum up all durations of its (active) slides. Display has been changed from "x minutes" to "x hours y minutes". Task ID 2007294
- Aug 02, 2019
Sébastien Theys authored
image_original => image_1920 (now resized to 1920) image_big => image_1024 image_large => image_256 image_medium => image_128 image_small => image_64 image replaced by image_1920 (when writing) or by image_1024 (when displaying what was previously the big size) + add new intermediate format: image_512 PR: #34925
- Jun 14, 2019
qmo-odoo authored
Before this commit, clicking on tag located on a slide card in the course page would filter the channels instead of the slides Now, it filters the slides in the course closes odoo/odoo#33635 Signed-off-by:
Jérome Maes (jem) <jem@openerp.com>