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Extract the EticomContract from MobileTicket

We need to make the process to create the MobileTickets agnostic of the ERP model with the data.

  • We create a MobileData and PartnerData to expose the data needed by the MobileTicket, the MobileArticle, and the MobileDynamicFields.
  • We create factories to create the MobileData and PartnerData from Tryton models (EticomContract and Party).

These classes must be in the Tryton module, but we can't test them in the Tryton module and we prefer to maintain them here. These classes are an exception.

  • Change the TicketFactory API:
# In the project that uses the TicketFactory (Ex: Tryton)

from otrs_somconnexio.otrs_models.ticket_factory import TicketFactory


service_data = ServiceDataFromEticomContract(eticom_contract).build()
customer_data = CustomerDataFromParty(party).build()

ticket = TicketFactory(service_data, customer_data).build()
Edited by Administrator

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