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Remove environment ribbon module

Administrator requested to merge fix/remove-environment-ribbon into master

Since odoo-role doesn't allow to un-install modules yet, we need to execute the following steps manually BEFORE running the changes introduced by this MR.

  1. Uninstall the web_environment_ribbon module through the UI
  2. Access the target machine through SSH
  3. $ sudo su - odoo
  4. odoo@odoo-capfoguer:~$ cd /opt/odoo
  5. odoo@odoo-capfoguer:/opt/odoo$ . ../.odoo_venv/bin/activate
  6. pip uninstall odoo11-addon-web-environment-ribbon
  7. sudo systemctl restart odoo
  8. Execute the provision.yml playbook with the changes introduced by this MR

Still... the module appears in the UI as not installed. I would love to see it gone for good. We'll have to further investigate this.

Merge request reports
