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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Nov 29, 2022
  2. Nov 27, 2022
  3. Nov 24, 2022
  4. Nov 20, 2022
  5. Nov 13, 2022
  6. Nov 06, 2022
  7. Oct 30, 2022
  8. Oct 24, 2022
    • Philippe Wauthy's avatar
      [FIX] hr_attendance: fix barcode layout · 02ab64e1
      Philippe Wauthy authored
      In the Odoo Community edition, the barcode picture to invite the user to scan his badge
      in kiosk mode has no size restriction. This creates a layout issue when displaying the attendance
      kiosk mode in community.
      This commit fixes the layout by restricting the size of the picture to the size of the enterprise version.
      closes odoo/odoo#103763
      Signed-off-by: default avatarKevin Baptiste <>
  9. Oct 23, 2022
  10. Oct 21, 2022
  11. Oct 16, 2022
  12. Oct 06, 2022
  13. Oct 02, 2022
  14. Sep 25, 2022
  15. Sep 20, 2022
  16. Sep 14, 2022
  17. Sep 07, 2022
  18. Sep 02, 2022
    • Rob Coekaerts's avatar
      [REF] hr: Split hr_icon_display into two separate fields. · 351bcdbb
      Rob Coekaerts authored
      The icon that is displayed in the employee kanban view is determined by the
      field hr_icon_display, computed in the method _compute_hr_icon_display. This
      method is overridden in multiple modules such as hr_holidays, hr_attendance
      and hr_homeworking.
      Currently this field has a state to show no icon (presence_undetermined). In
      this change this state is extracted into the a separate field
      show_hr_icon_display with the default state of hr_icon_display being
      presence_to_define. In this way a module such as hr_attendance, which only
      overrides _compute_hr_icon_display to show the default icon for everyone as a
      default, now only needs to change this separate field and does not need any
      knowledge of what other states exist. This reduces coupling between modules.
  19. Sep 01, 2022
  20. Aug 29, 2022
    • Denis Ledoux's avatar
      [IMP] hr_attendance: move group inside the view · fdcaeb47
      Denis Ledoux authored
      The goal being to get rid of the `groups_id` feature for backend views
      Changing the invisible attributes for the presence icon
      is a bit weird:
      - when a user logged in, you could see the green ball next to his name,
      - but when he checks in in the attendance app, the green ball disapear,
        hidding his presence status.
      Maybe in the past, there was a smart button
      also showing the presence status,
      therefore the information was twice in the form
      view, and this is maybe why this change of attributes
      was put in place,
      but this is no longer the case,
      there is no other way to see an employee has signed in or checked in
      from the form view once he checked in in the attendance app,
      which is weird.
      It therefore has been decided to remove this change of attribute
      in this inherited view.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#98551
    • Denis Ledoux's avatar
      [IMP] hr_attendance: do not allow employees to edit their attendances · 56a08728
      Denis Ledoux authored
      Revision 7fd74226
      takes care to prevent employees to modify manually their attendances,
      by removing the edit button from the attendance list.
      This is only visual, this doesn't actually
      prevent users to change their attendances,
      for instance through XMLRPC.
      Besides, with the group comment:
          <record id="group_hr_attendance" model="res.groups">
              <field name="name">User</field>
              <field name="category_id" ref="base.module_category_human_resources_attendances"/>
              <field name="comment">The user will gain access to the human resources attendance menu, enabling him to manage his own attendance.</field>
      To me:
      - Employees should be able to sign in and sign out only
      - Attendance users should be able to modify their own attendances only
      - Attendance managers can modify attendances of anybody.
      Hence, instead of removing the edit button on the view,
      change the ACLs so employees do not have the rights to modify their
      attendances at all.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#98551
    • Denis Ledoux's avatar
      [IMP] base: remove groups_id from ir.ui.view · 8b91cab6
      Denis Ledoux authored
      The goal of this revision is to get rid of the `groups_id` field of the model `ir.ui.view`.
      - This feature wasn't really known or used by most developers,
         and not straight-forward to understand.
         Removing it allows one less complicated thing to learn for developers.
         Besides, thanks to odoo/odoo#95729,
         changing the behavior of the `groups=` attribute,
         we can easily get rid of this `groups_id` feature
         by simply adding `groups=` in the elements of the views
         using the `groups_id` field, it will have the same effect:
         adding the elements in the view only for the users part of the specified group.
      - By getting rid of the groups_id many2many field on ir.ui.view,
         it makes possible to cache the view architecture without
         requiring to use the groups in the cache key.
         Currently, if we want to cache the view architecture,
        it would be required to use the intersection of the user
        groups with the groups_id groups of the view,
        making it costly to compute the cache key,
        therefore altering the performance point to cache the view
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#98551
  21. Aug 27, 2022
    • Abdelouahab (abla)'s avatar
      [FIX] hr_attendance: take into account employee's leaves · 124ae0f3
      Abdelouahab (abla) authored
      To Reporduce
      1.  Create  employee with Standard Working Schedule (100% presence / 40 hours / 08:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00)
      2. Create Time off type: Paid time off with following settings:
      - Take time off in: Hours
      - Deduct Extra Hours: No
      3. Create a time off request for half a day for this employee (8/17/2022; morning)
      4. Approve Time Off Request
      5. Create an attendance record for this employee for the afternoon on this day (13:00 - 17:00)
      On the attendance report, this employee has -4:00 Extra Hours, which means that the leave wasn't taken into
      account when computing Extra Hours
      to solve the issue we take into account the Employee's leaves when computing Extra Hours
      closes odoo/odoo#98969
      X-original-commit: 3da24993
      Signed-off-by: default avatarKevin Baptiste <>
  22. Aug 23, 2022
    • Matthieu Stockbauer's avatar
      [IMP] *: adapt client code to use websocket instead of longpolling · fe699a24
      Matthieu Stockbauer authored
      *: bus, calendar, hr_attendance, iap_mail, im_livechat, project, snailmail,
      snailmail_account, survey, web, web_editor, website_livechat.
      This commit is part of the websocket integration in Odoo.
      This bus service now communicates with a shared worker in order to provide
      a single websocket connection for multiple tabs. It is designed to
      be used as a websocket except that events are slightly different,
      re-connection is handled automatically. If the browser does not support shared
      worker (Safari), the service fallback on a simple web worker.
      Available events are:
         - connect : fired upon a successful connection.
         - disconnect : fired upon reception of the websocket close event.
           The close code and reason are given to the listeners callback.
         - reconnect : fired upon a successful re-connection.
         - reconnecting : triggered when the worker starts to try reconnecting.
         - notification : fired upon the reception of notifications.
      Since multiple tabs are now handled by a worker, the cross_tab bus is no longer
      required and has been removed.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#75510
  23. Aug 12, 2022
  24. Aug 02, 2022
    • Fabien Pinckaers's avatar
      [IMP] cleanup of help messages in all modules · 3363e55c
      Fabien Pinckaers authored
      This commit aims at removing unuseful help message to:
      1/ reduce translators work, to focus on more useful translations
      2/ not sending unuseful information in load_views
      3/ reduce help message to useful messages, so that we can mark
         fields having a tooltip in the future UI.
      4/ some cleanup of existing messages too
      The main use cases:
      - REMOVED: help redundant with the field name, providing no extra info
      - MOVED TO COMMENT: technical help messages, that should not be in UX
      closes odoo/odoo#97279
      Signed-off-by: default avatarFabien Pinckaers <>
  25. Jul 18, 2022
    • Jinjiu Liu's avatar
      [FIX] hr_attendance: change the user group check for Kiosk · 38f65669
      Jinjiu Liu authored
      1. Install Attendance app
      2. Create a new internal user “kiosk”, with only access right “Kiosk
      Attendance” for app “Employee”, other places as blank
      3. Make sure the Settings for Attendance app, Employee PIN is unchecked
      4. In an incognito tab, log in as kiosk, go to Attendance, click “kiosk
      mode”, then “identify manually”
      5. Choose an employee, with a warning message “Wrong pin”
      Reason: A recent update refined the user group check for the
      attendance_manual function. Checking if the user is an officer in the
      Attendance app can be over strict. However, after discussing with yti,
      we decided to pop up a warning message for security reasons when the
      user would like to use Kiosk mode without pin code.
      Fix: Add a warning message for higher access right requirement
      Related fix in V15:
      closes odoo/odoo#96230
      X-original-commit: 82f2966e
      Signed-off-by: default avatarYannick Tivisse (yti) <>
  26. Jul 07, 2022
  27. Jun 23, 2022
    • Victor Feyens's avatar
      [IMP] *: do not force admins to be app admins · fba6ea5a
      Victor Feyens authored
      For bugfix purposes, app administration groups have been given to
      (implied by) the "Settings" group because without those rights,
      opening/saving the settings crashed.
      1) Do not load hidden view content
      This commit uses the conditional inheritance of views
      (depending on user groups) to avoid loading unnecessary view
      & record content client-side.
      This improves performance for admins without the specific application
      admin rights, but also fixes the main bugfix problem,
      caused by the webclient querying name_get for the records in relational
      fields content.
      sale_management adds a res.config.settings field to specify
      the default sale.order.template for the current company.
      If a 'Settings' user without 'sale.group_sale_manager' opens the
      settings, he won't see this setting, but if a default template is
      specified for the current company, the webclient will still request
      the name_get of this template to the server, because the field
      was present in the view, only hidden with a groups attribute.
      With this commit change in sale, the field won't be in the view unless
      you have the Sale manager group, avoiding the error/traceback/bug.
      2) Remove implied application administration groups
      Do not force the specific application groups on all 'Settings' user,
      they globally do not need those rights, and if they need it, they
      can add it to their account themselves.
      3) Add a test to make sure settings user are able to manage settings.
      4) Enforce 'settings' -> 'access rights' -> 'internal user' groups
      As the previous test highlighted some 'false positives' because
      it considered a settings user unable to read ``
      and `stock.warehouse` records, we also took the opportunity to enforce
      the fact that 'Settings' & 'Access rights' users must be internal users.
      It makes no sense for a portal/public user to have access to the
      settings, and didn't work anyway.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#91909
  28. Jun 10, 2022
  29. Jun 09, 2022
  30. May 25, 2022
    • Géry Debongnie's avatar
      [REF] *: remove some kanbanrecord .includes · 8313a66a
      Géry Debongnie authored
      The kanban view was recently improved to add the support of 'action' and
      'type' attributes on the kanban arch.  This commit takes advantage of
      that change to simplify a few views in various addons.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#92071
  31. May 13, 2022
  32. May 03, 2022
    • Dossogne Bertrand's avatar
      [IMP] hr_*: uniformize group category · 605a3c1e
      Dossogne Bertrand authored
      Change various access rights names to improve understandability for users.
      Addition of an officer role in fleet with intermediate accesses
      TaskID 2742855
      closes odoo/odoo#87545
      Related: odoo/enterprise#25741
      Signed-off-by: default avatarKevin Baptiste <>
    • Victor Feyens's avatar
      [IMP] *: remove useless keys from manifests · 42bad1a6
      Victor Feyens authored
      Remove most values uselessly specified because giving the same value as 
      the default one (see _DEFAULT_MANIFEST in odoo/modules/
      * auto_install is Falsy by default
      * author is Odoo SA by default
      * summary & description are empty strings by default
      * application is False by default
      * test, demo, depends and data are empty lists by default
      This will reduce noise/inconsistencies between manifests specifications, 
      simplify analysis of manifests content, ...
      closes odoo/odoo#90209
      Related: odoo/enterprise#26807
      Signed-off-by: default avatarVictor Feyens (vfe) <>
  33. May 02, 2022
    • Géry Debongnie's avatar
      [REF] web, *: improve the way views are defined, reintroduce controllers · b828cfc7
      Géry Debongnie authored
      Earlier in Odoo, JS views were defined by defining 4 elements: View,
      Controller, Model, Renderer.  This was complex in some way, because we
      wanted to inherit behaviour as well, so it was necessary to think along
      multiple dimensions to understand how the code was running.
      Then, with Owl, we rewrote some views, and simplified them: views were
      now just a Component. Most of the common behaviour now came from the
      generic View component that instantiated the concrete view with the
      proper informations.  In practice, views were still split in views
      (which was the equivalent of the Controller of earlier views), Model and
      Now, this commit reintroduce the Controller, and change the way views
      are defined: by an object with multiple metadata, and an (optional)
      props function to compute the actual props used by the view.
      As a result, views are now much easier to extend/modify.
      closes odoo/odoo#89889
      Related: odoo/enterprise#26728
      Signed-off-by: default avatarGéry Debongnie <>
  34. Apr 12, 2022
  35. Mar 14, 2022