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  1. Nov 07, 2016
    • Ravi Patel's avatar
      [IMP] *: Define pdf report name according to the business case · efdb5373
      Ravi Patel authored
      When downloading a document, the name by default is not clear at all because by default, the printed report name is empty.
      Change the Printed Report Name. In most of the cases, it should be the name of the object + the number.
      For the following reports :
      - BOM Structure ==> BOM-product_variant_name ===>  'BOM'+'-'+(
      - BOM Cost ==> BOM Cost-product_variant_name ===>  'BOM Cost'+'-'+(
      - Call for Tenders ==>Tender-TE00001 ===> 'Tender'+'-'+(
      - Delivery Slip ==> Delivery Slip-Customer Name-Picking Number ===> 'Delivery Slip'+'-'+('-'+(
      - Expenses Report ==> Expenses-Employee Name-Travel By Air  ===> 'Expenses'+'-'+('-'+(
      - Inventory ===> Inventory-Starting Inventory  ====> 'Inventory'+'-'+(
      - Invoice (pos.order)===> Invoice-Main-0002 ===> 'Invoice'+'-'+(
      - Invoices (account.invoice):
      	===> Invoice-INV-2016-0019  ====> ((object.type == 'out_invoice') and (object.state == 'open' or object.state == 'paid'))  ===> 'Invoice'+'-'+(object.number)
              ===> Vendor Bill-BILL-2016-003 ===> (object.type == 'in_invoice') ===> 'Vendor Bill'+'-'+(object.number)
      - Location Barcode  ===> Order Processing-Location ===> ('-'+'Location'
      - Lot Barcode ===> Lot/Serial-0000018 ===> 'Lot/Serial'+'-'+(
      - Payslip  ===>  Employee Name-Payslip ===>  ('-'+'Payslip'
      - Print Batch Deposit ===> Bank- DEPOSIT/2016/0001 ===> ('-'+(
      - Print Check (Top)  ==> check_Partner name_Draft Payment_top   ===>  'check_'+('_'+('_top'
      - Print Check (middle)  ==> check_Partner name_Draft Payment_middle ===>  'check_'+('_'+('_middle'
      - Print Check (Bottom)  ==>  check_Partner name_Draft Payment_bottom  ====>  'check_'+('_'+('_bottom'
      - Production Order ==>  Production Order-MO-00006  ====>  'Production Order'+'-'+(
      - Quotation / Order (sale.order):
      	 ==> Order-S00001  ===> (object.state not in ('draft', 'sent'))==> 'Order'+'-'+(
               ==> Quotation-S00002   ====>  (object.state in ('draft','sent'))===> 'Quotation'+'-'+(
      - Quotation / Order (
      	 ==> Repair Order-RMA00005         ===>  (object.state != 'draft') ===> 'Repair Order'+'-'+(
               ==> Repair Ouotation-RMA00005    ===>  (object.state == 'draft') ===> 'Repair Quotation'+'-'+(
      - Registration Badge ===> Registration Event-Attendee Name       ====>  'Registration Event'+'-'+(
      - Web Quotation(sale.order):
      	==> Order-S00001  ===>  (object.state not in ('draft', 'sent')) ===> 'Order'+'-'+(
              ==> Quotation-S00002   ====>  (object.state in ('draft','sent')) ===> 'Quotation'+'-'+(
      - Payslip Details: ===> Payslip Name ===>(
      - Purchase Order:
      	===> Purchase Order-PO0012 ===>(object.state != 'draft') ===> 'Purchase Order'+'-'+(
              ===> Request for Quotation-PO0012 ===> (object.state == 'draft') ===> 'Request for Quotation'+'-'+(
      - Request for Quotation:===> Request for Quotation-PO0012  ===> 'Request for Quotation'+'-'+(
      - Due Payments ===> Due Payments-Partner Name  ====> 'Due Payments'+'-'+(
      - Products Labels ===> Products Labels-Product Name ===> 'Products Labels'+'-'+(
      - Picking Operations ===> Picking Operations-Customer Name-Picking Number ===> 'Picking Operations'+'-'+('-'+(
      - Duplicates Invoices (account.invoice):
      	===> Duplicate Invoice-INV-2016-0019  ====> ((object.type == 'out_invoice') and (object.state == 'open' or object.state == 'paid'))  ===> 'Duplicate Invoice'+'-'+(object.number)
              ===> Duplicate Vendor Bill-BILL-2016-003 ===> (object.type == 'in_invoice') ===> 'Duplicate Vendor Bill'+'-'+(object.number)
      - Intrastat Invoices (account.invoice):
      	===> Intrastat Invoice-INV-2016-0019  ====> ((object.type == 'out_invoice') and (object.state == 'open' or object.state == 'paid'))  ===> 'Intrastat Invoice'+'-'+(object.number)
              ===> Intrastat Vendor Bill-BILL-2016-003 ===> (object.type == 'in_invoice') ===> 'Intrastat Vendor Bill'+'-'+(object.number)
      - Cost Structure Analysis ==> Cost Structure Analysis-Product Name ===> 'Cost Structure Analysis'+'-'+(
      - Cost Analysis  ===> Cost Analysis-Product Name  ====> 'Cost Analysis'+'-'+(
      - Print Badge  ===> Print Badge-Employee Name ===> 'Print Badge'+'-'+(
      - Event Badge ==>  this report is in html format so ,there is no need to give the print_report_name.
      - The following reports are print through wizard so there is no need to give the print_report_name
      Budgets ===>
      Financial Report ==>
      General Ledger  ===>
      Leaves Summary  ===>
    • Mitali Patel's avatar
      [IMP] stock: Improve usability for product scraping · 4d86cc78
      Mitali Patel authored
      - Made 'Picking_id' invisible
      - Removed create & edit options for locations
      - scrap_location_id becomes required
    • Rohan Patel's avatar
      [IMP] calendar: add highlighting in dependant modules · 98075476
      Rohan Patel authored
      Now, calendar event relative to a document (ex:
      crm.lead, hr.applicant) are highlighted when
      comming from there form view. The mecanism consist
      in override the method of the computed field
    • Jitendra Prajapati's avatar
      [IMP] im_livechat: removed widget 'url' on the 'web_page' field for better... · b6000fbb
      Jitendra Prajapati authored
      [IMP] im_livechat: removed widget 'url' on the 'web_page' field for better color visibility and that field display as normal view not clickable
    • Kinjal Mehta's avatar
      [IMP] stock_account: Set default value of `Inventory Valuation` on a product... · b6a2c0a4
      Kinjal Mehta authored
      [IMP] stock_account: Set default value of `Inventory Valuation` on a product category from the res config
      While Creating a new product category, default value of "Inventory Valuation" field should be Taken from "Inventory Valuation" configuration from settings of 'Inventory'.
    • fwi-odoo's avatar
      [FIX] base: partner's default to company instead of individual for sales menu... · ce91c5b6
      fwi-odoo authored
      [FIX] base: partner's default to company instead of individual for sales menu (make clearbit feature visible for on boarding)
      Fix commit 69b641d6
    • Mansi Trivedi's avatar
      [IMP] im_livechat: renamed display name · 1fa4fe6d
      Mansi Trivedi authored
      Change name from 'Website Live Chat' into 'Live Chat'
      Also update path into settings to get the website_livechat
      module in a string help.
    • Dhaval Panchal's avatar
      [IMP] website_forum: move comment link at bottom of the thread · a4b8641e
      Dhaval Panchal authored
       Usability Issue: comment link in forum
       It’s more intuitive to find a link to comment a thread at the bottom of the thread.
    • Quentin De Paoli's avatar
      [FIX] account_tax_cash_basis: fix the move date of to be one of the dates of... · 28bba0a4
      Quentin De Paoli authored
      [FIX] account_tax_cash_basis: fix the move date of to be one of the dates of the operations, instead of today...
      Was today if you recorded operations in the future (????)... but, still, it's cleaner that way
    • Moises Lopez's avatar
      [IMP] base: add search on 'vat' field in name_search() of res.partner. · 6665a6a6
      Moises Lopez authored
      Courtesy of Vauxoo
    • Kinjal Mehta's avatar
      [IMP] account: Add a `Products` menuitem under `Configuration` · 9f8e37c5
      Kinjal Mehta authored
      If a user only installs invoicing or accounting, there is no way to easiy manage the product list
    • Pariket Trivedi's avatar
      [IMP] account: Improve the onboarding for the invoicing process · 5be1fabc
      Pariket Trivedi authored
      - Fiscal position Form: no account tab (hidden for billing users)
      - In reports > invoices:
      	- remove following measures: volume, weight
      	- rename Total Residual into Due Amount.
      	- Only show Currency Rate if multi currencies
      - Onboarding: Add tip to open planner once in the menu. "Make your system ready to invoice in a few steps."
    • Yannick Tivisse's avatar
      Revert "[IMP] sale,purchase,website: Harmonize the product name/description in reports and views" · 18abd7dc
      Yannick Tivisse authored
      This reverts commit cbc760ac.
      The reasons we put the product name and description is in the SO line:
      - users want to be able to change the description in the printed quotation
      - product is in user lang, description+product_name is in customer lang
      That commit breaks what was a good behaviour
    • Fabien Pinckaers's avatar
  2. Nov 04, 2016
  3. Nov 03, 2016
    • Mansi Trivedi's avatar
      [ADD] purchase: Add python tests for default lead time · 2860414d
      Mansi Trivedi authored
      Case 1: To check order date of purchase order and schedule dates of shipment and purchse order,
      	  - Configure lead times:
              	- At a product level set Delivery Lead Time
      		- At a company level set Purchase Lead Time
      Case 2: To check order date of purchase order and schedule dates of multiple purchase order line of the same purchase order,
              we create two procurements for the two different product with same vendor and different Delivery Lead Time
      Case 3: To check order date of purchase order and schedule dates of shipments and purchase order,
       	 - Configure lead times:
      		- At a product level set Delivery Lead Time
      		- At a route level set delay of push rules
      Detailed Use Cases
      Consider today's date = 2016-04-21 ( date_planned of procurement = today's date + 10 days)
      CASE 01:
      Create Product
      Name : Product A
      Product type : stockable
      Buy : True
      Make To Order : True
      Delivery Lead Time :  5 days
      Configure your company data
      Purchase Lead Time : 3.00 days
      Procurement Request
      Warehouse : YourCompany
      Product : Product A
      Quantity :  15.00
      Planned Date: 2016-05-01 00:00:00
      Confirm Purchase Order
      Purchase Order :-- Schedule date: 2016-04-28 00:00:00
          Order date: 2016-04-23 00:00:00
      Incoming shipments schedule date :-- 2016-04-28 00:00:00
      CASE 02:
      Create Product
      Name : Product A
      Product type : stockable
      Buy : True
      Make To Order : True
      Delivery Lead Time :  5 days
      Create another Product
      Name : Product B
      Product type : stockable
      Buy : True
      Make To Order : True
      Delivery Lead Time :  2 days
      Procurement Request
      Warehouse : YourCompany
      Product : Product A
      Quantity :  10.00
      Planned Date: 2016-05-01 00:00:00
      Procurement Request for second product
      Warehouse : YourCompany
      Product : Product B
      Quantity :  5.00
      Planned Date: 2016-05-01 00:00:00
      Confirm Purchase Order
      Purchase Order :-- Schedule date: 2016-04-28 00:00:00
          Order date: 2016-04-26 00:00:00
          Schedule date of purchase order line for product A: 2016-05-01 00:00:00
          Schedule date of purchase order line for product B: 2016-04-28 00:00:00
      Incoming shipments schedule date :-- 2016-04-28 00:00:00
      CASE 03:
      Create Product
      Name : Product A
      Product type : stockable
      Buy : True
      Make To Order : True
      Delivery Lead Time :  5 days
      Warehouse configuration (YourCompany)
      Incoming shipments : three steps
      YourCompany : Receipt in 3 steps
      Push Rules:
      WH: Input -> Quality Control :-- Delay : 2 days
      WH: Quality Control -> Stock  :-- Delay : 2 days
      Create Procurement:
      Product : Prosuct A
      Quantity : 5.000
      Warehouse : YourCompany
      Procurement Location : WH/Input
      Schedule date : 2016-05-01 10:30:43
      Notes : 'Test scheduler for RFQ'
      Confirm Purchase Order
      Purchase Order :-- Schedule date: 2016-05-01 10:30:43
          Order date: 2016-04-26 10:30:43
      Incoming shipments schedule dates :--
      In type :--  2016-05-01 10:30:43
      Internal type 1 :--  2016-05-03 10:30:43
      Internal type 2 :--  2016-05-05 10:30:43
    • Goffin Simon's avatar
      [FIX] point_of_sale: Closing a cash control session · 1d2ca932
      Goffin Simon authored
      Before the fix:
      When creating a new session with Cash control POS then it was impossible to close the session.
      After the fix:
      The same flow as in 9.0 when closing a session
    • Kinjal Mehta's avatar
      [IMP] product: order the attribute values by sequence then by id · b2eb54ab
      Kinjal Mehta authored
      By default, the sequence is 0 for all new attributes and the result is messed up. The product attribute values are not ordered in the same way in a list view.
      That's because the results are not returned from sql ordered by id if the sequence is the same. Just add this in the order definition will remove the non-deterministic behavior.
    • David Arnold's avatar
      [IMP] base: add Colombian states · 5b901529
      David Arnold authored
      Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Arnold <>
      This commits closes #14067
    • David Arnold's avatar
      [FIX] base: Add address format for Colombia · bed36bb1
      David Arnold authored
      This commit closes #14066
    • dut-odoo's avatar
      [IMP] account: show send by email button on invoice for pro-forma stage too · 78b2aa4c
      dut-odoo authored
      - when we send invoice by email, the template shows `False` at invoice number,
      we will show `pro-forma` invoice instead of `False`
    • Nicolas Martinelli's avatar
      [IMP] lunch: new lunch widget · 018144b8
      Nicolas Martinelli authored
      The JS widget is simplified, which a cleaner approach.
      For the rendering part:
        - the server reads the data
        - the JS widget formats/organizes the data
        - the template renders the data prepared by the widget
      Quick summary of the modifications:
      1. The associated field is a text field which contains JSON-encoded
      data. The data are read server-side, and not client-side anymore.
      2. The widget is an AbstractField, no need of ReinitializeWidgetMixin
      anymore. No use of the FieldMonetary widget directly, but use a similar
      format_value instead (inspired by ShowPaymentLineWidget).
      3. Data formatting (call to format_value) is done in the widget, not in
      the template anymore. This seems to be the standard way of doing, since
      lunch was the only module where format_value was in the template and not
      in the widget.
      4. The addition of an order line is cleaner since all necessary data
      are prepared server-side.
    • Vipul Bhatt's avatar
  4. Nov 02, 2016