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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 09, 2019
  2. Nov 29, 2019
    • Hoste Patrick's avatar
      [IMP] website_slides: allow to create and update quizzes directly in frontend · ec9e389f
      Hoste Patrick authored
      Purpose is to ease designing your courses by allowing to create and update
      slide quiz directly in frontend, within the slide display.
      With this commit you are able to
        * add a quiz to a slide or add a question to an existing quiz;
        * edit an existing question from a quiz:
         * change the title of the Question;
         * add, remove or update answers;
         * change the right answer;
         * delete an existing question;
         * reorder the questions from a quiz;
         * reset the quiz for the current user if he is a website designer, allowing
           to test the quiz and its answers;
      New frontend widgets are introduced allowing to manipulate quiz. Slide page
      now supports a readonly / taking quiz mode and an edit mode for quizzes
      used notably for website designers / course maintainers.
      Task ID : 1999636
      PR : #35326
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
  3. Nov 28, 2019
  4. Oct 23, 2019
    • mcm-odoo's avatar
      [IMP] website_slides: add progressbar and completed tag · 42a24e41
      mcm-odoo authored
      - Teacher can now see the progress of his students on the attendees' list.
      - The completion of a course was recomputed even if the course is completed
        now it's fixed to 100 when completed.
      - Added a progressbar in course page in front-end to allow the user to see
        it's progression. When completed, the tag completed is displayed instead of
        the progressbar.
      - On slide page in front-end(normal view or fullscreen) when a course is
        completed, display the tag completed instead of the progressbar.
      - Removed completed state on course "Taking care of Trees" for portal user
        because it was not the case.
      closes odoo/odoo#36608
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
  5. Oct 15, 2019
    • David Beguin's avatar
      [REF] website_slides : refactor share_modal to use same template(s) in all case · bb358113
      David Beguin authored
      This commit prepares the next one. It creates generic main and sub templates
      for slide share modal.
      In order to be usable for all cases, header and body sub template have been added.
      Also and in the same purpose, as the website url can be another url
      than the record to share (or if the record doesn't have website_url), this website_url
      can be specified separately from the record. Otherwise, the standard behaviour is to
      use the record.website_url.
      Task ID: 1950396
      PR #31776
  6. Oct 02, 2019
    • Romain Derie's avatar
      [IMP] website, website_*: improve edit in backend feature · 9b38bcec
      Romain Derie authored
      *base, website_blog, website_event, website_forum, website_slides
      With this commit:
      1. It is now possible to add the 'Edit in backend' entry in the frontend navbar
         for any desired model, not only the ones which have the published mixin.
         It will simply redirect to the main_object form view.
         This commit add it to Forum and Blog.
      2. When clicking on 'Edit in backend', it is now possible to land on another
         module than Website.
         That's especially useful for events and slides which are not directly
         related to the website module as they have their own module.
      3. Remove the custom Edit in backend from the forum homepage (fa-cog).
         Opportunity was also taken to remove the 'edit welcome message'.
         It will now be editable through the editor (welcome message will appear in
         edit mode). Thus we got rid of the custom edit welcome message controller
         and views.
      Closes #36325
  7. Sep 03, 2019
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: do not allow fullscreen to bypass ACLs · 3f4bd440
      Thibault Delavallée authored
      Currently fullscreen takes all information from categorized slides to
      display its menu. In order to avoid calls to server some information
      is prepared in DOM to speedup loading. It means slide information is
      available even when not being member of a course which leads to some content
      This commit fixes that by correctly checking that a slide can be accessed
      before allowing to have access to its information and embedded code. Access
      of a slide is either member of a course, either course publisher.
      Task 2058595 (eLearning v13 testing)
      Task 2064112 (fullscreen bug report)
  8. Aug 08, 2019
    • qmo-odoo's avatar
      [REF] website_slides: replace slide.category by slide with is_category flag · b180c66a
      qmo-odoo authored
      Like already done for sale order, invoice of survey, purpose of this commit
      is to remove category model and replace by a flagged line (slide). It allows
      to easily reorder slides in an embedded list view.
      Instead of having a fully fledged slide.category model, slide.slide will serve
      that purpose with a is_category flag. This will allow to drag and drop slides
      and sections in the channel form view.
      This change had an impact on the way slides were added/sorted on the front-end.
      In fact, whenever a slide is added from the front-end, a resequencing of all
      the slides in the course has to be triggered.
      Category of a slide is now a computed field based on the sequence. Order
      of slides is based on sequence, with categories splitting the slide list based
      on is_category flag.
      In this commit tests are added. Some cleaning in tests is also performed to
      speedup a bit tests (savepointcase) and some cleaning / renaming to ease
      their understanding.
      Future commit will add JS necessary to manage slides in the section list view.
      TaskID: 1978731
      PR: #33255
  9. Aug 05, 2019
  10. Aug 12, 2019
    • Aurélien Warnon's avatar
      [REF] website_slides: remove index_content field from slide.slide · 5e4f37a1
      Aurélien Warnon authored
      The 'index_content' field was only filled when uploading from the frontend.
      That would lead to inconsistent results when creating/updating 'presentation' slides from the slide.slide form view.
      The field was also not cleaned if the slide content changed.
      As it's usage was not very clear (only on a 'search', and not very intuitive), we simply removed the field.
  11. Aug 02, 2019
    • Sébastien Theys's avatar
      [IMP] *: rename image fields · 58a2ffa2
      Sébastien Theys authored
      image_original => image_1920 (now resized to 1920)
      image_big => image_1024
      image_large => image_256
      image_medium => image_128
      image_small  => image_64
      image replaced by image_1920 (when writing) or by image_1024 (when displaying
      	what was previously the big size)
      + add new intermediate format:
      PR: #34925
  12. Jun 24, 2019
    • qmo-odoo's avatar
      [IMP] website(_sale)_slides: Add login,join,buy button on quiz · cd8afe85
      qmo-odoo authored
      This commit improves the elearning onboarding on the quizzes
      If the user is not logged in, a log in button will show up under
      the quiz
      If he is logged in but not a member of the course and the course is public,
      a join button will appear under the quiz
      If the course needs to be bought, a buy button will appear under the quiz.
      If the course is on invite only, a message under the quiz will inform the
      user about it
      TaskID: 2003986
      PR: #33861
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
  13. Jun 18, 2019
    • Patrick Hoste's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: fix various issues to eLearning platform · f0ec2a8f
      Patrick Hoste authored
      * change h4 to h1 on the slide page;
      * add the rel='canonical' link header on the fullscreen view in order to
      improve SEO and links;
      * add space between quiz questions;
      * remove social share statistics as they are broken and not really useful;
      * moved tabs before the Quiz on the slide page;
      * allow to modify slide in backend by removing some readonly attributes;
      Linked to task ID 2010024
      Related to PR #34176
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
  14. Jun 14, 2019
  15. Jun 12, 2019
  16. Jun 11, 2019
  17. Jul 31, 2019
  18. May 03, 2019
  19. May 06, 2019
  20. Mar 21, 2019
    • qmo-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: fix various non-fullscreen view issues · 3e09ed15
      qmo-odoo authored
      This commit provides a few fixes for the non-fullscreen view:
        * remove the subquiz link on slides of type 'quiz' in the sidebar;
        * hide completion icons in sidebar if not member;
        * only show the 'embed on your website' option when a slide has an embed
          code. This will prevent slides of type 'certification' or 'quiz' to
          display an empty embed box;
      Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31977
    • qmo-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: fix various quiz-related issues · 258a1e41
      qmo-odoo authored
      This commit provides a few fixes for quiz feature:
        * fix amount of karma won by the user in a quiz;
        * correctly display the fact that a subquiz was completed by the user instead
          of just looking like a non-completed quiz;
        * going on a previously completed quiz, good answers are hightlighted and
          inputs disabled;
        * effectively put the quiz in readonly mode if not a channel member.
      Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31977
    • sri-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: improve documentation course layout and not fullscreen lesson page · af41430b
      sri-odoo authored
      Purpose of this commit is to perform a cleaning of
       * documentation course: add a new specific navigation for documentation
         course with a sort option and filters on slide types; clean overall layout
         of documentation course to have a better-looking result as this page was
         still not really updated;
       * lesson not fullscreen page: global layout and cleaning of not-fullscreen
         page to have a better-looking result. Notably related slides for
         documentation slide is set on right, and some UX bits are tweakes;
      Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31977
    • sri-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: improve quiz and its success modal layout and design · 7d27a6d6
      sri-odoo authored
      Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31977
    • sri-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: improve course overall layout and training content list · d372c8c4
      sri-odoo authored
      Purpose of this commit is to improve the global look of course layout
      (notably banner, navigation, course / channel informations). Content list
      layout displayed in training (orderable) is also tweaked and improved.
      Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31977
  21. Mar 19, 2019
    • David Beguin's avatar
      [REF-FIX] website_slides : review and fix access, vote, comment and rating · 12fd6a01
      David Beguin authored
      Commit 5798ca28 was assuming the vote and
      comment access on slide was related to is_preview mode and was, consequently,
      depending on each slide separately.
      In fact, it's not because a slide is in preview mode that the user has the right
      to vote for this slide. He must be course member to interact with this preview
      slide, even if he has the right to read it.
      So the vote and comment right are now computed at the level of the course,
      and apply to all the slides of this course.
      This commit also reviews and apply fixes on review - rating access.
      Here are the applied rules regarding vote, comment and rating on course and slides:
      A user can review a course:
      - If allow_comment is activated on the course AND
      - If the user is publisher OR
      - If the user has enough karma AND is member of the course.
      Note : if the rating is not allowed on the course, not only the button
      to review must be hidden but also the entire rating composer.
      A user can vote and comment a slide:
      - If allow_comment is activated on the course AND
      - If the user is publisher OR
      - If the user has enough karma AND is member of the course.
      Other fix applied is this commit :
      - Avoid crash when no promoted slide : When going on course homepage
      (documentation type), if no promoted slide, we got a internal server error.
      Task ID: 1941250
      Partial revert of commit 5798ca28
      PR #31567
  22. Mar 15, 2019
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: prevent to mark a certification as done · 954e8ca6
      Jérome Maes authored
      When a certification slide is display in no fullscreen
      mode, the done button is clickable. Same applies to quiz
      This commit prevents user to manually mark a slide as done
      for slide type that requires an other action (submit answer,
      pass survey, ...).
    • David Beguin's avatar
      [IMP] website_slides : improve get slide access computation · 5798ca28
      David Beguin authored
      As slides are returned in sudo to the template, the user rights were
      checked via a can_access variable set in the template directly.
      In order to disable the vote for user that cannot get access to the course
      all the checks are now done in backend (also to avoid to get access to slides
      in sudo mode with rpc calls). We add now, for each slide on the course view,
      the access and vote rights to the template : can_access and can_vote.
      Those two are computed in backend, using the user's access right instead of admin's.
      But, as if the user is not member of the channel, he cannot get access to the
      course slides (expect for Free Peview ones), so the check on can_vote
      will crash. This is why we check the access rights before checking can_vote,
      for each slides (as free preview slides are still accessible,
      even if the user is not in channel members).
      The vote widget is disabled if user's can_access or can_vote = False, enabled otherwise.
      If user have access but have not enough karma, the controller will handle this
      case and return an error to the user telling him he has not enough karma to vote.
      If user can vote but cannot access, the controller will handle this
      case and return an error to the user telling him he has no access to the lesson.
      Task ID: 1943788
      PR #31321
    • David Beguin's avatar
      [IMP] website_slides : allow review, comment and vote only if enough karma · d4db21a9
      David Beguin authored
      To avoid eLearning to be spammed, the comment, review and vote behaviours
      are now allowed only if the user has enough karma to do it.
      Here is the new behaviour on courses and slides rating / comment / vote
          -If allow_comment is checked on Course :
              - Review (rating) is allowed on Course only if enough karma
              - Comment is allowed on slides within the course
                  only if enough karma and course type is 'training'
              - Vote is allowed on slides within the course
                  only if enough karma and course type is 'documentation'
          -If allow_comment is not checked on Course :
              - Review (rating) is not allowed on Course
              - Comment is not allowed on slides within the course
              - Vote is not allowed on slides within the course
          - Rating is not allowed on slides within the course anymore
      Task ID : 1943788
      PR #31321
  23. Mar 12, 2019
    • qmo-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: no completion for public user · 24d30331
      qmo-odoo authored
      When a slide is seen by user, it should be marked as completed
      (according to its type), and the user completion for the course
      is updated. But for public user, we don't want those RPC calls
      to be done, as completion for visitor makes no sense.
      This commit also hide progressbar when current user is public.
      closes odoo/odoo#31700
      Signed-off-by: default avatarJérome Maes (jem) <>
  24. Mar 08, 2019
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [FIX] website_slides: various fixes · 7afd23e5
      Thibault Delavallée authored
       * improve color of trophy displayed on top of course main page (success if
         course done, warning while working on it);
       * correctly fetch and display karma/xp points on course lesson list. It is
         either gain of next try, either awarded points depending on slide
       * fix control buttons in course main page (prev, next, set done,
         set completed, fullscren), notably correctly set them disabled;
      Linting / Code
       * put demo in no update;
       * rename some parameter in website_slides_survey to avoid conflict between
         quiz (on a slide) and certification (a survey);
       Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31697.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
  25. Mar 07, 2019
    • Thibault Delavallée's avatar
      [REF] website_slides: rework standard lesson page view · 20e68b32
      Thibault Delavallée authored
      Purpose of this commit is to perform a cleaning and upgrade of the lesson
      view in front-end when not using the fullscreen mode. This page had not
      been updated since eLearning addition.
      A method is added on slide model to have a protected method computing quiz
      related information on a given set of slides, notably potential karma gain,
      gained karma and number of attempts. It is mainly a code move from controllers
      now working in batch.
      Some linting is also done, notably a badly-named file.
      See original eLearning task for main specifications [1].
      Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31657.
      [1] See task ID 1902304
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
    • Jérome Maes's avatar
      [REF] website_slides: redesign quiz widget · 3393dd00
      Jérome Maes authored
      This commit makes the quiz widget a real odoo widget that triggers up some
      events. The widget is now only responsible of
       * fetching quiz data (if not given)
       * decorating the anwsers according to the result
       * displaying message (error or modal)
      To do so, some code move/rewrite was needed
       * extract and factorize some template
       * add 'sudo' on technical model to avoid access rights error
       * factorize some python method from controller to model
       * remove some CSS classes to lighten the code
       * fixing access model error
       * make quiz widget handle the display of error message
       * give browse record for template rendering, rather than slug
       * cleaning some spaghetti code in Fullscreen widget
       * ...
      Commit linked to task ID 1941250 and PR #31584.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
  26. Mar 06, 2019
  27. Feb 26, 2019