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  1. Mar 02, 2018
    • Fabien Pinckaers's avatar
    • Géry Debongnie's avatar
    • Géry Debongnie's avatar
      [FIX] sale_timesheet: fix crash in project plan · be3c89d7
      Géry Debongnie authored
      The Project Plan code is quite new, but does some unconventional stuff.
      It looks like a form view, but it is actually a client action with a
      custom search view.  The problem fixed by this commit is that when we
      try to open the project plan from the project kanban view, it crashes.
      It was caused by a bad interaction between the dashboard search view and
      the action manager.  The dashboard search view trigger a search event,
      which bubbles up to the action manager.  Since the project plan is not
      loaded yet, the action manager assumed that the search event was for the
      kanban view instead of the project plan.
      The fix is to prevent the event from bubbling up, since the project
      plan already handles the search event anyway.
      Note that we also set the title in this commit to a default value, to
      make sure that if we reload the client action, its title is set to a
      more interesting value than 'Undefined'.
      We also added a few tests, which could have prevented this mess.  Now it
      should be easy to add more tests whenever needed.
  2. Mar 01, 2018
  3. Feb 28, 2018
  4. Feb 27, 2018
  5. Feb 26, 2018
    • Quentin De Paoli's avatar
      [IMP] account, account_bank_statement_import: create only... · 9bc9c864
      Quentin De Paoli authored
      [IMP] account, account_bank_statement_import: create only when statement lines get processed
      Previously, bank accounts were created at the line creation, even if the partner was unknown. That was a very weird behavior since
      - that use case of a belonging to no one is meaningless
      - the default partner was actually set to the current'user company, which was even more wrong.
      This has been already improved by but that first patch ignored the use case of created thr$
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [REF] rating: avoid storing rating_value on mail.message · f727e9d9
      Thibault Delavallée authored
      Currently the rating value coming from the rating application is stored
      on the message it belongs to. However storing it is not necessary as
      there is no direct search using it. Having a computed field is sufficient
      for all use cases we currently have in Odoo.
      Removing the store allow to gain queries. Indeed the field is not
      computed anymore after each message creation meaning we save queries
      by not having to check existing ratings. It allows to gain a lot of
      computation as mail.message is a critical model.
      On the whole community runbot when installing all modules this leads to
      a gain of more than 14K queries on 585K which means 2.4% of performances
      increase. Considering the code size of this optimization this is quite an
      interesting result.
      Looking at test_mail performance tests we gain several queries (2/3) for
      each new message which is coherent with the model change.
      Finally it allows to lessen the performance difference between tests done
      with test mail only and tests done with other modules already installed.
      This is especially simple mail thread-enable records.
      Related to task ID 51523. #Closes #23294. Done with blessing of @jem-odoo .
    • XavierDo's avatar
      [IMP] product: rename product.uom into uom.uom · 2966d4fa
      XavierDo authored
      Also rename product.uom.categ into uom.category to
       give it a decent name.
    • XavierDo's avatar
      [IMP] product: move uom in a new addon · 6a378e38
      XavierDo authored
      Moves UoM models, test and data to a new addon in
      order to be able to use uom without product.
      A simple example is be to be able to use UoM for
      This commit only move code, and adapt xml ids
      without chaging any feature or functionnal
      Note: 'product' module now depends on new
      'uom' module.
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [MERGE][REF] mail, various: remove dead code and perform some small code renaming and optimization · 9de5d417
      Thibault Delavallée authored
      Purpose of this merge is to clean a bit various methods and remove some
      dead code. All those commits come from other work-in-progress branches
      in mail aiming at improving performances and reducing code size. We can
      already merge some light cleaning in order to lessen diff and ease
      understanding of real feature-based branches.
      It contains
       * some renaming in notification methods to match the _notify prefix used
         in most of them;
       * removal of  some dead code coming from old implementations of chatter;
       * removal of unnecessary context switch in email sending process;
       * small cleaning of notification group methods in various addons;
      It allows to gain some queries in various test_mail performance test as
      stated in the test_performance file update. When notification emails are
      sent 4 queries are gained with this merge. On the whole community runbot
      the impact is small (about 1K queries) probably because most of email
      sending part is skipped on runbot.
      This merge is related to the task Id 59039. #Closes #23089.