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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 21, 2022
  2. Nov 20, 2022
  3. Nov 18, 2022
    • Raphael Collet's avatar
      [FIX] core: ignore imported modules when loading registry · e1cfc1f7
      Raphael Collet authored
      The existing code was generating misleading errors for imported Odoo
      modules that could not be loaded.  Although there was a specific hack
      for module 'studio_customization', imported modules were not handled
      properly.  This patch adds the right condition in the SQL query in the
      module that introduces imported modules.
      closes odoo/odoo#105955
      Signed-off-by: default avatarVincent Schippefilt (vsc) <>
    • Thomas Lefebvre (thle)'s avatar
      [FIX] account_edi: check fiscal period for an EDI cancellation · fda04e21
      Thomas Lefebvre (thle) authored
      Steps to reproduce:
          - install a localization which uses the account_edi module;
          - define Lock date for the fiscal period;
          - choose an invoice which was sent before this date;
          - click on the "REQUEST EDI CANCELLATION" button.
          We try to cancel the EDI document despite exceeding the fiscal period.
      	The verification of the fiscal period is done when clicking on the "RESET TO DRAFT" button which, in the flow, is after the request for cancellation of the EDI document.
          Make a verification of the fiscal period when clicking on the "REQUEST EDI CANCELLATION" button.
      closes odoo/odoo#106014
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJosse Colpaert <>
    • Alvaro Fuentes's avatar
      [FIX] account: add index for account.move.tax_cash_basis_move_id · 8d0a4e50
      Alvaro Fuentes authored
      Computing account.move.payment_state relies on this field. When
      perfoming payment operations in bulk (like during an upgrade) the field
      computation may become too slow.
      On recent upgrade cases the abscense of this index caused delays ranging
      from 5 hours to whole days in the upgrade of big DBs.
      closes odoo/odoo#105794
      Signed-off-by: default avatarChristophe Simonis <>
    • Victor Piryns (pivi)'s avatar
      [FIX] web, stock: rollback database when crashing on report generation · d7fdcdce
      Victor Piryns (pivi) authored
      Current behaviour:
      When we are printing a report and then the report fails to generate
      (for ex. wkhtmltopdf memory limit/timeout),
      the incorrect state is committed to the database.
      Expected behaviour:
      We should rollback when generating reports fails, since it is an error state.
      Steps to reproduce:
      To reproduce the behaviour, we need to force an error state.
      - In odoo/addons/base/models/`_run_wkhtmltopdf()`,
      raise an exception before spawning the subprocess (for ex. adding a 1/0).
      - In addons/web/controllers/`report_download()`#L2126,
      add this little code snippet:
      ids = [int(x) for x in docids.split(",")]
      report = request.env['']._get_report_from_name(reportname)
      obj = request.env[report.model].browse(ids)
      if getattr(obj, 'message_post'):
          obj.message_post(body='This report was committed!')
      - Install Inventory
      - Pick a delivery order and try to print it, there should be an error
      (whatever exception you decided to raise in `_run_wkhtmltopdf()`)
      - See that in the message board we got a message that the report has been committed,
      which isn't the case, it failed to generate.
      Reason for the problem:
      Controllers are catching the exception when generating reports,
      but never reset the state of the database.
      Raise an InternalServerError with an error code of 500 to trigger
      a database rollback.
      Affected versions:
      - 14.0
      - 15.0
      - saas-15.2
      - saas-15.3
      - 16.0
      - master
      closes odoo/odoo#104594
      Related: odoo/enterprise#33443
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJulien Castiaux <>
    • Nasreddin Boulif (bon)'s avatar
      [FIX] hr_expense: display right error if no employee found · a339caa2
      Nasreddin Boulif (bon) authored
      Steps to reproduce:
        - Install `Expenses` module
        - Go to Settings > Technical > Email > Aliases
        - Edit the `expense` alias
        - Ensure the model is `Expense`
        - Set `Alias Contact Security` to `Everyone`, then save
        - Send an e-mail to the expense alias, using an e-mail address not
          referenced on one of the employees.
        Error in logs related to `currency` variable.
        Trying to create an expense for a non-existing user, therefore,
        no currency is set.
        If no user is found, no need to create the expense and let the orm
        raise the error that a required field is not set (field employee on
      closes odoo/odoo#105771
      Signed-off-by: default avatarKevin Baptiste <>
    • Thomas Lefebvre (thle)'s avatar
      [FIX] base: calendar for new model with studio · f72a7493
      Thomas Lefebvre (thle) authored
      V14 only
      Steps to reproduce:
      install Studio app (web_studio module);
      inside an app create a new model with Studio;
      choose the "Date & Calendar" feature for the new model;
      create the model.
      An error occurs "Invalid view Default calendar view for x_modelName definition in False".
      Server log:
      ` <string>:1:0:ERROR:RELAXNGV:RELAXNG_ERR_INVALIDATTR: Invalid attribute edit for element calendar`
      ` Invalid XML: Get RNG validator and validate RNG file.`
      ".xml" files must be verified with the grammar inside the ".rng" files. The "edit" attribute is missing in the calendar tag grammar (calendar_view.rng file). This attribute is added during the validation's process of a view when it is created.
      Link of the function which add the attribute:
      Add the "edit" attribute inside the "calendar_view.rng".
      closes odoo/odoo#100456
      Signed-off-by: default avatarXavier Morel (xmo) <>
  4. Nov 16, 2022
    • Ahmad Khanalizadeh's avatar
      [FIX] membership: calculate membership state · 6d6ff5ea
      Ahmad Khanalizadeh authored
      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Create a membership product for a period of time in the past,
       and one including the current day
      2. Create a member, make him non-free
      3. Create an invoice for the member for the past membership, cancel
       the invoice
      4. Note that membership state is not updated to `cancelled` (Problem 1)
      5. Change the `date_cancel` on membership.membership.line
       to a date in the past
      6. Add an invoice for the current membership, note that the state is
       updated to `cancelled`
      7. confirm the invoice and register payment, note that the state is
       not update to `paid` (Problem 2)
      This line in `_compute_membership_state` causes the bug to appear:
      if partner.membership_cancel and today > partner.membership_cancel:
          partner.membership_state = 'free' if partner.free_member else 'canceled'
      To solve the issue, we remove the lines of code that made the state
      to be stuck and use the membership lines only to calculate the correct
      closes odoo/odoo#104178
      Signed-off-by: default avatarGrazioso Andrea (agr) <>
    • damr's avatar
      [FIX] 14.0 rating: submit rating feedback with 'get' method · d8f3c941
      damr authored
      In rating/controllers/, the method action_submit_rating accepts
      only post request. This creates a problem when you're trying to use the
      web editor on the template as well as when you just paste the url in
      your browser, for those are get request. The current behavior is a crash
      with 'method not allowed'. This commit's purpose is to change the method
      so it also accept get request. The use case of editing the feedback
      rating page is arguable but it schould not crash.
      The behavior after this commit is that the web editor is enable for the
      page, and relaoding the page does not crash anymore.
      closes odoo/odoo#104856
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLaurent Stukkens (ltu) <>
    • Adrien Widart (awt)'s avatar
      [FIX] mrp: include unscrapped SN when checking uniqueness · ac11b7e0
      Adrien Widart (awt) authored
      It is not possible to consume a component tracked by serial that comes
      back from a scrap location
      To reproduce the issue:
      1. In Settings, enable "Multi Routes"
      2. Create two storable products P_compo, P_finished
          - P_compo is tracked by serial number
      3. Update the on-hand qty of P_compo:
          - 1 x P_compo with serial SN
      4. Process a manufacturing order MO:
          - Product: P_finished
          - Compo: 1 x P_compo with SN
      5. Unbuild P_finished
          - It brings SN back to stock
      5. Scrap one P_compo with SN
      6. Unscrap it (thanks to an internal transfer)
      7. Repeat step 4
      Error: a user error is raised: "The serial number SN used for component
      P_compo has already been consumed"
      When checking the SN uniqueness of a component, we don't consider the
      case where a product came back from a srap location
      closes odoo/odoo#105843
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Adrien Widart (awt)'s avatar
      [FIX] mrp: check SN uniqueness on WO · 402dfd0a
      Adrien Widart (awt) authored
      When marking a WO as done, if the serial number defined is related to an
      unbuilt product, an error will be raised and the user will not be able
      to mark the WO as done
      To reproduce the issue:
      1. Create a BoM for product P with one operation
          - P is tracked by SN
      2. Produce one P with serial S
      3. Unbuild it
      4. Create and confirm a second MO with 1 x P
      5. Start the WO
      6. On tablet view, set the finished lot to S
      7. Mark the WO as done
      Error: a UserError is raised because "This serial number [...] has
      already been produced". However, this serial number has been unbuilt so
      the worker should be able to use it again
      When marking the WO as done, we check the uniqueness of the defined
      serial number. But:
      - The check is not accurate enough, hence the above error
      - The lot of the WO is a computed/inverse field based on lot of the MO
      - Once the WO closed, we can still change the lot of the MO
      - When marking the MO as done, a better method checks the SN uniqueness
      (does not fail in the above case)
      Therefore, the checking on WO side is useless. We should let the MO side
      handle this.
      Moreover, let's say that there is already one P in stock with serial S2.
      On tablet view, if the worker set the lot to S2, there should be a
      warning so he can be aware of the situation. This is already the case on
      MO side:
      (This commit is linked to a similar commit OE side, same opw)
      closes odoo/odoo#104456
      Related: odoo/enterprise#33377
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTiffany Chang <>
  5. Nov 15, 2022
    • Nshimiyimana Séna's avatar
      [FIX] base_vat: keep leading zeros on San Marino tax id · 24207914
      Nshimiyimana Séna authored
      ### Steps to reproduce
      * install the *VAT Number Validation `(base_vat)`* and Contacts module.
      * Create a new contact from San Marino and set their Tax Id to SM05426
      * Save the contact
      You should see that the leading zeros have been removed on the Tax Id
      (here, SM05426 became SM5426)
      closes odoo/odoo#103545
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJosse Colpaert <>
    • Hubert Van de Walle (huvw)'s avatar
      [FIX] web: list view: don't rerender a row before the previous render is done · 6ee17243
      Hubert Van de Walle (huvw) authored
        - Add a checkbox to the sublist view of quotations with studio and save
        - In the chrome devtools, select a custom network throttling profile
          with 1s of latency
      Steps to reproduce:
        First example:
        - Go to a quotation with at least two lines
        - Enter edit mode
        - Change the quantity of the first line
        - Double click on the price field of the second line
        -> A traceback appears: `Cannot set properties of null (setting 'props')`
        Second example:
        - Go to a quotation with at least two lines
        - Enter edit mode
        - Change the quantity of the first line
        - Click on the price field of the second line
        - Click on Save
        -> The same traceback is there
      Cause of the issue:
        The checkbox field is implemented in owl and thus the
        owl_compatibility layer is used.
        Mounted is not called on the checkbox if a new rendering is being done
        Currently, it is possible to set a row mode before the previous call
        and rendering is done.
        Use a mutex for each record to prevent simultaneous render
      closes odoo/odoo#101419
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAaron Bohy (aab) <>
    • Adrien Widart (awt)'s avatar
      [FIX] mrp_subcontracting_dropshipping,purchase_stock: return to supplier · 8276a9b5
      Adrien Widart (awt) authored
      When returning a dropshipped and subcontracted product to the supplier
      location, the received quantity of the PO line will be incorrect
      To reproduce the issue:
      1. Create two storable products P_compo, P_Finished
      2. Create a BoM:
          - Product: P_finished
          - Type: Subcontracting
          - Subcontractors: a subcontractor S
          - Components: 1 x P_compo
      3. Create and confirm a PO:
          - Vendor: S
          - Deliver To: Dropship
          - Drop Ship Address: a partner P
          - Products: 1 x P_finished
      4. Validate the receipt
      5. Create a return with 1 x P_finished:
          - Update SO/PO quantities: True
          - Return Location: Partner Locations/Vendors
      6. Validate the return
      7. Go back to the PO
      Error: The qty received is 2, it should be 0
      There is currently no code to handle the return of a dropshipped product
      closes odoo/odoo#105185
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Adrien Widart (awt)'s avatar
      [FIX] mrp_subcontracting_dropshipping: return to stock location · 0486e2e5
      Adrien Widart (awt) authored
      When returning a dropshipped and subcontracted product to an internal
      location, the received quantity of the PO line will be incorrect
      To reproduce the issue:
      1. In Settings, enable "Storage Locations"
      2. Create two storable products P_compo, P_Finished
      3. Create a BoM:
          - Product: P_finished
          - Type: Subcontracting
          - Subcontractors: a subcontractor S
          - Components: 1 x P_compo
      4. In Locations, edit WH/Stock:
          - Return location: True
      5. Create and confirm a PO:
          - Vendor: S
          - Deliver To: Dropship
          - Drop Ship Address: a partner P
          - Products: 1 x P_finished
      6. Validate the receipt
      7. Create a return with 1 x P_finished:
          - Update SO/PO quantities: True
          - Return Location: WH/Stock
      8. Validate the return
      9. Go back to the PO
      Error: The qty received is 2, it should be 1 (it should not be 0 since
      the product has been returned to an internal location)
      In `/purchase_stock._compute_qty_received`, there is already a code to
      anticipate such a situation (i.e., a user who returns a dropshipped
      product to his stock location):
      However, the methods `_is_dropshipped` and `_is_dropshipped_returned` do
      not include the feature subcontracting + dropshipping. This is the
      reason why, in `_compute_qty_received`, the above condition is not
      respected and why we add the return stock move to the received qty.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#105185
    • Adrien Widart (awt)'s avatar
      [FIX] core: find currency when writing monetary field · 4456480b
      Adrien Widart (awt) authored
      When creating a record, if a value is related to a monetary field and if
      the currency field is a non-stored related one, the value will not be
      rounding: when writing the monetary value in the database, we first call
      `convert_to_column`. In the parameter, `record` is empty (it is not yet
      created) and `values` only contains the stored values (so the currency
      value is not present). As a result, `currency` will not be defined and
      the value will not be rounded.
      closes odoo/odoo#104346
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Collet <>
    • Cao Đình Trung's avatar
      [FIX] maintenance: avoid empty close_date in done stage · badc4ace
      Cao Đình Trung authored
      Steps to reproduce the error:
      - Install 'Maintenance'
      - Select 'Maintenance' -> 'Request Maintenance'
      - Create a maintenance request:
                + TH1: Save > Change stage to Repaired > 'Close date' =
                + TH2: Don't Save > Change stage to Repaired > Save > 'Close
      date' = blank
      closes odoo/odoo#100777
      Problem: App will show 'Close Date' blank
      Expected: App will display 'Close Date' as Date.Today()
      Solution: When Click on Save button -> Automatically get current date as end date
      Signed-off-by: default avatarArnold Moyaux (arm) <>
    • gawa-odoo's avatar
      [IMP] l10n_de_{skr03,skr04}: add right accounts to tax groups · 453cf0b6
      gawa-odoo authored
      There are specific accounts that should be used for tax groups for
      each version of the CoA
      closes odoo/odoo#105648
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJohn Laterre (jol) <>
  6. Nov 14, 2022
  7. Nov 13, 2022
  8. Nov 10, 2022
  9. Nov 09, 2022
    • qsm-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website: make address selection in editor more robust · 50bf0b7f
      qsm-odoo authored
      Using the "gps picker" (for example with the "Google Map" snippet) was
      not flawless. The autocomplete menu which shows up when the user enters
      an address is handled by the gmap API. It was actually not working at
      all on Firefox for an unknown reason. Not listening to blur events on
      the input seems to solve the issue. This commit also prevents triggering
      a value change if the same address is reselected which seems to make
      address changes a bit more robust too.
      closes odoo/odoo#105072
      Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin Smetz (qsm) <>
    • qsm-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website: prevent warning on each google map snippet initialization · b761c8fe
      qsm-odoo authored
      Some part of the google map API was deprecated and showed a warning
      at each snippet redraw. Probably harmless but since the related API are
      really capricious, best satisfy them as much as possible, even in
      stable versions.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#105072
    • qsm-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website: properly warn users of Google API errors · a5282701
      qsm-odoo authored
      Before this commit, when adding a google map snippet in the DOM, the
      user was asked for its API key if not already configured, thanks to an
      user-friendly dialog. However, in the case it was misconfigured (while
      the editor dialog prevents some misconfiguration, configuration via the
      backend allow any random key to be given), the UX was terrible: the
      google map is simply removed without any notification.
      Misconfiguration can be:
      - Invalid API key
      - "Maps JavaScript API", "Places API" or "Maps Static API" not enabled
      - Billing not enabled
      Now notifications/messages warn about those things and reopens the key
      configuration dialog, which contains links to the gmap API documentation
      and now more information.
      Hopefully, this can be improved even further later. Indeed, this is
      still not perfect as there is no reliable way to understand google
      responses. E.g. even with the three mentioned API and billing enabled,
      sometimes the google map API still returns errors indicating "not
      enabled APIs" but it cannot be reproduced reliably. During my test it
      was systematic for 15min at some point but now there is none, ever. Like
      if there was a delay after enabling an API on the google console before
      it stops sending errors... although the API works immediately.
      Notice that in 15.0, this snippet is shown in debug mode only and we
      encourage users to use the new "Map" snippet which does not require any
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#105072
    • PNO's avatar
      [FIX] stock: block product type change if sales count · 60955c93
      PNO authored
      Steps to reproduce:
      - Create a product and complete a sales order.
      - Then try to change the product type.
      - The following message is shown:
      "You cannot change the products type because it is already used in sales orders."
      However, we can close the message and save.
      If some sales were already made, it should not be possible to change the product type.
      There is a warning message on the onchange but it's not blocking.
      This causes inconsistencies between the quantities and value shown in the quants and in the valuation layers.
      Raise an user error when trying to save the changes.
      closes odoo/odoo#105291
      X-original-commit: 1b2c045f
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Ricardo Gomes Rodrigues (rigr)'s avatar
      [FIX] account_edi{,ubl_cii}: disable move_type check · 81a68544
      Ricardo Gomes Rodrigues (rigr) authored
      Currently, if the user uploads a facturx document whose move_type does not match the move_type chosen by the user, the document is not auto filled with the information contained in the facturx XML because of a restrictive check. Therefore, the document is empty and is sent to the OCR which acts as a backup.
      Starting from this commit, we will remove this restrictive check. So, if the user uploads a facturx document, we will use the move_type define by facturx regardless of the move_type chosen by the user. This means that when we upload a facturx document, we will always use all the information that is in the xml to create the document and avoid using the OCR.
      task-id 2961932
      closes odoo/odoo#105287
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLaurent Smet <>
    • Thomas Lefebvre (thle)'s avatar
      [FIX] calendar: create an appraisal directly by editing it · 8e5196ef
      Thomas Lefebvre (thle) authored
      Steps to reproduce:
      	- get into an employee appraisal;
      	- click on the smart button "No meeting" from calendar view;
      	- edit it directly the meeting and save.
      	We will not find any new meeting on the smart button if we go back to the employee appraisal page.
      	When saving the appraisal from the edit view, an event will be created. Unfortunately, the `res_id` field (which allows it to be linked to a record in the `hr_appraisal` table) is not correct. The smart button that is attached to the `hr_appraisal` model will not detect that there is an event.
      	Don't accept a `res_id` which is zero. If so, take the default `res_id` and update it in the dictionnary that will be used to create the event.
      closes odoo/odoo#104627
      Related: odoo/enterprise#33510
      Signed-off-by: default avatarYannick Tivisse (yti) <>
    • Odoo's Mergebot's avatar
      [MERGE] [FIX] various: adapt 14.0 to work with ubuntu jammy (22.04) · bd11808c
      Odoo's Mergebot authored
      Ubuntu Jammy brings some breaking changes for odoo 14.0. This PR aims to ensure compatibility if deployed on ubuntu Jammy. This PR is mainly a backport of #88803
      Main changes
      * support for python 3.10
      * werkzeug 2.0+, including vendoring werkzeug's user agent parser in odoo/tools/_vendor/ (= the one from version 0.16) as it is discontinued after v2.1
      * currentThread is now deprecated (use current_thread instead)
      * default requirement version (based on deb package version)
      * new opcode in python 3.10
      * distutils.version.LooseVersion is deprecated
      wkhtmltopdf version packaged with ubuntu jammy doesn't have patched qt but will work without headers and footers. Suggested wkhtmltopdf version 0.12.5 doesn't have a build working with jammy yet because of incompatible libssl dependencies. A working version can be found on nightly server.
      As usual, all changes are made with the spirit to keep compatibility with previous version (Focal)
      enterprise PR: odoo/enterprise#30412
      closes odoo/odoo#98081
      Signed-off-by: default avatarChristophe Monniez (moc) <>
    • Christophe Monniez's avatar
      [FIX] core: ignore some threading and distutils deprecation warnings · 115047e0
      Christophe Monniez authored
      The future removal of these deprecated methods or module are properly
      handled in upper versions.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#98081
    • Christophe Monniez's avatar
      [FIX] website: return string for login redirect · 0b282d8d
      Christophe Monniez authored
      Werkzeug 2.0 redirect method expects a string.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#98081
    • Christophe Monniez's avatar
      [FIX] base: filter out reportlab deprecation warning · 8cfb5c42
      Christophe Monniez authored
      When importing reportlab from python 3.10, a deprecation warning is
      emitted from the standard library importlib module.  This warnings
      occurs because of the usage of the `load_module()` method used in
      reportlab. This deprecated usage is not yet fixed in the current
      reportlab version 3.6.11.
      This makes it difficult to filter out with the `filterwarnings` method
      because it would then catch any other usage of `load_module` from
      With this commit, this deprecation is caught and ignored at the import
      Note: this issue did not appear in 15.0 because `reportlab` is imported
      in the `` module which is loaded before activation of the
      deprecation warnings.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#98081
    • xmo-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] bus: fix import to not rely in implicit sub-module imports · 192ea0ce
      xmo-odoo authored
      Also, define `Event` attribute in `__init__` where it belongs.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#98081