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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 24, 2023
  2. May 23, 2023
    • Aurelien van Delft (avd)'s avatar
      [FIX] purchase_stock: _compute_on_time_rate optimizations · b3e81b09
      Aurelien van Delft (avd) authored
      Turn the call to filtered after the search on purchase.order.line
      into a call to _search. This allows to remove filtered by adding
      an additional leaf in the search domain.
      Add read calls to fetch fields from db and store them in cache
      on recordset batches.
      Example speedup: partner with 136555 POL 6.33s -> 3.42s
      closes odoo/odoo#120658
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • David (dafr)'s avatar
      [FIX] purchase: recompute qty_received_method · 193f1d8c
      David (dafr) authored
      qty_received_method is not recomputed if the product type change, and can lead to issues on existing purchases when trying to generate a Vendor Bill.
      - Create product P, type: Service, Control Policy: 'On Received Qty'
      - Create PO for 1 unit of P (do not confirm)
      - Update type of P to Storable
      - Confirm PO, Receive Products
      => Qty Received is 0, not able to generate Bill
      closes odoo/odoo#119622
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Stephane Mangin's avatar
      [FIX] stock: Add readonly constraint on product template in models stock quant/move · 1327022f
      Stephane Mangin authored
      Avoid unwanted update of product_tmpl_id on product.product
      Somehow, the field product_tmpl_id on product.product could be updated
      to an unrelated product template, if the context key `default_product_tmpl_id`
      is set when an inventory move is created through an update of
      Setting readonly to True on both stock.quant and stock.move product_tmpl_id
      field prevents this unwanted update.
      closes odoo/odoo#104602
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Romain Derie's avatar
      [FIX] website: correctly target footer on popup options · ca3d6e09
      Romain Derie authored
      The code was assuming there would be only one `<footer/>` element in the
      dom but it's not always true.
      Our `Blockquote` snippet also contains a `<footer/>` element.
      While this has no impact on Odoo 14 and Odoo 15, it will crash in Odoo
      16 when trying to select "On all pages" on a popup option when there is
      a blockquote snippet on a page.
      The reason it breaks in 16 is because it uses javascript instead of
      jquery, finding only one element (the footer of the blockquote) and not
      all. The jQuery usage was then filtering out to only keep the correct
      footer due to some extra selector looked for in the elements
      Still, the fix is made in Odoo 14 because it's likely that we will have
      another fix later in the snippet options, and it's also likely that
      someone will replace the jQuery usage by javascript while doing so,
      which would reveal the bug.
      closes odoo/odoo#121848
      Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin Smetz (qsm) <>
    • Guillaume (guva)'s avatar
      [FIX] account: move date on reversed exchange move · 56a1759e
      Guillaume (guva) authored
      Before this commit, the reversal of a passed exchange
      move was not created on the correct date:
      - If sequence is reset by month, the reversal should
        be created at the end of the month of the exchange
        move, and if sequence is reset by year, at the end
        of the year.
      - With a foreign currency X activated and two different
        rates few months in the past.
      - Create and confirm an invoice with currency X at the
        date of the first rate.
      - Register a payment at the date of the second rate
        (an exchange move is created).
      - Unreconcile the payment from the invoice.
      -> A reversal of the exchange move is created, but the
         date is wrong (set to today's date).
      closes odoo/odoo#121279
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrice Bartoletti (bib) <>
    • Ivan Yelizariev's avatar
      [FIX] core: fix infinite loops with child_of/parent_of · 3c9b3457
      Ivan Yelizariev authored
      Infinite loop may happen on using `parent_of`\`child_of` when there is a
      recursion in the tree (e.g. a record is marked as a parent of itself). Fix it by
      excluding seen records from the next iteration.
      Another problem with `child_of` is `parent_id` that references to another model.
      For example, the `parent_id` may come from inherited model. It's the case with
      `res.users` and `res.partner` models. It may lead to a random search results.
      Avoid that by raising exception in case of wrong usage of the `child_of`
      In demo data, there is a partner called "Wood Corner" that is `res.partner(9,)`
      that has 3 sub-contacts. If we give Portal access to two of them, we end up with
      a database, where we have a `res.users(9,)` record that has a partner, which has a
      `parent_id` to "Wood corner". So this way, the user id is the same as the user's
      partner's parent contact id.
      After that open a shell and type:
      env['res.partner'].search([["user_ids", "child_of", 9]])
      BEFORE: infinite loop (without change n.1) or random search results (when change
      n.1 is applied)
      AFTER: ValueError exception
      closes odoo/odoo#89316
      Related: odoo/enterprise#41330
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRaphael Collet <>
    • Mahamadasif Ansari's avatar
      [FIX] account_edi_ubl_cii: prevent ZeroDivisionError log error · 3a6e84d6
      Mahamadasif Ansari authored
      A float division by zero error is generated on the log, and nothing
      is imported from the file when the user uploads an XML file like
      This is because here in LineID 1, there is a value billed quantity is 0.0,
      a charge amount is 0.0, and a total amount is 100.0. This is wrong;
      the total amount is always 0.0 when the billed quantity is 0.0
      (billed quantity * charge amount).
      This commit solves the above issue by dividing a price subtotal
      by one when the billed quantity is zero.
      closes odoo/odoo#121027
      Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin De Paoli <>
    • Arnold Moyaux's avatar
      [FIX] stock: performance with 2000 serial numbers · b61d2ae5
      Arnold Moyaux authored
      It takes 70s to generate a receipt with 2000 serial numbers.
      It happens because during the first part of the loop
      (model `stock.move.line` in the `create` method).
      It will update the initial demand of the move based on the new
      stock.move.line and their qty_done.
      Writing the initial demand of the `stock.move` will try to reassign
      it (useless in our case) and rewrite the same value on its state's field.
      The consequence is the invalidatation of the field on
      the `stock.move.line` because it's a related to the `stock.move`.
      In the second part of the loop, it check the sml state. Since it
      was invalidate upper, it recompute it. That prevent a correct prefetch
      and cause a performance issue.
      We fix it by writing only once the information by move. And it
      prevent the recompute later since the state is not write during the
      closes odoo/odoo#121966
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
  3. May 22, 2023
    • Dylan Kiss (dyki)'s avatar
      [FIX] account: recompute draft move name on journal change · 2f01d4f9
      Dylan Kiss (dyki) authored
      With the name calculation change in
      9bf54f09, we missed the case to
      recompute the name of a move on a journal change. It seems a test case
      for this was missing an assert.
      This commit fixes the behavior, so the move name is now correctly
      recomputed again when changing the journal. The test has also been
      closes odoo/odoo#121920
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam André (wan) <>
    • Yolann Sabaux's avatar
      [FIX] purchase: prevent traceback onchange partner · e04d4a0b
      Yolann Sabaux authored
      Steps to reproduce:
      In an account move, if the partner_id is changed to one that does not have a value assigned in the property_purchase_currency_id field and with a value in the context for default_currency_id,
      when passing through the _onchange_partner_id function of the purchase module,
      the variable currency_id will take the value in the context as second option causing an error when trying to get the value in because currency_id will be an integer and not a record.
      closes odoo/odoo#121620
      Signed-off-by: default avatarYolann Sabaux (yosa) <>
  4. May 02, 2023
    • Arnaud Baes's avatar
      [FIX] base_import_module: extract only used files and thread-safe · dd3f918c
      Arnaud Baes authored
      For performance reasons, instead of extracting the whole
      zip, extract only the files which are actually used
      during in the `_import_module`, in case people
      put additional crap in the archive which are ignored
      during the import. That way, we avoid useless I/O.
      Also, adding the temporary directory in the addons
      path wasn't thread-safe.
      This revision changes this to make the module
      import feature thread-safe.
      closes odoo/odoo#80120
      Signed-off-by: default avatarPierre Masereel <>
  5. May 21, 2023
  6. May 19, 2023
    • Julien Van Roy's avatar
      [FIX] account_edi_ubl_cii: invoice lines could have multiple fixed taxes · 68814f52
      Julien Van Roy authored
      An UBL Bis 3 xml can only contain one tax per invoice line. However,
      there might be one or more ecotaxes on invoice lines in Belgium. Do not
      block the user from generating the attachment in this case.
      Note that PR
       will properly
      handle the fixed taxes upon generating UBL attachments.
      closes odoo/odoo#121833
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam André (wan) <>
    • Joseph Caburnay's avatar
      [FIX] point_of_sale: random runbot error (20517) · 211f2fce
      Joseph Caburnay authored
      When performing the picking action in the context of savepoint, the env
      inside the action can randomly change causing an AccessError which is
      caught as UserError (in the current point_of_sale code). Flushing before
      calling a method in a savepoint will deterministically avoid this issue.
      Note that the weakset used to store environments was modified in #121604
      to avoid this kind of issue.
      When using a cr.savepoint, the transaction must be flushed but in we
      don't have any reference to the env that should be used on the cursor,
      meaning that the env is chosen in the list of existing env. This choice
      is random because Transaction.envs is using a Weakset.
      In some case, the chosen env does not have the correct access right
      because the context allowed_company_ids is corresponding to a company
      coming from another test, leading to an access error, hidden by the try
      Flushing the environment before creating the savepoint will help to
      prevent this issue by flushing on a well defined environment.
      Note that the weakset used to store environments was modified in #121604
      closes odoo/odoo#121659
      Signed-off-by: default avatarXavier Dollé (xdo) <>
    • Dylan Kiss (dyki)'s avatar
      [FIX] account: reset draft move name in nonempty period · 9bf54f09
      Dylan Kiss (dyki) authored
      Currently, when we create a draft move in an empty period, a sequence
      number (name) gets generated and set on the move. This is fine.
      When subsequently we change the date of that move to a period that
      already has entries in it, the sequence number (name) for our draft move
      is recalculated according to the new period.
      When we post a new move in this same period afterwards, and then
      delete our previous draft move, we are left with a gap in the sequence.
      Example: We already have a move on 2023-01-01 with name `2023/01/0001`.
      We add two new moves `A` and `B` as follows.
      | Step | Move | Action      | Date       | Name           |
      | ---- | ---- | ----------- | ---------- | -------------- |
      | 1    | `A`  | Add         | 2023-02-01 | `2023/02/0001` |
      | 2    | `A`  | Change date | 2023-01-10 | `2023/01/0002` |
      | 3    | `B`  | Add         | 2023-01-15 | `/`            |
      | 4    | `B`  | Post        | 2023-01-15 | `2023/01/0003` |
      | 5    | `A`  | Delete      |            |                |
      A gap is now created, since we have `2023/01/0001` and `2023/01/0003`,
      but `2023/01/0002` was deleted (possible since it was in draft).
      To solve this issue, we now make sure that when a draft entry is moved
      to a period that already has entries in it, we reset the name to `/`,
      to not consume a sequence number and prevent possible gaps in the
      sequence later on.
      closes odoo/odoo#121565
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam André (wan) <>
    • Paolo Gatti (pgi)'s avatar
      [FIX] l10n_it_stock_ddt: Print not printing DDT in case of Dropshipping · bfaee3b5
      Paolo Gatti (pgi) authored
      The visibility of the "Print" DDT button wasn't taking into
      consideration the dropshipping case.
      closes odoo/odoo#110398
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJosse Colpaert <>
    • Andrea Grazioso (agr-odoo)'s avatar
      [FIX] l10n_it_stock_ddt: support dropshipping in ddt · b0057ea7
      Andrea Grazioso (agr-odoo) authored
      Have an IT company configured
      Activate Dropship
      Create a Product P with dropship enabled and vendor configured
      Create a quotation to an IT customer, add P to a line, confirm.
      Purchase will be created automatically, confirm it.
      Go to dropship picking, confirm, print
      The DDT report does not show up correctly:
      - Warehouse address is the company address
      - Customer address is the vendor address
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#110398
  7. May 17, 2023
    • Louis (loco)'s avatar
      [FIX] web_editor: remove incorrect data attributes in current databases · 9e48950e
      Louis (loco) authored
      Steps to reproduce the bug (before the commits of this PR):
      - Drop a Cover snippet on the website.
      - Change the parallax to "None".
      - Save and edit.
      - Modify an option (for example, add a filter) to add the
      `o_modified_image_to_save` class to the image.
      - Change the parallax to "Fixed".
      - Save.
      - Inspect the Cover snippet.
      => The `span` element has the attributes `data-snippet="s_cover"` and
      `data-name="Cover"`. Note that this could lead to problem during the
      migration process.
      Let's analyze the process  in order to better understand the problem:
      - At the change of the parallax to "None", there is a change of the
      target thanks to the call to `setTarget()`. The new target is now the
      `section` element.
      - At the save and edit, there is a call to `_loadImageInfo()`. All the
      dataset (including `data-snippet` and `data-name`) of the new target is
      copied in `this.img`.
      - At the modify of an option, the `o_modified_image_to_save` class is
      added to `this.img`.
      - At the change of the parallax to "Fixed", there is a change of the
      target thanks to the call to `setTarget()`. The new target is now the
      `span` element.
      - At the save, `cleanForSave()` is called and because there is the
      `o_modified_image_to_save` on `this.img`, all the dataset of `this.img`
      (including `data-snippet` and `data-name`) is copied on the new target
      (the `span` element).
      Note that this problem is resolved by the second commit of this PR.
      Indeed, the dataset of the target is first filtered by
      `_whiteListAttributes` before being copied into `this.img`. However,
      databases that already have the problem will not be fixed by. The goal
      of this commit is to remove the `data-snippet="s_cover"` and the
      `data-name="Cover"` from the `span` elements in those existing
      closes odoo/odoo#119596
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBenoit Socias (bso) <>
    • Louis (loco)'s avatar
      [FIX] *: transfer the dataset when changing background options target · c06f39e3
      Louis (loco) authored
      *: web_editor, website
      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      - Add a Cover snippet on the website.
      - Put a "Blur" filter on the background image.
      - Save.
      - Change the parallax from "Fixed" to "None".
      - Save and edit.
      => The "Filter" option displays "None" but should display "Blur".
      When changing the parallax, `setTarget()` is called. The goal of this
      function is to transfer the `background-image` from the old target to
      the new one. The commit modifies this function by adding the transfer of
      the dataset information relative to the background image from the old
      target to the new one. It also transfers the `o_modified_image_to_save`
      class from the old target to the new one if needed.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#119596
    • Louis (loco)'s avatar
      [FIX] web_editor: modify background element at option change · 597c9bb9
      Louis (loco) authored
      For background images, modifying options such as "Filter" does not
      directly lead to the modification of their corresponding data attributes
      in the DOM as those modifications are done at the save request. This
      should not be the case. The goal of this commit is to, as for regular
      images, modify their corresponding DOM data attributes at the option
      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      - Add a Cover snippet on the website.
      - Replace the background image by one of your own.
      - Add a filter to the background image.
      - Inspect the Cover snippet.
      => The `data-gl-filter` attribute has not been added in the DOM and you
      have to click on "Save" for it to be actually added.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#119596
    • Louis (loco)'s avatar
      [FIX] web_editor: show background image options after save · 31ba9060
      Louis (loco) authored
      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      - Add a cover snippet on the website.
      - Change the background image with one of your own.
      - Save and edit again.
      => Options such as "Filter", "Width" and "Quality" do not appear
      The problem is that the `src` attribute of the background image is not
      correctly updated when initializing the image. This is because the
      target used to recover the URL of the background image is the snippet
      and not the image itself. This problem is resolved by ensuring that the
      argument of the function `getBgImageURL` is the background image. Now
      that the `src` attribute is correctly updated, the `computeVisibility`
      function of the the `BackgroundOptimize` option works properly and the
      options "Filter", "Width" and "Quality" are displayed as wanted.
      Note that now, the dataset of the target is filtered with a "white list"
      (BACKGROUND_IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES) before being copied in the dataset of
      `this.img`. Indeed, if the parallax is set to "None" for example, we do
      not want data attributes such as `data-snippet` to be copied in the
      dataset of `this.img`.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#119596
    • Alvaro Fuentes's avatar
      [FIX] mrp: fix qty_available for kit with sub-kits · d02851d5
      Alvaro Fuentes authored
      On this situation:
      * P1 consumable product, kit, with components P2 and P3 in its BoM using
        1 of each
      * P2 comsumable product, kit, with component P3 using 1 in the BoM
      * P3 storable product, 10 units in stock
      The qyt_available for P1 is 10. That's incorrect: to assemble one P1 we
      need precisely two of P3s, one for P2 BoM then an extra for P1 BoM.
      The qyt_available for P1 is 5.
      closes odoo/odoo#120752
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Michele's avatar
      [IMP] stock: unreserve only quantity required if available quantity is less... · 999c2045
      Michele authored
      [IMP] stock: unreserve only quantity required if available quantity is less than quantity required when action_done on stock move.
      Now there is this behaviour
      Inventory quantity 4
      Reserved quantity 3
      Available quantity 1
      If i do a stock move of 2 pieces, it will unreserve ALL the stock move of the product.
      With this PR it will unreserve only the pieces that are required minus the available quantity not reserved , in this case 2 (new stock move) - 1 (available quantity) = 1
      closes odoo/odoo#119999
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Florian Bieringer's avatar
      [FIX] hr_timesheet: fix domain for portal · b1133868
      Florian Bieringer authored
      closes odoo/odoo#120501
      Signed-off-by: default avatarYannick Tivisse (yti) <>
    • Carlos Dauden's avatar
      [FIX] stock: _log_less_quantities_than_expected call... · c62bd8b3
      Carlos Dauden authored
      [FIX] stock: _log_less_quantities_than_expected call _log_activity_get_documents with empty dict and raises error
      closes odoo/odoo#121570
      Signed-off-by: default avatarTiffany Chang <>
  8. May 16, 2023
    • ノウラ's avatar
      [FIX] project: Fix traceback when date_format is false · cbbaa9df
      ノウラ authored
      Current behaviour:
      When the language is not set on the user date_format value
      is False so when opening project tasks we get the following traceback
      Odoo Server Error
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File '/Users/nea/src/odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/', line 237, in _dispatch
          result = request.dispatch()
        File '/Users/nea/src/odoo/addons/project/models/', line 798, in _compute_recurrence_message
          task.recurrence_message += '<li>%s</li>' % date.strftime(date_format)
      The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File '/Users/nea/src/odoo/odoo/', line 650, in _handle_exception
          return super(JsonRequest, self)._handle_exception(exception)
        File '/Users/nea/src/odoo/odoo/', line 317, in _handle_exception
          raise exception.with_traceback(None) from new_cause
      TypeError: strftime() argument 1 must be str, not bool
      Expected behaviour:
      - Open projects tasks with no problem
      - to fix the problem we use get_lang() to retrieve the language object for the current use
      Affected versions:
      - 14.0
      - 15.0
      - 16.0
      - master
      closes odoo/odoo#120555
      Signed-off-by: default avatarXavier Bol (xbo) <>
    • joda-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] tools: avoid crashes if expression is too large · 1b44748c
      joda-odoo authored
      When passing a very large expression to `literal_eval`, the odoo server crashes.
      To avoid this behavior, a limit needs to be set by using the env varaible `ODOO_LIMIT_LITEVAL_BUFFER`.
      If the variable is not set, it defaults to 100Kib.
      closes odoo/odoo#121530
      Signed-off-by: default avatarVranckx Florian (flvr) <>
    • Guillaume (gdi)'s avatar
      [FIX] website: compute company id for new users · eda9ad14
      Guillaume (gdi) authored
      When a new user is created from the website, the company id was always
      set to the first company of the database even if the website was the one
      of another company. This flow has been already fixed if there is the
      "Specific User Account" setting activated (see [this other commit]).
      This commit fixes the same issue but for every case.
      Steps to reproduce the issue:
      - Create 2 companies A & B
      - For each company, create a website linked to a different URL
      - Activate 'Free sign up' for company B
      - As a public user, go to website of company B
      - Go to 'Sign in > Don't have an account?' and create an account
      => If as an admin you check the company of the created user, it is
      company A instead of company B.
      [this other commit]:
      closes odoo/odoo#120475
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBenoit Socias (bso) <>
    • jorv's avatar
      [FIX] microsoft_outlook,google_gmail: require username for OAuth2 · 0f6602c7
      jorv authored
      Current behavior:
      Connections for outgoing email servers using Outlook/Office365 or
      Gmail accounts will establish an OAuth2 authentication for the smtp server.
      Through the `ir_mail_server` form view, one can fetch the necessary
      tokens by logging in into their Microsoft/Gmail account.
      Not specifying an username (`smtp_user`) on the `ir_mail_server` record
      will not produce an error while fetching those tokens.
      But when trying to test the connection or use that server to send an email,
      even if the FROM header is correctly set (i.e. the account email address
      authorized to sent emails), the smtp connection will fail. This is due
      to the fact that when `smtp_user == False`, the respective method
      `_generate_outlook_oauth2_string` or respectively `_generate_oauth2_string`
      will not be called and send the necessary OAuth2 string when sending
      an email through the smtp connection.
      This will lead to a `5.7.57 Client not authenticated to send mail.` error.
      After this change:
      Add specific UserErrors that get called if `smpt_user == False` before
      the actions in `open_google_gmail_uri` and `open_microsoft_outlook_uri`
      get called. This forces the user to input a `smpt_user` (field Username)
      before the login page for OAuth2 gets called to fetch the tokens.
      Note: there is no check if the user inputs the right username, only
      that the field is not empty. So it is still possible to input an
      invalid username.
      closes odoo/odoo#121048
      Signed-off-by: default avatarStéphane Debauche (std) <>
    • David Tran's avatar
      [FIX] sale: log notes with wrong quotation viewer · 3489fd16
      David Tran authored
      The note "Quotation viewed by customer" posted when a public/portal user
      access an order came with the order's partner name instead of the actual
      user's partner name
      This made confused for internal users to see something in internal note
      like **Colleen Diaz** with a message **Quotation viewed by customer
      Nicole Ford**
      This commit makes sure to use the right partner name except the
      quotation is viewed anonymously (with access token)
      closes odoo/odoo#121490
      Signed-off-by: default avatarVictor Feyens (vfe) <>
    • Gauthier Wala (gawa)'s avatar
      [FIX] sale: Some followers of moves should not be added · 31046332
      Gauthier Wala (gawa) authored
      - Create a Deferred Revenue Model on a Current Liability account
      - Create a Sale Order yourself (User 1), with Salesperson User 2
      - Create the invoice from it
      - Remove the salesperson from the invoice and add User 3 instead
      - Change the account to the Revenue Model's one
      - Post the invoice
      - Post the deferred revenue created
      => User 2 is follower of the entries generated
      The problem is that the context comes from the sales order, and
      contains a `default_user_id` in the context.
      The solution provided is to remove it from the context given, as
      it serves no purpose (the invoices are already created).
      closes odoo/odoo#120419
      Signed-off-by: default avatarVictor Feyens (vfe) <>
    • Julien Van Roy's avatar
      [FIX] account_edi_ubl_cii: unit prices should not be rounded · d7d41991
      Julien Van Roy authored
      When unit prices have more than 2 digits, it is currently not reflected
      in the UBL formats. Consequently, the line amounts are not equal to the
      unit price * quantity (assume there is no discount, charges or
      allowance) and it raises validation errors: "Invoice line net amount
      MUST equal (Invoiced quantity * (Item net price/item price base
      quantity) + Sum of invoice line charge amount - sum of invoice line
      allowance amount".
      To fix this, we no longer round the unit prices.
      NB: the decimal accuracy should be set in the settings (otherwise, the
      default is 2 digits for unit prices).
      closes odoo/odoo#120821
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLaurent Smet <>
  9. May 15, 2023
    • xO-Tx's avatar
      [FIX] website: correctly mark translatable attributes · 8b522e5c
      xO-Tx authored
      Steps to reproduce:
      - Go to a website page > Add a 'Form' block > Set an input "Placeholder"
      - Go to the page (in 'edit_translations' mode) > The translation of the
      input "Placeholder" attribute doesn't mark the input as translated and
      even after saving the translation, the input is still marked as
      The goal of this commit is to fix this issue by extending the same
      behaviour on the translated `<select/>` options (using `.oe_translated`
      class) and setting the right translation state on the input from the
      linked attribute translation `<span/>`.
      closes odoo/odoo#121128
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBenoit Socias (bso) <>
    • Benjamin Vray's avatar
      [FIX] website: fix overflowing navbar links on mobile · 0a575bea
      Benjamin Vray authored
      This commit fixes a bug with the navbar links in the header of a website
      on mobile. When the text of a link is long enough to be wider than the
      screen, the text does not wrap to the next line as intended, but instead
      overflows to the right outside of the screen, causing part of the text
      to be hidden.
      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      - Edit the text of one of the menu links on a website to make it longer
      than the width of the mobile screen.
      - Bug: In mobile view, part of the link text is hidden.
      This bug occurs with both the "default" hamburger type and the
      "off-canvas" hamburger type.
      closes odoo/odoo#119998
      Signed-off-by: default avatarQuentin Smetz (qsm) <>
  10. May 14, 2023
  11. May 12, 2023
    • Benjamin Vray's avatar
      [FIX] website_form: fix form redirect to anchor · 0604b951
      Benjamin Vray authored
      The commit [1] was recently merged with a bug, and this commit fixes it.
      The bug is due to the fact that when comparing the current page to a
      redirection with an anchor, we added a trailing slash if it was missing
      for the current page but not for the redirection. In some cases, this
      resulted in unintended behavior where the user was redirected to the
      same page instead of just scrolling to the anchor on the current page.
      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      - Open the "contact us" page in edit mode
      - Drag and drop a snippet below the form and create a link to that
      snippet by clicking on the "anchor" option button of the snippet.
      - Change the form redirection option to redirect to this newly created
      anchor upon form submission by copying the contents of the clipboard
      into the input of the option.
      - Save the page.
      - Fill out the form and click the submit button.
      - Bug: The page is reloaded instead of smoothly scrolling down to the
      bottom snippet without reloading the page.
      closes odoo/odoo#120907
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRomain Derie (rde) <>
    • Florian Charlier's avatar
      [FIX] gamification: update internal users goals · 6c77dd82
      Florian Charlier authored
      For performance reason, we avoided computing goals for the set of users
      that didn't log in recently (See ec0c0f29).
      However, users can stay logged in for a while without having a new "log
      in event" (password asked), such that active internal users can keep
      old values in their challenges when reports are sent, which is not good.
      Until an improvement can be implemented in master, we drop this time
      constraint for active internal users.
      A test is added, checking the behavior of the method called by the cron.
      closes odoo/odoo#119271
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>