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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. May 05, 2023
  2. May 04, 2023
  3. May 03, 2023
    • Ivan Yelizariev's avatar
      [FIX] website_sale_digital: let salesman download digital via portal · 51fd5d3c
      Ivan Yelizariev authored
      Portal shows all Sale Orders available for current user. For example, salesman
      can see his sales. If such a user can download digital files via product form in
      backend, it makes sense to let user download them via SO page on portal.
      However, it wasn't the case because /my/download requires product be purchased
      by current user [1]. Fix it by checking read access first.
      * in backend create SO with digital product (customer must be different from
      current user)
      * create invoice and register a payment
      * navigate to portal  (without using customer's token),
      * open SO, click download on digital product
      closes odoo/odoo#112639
      Signed-off-by: default avatarMorgane Demesmaeker <>
    • Guillaume (gdi)'s avatar
      [FIX] web: remove prohibited dropzones of the menu editor · dac80feb
      Guillaume (gdi) authored
      In the website menu editor and in the studio menu editor, the user can
      drag & drop the elements that constitute the menu of his website/app.
      Users can also put a menu into another menu to create a sub-menu. For
      the website, we allow two levels of menu but not more. For studio we
      allow 5 levels of menu. When the user starts to drag an item, dropzones
      can be drawn on the prohibited level (3 in website, 6 in studio) while
      he can't create this level of menu. This commit adds a css rule to hide
      those forbidden dropzones.
      closes odoo/odoo#117300
      Signed-off-by: default avatarloco-odoo <>
    • Andrew Gavgavian's avatar
      [FIX] stock: fix report.stock.quantity search_read · e3b1a887
      Andrew Gavgavian authored
      	Currently `report.stock.quantity` has a field defined in it called `move_ids`:
      	`move_ids = fields.One2many('stock.move',readonly=True)`
      	This virtual field has no corresponding inverse field so when performing a search_read on the model, it fails
      	in when trying to do:	`inverse_field = comodel._fields[inverse]`
      	In addition, this field is apparently not used anywhere in the source code and not queried in the SQL View.
      	This means the model can never be search_read by default.
      	Since this field is never used, it isn't stored, and the model is `_auto = False`, removing it won't break any database.
      closes odoo/odoo#120048
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWilliam Henrotin (whe) <>
    • Mahamadasif Ansari's avatar
      [FIX] payment: prevent deletion of payment acquirer if it has external reference · c54a3985
      Mahamadasif Ansari authored
      "ValueError: External ID not found in the system: payment.payment_acquirer_
      stripe" is generated because the user deleted the Stripe payment acquirer
      record and its corresponding model tried to access the record of it.
      Steps to produce the error:
      1. Install e-commerce
      2. Install install 'Stripe Payment Acquirer ' module
      2. delete the Stripe payment from payment acquirer
      3. Go to the e-commerce dashoboard
      4. Click Set Payment
      5. select Credit card (via Stripe)
      6. enter any secret and Publishable key
      7. click apply
      This commit solves the above issue by preventing the deletion
      of the payment acquirer if it has a external reference.
      closes odoo/odoo#119140
      Signed-off-by: default avatarAntoine Vandevenne (anv) <>
    • Naman Shah's avatar
      [FIX] crm: remove the field date_closed from demo data · e368725b
      Naman Shah authored
      The purpose of this commit is to change the current behavior of days to close
      graph generating from customizable desk demo data.
      For the opportunities, the day_close field is a compute field depending upon the
      date_closed field. For the customizable desk demo data, the date_closed field
      pre-existed, due to that customizable desk opportunity was not won or lost but
      the graph report was generated.
      so, this commit fixes the current behavior for customizable desk opportunity.
      closes odoo/odoo#119292
      Signed-off-by: default avatarThibault Delavallee (tde) <>
  4. May 02, 2023
  5. Apr 30, 2023
  6. Apr 28, 2023
    • Claire Bretton (clbr)'s avatar
      [FIX] account, l10n_ch: enable new taxes after module update · c8ea9f9f
      Claire Bretton (clbr) authored
      Swiss taxes retrieved by module update (and the update of taxes it triggers)
      need to be active, even if the template data was set to inactive.
      closes odoo/odoo#113001
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOlivier Colson (oco) <>
    • Claire Bretton (clbr)'s avatar
      [FIX] account: translates new taxes in multilang localization taxes update · eb86c0b3
      Claire Bretton (clbr) authored
      When we were updating taxes from templates in a multilang localization,
      newly created taxes were not translated in languages of the localization.
      We also need l10n_lu migration script to be run in `end` instead of `post`
      to have translations loaded.
      Related: #108667
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#113001
    • Claire Bretton (clbr)'s avatar
      [FIX] l10n_ch: add missing repartition line on vat_0_import · 4b3b2ed1
      Claire Bretton (clbr) authored
      The tax with xmlid vat_0_import was missing its repartition
      lines which caused validation errors.
      This PR adds empty repartition lines to fix this problem.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#113001
    • Claire Bretton (clbr)'s avatar
      [FIX] account: relax repartition lines validation when tax has children · e751d030
      Claire Bretton (clbr) authored
      If a tax is an aggregation of its sub-taxes it makes sense to have no
      repartition line. This PR relaxes the validation in that case.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#113001
    • Claire Bretton (clbr)'s avatar
      [IMP] l10n_ch: adds new tax rates for 2024 · d2572b73
      Claire Bretton (clbr) authored
      Switzerland changes its rates at the beginning of next year,
      this change already has some implications on client's flow so
      we add them to the localization so they can coexist with old rates till
      the end of the year.
      - Added new taxes (2.5% -> 2.6%, 3.7% -> 3.8%, 7.7% -> 8.1%)
      - Added tax fiscal positions to match those taxes
      - Added tax groups
      - Adds migration script to l10n_ch to apply those changes
      Task: 3162286
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#113001
    • HuylenbroeckFlorent's avatar
      [FIX] Install l10n_eu_service without chart template · 4b140806
      HuylenbroeckFlorent authored
      When installing l10n_eu_service without a localization installed, a line fails
      in the get_oss_tags function of res_company, thus halting the installation
      and returning an error.
      This fail is due to the function relying on the company in self having its
      'chart_template_id' set, when this is not always the case.
      Adding a failsafe to that function allows the installation of the module to
      proceed in the event that the chart_template_id is not set.
      closes odoo/odoo#120077
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrice Bartoletti (bib) <>
    • Moises Lopez's avatar
      [FIX] requirements.txt: unpin pytz · b5cf0a50
      Moises Lopez authored
      On Debian based systems, the `tzdata` package is maintained to reflect changes
      in timezones and there is no need to upgrade the `python3-tz` package.
      On the other hand, for those who are using `pip` and thus our `requirements.txt`,
      the package needs to be up to date. By unpinning it in the requirements.txt:
      - new installations based on pip will be up to date
      - older installations based on pip can easily upgrade
      - debian based installations have to maintain the tzdata package
      - mixed installs like on runbot will rely on Debian tzdata
      closes odoo/odoo#117527
      Signed-off-by: default avatarChristophe Monniez (moc) <>
    • Benjamin Vray's avatar
      [FIX] website, web_editor: fix colors of snippets in "all pages" popup · 293569cf
      Benjamin Vray authored
      Since this commit [1], the option to set the background color for
      snippets in the footer has been removed. However, this should not affect
      the snippets in the "All pages" popup, which is also located in the
      This commit fixes that by showing the background color option for popup
      snippets in the footer.
      Steps to reproduce the bug:
      - Drop a popup.
      - Set the "Show On" option to "All pages".
      - Drop a text block in the popup.
      => The text color is white over a white BG (because it is in the footer
      and the footer text is white).
      closes odoo/odoo#111681
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBenoit Socias (bso) <>
    • Benjamin Vray's avatar
      [FIX] web_editor: fix nested snippets background filters · b9c1da24
      Benjamin Vray authored
      Before this commit, modifying the "bg_filter" of a snippet would also
      affect its child snippets (for example, if a Carousel snippet had a
      "bg_filter" that contained another snippet with its own "bg_filter").
      To reproduce the bug:
      - Drop a "Tabs" snippet on a page.
      - Add a background image to the snippet and apply a background filter to
      - Drop a "Text" snippet in one of the tabs of the "Tabs" snippet.
      - Add a background image to the "Text" snippet and apply a background
      filter to it.
      - Change the color of the background filter of the "Tabs" snippet.
      - Bug: the background filter of the "Text" snippet is also changed.
      Part-of: odoo/odoo#111681
  7. Apr 27, 2023
  8. Apr 26, 2023
  9. Apr 25, 2023
    • Benjamin Vray's avatar
      [FIX] website, website_form: fix anchor link redirects · fb087dbe
      Benjamin Vray authored
      Before this commit, links scrolling to an anchor with a special
      character did not work and displayed a traceback. The issue was that to
      check that the anchor is valid, we don't need to check that the anchor
      is a valid url as we have been doing since these commits [1], [2]. But
      we only need to check if the jQuery selector is valid to correctly
      target the element to which the page must scroll.
      Indeed, the anchor widget returns stuff like 'ok%C3%A9%25' when typing
      'oké%' wich is not valid jQuery selector. It has to be encoded to
      '#ok\\%C3\\%A9\\%25' to be valid and that's what this commit does.
      We also changed the way to display a new anchor to the user in this
      commit. Before, we showed the anchor unencoded in a notification and now
      we show it encoded. That way, if the user copies the anchor from the
      notification, it's the real anchor.
      Also, this commit detect if the success URL of the redirect of a from is
      the current page to perform a scroll to the anchor instead of a
      redirect. To make this comparison, we needed to add the url code of the
      language of the current page to the session info.
      Also, before this commit, the page froze when we clicked on the "submit"
      button of a form that redirected to an anchor that did not exist.
      closes odoo/odoo#82059
      Signed-off-by: default avatarRomain Derie (rde) <>
    • Audric Onockx (auon)'s avatar
      [FIX] project: allow subsequent update · 61bbd8e6
      Audric Onockx (auon) authored
      Say 3 existing tasks :
      t0 (from which the recurrence has been created), t1, t2;
      and t4 (not created yet).
      When you change t0, t4 is updated as expected.
      But when you change t1, t4 doesn't take it into account.
      `ProjectTaskRecurrence._create_next_task` takes
      `recurrence.task_ids[-1]` as template to create the next occurence.
      Yet ProjectTask is ordered by "priority desc, sequence, id desc".
      All occurrences being likely to have the same priority and sequence,
      we the result ordered by id desc. So `recurrence.task_ids[-1]` has the
      smallest id and so it is the oldest one.
      Take the task with the max id.
      closes odoo/odoo#118979
      Signed-off-by: default avatarXavier Bol (xbo) <>
    • thsh-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] crm: improve layout of conversion modal · 6a003a12
      thsh-odoo authored
      When converting a lead to an opportunity and merging with existing
      opportunities, the list view showing opportunities is very tiny.
      This is caused by the field not having the correct colspan, as its label is
      hidden with the "nolabel" attribute.
      This commit fixes it by assigning a colpan of 2.
      closes odoo/odoo#119215
      Signed-off-by: default avatarWarnon Aurélien (awa) <>
    • Ricardo Gomes Rodrigues (rigr)'s avatar
      [FIX] stock_account: prevent stock account update on product change when using... · 1f888943
      Ricardo Gomes Rodrigues (rigr) authored
      [FIX] stock_account: prevent stock account update on product change when using manual stock valuation
      If the category of a product is using manual stock valuation, when changing the product on an invoice line,
      the account should not be set to the `property_stock_account_input_categ_id`. It should be the case only if
      we use automatic/real-time stock valuation.
      closes odoo/odoo#119535
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrice Bartoletti (bib) <>
    • Josse Colpaert's avatar
      [FIX] l10n_es_edi_sii: the 21% ISP tax in itself is not isp · ab03b50c
      Josse Colpaert authored
      The tax 21% ISP actually behaves like a normal 21% tax
      (it gets reported in the same lines, ...)
      But the reason for its existence is that in case of the
      fiscal position Revendedor ISP...  it gets mapped to the
      0% ISP tax (which needs to be 0)
      Before, if you would however send a 21% ISP tax to the SII,
      it would be set as ISP and you would get an error telling
      that the tax rate should be 0 in case of ISP.  (but now, it
      will be reported as S1 and not trigger the error)
      See also discussion in
      closes odoo/odoo#119603
      Signed-off-by: default avatarOlivier Colson (oco) <>
    • Nshimiyimana Séna's avatar
      [FIX] account: allow sending invoice to partner other than the customer · 95c585f6
      Nshimiyimana Séna authored
      ## Bug
      When sending an invoice to a recipient who is not the customer, they are
      unable to view the invoice in the customer portal and are prompted to
      log in.
      ## Steps to reproduce
      1. Create and validate an invoice
      2. Click on the Send & Print button, then add a recipient who is not the
         customer associated with the invoice.
      3. Proceed to send the invoice.
      4. Access the email that was sent to the added recipient (who is not the
      5. Using an incognito or private browsing window, open the link
         `View Invoice`
      => you should see that you are asked to log in, instead of being
      directed to the customer portal.
      closes odoo/odoo#118766
      Signed-off-by: default avatarBrice Bartoletti (bib) <>